Ugh, this move is never ending! We have moved almost all of my stuff into DF's house but there is still more to do. Plus my furniture isn't over there yet, so there isn't enough storage for everything. There is stuff everywhere, which does not settle well with my neat-freak ways lol. We are moving furniture the 20th - I am so ready for this move to be done. I have moved six times in the last year (long story, back and forth between different family houses, up to Columbus for an internship, etc...) Ready to be in one place. And Steph, you would crack up - it has consistently been in the 70s here and I've been wrapped up in a sweater every day! If it isn't in the 80s I can't stand being in the water or in a bathing suit for that matter. Although it sounds like it isn't as hot here as it is in the Sacramento area! I agree Madeline, the change is hard. I love my condo and was so happy to finally have my own place, but this is what makes sense. Plus I don't want to be moving while I'm pregnant. But it is always bittersweet to give up a home you love. Like you said, it does ease the pain a lot to know it is still mine and it is always there.
How cool that your DH builds road bikes! And Steph, you are learning the accordion?! That is so cool! What made you want to take that up? I feel like my biggest talent is effectively winning an argument, probably why I became an attorney!

It is so relaxing to listen to BF play, and I know it sounds cheesy but I'm so proud of his talent. I didn't make it to Pride this year, we had so much to do and it was just a torrential downpour, but I understand, we pretty much only go to queer or queer-friendly bars. Downtown Cincinnati is actually becoming a cool place, so it's fun to go down there. The gay bars in Cincy tend to be super cliquey and full of my exes (I pretty much only dated women before meeting DF), so I tend to try and avoid the drama. But I am excited at the prospect of seeing someone dressed up as a unicorn! When did that become a thing?

I wonder if you know my best friend and her wife, they live in Seattle and are expecting, and have meet some wonderful people out there! (I know Seattle is big, but sometimes the world can be surprisingly small!)
Madeline, I'm so sorry to hear your DH did not get the job. I'm glad the data analysis opportunity somewhat helps the blow, I'm sure his spirits were low about it. Is he able to use things like that data analysis opportunity to keep his resume up to date? I know that's a part of why I do the pro bono work I do, even though I have a position right now... Plus it really does help the hardest part of it, which is that you worked so hard to develop these skills and can't find anyone who (in your mind) values them. How are you processing him not getting it? I know you mentioned that you've been feeling a fair amount of pressure around that...
For the 4th we are going to the Northside parade, which is a neighborhood thing but something that is a big deal. DF's parents and brother are coming up (they are from Louisville) and my parents will be there - they are meeting for the first time, eek!! And no beer to help grease the social wheels, as I'm not drinking this month! Should be interesting.... But I know they will get along.
Madeline - it sounds like you don't need preseed! I have to use it, as sadly the medicine I take really does a number on my CM. Having said that, I have no idea about you having dry CM, as that tends to be all I have! Are the OPKs reliable? Today was my first time using them, so I fear I can't really give any input on the subject! But you guys are BDing, so if this is your window at least you aren't missing it!

I wouldn't use preseed if you don't need it - from what I've heard, the natural CM is what is best! Plus I do think it could exacerbate it becoming difficult to finish, which would NOT be good! (Things I never thought I would say over the internet to a woman I've not met - I'm jealous of your CM!

I've got a good feeling about July as well!!! Steph, hopefully your husband is onto something.