26 yr old TTC #1...Anyone wanna be buds?

I am back!!!! BOOKITY FOR REAL??? YAYYYY!!!!! I am so excited for you... CONGRATS

We went on our vacation and managed to only tell my mom and dad. But this weekend we were at DH cousin's wedding and we told his parents and DH told like 5 more people because he couldn't control his excitement haha. DH's little brother also told us that his gf is pregnant. She is only 19 and she is due before me. I am a little bummed that I won't have the first grandchild. They have only been together about 2 months and she is very immature and I know she got pregnant on purpose. So sad! Vacation was awesome and everyone is sooo happy for us!
For real! Been testing every other day and the bfps are getting darker. By LMP I'm due 5 days after you.

At least you'll have the first "legitimate" grandchild? Or maybe one will have a girl and one a boy? I don't think it's too wise getting pregnant that young on purpose...

Very nice ticker! Mine right now reflects my ovulation, but I know my ob wont go by that. My first appointment is April 24th.

When is your first appt?
Well since I just got back from trip today I haven't made an apt yet. I am going to call tomorrow morning. Since we don't have insurance yet I am hoping I can get an apt after April 1st. My friend is a nurse at a obgyn clinic and I told her today. She thinks I will be fine as her clinic doesn't schedule appointments until 7-9 weeks.

I really hope I get an ultrasound at the first appointment. DH's brother showed us pictures from her u/s and shes only 6 and a half weeks. DH's family is very strict Catholic and are going to be very disappointed in him.

I keep taking tests too haha. Mine are finally as dark as the control line. I have also taken 2 digi tests lol.

When is your first appointment?
My first appointment isn't until April 24th, I'll be almost 10 weeks by then. I'm very interested to see what baby looks like as my first US was at 8 weeks. I know they change so much so quickly! I wish I didn't have to wait so long though! I'm pretty sure there will be an ultrasound, but not for sure.

I didn't realize that your "competition" was due so close to you. There's every chance in the world she could go late or you could go early and you could still be #1! LOL.

You might be more likely to get an early ultrasound if you act like you aren't sure of your dates, lol. But I think MOST OB's will do one at first visit in any case.
I just called and scheduled my first two appointments. My first appt is April 9th. I will be just over 8 weeks. She said I get to hear the heartbeat. Maybe I will get a picture too? I sure hope so! The first is with a nurse practiciner? Then the second isn't until May 16th and I will be in the 2nd tri already and that is with my doctor. So if I will be 13 weeks do you think she will do an u/s that appointment?

This is all so new and confusing to me. How one clinic does it one way and another does it another way! Haha. April 9th feels soooo far away. So I bet April 24th feels way far out for you.

The "girl" is due November 4th. Even if I am still first I still am upset at her. It is hard not to be. :(
You're right, different practices will do things in different ways. Some do an ultrasound right away for dating purposes, others will just go by your LMP and not ask anymore questions. I think a lot of people get a NT scan around 12 weeks. I didn't get one though. They screen for lots of possible diseases and will tell you how "at risk" your baby is of getting them. But they can scare you for no good reason with that stuff sometimes, because they only give you odds I think. But some people choose to do it just for the sake of seeing the baby! And then I'm pretty sure everyone gets an anatomy scan around 20 weeks so they can make sure all of baby's organs are formed properly and all that.

I technically have 2 appointments on the 24th. The first one is going to be with the nurse to go over my history and such (I believe). And the second will be with the OB for what I hope is my ultrasound! *fingers crossed*
Ok thanks for the info. I really hope I get to see something at my first app. I am not sure about the appointment with my ob. The lady I talked with said my ob doesn't see anyone on the first appointment only the second. Or maybe I will just get to hear the heartbeat and then on the next appointment I will get an u/s? Haha all these scenerios. This is just so exciting. I am not happy about waiting three weeks. I just want to know everything is ok.

DH and I just want to tell everyone! I know I shouldn't because something could happen and it would be devastating. It is also hard for me to get to excited because I don't want to get my hopes up. I think I will feel better after the first appointment.
I understand the feeling. It'll take some getting used to. I was on the phone with my mom yesterday and part of me wanted to tell her, but then I thought "no, I should wait a couple of weeks first."

I really don't think I'm going to be able to wait until my appointment. It's too far away!
It really is. I couldn't wait we had to tell our parents haha. I just made them promise they won't tell anyone else.

