26 yr old TTC #1...Anyone wanna be buds?

Hope your appointment is going/went well, Erika!

Same story with me as ever. Still got 2 weeks for my appointment. I really need to call them too. I was supposed to go online to print out some forms, but when I went there are a bunch I don't think I should have to fill out. I was JUST THERE last year pregnant with DD. I really don't want to fill out the patient history again! Argh!
My appointment went sooooo well! I am so happy and on cloud nine right now!

I was so nervous for getting my blood drawn because I hate needles. I didn't look at all and it went super fast. The lady who drew my blood was awesome and my husband was there so it went ok. I kept making him show me the U/S pics while they were taking my blood to distract me lol.

I got to see my baby! I really thought something was wrong! I didn't get the hear the heartbeat (she didn't try) but said baby's heart looked great on the screen! I got some pics I will try and upload later tonight!

My parents are here tonight so we are going to hang out with them and go to dinner with them. My mom has been down at a hospital around here getting some tests and stuff done. She just found out she has Lupus and needed to make sure she is getting the treatment she needs.
Oh and baby was measuring at 8 wks 3 days and she had 8 wks 5 days she told me I could pick my due date (either of them). So we choose the middle...so November 17th!
That is such great news! I'm glad your appointment went so well. Getting blood drawn is never fun, but you got through it! You shouldn't need more until GD screening.
Yay Congrats! I'm so glad everything went well. Sorry about your mom. :( I hope she is okay. Keep us updated and post pictures!
I am sorry, that was rude of me. I am sorry to hear about your mom as well. (that was not my good news comment!). I hope she gets good treatment. All the best to her!

I guess it was bound to happen, but the mommy friends I've made with babies around DD's age have now got me thinking and comparing my baby to theirs. I'm reading about their babies crawling and even starting to speak, and my DD just isn't there yet. I know that they all go at their own pace and in a year or two you'd never know she was behind at all, but it is irking me for the time being. I keep thinking about the parenting mistakes I must be making. Spending too much time online for one thing. I'm going to have to pare down and soon so I can focus on my daughter.

Sorry for rambling.
I am sorry, that was rude of me. I am sorry to hear about your mom as well. (that was not my good news comment!). I hope she gets good treatment. All the best to her!

I guess it was bound to happen, but the mommy friends I've made with babies around DD's age have now got me thinking and comparing my baby to theirs. I'm reading about their babies crawling and even starting to speak, and my DD just isn't there yet. I know that they all go at their own pace and in a year or two you'd never know she was behind at all, but it is irking me for the time being. I keep thinking about the parenting mistakes I must be making. Spending too much time online for one thing. I'm going to have to pare down and soon so I can focus on my daughter.

Sorry for rambling.

Oh Bookity, I'm sure you aren't making any mistakes. I mean look at my parents raising me in the 80's and I turned out fine, and DH being raise in the 70's (did they even have carseats then?!) LOL. I studied speech pathology in college and I'm sure everything with your DD is A-Okay! My sister didn't "speak" until she was about three and when she did she had some made up language that only she could understand, but she was obviously carrying on conversations with people because she was gesturing with her hands and using inflection and would even pause to let people answer her. It was about the time the Disney movie Mulan came out and she told people she was Mulan. It was hilarious and my mother was horrified but she's perfectly okay.
Oh thanks girls...She is doing much better. She was in a lot of pain so hopefully these new medications she is on will make her feel better.

I have to have DH scan the pictures for me so we can post them on here and send to his parents! It was amazing to find out there is something inside me with a heartbeat! I have been thinking and is it normal for her to just look at the heart and not take the heart rate?

My labs also already came back and she posted them online and she said they look great. It did say I have trace amount of blood and protein in my urine and my white blood cell count was a little high but she said it looked good. Is this normal? If you know?! Haha

Bookity, don't compare your darling daughter to anyone else :) I am sure she is just perfect!
If you white cell count is a wee high, might that mean you have a slight infection? Been sick recently? If they aren't concerned I wouldn't be. There are varying degrees of normal for everyone. I'm sure they'll just keep an eye on it. And you get to pee in a cup for every single appointment (isn't that wonderful?).

