3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Steph, I am from Russia… But have been living in the US since 2001 ant it really feels like home now. The life is so much comfortable here and people, does not matter how much money you make, what race you are, beautiful or ugly, all are respected, which I admire the most.
Hi gals,
welcome Lenka-I'm glad you decided to post and that our little thread has helped you feel like you are in good company as you TTC. I like your attitude about 'now is the time'. That is somewhat how I had to lay down the law too. DH could have waited forever.

We spent our 4th of July hiking in the redwoods, which made me feel a little bit like I was in Oregon, so I was extra happy. Last night we met friends at Farmer's market for dinner and guess what...ANOTHER FRIEND PREGNANT. What??!! I just about collapsed inside, especially when I heard that she got off birth control and was pregnant the next month, with just a few BD to try.

I seriously felt like the only woman at Farmer's market who wasn't pregnant, actually. I think I'm just noticing it more. DH tried to console me with BD, but he had performance anxiety, poor guy. It has happened a couple of times when we've tried to BD when he knows I'm wanting it (AKA desperately clinging to every BD and every sign of O), and when I'm ovulating and he knows it really 'counts'. Poor guy.

Lenka- I finally got good results with my cheapie OPKs, so hopefully you'll have good luck with your clear blue digitals- I see women on these threads use them all the time and really like them. Where in CA are you going to move? Hopefully someplace not as insanely hot as it is here near Sacramento!

Steph-I'm sorry you don't have the whole house to yourself anymore, but I hope you really enjoyed that month. Doesn't it sort of stink to go to work the Friday after a holiday? I"m in that boat too. This is when I'm jealous of DH who doesn't have to go to work, especially after we have enjoyed such a lovely day.

Natto-I hope you got to take a break from moving to have a fun 4th in Ohio. Are things feeling more organized for you?
I'll be right there with ya next Monday when the big move to our new place begins. Can't wait!

Steph-happy early birthday! I am sort of into the zodiac, as well as the ennegram (has nothing to do with bdays, but rather 9 personality types). I guess I am just always trying to figure myself and others out, lol!

Lenka- 3 Taurus, maybe??!!! wow!! If I get my BFP in 2 weeks I'll have 2 Aries in the house (DH and baby) and 2 of one sign will be enough. However, I know some cool Taurus people, so maybe 3 isn't so bad :)
We have been to CA a couple of times, love it all! People usually move where jobs are. In our case, this is not really the case, because my BF has an internet business and I also will continue working for my current employer online, who is a CPA. When the time is right and I have a Master’s in accounting under my belt, I will start looking for an office job. Hopefully, accountants are in demand everywhere…
Madeline, our criteria in choosing a city where to move to is not the weather. Nope… :nope: It is Real Estate prices. CA is just so expensive!!! In suburbs of PA you can buy a nice 2 bd/2bath condo for about $100k now, a townhouse for $150-170k, a single house for $270-300k. In CA, I do not think so… Therefore, we are starting from Santa Barbara, we are going to rent a furnished apartment for a few months and we will go from there… Why Santa Barbara? We loved this city… nice, quite (we do not go clubbing anymore anyway). You can rent a nice apartment for about $2k a month, and the ocean…. And perfect weather…. And what is funny, when I was growing up, they were showing a soap opera for about 10 !!! years in Russia (Soviet Union back then), called “Santa Barbara”. Of course, the whole country was watching it, because there was nothing else on TV. So, this city is very close to my heart... :hugs:
Regarding Taurus… They just tend to look at any situation in two colors: black or white. There is no any shade of grey for them… It’s hard for me to explain. On the other hand, I do not really care: Taurus, Aries, Virgo… I just want a healthy child… I am sure we all do… :flower:
you are so right about just having a healthy child- I could not agree more! When I first starting thinking about TTC I had a vision of wanting a Pisces or Aquarius girl, because I always wanted a little girl, and have many friends under those signs.
Now, as it is reality, I don't care boy or girl, or what birthday is. I will be grateful to mother and care for the beautiful little soul that enters my life as my child no matter what!

Santa Barbara is GORGEOUS!!! Good choice! Yes, it is pricey here, though that can vary wildly sometimes by just going a few miles up/down the road. If you can get a place for $2K in Santa Barbara, I think that is a steal! Nice job! In Northern CA, once you get away from the SF area, it's quite a bit cheaper, but not nearly as lovely.
Funny about the American soap opera "Santa Barbara" in Russia- I haven't even heard of that one, but I was a "young and the restless fan", so maybe all my attention was on that, lol!!

