3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

I just realized that I have been eating a lot of dairy products lately. :dohh: No more!!!
maybe the diary elimination will help you get lots of EWCM in the future. I too am going to avoid dairy near O time (probably from AF to O). But you did BD, so the game is afoot!! :)
I am envisioning you in your long white gown with baby bump! Of course I don't know what you look like, but I see you looking fabulous with that pregnancy glow as you walk down the aisle (or the beach, or wherever you end up getting married). DH and I also opted for a tiny wedding (28 people, including us) and a really fun honeymoon and down payment on the house we bought (which we now don't live in-we rent it out). I'm glad we did it that way, though I do love being a guest at other people's lavish weddings, lol!

So, funny thing- today I woke up holding my boobs because there were....hmmm..tingly? not painful, but I just noticed their presence. It's still too early for me to get excited about what that could mean, but it was funny. Maybe I was dreaming about sore boobs and BFPs!!!

As we are moving into our new house (which, btw, only as ONE closet in the whole thing-darn those 1910 era houses!!), I keep thinking about where we will put baby items when we get them and need them. It's kind of fun to imagine our little one coming home to our new house. I will keep putting out those positive mental thoughts.
Hey ladies long time no write...we just got our computer set up last night so I hope to make areal reply to everything tonight because it sucks trying with my phone. I wanted to day I think I'm ovulating early and I'm kicking myself for not having done something earlier!! We did bd this morning...not last night, long story I'll explain later but pretty funny....so I guess we did once. It's been stressful with new.roomie my birthday and family events. Today is only cd 11...I've never ever ovulated this early but I'm having the cramps and today is 3rd day of ewcm.Well maybe only second. Sunday was a mix of the two. Usually I have ewcm for a few days...like a river. Dammit!!!I hope we didn't miss our chance. Madeline how many dpo are you??
Hi Steph,
glad you got a BD in!! Happy Birthday!!!! I think you deserve another BD to celebrate your Birthday and also your EWCM!! Maybe the planets will align and you'll have the time and opportunity today- you may be Oing sometime today and the egg is still good for something like 12-24 hrs? I am not totally clear on this!

Today I am 5dpo, I believe. Woot!
Steph, I wanted to wish you a happy birthday last Saturday, but was so upset about “not ovulating” that I completely forgot. Let me say Happy Birthday and I wish you BFP in a few days… :winkwink: Maybe you should BD tomorrow morning also, just to be safe?
We BDed yesterday and I doubt that my BF will want to do it again tonight. He literally runs away from me when I say it's time... Funny, it was the other way around in the past… :ninja:
Madeline, 28 guest at your wedding... It is not a very small wedding in my opinion. I was thinking like 10 max…
One closet, you said. Maybe, your hubby can keep his cloth in a draw… :winkwink:
Keep us posted about your dpo symptoms please.
Hey guys! Lenka, glad you got your smiley face! Sounds like you got some good BDing in. It is funny how both you and Madeline mentioned that the tables turn right around O, ay? Madeline, I don't discuss it with DF, either. He does ask every once in a while, but I don't want it to be the main focus of things, so I keep ovulation, etc., to myself. I also don't want to deal with the pressure on either one of us. If he asks I tell him, but other then that we haven't changed too much! :blush:

As far as childbirth goes, I think I'm just easily bothered by feeling like I'm not in control of what is happening to my body. If I had any idea what to expect or how to deal with it, it would probably be a bit easier! I guess I've never been afraid of not conceiving only because my biological mom had me when she was 16 and went on to have 4 more children (into her 40s), so I have just unconsciously assumed that I inherited her fertility. However, that could be entirely off-point, as this is only our second cycle trying, so I have no idea! Plus I don't even know if fertility is something that is typically inherited. Oy vey, there are so many unknowns with this TTC journey.

Madeline, tingly boobs, that's GREAT!!! That's one of the symptoms that is not typically attributed to PMS, as far as I've heard. :happydance: I am so keeping my FXd that this is your cycle! All four of you are ahead of me and my pokey cycle at this point, right? I think Kesh just O'd and Steph, it sounds like you are likely to O today? I really don't think I will O for another week, maybe 5 days. :cry:

Madeline - Where did you go for your honeymoon? I think DF and I want to do a rooftop deck party with heavy hors d'oeuvres, cocktails, etc. Something fun and celebratory without being a fortune in catering, etc! How is the moving in? One closet!!! Although those types of things tend to work themselves out. DF's house is older and I'm really working on finding a routine/storage, etc., that works.

