26 yr old TTC #1...Anyone wanna be buds?

Hope you are feeling ok Book! I feel weird calling you book or bookity! lol. Anywho, I feel fantastic which is scary to me. I will be 7 weeks tomorrow and I feel good besides going to bed early and sore bbs. They are SOOOO sore now....but it comes and goes on how sore. Hope that is normal. I am a google freak. I need to stop! haha.

Anyways hope you are good!

Lily, any update on testing yet?
Guess I need to stop complaining about the MS because it's not looking like it's going away. I've been trying to take unisom for it at nighttime, but it only seems to make it impossible for me to wake up in the morning. I feel like I struggle for the first 2 hours until it's time for Michaela's first nap. Ugh. Even then sometimes it's hard to get on with the day until like noon. So I guess that's going to have to be out. :( I hope this goes away soon.

Hope things are going well with you.
Hey ladies,

Testing on April 16. It's supposed to be a week past AF being due, but since my last cycle was 35 days I'm going to get to 35 days + some. Not having any symptoms so I'm feeling pretty negative about this being my month. Did have sore BBs the other day that felt like I had worn a bra for too long. Got them the next day and then realized that's exactly what I was doing, wearing my bra too long. ](*,)
Lily, I literally thought I was out...felt just like before af came for me. Only clue I had was I was so out of breath and dizzy. It was so weird. My boobs are always sore before af so I wasn't sure either. This is a different kind of soreness. If the sides of your breasts are sore that is a good sign. I thought I had lumps and was getting cancer! I was freaking out! Stay positive! :)

Bookity, I am so sorry you are feeling yucky :(... And here I am feeling fine except tired. This must be way different then your first pregnancy?!?! It helps that I get to go to bed when I want and I can wake up any time I want (Except Saturdays- I work at 8 am). I am not looking forward to the summer schedule starting for work. I work 4 mornings at 8:30 am. I am a girl who likes her sleep!
Very different from the first time around.
I'm hoping since it started earlier, it might go away sooner too? My first appointment is 3 weeks from Tuesday. I'm considering asking about a prescription if this doesn't improve by then.

Good luck Lilly, you're not out yet!
I just had to lay down because I felt sick! I am tired, headache, and food makes me want to vomit! I hope I don't feel like this for long!!! I know how you feel Bookity! YUCK!

Has what you been taking helped you at all for the nausea? I have been having a few headaches and been taking tylenol but I don't want to get addicted.
I do think the unisom helps it, but I can only take it at night and even then it is really difficult for me to wake up in the morning. There are those who say they take one at night before bed and that helps them with their nausea all day. I don't think it's that strong for me, but certainly the sleep aid bit seems to be!
Argh, so Dr office called today and had to reschedule my appointment. I tried to get in earlier but they advised I make an apt after that so I can hear the heartbeat. So new apt is Wed. April 11th. Oh well...since it is two days later maybe I have a better chance of hearing the beat!

My house is soooo messy! I am not looking forward to cleaning it right now on my day off. Hope your day is going well.
My house is pretty messy right now also. I really need to vaccum Michaela's room (only carpeted room in the house). Soo much laundry begging to be done. I don't know how much I'll really accomplish. I really just want to take a nap. :(
I know how you feel. I feel like since Fridays are my day off that I should be super women and get every thing on my to do list done. I use to do a lot of cooking on Fridays but I am soooo tired that the last few weeks that cooking for me has been pretty much been non existent.

I have 2 and a half hours til the hubby gets home! I better get a move on haha!
I always find houseguests coming to be a big motivator to clean. Maybe I should pretend someone is dropping by, LOL. No... no I'm not even going to lie to myself. I'll consider myself "ahead of the game" if I just get these darn towels in the wash. I set the bar nice and low for myself, LOL. It is not a good MS day and I just wish that DD would take a nap longer than 30 minutes.
Happy April Fools Day! So funny all the pranks people are pulling on facebook. I see at least 10 people saying they are pregnant!!

Hope you had a good weekend. I am getting to be soooooooo tired. I feel like I honestly need 12 hours of sleep a day. Getting a little ridiculous. I don't even feel like cooking any more. I am going to be making dh cook from now on or we are going to be eating frozen lasagnas for the next 7 and a half months!
You might feel better when you get out of the first tri, or a little afterwards. The first tri can be reallly tough. I'm sure hoping it gets better.

