<25 BFPs!! 12 births!! Welcome to the world turtle babies!>

how are you now Sarah?

Ok I think. Thanks for asking. I stood up after about an hour and I don't think there was any gushing, just wetness

If it were me I'd (TMI) put fresh underwear on and then smell it after you've noticed it's wetish again... :shrug: Although I'll forever have the smell of amniotic fluid burned in my brain after 10 days of leaking it and the nurses forever encouraging me to smell it... :haha:

That answers my last question ! Ha ha

Sarah - I had no warning at all and I felt great they day ... It came out of nowhere.
how are you now Sarah?

Ok I think. Thanks for asking. I stood up after about an hour and I don't think there was any gushing, just wetness

If it were me I'd (TMI) put fresh underwear on and then smell it after you've noticed it's wetish again... :shrug: Although I'll forever have the smell of amniotic fluid burned in my brain after 10 days of leaking it and the nurses forever encouraging me to smell it... :haha:

LOL why did they want you to keep smelling it?

I've changed undies now and will rest again.

They wanted me to check for off odors. It should have a very slight sweet smell - nothing else. I was under constant supervision for infection, so smelling anything strange was just part of being on the look out.
It happened when I got up from dealing with a customer to go to the photo copier. I had to then tell my customer I had to "get some paper work" and went to the loo. TMI the liquid was kinda sitting on top of my liner, and was clear mixed with milky. Sorry about that grossness
It happened when I got up from dealing with a customer to go to the photo copier. I had to then tell my customer I had to "get some paper work" and went to the loo. TMI the liquid was kinda sitting on top of my liner, and was clear mixed with milky. Sorry about that grossness

So was it thicker than water? My leaking was like water.

When my waters broke I had one significant gush when I got up from the couch and it did in fact soak my underwear and my yoga pants - an outfit change was necessary. I thought I peed myself. After I changed my clothes I was standing in the hallway with DH laughing about what a silly preggers I am for peeing my pants when it happened again. TMI, but I smelled it and there was absolutely no urine smell - it was as the girls have said slightly sweet and yes slightly smelling of jizz. :haha: And kind of 'hospitally' smelling - very sterile smelling. ANYWHO... :blush:

There's my experience. I would for certain be seen by a doctor if it happens again and it's just a one off. :thumbup:

I never knew that the water just keeps coming ! So for 5 days I just constantly felt like I wet myself ! Did you get that ? It was worse when I had been sitting for a while and stood ????

Yep! Some days were better than others... some days just a trickle here and there. Other times I'd get up and have another HUGE gush. But the did ultrasounds all the time and little Rhyko always had enough water to slosh around in. :shrug: I was drinking about 100 ounces of water a day, though!
Luna that's so weird you thought about it happening. Do you ever have other experiences like that? Sometimes I'll think I see someone from my past who hasn't entered my mind in YEARS but it won't be them ... But later that day I'll see them!!
how are you now Sarah?

Ok I think. Thanks for asking. I stood up after about an hour and I don't think there was any gushing, just wetness

If it were me I'd (TMI) put fresh underwear on and then smell it after you've noticed it's wetish again... :shrug: Although I'll forever have the smell of amniotic fluid burned in my brain after 10 days of leaking it and the nurses forever encouraging me to smell it... :haha:

It happened when I got up from dealing with a customer to go to the photo copier. I had to then tell my customer I had to "get some paper work" and went to the loo. TMI the liquid was kinda sitting on top of my liner, and was clear mixed with milky. Sorry about that grossness

So was it thicker than water? My leaking was like water.

I think it was water consistency. It was not mucousy

When my waters broke I had one significant gush when I got up from the couch and it did in fact soak my underwear and my yoga pants - an outfit change was necessary. I thought I peed myself. After I changed my clothes I was standing in the hallway with DH laughing about what a silly preggers I am for peeing my pants when it happened again. TMI, but I smelled it and there was absolutely no urine smell - it was as the girls have said slightly sweet and yes slightly smelling of jizz. :haha: And kind of 'hospitally' smelling - very sterile smelling. ANYWHO... :blush:

There's my experience. I would for certain be seen by a doctor if it happens again and it's just a one off. :thumbup:

I never knew that the water just keeps coming ! So for 5 days I just constantly felt like I wet myself ! Did you get that ? It was worse when I had been sitting for a while and stood ????