Well, with a MS in accounting hopefully you have very transferrable skills that will yield good jobs out here if you decide to go that route. I got my MS in nutrition, and my DH got his PhD in nutrition. You'd think that jobs would be plentiful given the attention to obesity, etc. but it is not the case at all. Even dieticians (who work clinically and have a license, similar to how an RN gets registered) have a hard time finding full time, benefitted positions. etc. If I could do it again, I'd get my MBA and just teach cooking classes and do nutrition education on the side, which I do now in addition to my day job. Live and learn..... :)

Well, gals, I am either 1 or 2 days into the TWW. I think I O'd Wed evening, or Thurs AM, based on all the 'signs'. Let's see. We did our fair share of BD, and I'm proud of DH for rising to the challenge (pun intended), even after some failed attempts!

Happy Friday ladies!
Hey ladies!!! Hope you're all doing well!! Sorry I can never write too much, posting from my phone takes ages, won't have my Internet in my house up and running until Tuesday so ill be able to use my computer then!
Well a quick update; I think I'm ovulating early again this month. Tons of ewcm, cervix is high soft and open, opk is almost positive, temp went up this am so expecting my pre-o drop in the am. My opk should be positive by this evening! Hooray!
Hey everyone! Back after the holiday, it was wonderful! BF's parents and my parents met and it was like they have known each other for years! So much relief on that one. We didn't doubt that it would be a great experience, but it even exceeded our expectations. Plus we got to go to the Northside parade, which is so much fun. Everything from the Ladies Lawnchair Brigade (a group of women who do choreographed dances with lawnchairs) to Gabby Giffords! So much fun.

Madeline: What is Natto? Well Steph described it pretty well lol - but it is a sticky bean none the less! :) I'm so sorry to hear about your cat passing, but I understand what you mean in how animals can have such a big impact on our lives! I LOVE the way my BF loves his kitties. He accidentally locked one in a closet for the day and when I got home he was in tears! She was fine, I think she forgot the whole ordeal in less than 5 minutes, but he was scarred! It is so lovely to see the person we love being so compassionate and loving. :) That's great that she had such a huge impact on your DH.

Sounds like the Farmers Market was fun, although another friend pregnant! How are you feeling? At least DH is very comforting and on the same page. Sometimes a compassionate and empathetic partner makes all the difference. How is your TWW going? You really got some good BDing in this month, so fx you are our first BFP!!! Happy your husband was able to rise to the occasion. :haha: Also, what Enneagram # are you? I'm a 4 through and through lol. I hear you about loving the country - I'm not huge into being in nature, but when I drive through farm land I feel like I"m home. The move is going well - both sets of parents were landing at the house yesterday, so we had to bust out the cleaning and organizing. I refused to have family come in to a messy home!!

Steph, how was the pub on the water? Sounds awesome! Do you have any birthday plans? How is the roommate moving in going? Hope the adjustment to not having the house to yourself is going okay. How was the visit with the SIL? Does your family know your TTC plans? Matt's family doesn't yet - it's a bit delicate because he is (fairly) recently divorced, they are Catholic and we aren't married.... none the less, they are very open-minded and sweet, so it's just a matter of timing as to when we tell them. And Cincy is Cincinnati, sorry! I forget not everyone knows our local slang. :haha:

Welcome, Lenka! Sounds like you've had some big events come up in recent time. It's so true, it can be hard to concentrate on being in the moment when you are so focused on certain events happening! I get that way - so focused that I can't see the forest for the trees. How old are you, if you don't mind me asking? I'm 31, bf is 33, only been trying for two months as well. If not this month, it will be soon. :hugs: This is also my first month using OPKs, so I'm not sure how it is going to go but they seem to be accurate so far! And I hear you on trying not to symptom spot, it is so hard and ultimately I know I always will. :blush:

Three tauruses, oy vey!! :haha: But it is so true, a healthy baby is what is important. It's just so fun to start to figure out what sign a baby would be!

Sounds like Santa Barbara will be a great place to settle. Good luck on the CPA exam - exams that dictate your career are so stressful. I thought I was going to barf every night before the bar exam! But you will get through it. :hugs:

Kesh: You're back! Good to see you! Any updates from the new doc? Things sound promising!!!

