NMyshyniuk - Welcome! We are a fun group to obsess over TTC with.

Tynmeg - Sounds like a fun vacation with lots of family time! I have long cycles as well. It can be such a drag, I feel like the slow poke who's always just waiting for the TWW to even start! So happy to hear that your doctor felt like it was your month! This is your fifth cycle, right?
Madeline - "If he saw what you saw, we'd never BD again!"

Too funny. I was more paranoid when I was in my condo - it is one nice thing about living in a house! Although (TMI Ahead) we were BDing on the couch the other morning and someone knocked on our front door, which has a window without a curtain! We thought for sure they were going to look in and see us, so we were trying to hide! It ended up being a campaigner so we avoided any awkward interactions lol. There is totally a Lifetime movie in all of this!
Your 10 dpo goal sounds great! I'm sure it will eliminate the stress that early testing can cause. What day will 10 dpo be? I'm sorry to ask, I'm sure I could figure it out but sometimes it is hard to sift through all the messages.

I totally hear you on TTC obsessing equating to a BFP - I think it is a part of why the whole, "relax and it will happen" idea is so counter-intuitive. Every other aspect of life is influenced by putting enough energy and thought into it - this is really dictated by BDing and good health, but not tons of thought! Ugh, frustrating for people who are into putting a lot of mental energy into things!

Happy you have some distractions. Any new symptoms?
My cycles tend to be between 32-36 days, ugh! I would LOVE to have a 28 day cycle, I'm so jealous of women who do. Most of that jealousy is because I feel like I PMS for SO long - although I have come to appreciate having a long LP.
Steph - I agree with Madeline, we grew up always being taught that dairy was hard on the immune system. My parents are macrobiotic, so we also always learned that dairy is very hard on the female reproductive system! Everyone always treated us like we were crazy, but Harvard actually just came out with a study that was one of the first to look at the "food pyramid" without any influence or lobbying from any food industry - they recommended eliminating dairy entirely! I found that to be fascinating. I actually used to get 2-3 ear infections a year as an adult, and eliminated dairy almost entirely when I was 22. Haven't gotten them since! I used to get sick a lot more until I figured out that I don't do well with gluten - once I (mostly) eliminated it, I stopped getting sick nearly as much. Just my two ideas, no idea if they are useful to anyone else.
Also, no, not bad to drink before the TWW. I guess I've just really started being proactive in changing my relationship with alcohol, as I trust it is fine in moderation but I also don't want to drink a lot and then just generally be rundown and have that impact any chance I have of conceiving. I also have mild to moderate depression, and I've just noticed how much more clarity I have around life and calmness I have with TTC when I'm not dealing with those ups and downs. On that note, nope, didn't quit yet - we've decided my last day will be Sept 27th.

I can't quite even express how relieved I am about it! As for the music fest, the BF and I are trying to get all of our fun in now, as we are looking at me being unemployed and pregnant (hopefully) in the near future! FYI, I'm with Lenka on this one - let the italian-food-farts rip lol! If it makes you feel any better, it's worth it.

And I know we have all heard it so much, but one BD is all it takes!!! You aren't even close to out of luck. FX!
Lfrans - Congrats on the house, and that is a great idea to have an exception for the crack. Does it seem like it could be the foundation? If it is the right house for you, it will work out! I'm keeping my fx for you. And thank you for the kind words - I am scared, but that is okay. I'm much happier being scared than miserable lol!
AFM, I've decided I'm going to have a couple of adult beverages at the festival. Today things sort of exploded at work and quite frankly I want to just get my mind off of things. I don't know if I will be on here much this weekend, so everyone have fun and if you don't hear from me I will be back on Monday!
P.S. - I'm totally the caboose! That made me laugh.