Yep! Some days were better than others... some days just a trickle here and there. Other times I'd get up and have another HUGE gush. But the did ultrasounds all the time and little Rhyko always had enough water to slosh around in. :shrug: I was drinking about 100 ounces of water a day, though!

Yeah they forced me to drink so much water daily and it just felt like it was coming straight back out again ! Talk about dignity ... Every morning I had to hand over my maternity pad for them all to look at !

Mine was just water, no cm mixed in and before I actually went into labour I had another huge gush ... Think Trin told me those were the hind waters !
Luna that's so weird you thought about it happening. Do you ever have other experiences like that? Sometimes I'll think I see someone from my past who hasn't entered my mind in YEARS but it won't be them ... But later that day I'll see them!!

I do stuff like that all the time, too! I'll know when my mom is going to call. Or I'm really good at reading DH's mind. He'll call out, "Hey, hun?" and I'll say, "Your jeans are in the dryer" or whatever and it's exactly what he meant to ask. :haha: I freak him out all the time with that.

But as far as pregnancy ... I knew it was a boy. I knew I'd have a boy before I even got pregnant. I suppose that's not so amazing as it's a 50/50 chance.. but I was going to be absolutely shocked if they had said girl at my scan.

I also knew I'd have him early. In June when my mom and friend were planning my baby shower my mom kept trying to push it out to late October (I was due in November) but I kept saying, "No, Mom - I just know he's going to come early. We need to do it in September!" And the whole first two weeks of September I was nesting big time and wanted to get everything ready because I just knew he'd come early. :shrug:
When I told my DH I thought he'd come early he said I was just getting worried because one of my turtles had an early baby (I'd obviously told him about Crunchie). :shrug:
Oh, another thing.. once we went on a hike and driving back down the mountain I said, "I really wanted to see a bear.... I bet we still will!" And not two minutes later a black bear ran across the road.
And once we were driving home from camping and we were talking about forest animals and I said I'd be alarmed to see a moose... and just then we drove around a bend and what's standing on the side of the road? An enormous moose! :shock:
:cry: The phone just rang with an unknown number and 3 lazy teflon gorilla men just let it ring while they watched tv near the phone and I had to 'sprint' from the studio where I was painting and it cut off just when I got to it :cry: Dh said sorry he forgot about my lessons :cry:

When my waters broke I had one significant gush when I got up from the couch and it did in fact soak my underwear and my yoga pants - an outfit change was necessary. I thought I peed myself. After I changed my clothes I was standing in the hallway with DH laughing about what a silly preggers I am for peeing my pants when it happened again. TMI, but I smelled it and there was absolutely no urine smell - it was as the girls have said slightly sweet and yes slightly smelling of jizz. :haha: And kind of 'hospitally' smelling - very sterile smelling. ANYWHO... :blush:

There's my experience. I would for certain be seen by a doctor if it happens again and it's just a one off. :thumbup:

Thanks lunes. I have been meaning to ask you about this - how you knew etc. before getting up off the couch did you have any pains or strange feelings that day?

Not at all :shrug:

Other than the strange feeling that my waters were going to break that day... I kid you not - about five hours before they broke I was sitting on the toilet going pee and thought to myself...
"I wonder what it's going to be like when my water breaks... OMG, I think it's going to happen today... no, that's silly...." :shrug:

i was like this too even though i wasnt as early, i still said all day it feels like my waters are going to break, to anyone that would listen lol

When my waters broke I had one significant gush when I got up from the couch and it did in fact soak my underwear and my yoga pants - an outfit change was necessary. I thought I peed myself. After I changed my clothes I was standing in the hallway with DH laughing about what a silly preggers I am for peeing my pants when it happened again. TMI, but I smelled it and there was absolutely no urine smell - it was as the girls have said slightly sweet and yes slightly smelling of jizz. :haha: And kind of 'hospitally' smelling - very sterile smelling. ANYWHO... :blush:

There's my experience. I would for certain be seen by a doctor if it happens again and it's just a one off. :thumbup:

Thanks lunes. I have been meaning to ask you about this - how you knew etc. before getting up off the couch did you have any pains or strange feelings that day?

