Thanks for the kind words about my job, everyone. It actually ended up being a great thing to go through on Monday, as DF and I were able to sit down and come up with a plan of action. We've created a financial plan that will allow me to do volunteer work more in my field FT, so now it is just focusing on achieving what we need to achieve so that I can get there! Madeline, I totally agree - going through the hard times is so important for the soul, but also not so much fun lol! You guys really helped. It has been such a joy to be part of this group, I am just so grateful for you all!!

In the TTC news, we have been BDing a fair amount, but with my long cycle and pokey luteal phase it doesn't count toward conceiving.

Still, I want DF to know that I want him even when I'm not fertile, which he tends to have a pretty good sense of.
As for the body stuff, I think I am more afraid of being in pain and having a total lack of control over what happens to my body (or feeling like I do.) I'm not so afraid of weight gain or the way my body will be after I give birth (although those are very valid fears, and I'm shocked I don't have them, as I, too, recovered from an eating disorder and struggle with body dysmorphia.) I think I am being triggered because of old trauma in feeling like I couldn't control what was happening to my body. It really helped to put my finger on what was going on, as I've started to be able to process it.

I want a BFP so badly, but I also have this visceral reaction to the idea that there will be a baby inside of me, and there is (hopefully) no going back at that point! Does that make sense?
In other news, we are going to Bunbury Music Festival this weekend, which is a three day event. Everyone is drinking and pre-gaming at each other's pools - I'm so nervous because I don't really want to drink, but man will they be on to me if I am not enjoying an adult beverage when I'm poolside! On the plus side, amazing, live music is coming my way in less than 24 hours.
Lfrans - Welcome back! Congrats on the BDing and the offer on the house! It is scary but also exciting, I'm sure.

I haven't mc'd myself, but I have heard that a lot of women take a while to get back to their normal schedule. FX that your regular cycle returns (or that you get your BFP and don't have to worry about it for 9 months!

Lenka - How's cutting back on dairy going? And you are 2 dpo now, right? It's getting exciting! I hear you about the small wedding. Actually hearing you and Madeline talk about your plans inspired me to bring up doing something small with DF, and we are both actually really getting into the idea! Do you ever get a chance to go back and visit family? My dad is from outside the US and it can be very hard for him to see everyone sometimes.
Steph - I did find my birth mother. Her name is Annie. I did not pursue a relationship with her, but I have kept in touch with uncles, cousins, etc. Annie is great, but not very reliable, so I didn't want to set myself up to be hurt. Plus my (adoptive) mom and I are best friends - she is the best mom I could ever hope for, so it isn't like I was looking to have a need filled by Annie. She was shocked when she ended up pregnant at 42! She had tried for 17 years!! Talk about LTTTC! I am keeping my fingers crossed that you guys did not miss your o and that you will BD at the most opportune time! That story about your neighbors cracked me up. I can't even imagine! I guess you wouldn't really want your new roommate to think you were trying to show them up lol!
Madeline - how is the CM? The acne? Seriously, thank you so much for the kind words about my job. I know you and your DH have been through the ringer around this issue, and it really can be so hard to get up and go somewhere when you feel like your potential could be used more positively in so many other ways!
I am SO excited that you are all (with potentially the exception of Steph) in your TWW! I am living to see us all get our BFPs. Steph, I'm hoping that you are getting lots of EWCM and BDing away!