3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

ReadyForNatto - Vacation was awesome but busy, went home to New Brunswick to visit family and see my baby sister graduate. I'm hoping the distraction from TTC was just what I needed. My cycle is long, so yesterday was CD 17. I had figured that our cycles would be all out of sync this round so we would lose our buddies. I'm very happy that we're all still going strong. This is a great group. At our appt yesterday, the Dr said that she had a feeling that this was the time and I was going to get pregnant. FX that she is right!
Hi gals,
Steph- LOVE your story about BD neighbor! Both funny and awkward for you, I bet. I guess you know how far the BD sounds can stretch in your neighborhood, which is good. My DH is so paranoid about other people hearing us in our apartment complex. We have to batton down the hatches like we are in fort knox before he'll go for it sometimes- it cracks me up a bit. We aren't exceptionally loud and certainly aren't out to attract voyeurs, so not sure where his fear comes from. If he saw what you saw, we'd never BD again!!!

Oh boo that you are getting a cold! I'm not a doctor- a nutritionist, but also studied Chinese medicine approaches to nutrition and massage when I became a holistic health practitioner many moons ago.
So here is my armchair advice- I agree with Lenka about things like garlic. Foods that produce heat and are drying can be good for moving out 'dampness'. Garlic, peppers, ginger, cinnamon- think spicy!! Maybe eliminate dairy for a bit to see if that helps.
You live in the PNW, which means there is a lot more dampness around. Do you know if your house has mold or if it has good ventilation? When I moved to OR I was sick a lot- it was the climate and also a dairy allergy. In CA I don't really have the dairy issue, probably b/c it's dry here, so it's not a double mucus hit!

Do you have any other food allergies, such as wheat or soy or eggs? These are some of the most common. You could eliminate one at a time to see if that helps too.

So, it looks like a few of are in the TWW-woot! Glad I am not alone here.

lfrans and Steph- it must be tough having a variable cycle, especially after suffering a loss and I'm sorry you had to experience that. I hope your cycle regulates soon and that O day is easy to pin down, especially since nonstop BD just isn't realistic for most people!!!

It's so reassuring to hear that my DH isn't the only one who gets exhausted of the BD or doesn't want to do it all the time. I am always under this false impression that every man on earth except my hubby is ready to go at all times :)

AFM, no symptoms yet. I had some mild cramping last night in ovary area, but it could have also been all the fiber I ate. Time will tell. I feel more chill about it than last month. Maybe the move is trumping my obsession!
Ready- ooh, a music festival! Maybe it will be just the right thing to help you relax and enjoy and release some of those stressful thoughts about moving, jobs, etc. Nothing makes me happier than GOOD live music!
Hmm, I can see your challenge with the adult beverage situation. Can you feign sudden illness or allergy to alcohol without raising eye brows? I also know of friends who have said they weren't drinking b/c they are focusing on their weight/healthier lifestyles (and there weren't necessarily in need of losing weight), only to find that this was their diversion while they were TTC and keeping it on the hush hush.

It's fantastic that you have PLAN. I just love how empowering it can be to sit down and say 'hey world, this is what I want to do, so how can we make it happen?". It's great that DF is so on board with it all.

You mentioned long cycles- how long are they? Glad you are BD for fun too, that is important. I look forward to more BD once this move is over. Moving boxes in 100 degree weather does not make for romance, let me tell you ladies!

My pimples are still here, though a little less today, but otherwise no symptoms. However, it's early so I'm not worried about it. I want a BFP too, so very much, but I'm grateful that I've got a lot of other things to attend to during this TWW because last month I drove myself NUTS!! I think last time I associated the amount that I obsessed with TTC with an increased likelihood that I'd get a BFP. Lesson learned!

Tynmeg- so glad you are back! I think of you often, as you are the whole impetus to this awesome thread! Glad vacay was fun and glad you are back. Welcome to TWW #2!

NMyShy-welcome to our thread. It's a haven for support for me, and I'm so very grateful!

Wow, I sure do enjoy learning so much about you all and the dynamic lives we all lead- TTC in various circumstances, job challenges and successes, family relationships and dynamics, moving, roomates,recovering from pregnancy losses......hearing our neighbors BD....there is a Lifetime movie in this somewhere, I think, lol!