Today has been a pretty good day for me though. Went to church and wondered if God was giving me a slight sickness pardon for going, lol. Went out to eat after church and more than feeling NOT SICK, I felt pretty darn good. LOL. I am a little queasy now, but I think it's hunger. Father in Law and DH are getting some Burger King right now (I thought about it and said "not burgers! I'll have a chicken sandwich". Burger just sounds awful right now).

I thought about announcing today because it would be hilarious, but I'm not ready to tell and I'm such a bad liar that I would never be able to say that it wasn't true. Not to mention the truth coming out in 7.5 months (sooner if they see me, which they are bound to).
I read this and I wanted Burger King! So I started driving there and realized I haven't been there in like a year because I am not a fan so I went to Wendy's. Argh fast food! I had McDonald's last week as well. I feel like it is all I want. I don't usually go to drive thrus. Since it is the two of us we do out for happy hour and get apps for dinner but we rarely ever get burger fast food.

I feel like I am hungover and craving greasiness! It makes me feel quilty! Although yesterday I did eat pretty healthy and didn't go out at all. Except for frozen yogurt :).

Hope you are feeling good again today. I felt like crap until I ate my burger!!!! What is with me!?!?!?!!!!!!!!
LOL, now today I'm thinking a burger doesn't sound bad! Soon as I give DD her bottle I think I'm going to make a trip out to BK. I've never liked Wendy's bugers, they always seem a little pinkish in the middle to me and I can't stand anything but well done.

I'm feeling... okay today so far. Queasy, but not horribly "run to the bathroom" nauseous. Hoping that stays away. I definitely have to eat again soon (seems like every 2-3 hours) or I know I will be regretting it.

Glad you're feeling alright. Maybe when you hit the second tri you'll be able to eat all the good stuff. For now just eat what your stomach wants to keep in it! Haha. Have a great day.
My biggest concern is not gaining too much weight. I lost some weight before I got married last summer and started eating way healthier than I had in the past. I had stage 1 hypertension and the last few times at the dr. my bp has been in the normal range! Not even pre-hyper. Both of my parents are on BP medication so this really concerns me.

I felt soo horrible at work tonight. All I kept thinking about was am I going to feel like this at work every day for the next 7 months? I got a little teary lol. I am a wimp. I feel the best at home cuddled on the couch or bed in my blankey!

Anything I eat has to be burnt or extremly well done. I would never eat anything that was remotely pinkish lol. It drives my husband and my family. I even make frozen pizza and lasagnas dark and crispy lol.

So do you have any tips for the nausea? In my packet I that was sent from dr. office it says ginger ale, smell a lemon, sleep with your window open...lol....I am not sure any of those are going to help me. Maybe I need to eat more frequently throughout the day.
Not letting your stomach get empty is a real help, (I need to take my own advice!). Sucking on sour hard candy helps too, I bought some jolly ranchers today and can tell they won't last long! Saltines and ginger ale or 7up, though for me anything fizzy is not appealing.

My dad has high bo and I have at times been borderline, but have had my lowest bps and lowest pulse rate ever while pregnant. Hopefully everything goes well with you and you don't have to worry better

Oh, regarding my last post, I didn't get out of the house soon enough and got sick. Boo. Here's hoping tomorrow is better.
I have been eating saltines a lot...They have really helped! My favorite meal lately is Jimmy John's! YUM I just ate it :)

I have been sick the last 2 days but I feel fine today so hopefully today is a good day. ONE WEEK until my appointment. I am sooo excited yet soo nervous. I hope there is a heartbeat.

Hope you are well today!
I'm having a pretty good day today so far, and yesterday wasn't bad. My dh just got Jimmy Johns for his lunch at work.

I look forward to hearing about your appointment. I'm sure the news will be excellent.
Less than a week now! haha.

Do you have big plans for Easter? My parents are coming to stay with us for a few days. Then we are going to DH's parents house on Sunday...they are hosting for 40 people!

I have ate like CRAP this week :(....I got fast food again today...I feel so much better after I eat it for some reason.

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