Happy Friday, everyone!
Hey ladies!!! Hope you're all doing well!! Sorry I can never write too much, posting from my phone takes ages, won't have my Internet in my house up and running until Tuesday so ill be able to use my computer then!
Well a quick update; I think I'm ovulating early again this month. Tons of ewcm, cervix is high soft and open, opk is almost positive, temp went up this am so expecting my pre-o drop in the am. My opk should be positive by this evening! Hooray!

Hi Kesh! Glad to see you back! Yay to ovulating on the weekend. Go BD!!! :happydance:
No real updates yet!! I have an appt Monday to find out about my bloodwork, I also have my ultrasound Monday to check my follicles! Which I think may be too late by then!
Thank you ladies for your nice words… :hugs: Madeline, as far as I understand, sometimes it is more difficult for people with higher degrees (especially PhD) to get a job, because they are regarded as “overqualified” by some companies especially when the economy is not great. But your DH will get one, it is just a matter of time. I personally never wanted to get an MBA, because in my opinion this degree is too broad. I wanted a degree that when people ask me what did you study? Or what is your specialty? I would be able to answer this question in one word, as accounting, or nutrition. :winkwink: Business is just too broad and you need a lot of experience to compliment this degree. Anyway… back to our favorite topic – ttc. :happydance: I wanted to mention that even I feel pressure while BDing before ovulation, I can imagine how much pressure our men feel. My BF asks me if he can take a pain killer after his surgery… so lovely. Too bad, I say no, he can’t… No pain, no gain, right, ladies?
ReadyforNatto, I am 35. Eh, you are only 31… You still have time to make 10 babies! :happydance:
OPK did not show this morning that I am at peak of fertility, as I was expecting it would…
Well, good luck to all, have a nice weekend!:flower:
Oof So much to respond to!

4th of July was crazy pretty...sunshine, friends, perfect weather, beautiful fireworks. SIL arrived just in time for the fireworks show along with new roommie. Had to not make my breakfast smoothie this morning...I love them but who wants to be woken up at 6:30 by a blender?? I think we'll be ok...our only communal area really is the kitchen. I like to keep it clean and it will be an adjustment having to pick up after a roommate again but once I accept that it will most likely be the case, I'll be just fine and won't mind doing it.

Natto: As for the telling people that we are ttc, I ended up telling a friend last night (After a whiskey coke, dang you whiskey you betrayed me!!) but that's ok. Family knows that we're ttc because of the dr appt about endometriosis and mc last cycle. We're Catholic (funny you should mention your bf's family is)...dh and I started out too as a relationship that started WAY too fast after my ex and i divorced...had to go through the whole annulment process as I wasn't Catholic before and converted. Also GREAT news about everyone getting along so well! that's such a good sign of a good future :hugs: Very happy for you! You said his family doesn't know yet...but does yours? How about your friends? This is a question for all ya'll.

I have been having more cramps this month and I can't help but let my fears creep up. What if the doctor was right? What if I spend years ttc, or continue to have miscarriages? :cry: We are completely open to adoption...how I'd love to adopt refugee children! However, dh is such an awesome man and I want more of him around. Also, it's SO EXPENSIVE :nope:

Lenka--how many days have you been having the ewcm? Often times, I have it for a few days before my actual o day. So maybe tomorrow is your chance! In the meantime, :sex: away!! Santa Barbara sounds great but I agree...moving from the east coast to the west coast...is a SHOCK for sure. Not just culturally but financially as well. We love to look at houses on that side of the country and drool at the low prices. Thankfully hopefull your new paychecks will go to make buying a house a reality soon!

Welcome back Kesh! Glad to see you'll be in the tww soon!

Madeline--how are you finding MORE friends that are pregnant?? How is that statistically even possible :haha: What's an Enneagram? I've never heard of it but it sounds intriguing! Have you ever done a Myer's Briggs Typology test? I am an INFJ through and through :D Love that test but it's not for everyone. So true about just wanting the child to be healthy. I have so many hopes for them...and healthy is definitely at the top of the list. As a nutritionist, I bet you already have a list of food yays and nays for the kiddies to come! What kind of food do you eat? (Do you hate that question?? :wacko:

Great to have you group of ladies to talk to. :hugs:
Steph, actually, I have not noticed any ewcm this cycle yet…. I have been rather dry… I took another OPK test this morning and still no peak fertility. This means that if a woman does not ovulate, she will not see peak fertility. I am so upset now like I got a BPN.
Hi ladies,
you all have been on my mind this weekend. I just feel so fortified knowing that I've got this support system of really amazing women out there in the TTC world.

