Hey everybody!
Kesh - Sounds like your appointment went well, even though you don't feel like you've BD'd enough. FX!

Do you feel relieved? The news sounds good....
Lenka - how is your husband feeling after surgery? So sorry you didn't get in all of the BD'ing you wanted, but if I read your posts correctly you are still in it this month, right? I try so hard to not put pressure on myself or my DF, as I want our sex life to remain focused on us connecting intimately, but it is hard to not keep ovulation, etc., out of the back of my mind! Ten babies - yikes! I hope I don't make 10 babies!

That is a big part of why we started now, as I knew I didn't want to wait until after we are married, which will be in at least 1.5 years. It's a bit unorthodox, baby then wedding, but that's okay.

Also, I second Madeline in creating EWCM (although my body doesn't really do this b/c of medicine I take) - eliminating dairy can be a big factor!
Steph - How's the roommate adjustment? Have you been able to make your morning smoothies again? Having communal areas can be tricky, especially when you are living with a roommate and partner - it's hard to keep responsibilities straight! I'm really into things being clean and have to find a rhythm with that, but once I do I'm good. Whiskey is a fickle friend lol. DF had a bit too much whiskey on Friday and ended up telling his good friends that we are TTC, which I was fine with (I am not keeping it a secret, as I don't want to be making up excuses for why I'm drinking water, etc....., but I also don't push him to tell anyone he doesn't want to tell.) I told my family - they are super excited. I am one of two kids, and my brother is 10 years younger than me, so they are very excited about having their first grandchild! And they LOVE DF. I was so, so, so happy that our parents clicked the way they did. DF calls his mom The Grand Inquisitor

- she is super sweet, but sometimes gets into a questioning mode that df finds exhausting. But all worked out! My close friends also know we are TTC, and they are super excited. I don't have many friends with kids, so I think it is a bit too abstract for many of them to have much of an opinion on it.
How are you doing around your fears of conceiving? How is the cramping? I have never mc'd or had a chemical pregnancy, so I cannot relate per se, but I'm sure there is something very vulnerable about feeling like there is something inside of you that you want to nurture so badly and yet despite what any of us do, statistically sometimes things go wrong. I think that is a fear all women who are TTC have, and I'm sure it is exacerbated by prior MCs. I agree with Madeline - you are very courageous. I've always loved your positivity and have noticed the two little angels in your signature line, but did not want to pry. My mom had miscarriages, adopted me and then had a healthy 10 pound baby at 42 - what a surprise for her! The vast majority of women who are ttc and have mc'd go on to have healthy pregnancies - have faith.
I took the Myers Briggs test a long time ago, I cannot remember for the life of me what I am! Have to dig it up.
Madeline - I totally agree, I think DF's family will be thrilled that he is with someone he loves and who is giving them a grandchild, regardless of us being married. I don't come from a religious family (very spiritual, but not Christian), so it is hard for me to relate at times to people who feel like there is a certain proper order to things! Are you Greek Orthodox? I thought I was 50% Greek for 23 years (a story for another time!) Congrats on getting keys to your new place!!! That is so exciting. Hope the move is going well!!!
As for me....well, DF slept in on Saturday and I made the mistake of getting up early and watching The Business of Being Born. I have some really big fears around childbirth! Anybody else feeling this at all? I know it is putting the cart before the horse, but when DF came downstairs I was like, "don't even touch me right now!" Isn't that silly...?