So ladies, I'm going to share my personal goal with you. My goal is to avoid doing a HPT until I am at least 10DPO. I wish I could say that I'd wait until I miss AF, but I know better. However, in the past I've started checking at 8DPO and it's such a set up.
Tynmeg-welcome back! Jealous about the vacation to NB...I've never been to that part of Canada (furthest east I've been is SK...Not that far!) but we'd so love to visit one day... So does that mean you're 1dpo now? If you're at 1 dpo and cd 17, that's not tooo long. How nice of the dr to say something so neat! You weren't hear but my husband said he had a great feeling about July, that it was going to be a good month. :hugs:

Ifrans, good luck on the house! We'd love to do the same! Where are you buying? A yard/no yard, what kind of house and how old??

Natto--is it bad to drink before the tww? I thought anything before implantation was fine because the egg doesn't share your blood system. But anything after that, and I won't really have much in the tww or definitely nothing after 5 dpo but I've heard that it should be fine. But boy you and your bf are definitely the cool kids, I'm hearing about all sorts of fun activities :D Stop making me feel old! :haha: That is so great that your adoptive mother is so awesome....and not at all surprising that your birth mother is not so reliable. It's helpful that you had an open adoption mainly so you can get family health history which is so important!

Lenka--thanks for the sweet words:hugs: I know we go over this a lot but I'll say again how nice it is to have this group!! I took garlic last night and this morning...if I take it too often, my farts start smelling like italian food! ok NOW I'll apologize for the tmi :haha:

No more EWCM STILL. I am so confused!! I guess I DID ovulate...so so early though. Damn you cycle. That will make this month a 26 day cycle and last month a 35 day. I guess that means I'll know faster whether or not our ONE bd session worked. Ugh.:nope: So maybe I'm 2 dpo now?? Natto sorry you're the caboose now!

Madeline- Keep us posted on your symptoms. Glad you are feeling calmer about this month. One closet...sheesh. IKEA has those cool wardrobe things that don't shrink up the room too much...
EEpp I forgot to respond about Natto...SO YOU QUIT YOUR JOB?! Volunteering full time...GREAT! Congrats!!!

And I just read Madeline's new post... :haha: :haha: :haha: about the lifetime movie!!!!

Good luck waiting until 10 DPO to poas. I agree, you are just setting yourself up for disappointment to test that early. And testing is like doritos, bet you can't take just one! My goal is to wait until AF is late, since we only got that one chance to bd. Still kicking myself for the bad luck this month.
A few words from me (have to study now):

When I am at a party and ppl ask me why I am not drinking, I say I am taking antibiotics, so can't drink… :juggle:

Madeline, my goal is to avoid testing till June 20th, this is when AF is due (21st the latest)…

Good luck ladies! :flower:
tynmeg, you are from nb?? my dad's from bathurst and i still have some family in moncton, s john and edmunston. i was supposed to go this smmer, but we had to push it off. glad you ot another iui this month, hopefully this will be your lucky month!!

steph your canadian too?? im from montreal. well... offer was accepted, but with a condition that we saw a certain crack and regardless of inspection, we cannot reduce price for that crack. we went back taking that out. we dont think the crack is major, but we want the option to get out if its too much or us to handle. house is in the suburbs of montreal, not too far from the city. 3beds 3baths bungalo with an ok sized yard on a quiet street. so we will see what the sellers do... we may lose the house.

madeline: this should totally be a movie... haha, sorta the prelude to what yo expect when your expecting.

ready: i admire your strength. i dont like my job, but stay or the mat leave (which hope to use soon) i love how you planned things out. enjoy, ou only live once and dont think ou will regret.

nmysh: welcome!!!

disclaimer- sorry or typos, typed on ipad
lfrans- the house sounds lovely. I dream of 3 bathrooms one day! I hope the crack issue is minor and it all works out.

Well, interesting that we have so many Canadian gals in this group, funny how the world works. I honeymooned in Banff and Jaspar National parks- LOVED it! had we not bought a house already right at that time we would have tried to move there. Go Canada!

Not much to report here today- some very mild cramping in abdomen going on, pimples are better, and that is about it.