Natto-I am so thrilled to hear that the first meeting of the 'in-laws' went really well. That must have felt so good to both of you. While I don't know his family, I bet that once a little bean is on the scene there will be nothing but joy. I've seen it a number of times with friends and other family (My mom's side is Greek Orthodox- talk about a STRICT religion!!). I wish I would have started at 31, as I just kept thinking that I wasn't ready and life wasn't in the perfect 'sweet' spot. Now at 36 I know that I've got to get on it and that there could be more challenges that I simply can't mitigate just because I am a bit older. However, I'm not to the point of stressing about that.

Steph- Sounds like you now have a full house! Very kind of you to skip the 6:30 am blender wake up call, but hopefully you all can come to an understanding about that :) I am laughing a bit because I am an early riser, much to DH's chagrin, and I also have to play the trade-off game between having the breakfast smoothie I want and waking the sleeping giant!! Usually if I make him some, he overlooks the early AM sound blast. I wish somebody would invent a silent blender....
I feel empathy for you and what you are experiencing with your endometriosis, and I'm so sorry for your previous losses. I am inspired by your hope and encouragement and your courage. I swear, women are far more courageous than guys in a lot of ways- the challenges that we sometimes face just by living in our physical bodies is astounding. I am sending lots of love and positive thoughts for healthy cycles and sticky beans. Are there things you can do to reduce your odds of MC? It's not something I know much about as of yet, so I'm curious.

Lenka- so right about advanced degrees and jobs. He's in an awkward place where he's overqualified for X and not experienced enough for Y. We thought him having 15 years of professional experience before grad school would make him really marketable, but not so much. Oddly, we are taking the lack of job in stride these days, and it's been really humbling for both of us to have to find the joy of life w/o a lot of money. Turns out there is still so much to be joyous for!!! PLus, we get the keys to our new house tomorrow- yay! It's got a way better vibe than our dumpy grad school apartment, so maybe new energy will help.
On a TTC note- if you have EWCM, BD away! I realized that I likely ovulate a couple days earlier than my fertility programs tell me, based on my body signals like EWCM and O cramping and cervical position. You could have just missed the LH surge. I was testing with OPKs 4x/day to see my surge, which is how I finally discovered it this month!

There has been some chatting on this thread about horoscope, ennegram, etc. So here are my "stats" . I am a Virgo, Fire Dragon in Chinese Astrology (born 1976), Ennegram #3, Meyer's Briggs ENFJ. I think that covers it, lol! Ennegram is an approach to looking at personalities, and it's not based on when you were born or anything. You just have to read all the descriptions and figure out what you are. There are books on it or you can go to www.ennegraminstitue.com. My MIL got me into it, and my therapist uses it too. It can help in understanding personalities of yourself and those around you.

Well gals, I am now 4 DPO and no signs/symptoms, however it is early for anything. I have been so busy gearing up to move I haven't noticed the time passing, which is good. Last month the TWW was like watching a pot of water boil!

have a great day all!
Sorry Lenka, I didn't read this b/f my last post. Hmm.. it is possibly you had an anovulatory cycle, but do you usually get EWCM? Apparently not everybody does, but I suppose it's relative to what you usually get. Maybe try anyway? Can't hurt! :)

I was reading a bit about what can help encourage EWCM. Suggestions included grapefruit, Robitussin, avoiding dairy (which creates congestion), and water. It kind of took me back to when I studied Chinese medicine approaches to nutrition. If you had a of congestion/blocked chi, you would eliminate dairy, consume light and "bright' foods, like citrus and peppers, etc. Maybe this is how we boost our EWCM.
Sorry Lenka, I didn't read this b/f my last post. Hmm.. it is possibly you had an anovulatory cycle, but do you usually get EWCM? Apparently not everybody does, but I suppose it's relative to what you usually get. Maybe try anyway? Can't hurt! :)

I was reading a bit about what can help encourage EWCM. Suggestions included grapefruit, Robitussin, avoiding dairy (which creates congestion), and water. It kind of took me back to when I studied Chinese medicine approaches to nutrition. If you had a of congestion/blocked chi, you would eliminate dairy, consume light and "bright' foods, like citrus and peppers, etc. Maybe this is how we boost our EWCM.

Madeline, congratulations on getting the key to your house! :happydance: That would be like a fresh start for you both! I do believe in positive energy and that our thoughts, be it positive or negative, tend to get materialized. So, more positive thoughts! And yes, money does not buy your happiness; it just makes your life more comfortable.