Lenka - I love that you already have a dress for your wedding, and maybe room for a little one. :flower:

Steph - sounds like you could have caught it for sure! Can't wait to hear your story. A new roommate plus family plus birthday celebrations is a busy week!

AFM, I've got to admit, I've been super down yesterday and today. The job is really getting to me this week and for some reason my depression is feeling a bit worse. I just feel like I'm wading through quicksand - I interview, but don't get jobs. I've been kicking up my workouts, but I don't see what I want to see. I don't know, just so much change and lack of control, I guess. Blah, there's my rant for the day. :wacko:
Finally a computer! The monitor is really far away from my keyboard so I'm having trouble reading what I'm writing lol oops!:haha: Also thanks for the birthday wishes!

Madeline--5 dpo already, sweet! I'd start symptom spotting in a couple days :D Keep us updated on stuff

Natto--So sorry about your job being frustrating and having a frustrating job hunt. It's so painful not getting interviews or getting interviews and not the job. I won't say something will come along becase although it's true, it's not helpful to hear. :hugs: Rant away, friend! We're hoping for the best for you! I can't wait to say congrats!!

Childbirth...both my mom and my mil both did their births naturally so I always just assumed I was going to do the same. I still am for one..but holy cow after learning more about how DESTROYED everything gets down there...I need to start learning how to breathe and be less of a wimp!!:blush: It IS scary but they say you forget it after it happens, well, mostly...and when they hand you that baby covered in slime, it changes everything so it's definitely worth a go. I agree--I just want to be able to experience that.

Lenka--I'm confused...did you not o then? Or was it unsure? fx you did. lol about the bf saying NO MORE. I don't know if I'd ever hear that from my dh...:haha: Whens the wedding anyway? I must have missed that...

So Natto--do know your birth mother then? So cool your mom adopted...I hear that so often. That a woman adopts then the stress kinda goes away so she's able to conceive after. I guess it's a good thing to relax. Easier said than done...

Not sure for sure if I did o today. I am not having really any more cm but I'll wait another day or two to see for sure.
hello everyone, i sorta disappeared after i was out last month, but continued lurking around once in a while to see what everyone was up to. I think i am 1dpo today. bd-ed like crazy the past few nights so hopefully it will all work. i am currently in the process of putting an offer onto a house and freaking out. i hope the stress of buying a new home doesnt impact me this cycle

Lenka - i totally hear you about your bf running away. my husband just seems annoyed at this point. I have been o-ing later than usual since my mc so we have been bd-ing for what seems like forever! driving both of us nuts
I think I O-ed yesterday, June 9th. I am pretty sure I did... Let the waiting game begin. :wacko:

Steph, we have not set a date for the wedding yet. Just agreed that we would get married once we move to CA. Will just go to a city hall probably, have a nice dinner with a couple of friends. That is it. Any way, my whole family lives in Russia, and my parents are over 60, I do not want to put them through such a long flight.

How does everybody feel? :flower:
Hi Steph,
glad you got a BD in!! Happy Birthday!!!! I think you deserve another BD to celebrate your Birthday and also your EWCM!! Maybe the planets will align and you'll have the time and opportunity today- you may be Oing sometime today and the egg is still good for something like 12-24 hrs? I am not totally clear on this!

Today I am 5dpo, I believe. Woot!

Madeline, I was wondering how long is your cycle? If you don't mind me asking.
Any symptoms yet? :flower:
Lenka- ask all the questions that you want!
My cycle is 28 days, pretty much all the time (one month there was an exception of 31 days).
However, I am pretty sure I O'd Thursday, not Friday...but I BD Friday just in case ;)

lfrans- welcome back! Glad you and DH got to BD away this cycle! I can relate about being exhausted, my DH and I have had the same experience. For us, 5x/week (which is what we got in this past week, ) is A LOT. We are usually not more than 1-2x/week. Sorry for the TMI.

Natto-I am sending you lots of hugs and support across the ethers for your challenges with your job. Ugh. It can be so hard to rally the motivation to walk into a place you are not happy every day . I've been there, and I've seen DH go through the job hunt (to no avail) process. All I can say is that it is character building, and hopefully one day the wisdom, tenacity, and strength you've had to cultivate to get through it will come to be an advantage for you. Fingers crossed that something opens up soon. Don't give up!!!