Anybody have fun weekend plans? Ready has the music festival- anybody else? I'll be moving on Sat and then were are taking my BIL and SIL to Lake Tahoe for the day as a thank you for helping us move the heavy stuff. My favorite place on Earth......

Steph- you know, I hear a lot of stories about how that "one night" of BD resulted in a BFP, so you are not out yet!
Hello ladies,

Hope you are all well!
I keep forgeting that I am oficially in tww zone. That is probably because the period up to O was so stressful for me (and so for my bf) that now I feel kind of releived thinking that I did O and we did all :sex: that we could. Now, all I can do is just relax and wait. I remember my OB/GYN told me (she is an old lady, who never smiles): there are no symptoms up to 10 dpo. All you can get is pimple breakout. Madeline, I am just saying... :winkwink:

Music festival, lake Tashoe - eh! Enjoy! I have to study this whole weekend, and next weekend, and so on... :flower:
NMyshyniuk - Welcome! We are a fun group to obsess over TTC with. :) How

Tynmeg - Sounds like a fun vacation with lots of family time! I have long cycles as well. It can be such a drag, I feel like the slow poke who's always just waiting for the TWW to even start! So happy to hear that your doctor felt like it was your month! This is your fifth cycle, right?

Madeline - "If he saw what you saw, we'd never BD again!" :haha: Too funny. I was more paranoid when I was in my condo - it is one nice thing about living in a house! Although (TMI Ahead) we were BDing on the couch the other morning and someone knocked on our front door, which has a window without a curtain! We thought for sure they were going to look in and see us, so we were trying to hide! It ended up being a campaigner so we avoided any awkward interactions lol. There is totally a Lifetime movie in all of this!

Your 10 dpo goal sounds great! I'm sure it will eliminate the stress that early testing can cause. What day will 10 dpo be? I'm sorry to ask, I'm sure I could figure it out but sometimes it is hard to sift through all the messages. :haha: I totally hear you on TTC obsessing equating to a BFP - I think it is a part of why the whole, "relax and it will happen" idea is so counter-intuitive. Every other aspect of life is influenced by putting enough energy and thought into it - this is really dictated by BDing and good health, but not tons of thought! Ugh, frustrating for people who are into putting a lot of mental energy into things! :wacko: Happy you have some distractions. Any new symptoms?

My cycles tend to be between 32-36 days, ugh! I would LOVE to have a 28 day cycle, I'm so jealous of women who do. Most of that jealousy is because I feel like I PMS for SO long - although I have come to appreciate having a long LP. :thumbup:

Steph - I agree with Madeline, we grew up always being taught that dairy was hard on the immune system. My parents are macrobiotic, so we also always learned that dairy is very hard on the female reproductive system! Everyone always treated us like we were crazy, but Harvard actually just came out with a study that was one of the first to look at the "food pyramid" without any influence or lobbying from any food industry - they recommended eliminating dairy entirely! I found that to be fascinating. I actually used to get 2-3 ear infections a year as an adult, and eliminated dairy almost entirely when I was 22. Haven't gotten them since! I used to get sick a lot more until I figured out that I don't do well with gluten - once I (mostly) eliminated it, I stopped getting sick nearly as much. Just my two ideas, no idea if they are useful to anyone else. :hugs:

Also, no, not bad to drink before the TWW. I guess I've just really started being proactive in changing my relationship with alcohol, as I trust it is fine in moderation but I also don't want to drink a lot and then just generally be rundown and have that impact any chance I have of conceiving. I also have mild to moderate depression, and I've just noticed how much more clarity I have around life and calmness I have with TTC when I'm not dealing with those ups and downs. On that note, nope, didn't quit yet - we've decided my last day will be Sept 27th. :happydance::happydance::happydance: I can't quite even express how relieved I am about it! As for the music fest, the BF and I are trying to get all of our fun in now, as we are looking at me being unemployed and pregnant (hopefully) in the near future! FYI, I'm with Lenka on this one - let the italian-food-farts rip lol! If it makes you feel any better, it's worth it. :haha: And I know we have all heard it so much, but one BD is all it takes!!! You aren't even close to out of luck. FX! :hugs:

Lfrans - Congrats on the house, and that is a great idea to have an exception for the crack. Does it seem like it could be the foundation? If it is the right house for you, it will work out! I'm keeping my fx for you. And thank you for the kind words - I am scared, but that is okay. I'm much happier being scared than miserable lol!