I hope all other ladies are havening nice weekend too!

I got a flashy smile face again this morning, but I found a great forum, where ladies discuss clear blue OPT and according to them that flashy smile for several days happened to many of them. And I finally got EGCM yesterday evening and more this morning. But my dear BF rejected me yesterday! :growlmad: He said I can’t have sex for several days in a raw after the surgery. So, I had to leave him alone…
oh, so frustrating!!! DH has rejected me before for lesser reasons, lol! Bummer on the timing of our EWCM, OPK and surgery. Boo! Well, maybe today?? If you skipped yesterday does that mean today is a possibility? There is still time if you get it today....!!!!
Hey ladies, hope you're all doing well..
A quick update,
Went for my ultrasound today, I have 5 follicles in left ovary and 3 or 4 on right (maybe its the other way around lol) either way, I had one large follicle on the one side, only 1cm which is half what it should be but apparently they can grow half a cm in a day, and you can't ovulate without mature follicles. My temps don't confirm I've ovulated yet, my opk finally went dark positive yesterday and today. So depending what my temps do it will either be today or tomorrow. She also say fluid around left ovary which can mean I've ovulated already which again my temps don't confirm, so well see tomorrow. Haven't bd much so don't think this is my month, will bd tonight though.
Hi Kesh,
thanks for the update. It must at least provide some peace of mind to know what is going on in those ovaries! I wish I could get a window into my ovaries, but I will have to wait a few months and if no BFP, I'll see a FS.

And BD away- you never know!! It seems like there are so many "signs" of Ovulation, it's hard to know which one is accurate if they are giving conflicting messages. I wonder if one sign is more certain than another (ex:if OPK is poz is the LH surge more of a true sign than the fluid she found??).

I guess this is why they say we should just BD a lot between CD8 and AF. We haven't BD since last Friday, too much going on with moving/packing, so if I happened to O after that (doubtful, but who knows?), I've surely missed it.

Fingers crossed that you can make tonight count!

How are the rest of you? Ready- feeling even more settled in? Lenka- how is BF today? Ready to BD? Steph- how is your body feeling? How is the transition back to roommate life?

We got the keys to our new place today- yay! Now it's the balancing act between moving stuff and working and trying to find time to clean our old place. Part of me wants to say forget cleaning and lose our deposit (it wasn't much), but the other part of me knows that money is money and with DH not working now for over 7 months, we need it. Maybe that can be his job....hmm.....
Hey everybody!

Kesh - Sounds like your appointment went well, even though you don't feel like you've BD'd enough. FX! :flower: Do you feel relieved? The news sounds good....

Lenka - how is your husband feeling after surgery? So sorry you didn't get in all of the BD'ing you wanted, but if I read your posts correctly you are still in it this month, right? I try so hard to not put pressure on myself or my DF, as I want our sex life to remain focused on us connecting intimately, but it is hard to not keep ovulation, etc., out of the back of my mind! Ten babies - yikes! I hope I don't make 10 babies! :haha: That is a big part of why we started now, as I knew I didn't want to wait until after we are married, which will be in at least 1.5 years. It's a bit unorthodox, baby then wedding, but that's okay. :happydance: Also, I second Madeline in creating EWCM (although my body doesn't really do this b/c of medicine I take) - eliminating dairy can be a big factor!

Steph - How's the roommate adjustment? Have you been able to make your morning smoothies again? Having communal areas can be tricky, especially when you are living with a roommate and partner - it's hard to keep responsibilities straight! I'm really into things being clean and have to find a rhythm with that, but once I do I'm good. Whiskey is a fickle friend lol. DF had a bit too much whiskey on Friday and ended up telling his good friends that we are TTC, which I was fine with (I am not keeping it a secret, as I don't want to be making up excuses for why I'm drinking water, etc....., but I also don't push him to tell anyone he doesn't want to tell.) I told my family - they are super excited. I am one of two kids, and my brother is 10 years younger than me, so they are very excited about having their first grandchild! And they LOVE DF. I was so, so, so happy that our parents clicked the way they did. DF calls his mom The Grand Inquisitor :haha: - she is super sweet, but sometimes gets into a questioning mode that df finds exhausting. But all worked out! My close friends also know we are TTC, and they are super excited. I don't have many friends with kids, so I think it is a bit too abstract for many of them to have much of an opinion on it.