Steph- I hope you O'd and that it aligned with your BD frequency. Glad you have a DH who is up for a BD any time- yay! I think BD wears my DH out, lol! Could be because he's 40. I commend him when we do it 2x/row, whether it's BD or simply for the pleasure of it :)

Natto-funny you mentioned the idea of feeling out of control with your body regarding childbirth, etc. The one area where I do get concerned is how my body will change when I get pregnant. I've worked really hard to maintain a healthy weight and be active, two things that I protect a lot in my life. I've had past issues with eating disorder and body image issues, so being in a place now where I am okay with my body an accept it (even respect it!) is great. I'm afraid of the weight gain- not so much DURING pregnancy, but the weight that will remain afterward. Anybody else have these fears?

AFM, no symptoms yet, but yes, Steph- I am on the lookout at 6DPO0. I have a fair amount of CM today, but I don't know if its abnormal. It's been an emotional day, just the stress of moving and DH job status and our financial status, but I think it's circumstantial. THe other thing I'm experiencing is acne! What?!! I do get that around my AF, but these white heads are bugging the heck out of me. Could be my diet, or the stress. No more sensations in my boobs yet, but I'll keep you gals posted!

I chuckle a bit that I am actually going to report the status of my boobs to you wonderful ladies :) I love how TTC bonds us in ways that are just hard to explain to others.
Madeline--Never apologize for the tmi. this whole thread and forum is filled with tmi!! The disappointing thing was we did not align bd with o. Not sure if I did o though, I am thinking I didn't because cd 11 is much too early. I'm sure the fountain of ewcm will come back. This time, new roomie or no, we're going to :sex: away!! The reason why we didn't the night before was because we were having wine on the back patio with the new roommate when suddenly we noticed our neighbors bding of their own.....i mean, blatantly, right in front of the window with the lights on and the blinds open. At one point the guy turned to face us. :dohh: NEVER seen that one before. Needless to say, it was pretty funny....but not really putting us in the mood for our roommate to hear MORE of that.:haha::haha: (our walls are PAPER thin.)

Ifrans, welcome back! Glad you took the opportunity and ran with it...you say you've been oing lately after the mc. how long ago was it? Very sorry to hear...but I think I experienced the same thing. I oed last month on cd 19 which is the latest i have ever.

Natto/Madeline-- Yes, the gaining the weight after pregnancy. That...not looking forward to. I'm mostly though not looking forward to saggy boobs and stretch marks. My body is pretty fit now and I like it the way it is. I guess no pain, no gain, right?

Lenka--So now you're officially in the TWW! Congrats! I can't remember if you said this was your first tww or not. fx!!

And I'm coming down with a cold...AGAIN. I eat well, sleep at least 8 hours a night, exercise, wash my hands....what else could I be doing dr madeline? I can't seem to go more than 3 months (if I'm lucky) without a 3 week long sickness in there. /whine
Steph, your story about your neighbors bd-ing is so hilarious. :haha:

Sorry to hear about your cold... lets see what Madeline would suggest. I know, in Russia they eat a lot of raw onions and garlic (with food) especially during the winter and it does help. I am not an expert, far from it, but maybe your immune system is not strong enough... And you should somehow make it stronger... :hugs:

It is my second tww. However, this time I feel much more laid back. My AF is due July 20th-21st, and I do not think I am going to test before that.

PS I just adore how you all write your posts. So interesting, smart, full with kind words. :flower:
Madeline - oh i hear you, we never bd 5 days a week usually, and we definately did that. also, since my mc, ive been ovulating late. Im not sure if my body will jump back to its normal textbook o on day 14 status, so we were bd-ing on and off for 10 days (3 days a break, 6 days a break...) a bit much. he kinda looked at me tonight and requested a break!

Steph - I mc-ed end of april, got my first af may 22, o-ed cd-19, then this cycle i thought i o-ed day 14, cuz my temp rose, but then it fell again, i think i o-ed yesterday which was cd-18, but ill see if my temp stays up or not. driving me nuts. Also, i had ewcm on and off for 10 days, so i was using both bbt and cm to figure things out. Its really annoying and i miss my regular cycle. I hope if i do not get a bfp that my normal cycle comes back soon. lol, i live alone with husband, but my best friend lives below us, so can be a bit awkward, luckily, she is in the same boat and totally gets it.

Lenka - how far are you into your TWW? I should be getting af around 22-23, so we are pretty close :) I believe i am 1dpo, but ill see what fertility friend has to say.

