28-36 weeks forum

Thanks ella, i cant believe it either this time next week we'll be a family of 5 xx
Hi everyone,

Hope you are all well in the third trimester? So glad I found this thread as I too was feeling a little lost between the second and third trimester forums.

How are all the ladies who are measuring big getting along? My not so little one is currently measuring in the 95th percentile. I have another growth scan in 3 weeks and am cutting out processed sugar between now and then to see if that has any effect. I don't have GD, just a big baby...my DH was an 11 pound first baby 😳

I would love to hear from you all to see how you are getting on...I've read the history of this thread today and have seen a fair few of you, some of which are a way closer to having baby than I am.

I'm naively hoping on a wish and a prayer that baby has just had a growth spurt and that it will even out over the next few weeks. Am I dreaming?

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all well in the third trimester? So glad I found this thread as I too was feeling a little lost between the second and third trimester forums.

How are all the ladies who are measuring big getting along? My not so little one is currently measuring in the 95th percentile. I have another growth scan in 3 weeks and am cutting out processed sugar between now and then to see if that has any effect. I don't have GD, just a big baby...my DH was an 11 pound first baby 😳

I would love to hear from you all to see how you are getting on...I've read the history of this thread today and have seen a fair few of you, some of which are a way closer to having baby than I am.

I'm naively hoping on a wish and a prayer that baby has just had a growth spurt and that it will even out over the next few weeks. Am I dreaming?


Im with a mw and we dont get growth scans.. Kind of disappointing. Wish i got to see this babe again.
So instead i stress about my own weight gain lol
Hi Mississippi,

Watching the scales go up is never fun...I'm just seeing it as my little chubster growing. Sure that will change after bub is here 😜

I'm also under a midwife. I was admitted last Saturday for reduced movements and light spotting. They wanted to examine me but the sonographer hadn't noted down where my placenta was at my 20 week scan. That's the only reason I had the scan and there they picked up that it wasn't an error with my fundal height, baby is measuring big.

Personally I preferred the 20 week scan, baby is so much bigger now you don't see much xxx
Hi Mississippi,

Watching the scales go up is never fun...I'm just seeing it as my little chubster growing. Sure that will change after bub is here 😜

I'm also under a midwife. I was admitted last Saturday for reduced movements and light spotting. They wanted to examine me but the sonographer hadn't noted down where my placenta was at my 20 week scan. That's the only reason I had the scan and there they picked up that it wasn't an error with my fundal height, baby is measuring big.

Personally I preferred the 20 week scan, baby is so much bigger now you don't see much xxx

I felt that way from my 12 to 20 week scans... Baby was so much bigger it was hard to get cute pics lol
Ive only gained 15.5 pounds and im 30 weeks.. So its not bad but im sure ill pack on the pounds in the next ten weeks!
I'm having growth scans due to problems with the baby. My last one was at 32 weeks and it was much harder to tell what was what and no decent face shots.
I'm ready to be done! :haha:. Good luck next week, bundle! I must say, I'm jealous you have a date set and you get to see your LO so soon :flower:. I'm working full time until I hit 40 weeks, which will be 2 weeks from tomorrow, if I make it until then. I have a gut feeling that this LO will be fashionably late, but you never know!
Sooo tmi post but typically i go number two once every 2-3 days and thats normal for me.. I dont worry about it! But just today i have gone three times.
Ive been having tightenings in my tummy but not painful at all? Is this braxton hicks? I dont know lol
Then we just came in from a walk, i went wee and when i wiped had a pretty decent chunk of plug on there but it wasnt bloody.

Are any of these things i should be worried about or just ignore them? Things always happen to me right after leaving the midwives lol

I posted this in my oct group too so sorry to any ladies that are getting a double post from me lol
Mississippi I would give your midwife a call just to make sure everything is ok. Some women don't experience painful contractions in the beginning. Much rather safe than sorry at 30 weeks.
Sooo tmi post but typically i go number two once every 2-3 days and thats normal for me.. I dont worry about it! But just today i have gone three times. l

This has started happening to me, I've had no bh that I know of but it's weird to have such a change in bowel habits! I hear people can list bits of mp at any time, although I've had so much cm I wonder if I'll actually notice!
I see my mw tomorrow so I'll mention it.I think they are all normal things, but if you're worried give your mw a call.
If the tightening are painful or regular or If you're worried I'd give the midwife a call to be on the safe side but I'm sure all is fine especially if there was no blood in the plug xx

I had a (rather un-exciting) midwife appointment today. Baby is head down with her back to my front left which apparently is a perfect position, but not engaged at all as yet. FH measuring 2 weeks behind but nothing to worry about. Apparently my bump is all baby and she's very high in my ribs so feel like this one is going to be huge like my others!!
Figured tho prob needed bumped up again :).
Have a awful day, so uncomfortable. My MIL seems to think that just because she's got DS that he doesn't need his routine so he's been so upset as he's over tried, tried to put DSs new bed up but he was in such a mood it became impossible. None of my family are coming down to meet bump (I've got 4 sisters and neither my folks or them at coming). I feel like I've cried all night, just so upset with everything going on and DH is at the other end of the country when DS was born at 35+4, they want to send him on more trips. One of those days you really wish you could have a nice glass of wine :).
Oh gosh yes I am looking forward to having wine again x
I seem to go through several phases a day, I'm fed up, then I'm not so bad, then I just want the baby out, then I think maybe I'm not quite prepared. Arghh. Hormones.
I seem to go through several phases a day, I'm fed up, then I'm not so bad, then I just want the baby out, then I think maybe I'm not quite prepared. Arghh. Hormones.

Sparkles, I just told DH last night that I go from ready to not. Prepared to nervous. Hormones indeed! Not much longer for you!

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