How are you doing around your fears of conceiving? How is the cramping? I have never mc'd or had a chemical pregnancy, so I cannot relate per se, but I'm sure there is something very vulnerable about feeling like there is something inside of you that you want to nurture so badly and yet despite what any of us do, statistically sometimes things go wrong. I think that is a fear all women who are TTC have, and I'm sure it is exacerbated by prior MCs. I agree with Madeline - you are very courageous. I've always loved your positivity and have noticed the two little angels in your signature line, but did not want to pry. My mom had miscarriages, adopted me and then had a healthy 10 pound baby at 42 - what a surprise for her! The vast majority of women who are ttc and have mc'd go on to have healthy pregnancies - have faith. :hugs:

I took the Myers Briggs test a long time ago, I cannot remember for the life of me what I am! Have to dig it up.

Madeline - I totally agree, I think DF's family will be thrilled that he is with someone he loves and who is giving them a grandchild, regardless of us being married. I don't come from a religious family (very spiritual, but not Christian), so it is hard for me to relate at times to people who feel like there is a certain proper order to things! Are you Greek Orthodox? I thought I was 50% Greek for 23 years (a story for another time!) Congrats on getting keys to your new place!!! That is so exciting. Hope the move is going well!!!

As for me....well, DF slept in on Saturday and I made the mistake of getting up early and watching The Business of Being Born. I have some really big fears around childbirth! Anybody else feeling this at all? I know it is putting the cart before the horse, but when DF came downstairs I was like, "don't even touch me right now!" Isn't that silly...?
I am chuckling a bit at your response to the "Business of Being Born" - don't watch those shows around O time - nothing to get in the way of the BD,:dohh: . I agree with you in wanting to keep the intimacy in the relationship above just BD to well, make a baby. It's funny, DH keeps stating that he doesn't want to know when I O, but it is a tad obvious by my sudden increase in nudges and come-ons. Also, he asks me all the time about how things are with my body, and sort of keeps track in his mind when I would O, so he is keen to it even when I'm trying to be covert!

So far I've not thought a lot about the birth, actually. I am kind of a baby when it comes to pain, so maybe it will be more real when I get pregnant and I know it's impending. My mom and sis both had really easy births (mom said it was like having gas for an hour!), but I can't assume I'll be like them and plus, they were in the 20's. I am more fearful that I'll never get pregnant and never get to experience the joy/pain of birth at all!!

While I am 50% Greek, I am not Greek Orthodox, my mom felt it was to strict of a religion for her open-minded CA views, so we grew up a run-of-the mill Christian-but-not-really sort of family!! My sis had a baby at 22 with her BF, and she was so worried my mom was going to disown her when she got pregnant . Quite the opposite- they were thrilled and remain to be a HUGE part of my nephew's life now.

I am so glad that your family adores DF and now his family- that will surely pave the way for a smoother future when there is harmony among families. I am smiling at the "Grand Inquisitor" statement. I have a family member like that as well. You sort of don't want to get cornered with him, else you are in for a long conversation!!

I had an 'aha' moment today that maybe I didn't O the last 2 cycles. I was thinking this b/c I never got a positive OPK, though I tested routinely around O time, and b/c my period was so light and pretty much asymptomatic. I was reading that those are signs of anovulatory cycles. Of course we can never really tell. I guess I have a hard time wrapping my brain around the idea that I could have O'd, we could have timed it right, and it still could have not happened, esp when I see SOOO many prego people in my life. I know it didn't "just' happen for them necessarily (thought in some cases it did), but all I see is the net result, so I perceive it as though it was easy for them and not for me. I need to drop this thinking.......BFP is coming my way, as it is for all of us!!!
Hello ladies, nice to hear from all of you!
Let me begin with good news: I finally got a solid smiley face today around 6pm on my advanced clear blue! My heart sank when I saw it. In addition, I have had ewcm and cramps. I hope O is just around the corner. And we BDed today… So I am happy. I am not sure if BF will want BD again tomorrow though…
Natto, we are also not married yet. I used to want a big wedding and a Cinderella dress and all that, but it took my bf 5 years to propose, I am 35 now, so right now I would rather save the money for a down payment for our future house than to spend it on a wedding. We talked and decided to have a very small ceremony in CA. I have already bought a long white evening BCBG gown, but he does not know about it. Ironically, it is a little loose in a waist area…:winkwink:
Madeline, I am also more worried about that I will not get pregnant than about pain of birth. That we can handle, ladies, common! :happydance:
Have a nice evening! :flower:

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