AFM, I've decided I'm going to have a couple of adult beverages at the festival. Today things sort of exploded at work and quite frankly I want to just get my mind off of things. I don't know if I will be on here much this weekend, so everyone have fun and if you don't hear from me I will be back on Monday!

P.S. - I'm totally the caboose! That made me laugh. :haha:
Thanks for the "welcome backs" and I think it's pretty cool that we have a quite a few Canadian girls on this thread. I would love to spend a day at Lake Tahoe someday. I think this weekend, we may head to the stompede and watch the rodeo...if the rains holds off. If not, I'll be doing some unpacking...like a few of you, I also just moved. It was the beginning of June but with going for my last IUI and then 3 weeks of vacay, a lot of my stuff is still in boxes.

I'm only 2 DPO today and nothing really to report...some slight cramping, but that's pretty normal for this stage in the game.
Haha too cool! Where are you Canadian ladies from?? I just moved to Brooks Alberta!
Hey let me put it straight... I'm not Canadian! I'm from Seattle but my grandma who raised me is from Regina. Also my parents, both born in the US met at college in BC. We do have a lot of family in Canada...mostly Alberta! I love it there :happydance:
Hey ladies! We are getting ready to head out to Bunbury day 2, but just wanted to let you know my OPK came back positive today - I'm going to O in 24-36 hours! :happydance: The caboose will finally be catching up! We BD'd twice this morning. I know you are only supposed to once a day or so, but the second one was just for fun. :blush:

Also, I'm not Canadian, but my mom's whole family is French Canadian....can I be part of the club? :blush:

Tegan and Sara ROCKED last night! Fun was great, but T&S stole the show. Great way to get my mind off things!

Hope you ladies are enjoying the weekend. Tyandmeg, I hope the rain holds off and you get to enjoy the rodeo! I've never been to one!
ReadyforNatto, congratulations on your O! It is such a nice feeling to know that you are going to O. Do you temping? I do and my temp has been staying elevated after O.

I have been to Canada once, Quebec and Montreal. I have to say Quebec is one of the most beautiful cities that I have ever seen and have seen quite a few places. So different, so cozy and food was delicious! We would love to visit it once again.
Have a nice weekend everyone.
LOL what a small world Steph, I was born in Regina and lived there for about 7 years! Most of my family, actually like 90% of my family is back in Sask!
Ps: my temp shot way up this am. 5dpo. This sounds ridiculous but I think this might be the month. I'm exhausted beyond words, I've had weird pelvic twinges since yesterday and last night I had some serious nausea, prob too early for symptoms but a girl can imagine right?! Lol
Hi gals,
Kesh- ooh, I HOPE it's your month!!! Hopefully that good feeling will lead to a BFP!!! Keep us posted.
11 DPO for me and not much. Took a HPT yesterday (10DPO- remember, I promised not a day before!!). BFN, but not surprised.

Symptoms I'm having include very mild achy boobs last night, achy in my...um...down there region (is there a TTC term for this??? There is for everything else!), and some mild waves of nausea, but that could have been the very crappy diet I've subsisted on while moving. I had my first green salad in 4 days tonight, it was heaven.

our new place is darling and I am happy. Too tired to BD, but we will.

Ready- yay for OPK and double BD. Keep it up! I love Tegan and Sara too - saw them about 12 yrs ago for the first time at a music festival and have seen them twice since.

More tomorrow gals, I'm pooped!
I really hope you get your BFPs. I'm discouraged this morning. Today, I'm 5 dpo and my temp dropped. It's too early for an implantation dip so I assume its a secondary estrogen surge, which from what I read normally happens when your not pregnant. Grrrr!
tynmeg - dont be discouraged yet... it isnt over til its over...

kesh- your chart is looking good, hope the temps stay up!! FX

Lenka- im glad to hear you like my city/province. :) how are you feeling?

ready - of course you can be in the canadian club :) congrats on O, I hope this is the month!

madeline - sounds exciting! :)

Im 5dpo, my temp rose significantly yesterday and seemed to stay up today, so im cautiously happy about that. Im feeling pretty normal,but i guess too early for any crazy symptoms.

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