I'm pretty sure they checked the heartbeat when I got my first scan. I didn't get to hear it, but they were able to check it. Maybe that's not common practice, though I thought it would be. I'm sure you'll get to HEAR the heartbeat at your next appointment. It will be the best sound you've ever heard!

Agh! I still haven't called my ob's office and checking the time now, I don't know what chance I have of actually reaching them. I guess I'll give it a shot since it's on my mind now.

Have a great day ladies!
I read it could be from allergies? I have been kinda stuffy lately so I will chalk it up to that. Hope you guys are doing well today.

It is rainy,cold and cloudy out today...not what I wanted on my day off!!! I am started to not feel nauseous unless I really need to eat something. It is a great feeling. I am still sooooo tired though. I can't keep my eyes open past 10:30 and I wake up at like 10 am lol. So I have basically been getting 10-12 hours of sleep a night. But good news is I feel great during the day!

Have a great day ladies!
Glad you are feeling well!

I've started to feel a little less "constantly" nauseous. Still puking daily though. :( But it's nausea that bothers me more. I hope it improves quickly.
I hope you girls had a great weekend! I worked 10 hours (standing on my feet) on Saturday. So the weekend went by too fast. I am so lucky I am not feeling sick anymore. I hope that it isn't a bad sign.

Bookity we are getting close to your apt? And Lilly when is your first apt?

4 weeks until my next apt! I don't think I can make it...I just want to make sure everything is ok again lol. I need to stop being a worrier!
A week from tomorrow!!

Be glad you aren't feeling sick! It could come back unannounced at any time, so count your blessings!
I actually had my first appt last Thursday. I stood up at work and had a horrible pain in my left side. My mom has had 3 miscarriages so I panicked and called the doc. They fit me in immediately. DH went and all I could think was that it was going to end up being ectopic. They took blood and did a very early U/S. She said my levels were at 2542 which I guess is normal for 5 weeks. And the US showed a tiny little sac, we couldn't see anything in it since it was so early, but could also end up being a "psuedosac" if it is ectopic. They have me going back this week for more blood and next week for another US. She was able to find what she called a "corpus luteum" cyst on my left ovary which is probably (hopefully) where the pain was coming from. I haven't had any other symptoms yet beyond feeling a little achy and very very sore boobs.
Hoping all the best for you, Lilly. Sounds like all is most likely well.
Lily, hopefully you will get another ultrasound! Let us know how it goes. Hope for the best for you! :)

Bookity you have ONE WEEK left!! YAY!

I am craving subway and McDonald's today! Haha I know two totally different things! What is everyone else craving?
I was craving fried pickles a few days ago, ate a huge batch on Sat and now I think I've lost the taste for them. Yesterday I couldn't get the idea of a guava pastelito (cuban pastry) out of my mind because they are so flaky and buttery and amazing. Pizza has definitely topped my list for last week, everyday for dinner I told DH "I want pizza" and keeps saying, "you want salad". But CARBS ARE SO GOOD!!! lol
Ericka, I would give the world over for a mcdonalds cheeseburger and some fries. I know the last day I had that food and it was over a year ago. Sometimes you just need to eat "crap"
YES!! I have been eating sooo many carbs! I love potatoes in any form! lol I had McDonalds today! Muhahahahahahaha...it was wonderful!
My favorite potato is au gratin. So much cheese!!! I recently discovered a taste for sweet potatoes. I used to hate them but about two weeks ago bought a bag of frozen fries and sprinkled some Tony Chacheries (sp) seasoning on them and baked them. If you dip them in ranch they taste like doritos but I like them better in ketchup. They are SO good!

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