Maybe I feel feel pregnant sometime soon. Altough, I def. do not wish for morning sickness. My taste buds are soooo off. I CANNOT eat oreos haha. Prob a good thing but the chocolate tastes sooo bad to me for some reason. I get tired easily and I get waves of nausea but I also do before my period. These are like my only symptoms right now. Oh breast tenderness but only at night and in the morning...it is weird. I just wish I FELT pregnant lol. I thought the second it happened I would feel differently.
I had very few symptoms with my first until MS hit me around 8 weeks. I don't "feel" pregnant right now either.

I really hope that I don't have an anterior placenta with this one (placenta in the front, so between baby and outside your belly). Because of that I didn't really feel my little one move until she was making my tummy visibly jump!

I can't get over the strong "boy" feeling I have. With my daughter I was convinced that she was a girl from the beginning. Now I'm convinced this one is a boy. Despite the fact that the last time we BD'd was 2 days before I ovulated and that would make it pretty likely to be a girl... I can't wait to see what my ultrasound shows at 20 wks!
Yay! We are bump buddies haha. Keep me updated with your symptoms. Sorry if I ask too many questions. This is all just so new to me. I keep texting a friend of mine who is 20 weeks preggo. I have about 15 weeks to go to find out the gender. I just know it is a boy. I am so convinced I can't even think of girl names...only boys haha.

Also, I am a twin so that would be cool if I had twins!
you are? how neat! I hear that there are twins somewhere in my family, but not for sure. DH said if we have twins now we'll be done. If it's just a singleton we're already planning to work on number three after #2 turns 2. DH will be 34 then and he doesn't want to have kids past 35. So if we don't get pregnant in that year than 2 is what we will have! For the moment I feel just fine with that.
Yep. I am a twin. My mom wants me to have twins haha. 2 weeks and 6 days til first apt. I don't know how I am going to do this. Yesterday at work I wanted to tell everyone. I am going to wait until after my first apt. We haven't really talked about what we want to do. I want to spread my kids out a bit but DH wants to have them one after another. DH and his sister are 13 months apart. He wants to have children that close. I am not sure I am up for that. I guess we will see after our first one.
What is your lo's name? Super cute in your picture :)
I was so eager to start again, but I had a really easy labor too. I think another thing factoring in is that she started to sleep through the night after 3 months. Amazing how getting your good night's sleep can affect your desire to have more babies! Of course I was BF-ing and didn't have my period back yet, so I had to wait. Haha.

I think if you have twins it might be nice to get them out of diapers or something before you have more. But you never know, that broodiness could hit you before you expect it to!
Just realized I didn't answer your question. Her name is Michaela. Yes she's that adorable all the time, lol.
True true. I still do not feel pregnant. I hope this is normal. Makes me feel better that you didn't feel pregnant til 8 weeks. Who knows maybe pregnancy will be easy for me? Haha I doubt that. I am terrified of getting my blood drawn in three weeks. I am also terrified that I won't hear the heartbeat and I won't really be pregnant when I go in on the 9th. Do you have these fears? Am I being irrational?

I am sure she is cute all the time :) I can't wait to have a LO of my own. DH is very picky on names. EVERY name I bring up he hates. Hopefully we can come to an agreement someday lol.

Hope you had a good day!
Totally normal. How far along will you be at your appt? I didn't get to hear Michaelas hb on the first visit. I did see it on the ultrasound, but didnt hear it until my NEXT appt at 12 weeks.

I just read about someone who didn't hear a hb at their 13 week appt, but had a u/s and all was fine. Try not to worry if they have trouble spotting it. It's still early. That said, I hope your appt goes smoothly and there's no cause for concern.

I had an easy breezy pregnancy the first time and I worry this one wont be as smooth, but I hope it is and I hope the same for you.

My dh was very picky about names too. Don't worry, you've got 8 months to come to an agreement!
I will be a little over 8 weeks. She said on the phone "you get to hear the heartbeat" so I am going in hoping I will :) . I would be very sad if I didn't. But if I saw it that would probably help me.

I am scared of two things right now...getting blood drawn and getting morning sickness. I feel great again this morning!
Hopefully you have a really good tech drawing your blood and you will barely feel it. And if it helps I would look away! They do take a lot on that first appointment. I don't think they draw blood again until glucose screening around 28 (?) weeks. Oh yeah, they will draw less blood from you than with my first (possibly). Because of my family history of diabetes they wanted me to do a one hour glucose test at my first visit. :(

I didn't have MS too bad. Worse than some though I guess. Some people just get really nauseous and never puke. I did get sick though. But sometimes I think that's a good thing because I always felt much better afterwards. And most of the time if I was sick once in a day I would be fine the rest of the day.

I hear that you can take B6 and unisom for MS. Also a lot of people say that seasickness bands help too. Hopefully you won't need a prescription or anything. Some people avoid MS all together!

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