sorry for this long post ladies!!!
This is my regular doctor - I have had her for 15 years... I do actually like her...
last year she referred me to an FE here in town (the only one my insurance covers in the entire state) and he met with my husband and I and took blood from me the first day we were there... He did an AMH test (and a bunch of others I assume - although I didn't hear about anything else) and the nurse called me a couple days later and said they wanted me to come in on day 2 of my cycle for more blood work because my AMH was .18
so I went back and had day 2 blood work done - he called me in and said my amh was .38 on this test... my score was 5 - which means that he didn't think I would respond to the stims in IVF... I have the results at home - but the only number that was low was the AMH... everything else (FSH,etc) was in normal ranges for my age...but the FE said that my husband and I should go straight to IVF and use donor eggs...
obviously I was in shock and we hadn't even done my DH SA at this point...well a couple weeks later the SA was done - my husband numbers (best I can recall) were 260 million, 40% motility, 0% morph.... the nurse told me in the waiting room in front of other patients too...that the results were fine (didn't give me the numbers then) and set us up for an IVF consult...
so my husband and I go in for IVF consult - again the FE is pushing for IVF with donor eggs ... which my DH and decided was not for us... and then he actually gave us the numbers of the SA... and said we would not get preggo on our own due to AMh/morph issues and his options to us were IVF (he would try with my own eggs but gave us no hope) or IVF with donor eggs or IUI with artifical insemination(not much hope there either)
so we left without signing anything... upset at how the FE handled things... we wanted to talk about limiting the number of embroyos - not freezing anything... because of our personal beliefs...but he wouldn't talk that... told us that donor eggs was actually in the Bible huh??? anyway... hubby was upset...and we talked and talked and decided no fertility treatments... we would try supplements and pray that God gives us a miracle
the only reason I went back to my dr - is that after reading 100's stories on here (and the internet) I thought maybe my progesterone was low (and my hormones are off with 23 day cycles)
and maybe I could get those regulated without going back to the RE... and maybe we could have a better chance at conceiving on our own... but I haven't had any luck... all I really wanted was blood tests to check my hormones and maybe the dye test for my tubes... the tests that probably should've been done before I went to the RE or atleast done by RE... but I think the RE saw my AMH and that was that...
maybe the AMH and morph are killers... i should just leave it alone... I don't know what to think now...