Not at all :shrug:

Other than the strange feeling that my waters were going to break that day... I kid you not - about five hours before they broke I was sitting on the toilet going pee and thought to myself...
"I wonder what it's going to be like when my water breaks... OMG, I think it's going to happen today... no, that's silly...." :shrug:

i was like this too even though i wasnt as early, i still said all day it feels like my waters are going to break, to anyone that would listen lol

I guess we just know sometimes!! :thumbup:
:cry: The phone just rang with an unknown number and 3 lazy teflon gorilla men just let it ring while they watched tv near the phone and I had to 'sprint' from the studio where I was painting and it cut off just when I got to it :cry: Dh said sorry he forgot about my lessons :cry:

What bums!! I bet it was some fancy rich lady who wanted you to teach her three sons English and was wanting to pay you boat loads to do so...!! :dohh:
DH spoke to his boss today about his salary. His boss asked what they were paying him!!! He doesn't even know! He said he'd talk to his sister who is the manager...she's a stingy cow so who knows what the outcome will be. But I'm so impressed that he's standing up for himself and commanding (in a nice way) what he's worth. He's never done this before and I've always felt a bit pushy when I've pointed out that he should. Anyway, at least he approached his boss. He's also sending his cv out to a whole lot of places and putting the word out that he's looking which is great. He's even thinking of moving into sales because there's more money there. So altogether proud of my DH

Lunes, I find it funny that you want to see a bear but are scared of seeing a moose :haha: I've never encountered a moose so I don't know - are they viscous?

I must be off to bed now. I have decided to make a conscious effort to eat actual food tomorrow - 3 (or 2 if I have the voms) meals and 2 snacks of actual food - not crap...wish me luck

Good night

PS Sez, you may not be talking to me still, but I hope things are ok and that it's not an amniotic leak...I'd get checked out if there's any more leaking, even a little bit:hugs:
Goood morning everybody
How you feeling crunchie???
So crunchies waters breaking scared me into getting EVERYTHING ready, although it really should be done by now! As I had my week of depression I let things slip! But last night I washed all the walls and skirtings in my hallway I started hoovering but thought I should stop considering it was gone 10, then I packed babies hospital bag! I'm packing mine today, Jay is off for paternity leave so he's coming to help with the girls cupboards! Then I'm off to see my nan, hope everyone has a brilliant day today, today feels like its goin to be a good day, I hope I'm not proven wrong....HERE GOES :)

this was the first post of the morning i had James! and it was a fantastic day!

When my waters broke I had one significant gush when I got up from the couch and it did in fact soak my underwear and my yoga pants - an outfit change was necessary. I thought I peed myself. After I changed my clothes I was standing in the hallway with DH laughing about what a silly preggers I am for peeing my pants when it happened again. TMI, but I smelled it and there was absolutely no urine smell - it was as the girls have said slightly sweet and yes slightly smelling of jizz. :haha: And kind of 'hospitally' smelling - very sterile smelling. ANYWHO... :blush:

There's my experience. I would for certain be seen by a doctor if it happens again and it's just a one off. :thumbup:

Thanks lunes. I have been meaning to ask you about this - how you knew etc. before getting up off the couch did you have any pains or strange feelings that day?

Not at all :shrug:

Other than the strange feeling that my waters were going to break that day... I kid you not - about five hours before they broke I was sitting on the toilet going pee and thought to myself...
"I wonder what it's going to be like when my water breaks... OMG, I think it's going to happen today... no, that's silly...." :shrug:

i was like this too even though i wasnt as early, i still said all day it feels like my waters are going to break, to anyone that would listen lol

I remember you saying on the thread. I have these omg I think my waters are going to break moments but I doubt they will because they haven't with the last 3 until they were artificially ruptured...but then she is a girl
:cry: The phone just rang with an unknown number and 3 lazy teflon gorilla men just let it ring while they watched tv near the phone and I had to 'sprint' from the studio where I was painting and it cut off just when I got to it :cry: Dh said sorry he forgot about my lessons :cry:

That sucks, sorry :nope: I don't know which is worse, it being Luna's rich woman or a telemarketer :shrug: If it's lessons I'm sure they'll call back...after all, it's not your bus that passed you by:thumbup:
Trin that is great your husband went to speak to his boss. I hope they give him what he has asked for.

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