Life otherwise is crazy, we went again to look at a house today, waiting for mmy agent to send me the offer to sign. so scary! My DH has also had some job issues this year, he is on his 3rd job in a year. luckily he has been lucky and continues to get new jobs, but has taken a pay cut. I dont love my job, was looking to switch, but my mat leave is good, so i want to take advantage and then move on.
I ovulated (as I think) yesterday, which was cd 16, so I am at 1 dpo too!
Ooo, good luck with your purchase!!!
lenka - hmm.. i thought i ovulated 2 days ago, but fertility friend says 3 days, so i dunno, im now somewhere between 2-3 dpo. lets say 2.5 :)
Hello Ladies!!! I just got back from my 3 week vacation. To my surprise, we're still going strong on this thread, so instead of starting a new one for this next TWW, I thought I'd let you know that I went for my D-IUI yesterday so today it's officially the big 1 dpo. So here it goes, the awesome insanity of the TWW! :)

Here's hoping that we get some BFP's this time around. Wahoo!
Thanks for the kind words about my job, everyone. It actually ended up being a great thing to go through on Monday, as DF and I were able to sit down and come up with a plan of action. We've created a financial plan that will allow me to do volunteer work more in my field FT, so now it is just focusing on achieving what we need to achieve so that I can get there! Madeline, I totally agree - going through the hard times is so important for the soul, but also not so much fun lol! You guys really helped. It has been such a joy to be part of this group, I am just so grateful for you all!! :hugs: In the TTC news, we have been BDing a fair amount, but with my long cycle and pokey luteal phase it doesn't count toward conceiving. :blush: Still, I want DF to know that I want him even when I'm not fertile, which he tends to have a pretty good sense of.

As for the body stuff, I think I am more afraid of being in pain and having a total lack of control over what happens to my body (or feeling like I do.) I'm not so afraid of weight gain or the way my body will be after I give birth (although those are very valid fears, and I'm shocked I don't have them, as I, too, recovered from an eating disorder and struggle with body dysmorphia.) I think I am being triggered because of old trauma in feeling like I couldn't control what was happening to my body. It really helped to put my finger on what was going on, as I've started to be able to process it. :happydance: I want a BFP so badly, but I also have this visceral reaction to the idea that there will be a baby inside of me, and there is (hopefully) no going back at that point! Does that make sense?

In other news, we are going to Bunbury Music Festival this weekend, which is a three day event. Everyone is drinking and pre-gaming at each other's pools - I'm so nervous because I don't really want to drink, but man will they be on to me if I am not enjoying an adult beverage when I'm poolside! On the plus side, amazing, live music is coming my way in less than 24 hours. :happydance:

Lfrans - Welcome back! Congrats on the BDing and the offer on the house! It is scary but also exciting, I'm sure. :hugs: I haven't mc'd myself, but I have heard that a lot of women take a while to get back to their normal schedule. FX that your regular cycle returns (or that you get your BFP and don't have to worry about it for 9 months! :hugs:)

Lenka - How's cutting back on dairy going? And you are 2 dpo now, right? It's getting exciting! I hear you about the small wedding. Actually hearing you and Madeline talk about your plans inspired me to bring up doing something small with DF, and we are both actually really getting into the idea! Do you ever get a chance to go back and visit family? My dad is from outside the US and it can be very hard for him to see everyone sometimes.

Steph - I did find my birth mother. Her name is Annie. I did not pursue a relationship with her, but I have kept in touch with uncles, cousins, etc. Annie is great, but not very reliable, so I didn't want to set myself up to be hurt. Plus my (adoptive) mom and I are best friends - she is the best mom I could ever hope for, so it isn't like I was looking to have a need filled by Annie. She was shocked when she ended up pregnant at 42! She had tried for 17 years!! Talk about LTTTC! I am keeping my fingers crossed that you guys did not miss your o and that you will BD at the most opportune time! That story about your neighbors cracked me up. I can't even imagine! I guess you wouldn't really want your new roommate to think you were trying to show them up lol!

Madeline - how is the CM? The acne? Seriously, thank you so much for the kind words about my job. I know you and your DH have been through the ringer around this issue, and it really can be so hard to get up and go somewhere when you feel like your potential could be used more positively in so many other ways!

I am SO excited that you are all (with potentially the exception of Steph) in your TWW! I am living to see us all get our BFPs. Steph, I'm hoping that you are getting lots of EWCM and BDing away!
My update posted before I saw you were back, Tynmeg! The woman that started this awesome little group! :hugs: How was your vacation? Back in the TWW, very exciting! Keeping FX for everyone. :flower:
I'm there too!! Or at least I'm pretty sure I am. New to the forums : ) I think my friends are getting tired of hearing me obsess about TTC!!!

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