3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

I never thought I'd say "congratulations!" on a person's ewcm but yeay!!:happydance: I usually get ewcm for about 4 days so you might not have ovulated quite yet...in the meantime... bd away! fx this is your cycle! I miscalculated my lp this month because although I was at 16dpo when my period started, it resets to a new month with the start of a new period...which would make the lp only 15 days. what cd did you think you ovulated last month? I can't remember...you said you've been ttc for four months...did you just get off the pill or did you wait a few months until things regulated before ttc

I was looking at my chart and my o day should be anywhere from july 14 to 18...just like natto lol.

Steph, yeah, it's funny what you celebrate when you are TTC, eh? I never thought I'd care so much about my CM, let alone write about it, lol!

So, I got of of birth control pills at the end of Dec 2012. We started trying-ish in March, and then actively in April.

Here is something I was thinking about:
During birth control I always go my period about 7-9:30 am on Tues morning of AF week. The pattern continued after I got off birth control without a hitch. My cycles have been 28 days since getting off of birth control, just as they were on birth control....with ONE exception:

In May I did a triathlon on May 4th, which was really intense, as was the entire weekend. That month I had a 31.5 day cycle :) Yes, the .5 day counts, as AF arrived about 2:30pm that day!!
So, My "Fertility Friend" AP tracked that I would now be ovulating on a Friday, instead of a tuesday or wed (again, assuming I O on CD14.

Today when I got my EWCM, and on my OPK there was a line beginning to darken. I might O more like Tuesday, which is what my previous pattern would be, whereas I was expecting it to be Friday.

However, I don't know if this makes sense scientifically. If I have one late cycle, does my whole cycle shift indefinitely from that point on, or does my body really want to O on Tuesday, lol!!! :)

any thoughts, ladies? Steph, is it just you and me now??
Hey ladies! Madeline, you couldn't have thought you guys got rid of me that easily! :haha: Wow, what a weekend! I had to dog sit and we spent most of it (outside of songwriter night) moving my things into BF's house. It is a lot of work to combine two households into one! I feel like all day yesterday it was like, "do we need 5 wooden spoons? Do we need 3 vegetable peelers?" Good thing I am in major nesting mode lol. I'm a little sad to let go of my condo, but I'm trusting the process and focusing on the awesome future ahead. Steph, you remembered correctly - Ohio is hot and the humidity is almost unbearable in the summer. This weekend was unusually cold - too cold for the pool! (High 70s). How was the bachelorette party? Madeline, how was the game? Did the As win? I'm a Red Sox fan myself. (My mom's whole family is from the east coast, being a Red Sox fan wasn't an option growing up!) Madeline, I'm curious about what kind of yoga you teach as well?

Yes, BF is pretty awesome - he plays guitar and sings. He writes all his own music and I've got to give it to him, he's good! :blush: One of my favorite things to do is go outside, sit on the deck and listen to him play while I enjoy a beer! I am not musically inclined in the slightest lol. Music is his passion for sure.

Madeline - sounds like things are looking promising! I am so new to this whole tracking O thing that it is hard for me to say anything about your situation, but it sounds like your body is sending you messages about your ovulation, so it's a good thing that you guys BD'd! It seems like your body probably wouldn't change your entire cycle based on one longer cycle, but that's just my thought on it. When you used the OPKs did you start on day 5? I'm starting mine tomorrow and hoping I can get some sense of what is going on with my body from them! I'm really excited about the preseed, I've read a lot of women say that after trying for a few months they got their BFP the first month they used it. I hate having to use something because of my meds :wacko:, but I'm super happy that there is a product that makes the chances of conception go up! It is definitely the most I've ever spent on lube as well lol, but well worth it!

Cheers to hoping that Madeline comes in with the first BFP and Steph and I bring up the rear with two more! :hugs: And I have to say, talk about the fates being awesome and showing how kid-friendly people will come into your life, Steph - you already found two new friends who love and are so excited to have babies! I know it's not the same, but it is definitely a nice little example of how you will gravitate toward people who will see your little one(s) as joys, not annoyances. :hugs: Madeline, I can't wait until you get your BFP. I can imagine how hard it is to feel left out of an experience that everyone else in your life is having, and that you want so badly. Your day is coming! :happydance:
Hi Ready, So glad you are still here! Ugh, I forgot that you moved this weekend- yes, that is mighty time and energy consuming. I have moved so many darn times in my adult life, and there is always that moment where I get a little scared or saddened at whatever I am leaving behind, even when I know the move is the absolute right thing. It's change, no matter if good change. Luckily you still keep your condo, right? We own a home in Oregon that we rent out, and I miss living in that house, but I know that it is still ours, should we ever want or need to live there again.

Nice that you found quite a talented fellow- creativity is always a plus in a partners. My DH builds road bikes on the side (including mine!) and I love watching him work- he's like a little artist!!

The A's game was fun, albeing HOT (90, which is hot for the Bay Area). A's got spanked by the Cardinals, but my FIL was there, who is a big Cardinal's fan so he was happy :) I mostly go for the social element and the overpriced beer, lol!!

So, we BD this AM again as I had more EWCM. Still nothing on the OPKs, but hopefully we will BD more this week!

My DH did NOT get the job we were awaiting news on. He is pretty angry right now, feeling so defeated and as if nobody wants any of his skills. It's hard to console him, as I have no tangible evidence to the contrary. However one of his former Grad School Research mentors contacted him and wants to pay him a little $$ to do their data analysis. That is good news, as he perked up a little when somebody said they want his skills. It's not going to be a major dent in our income, but it's momentum nonetheless...

Ok ladies, it's July 1- another month and therefore another opportunity for us to get our BFP.

Ready- I got some Pre Seed too, but I'm wondering if I should use it. Warning, TMI moment ahead: Sometimes when we BD my DH has difficulty 'finishing' b/c I am too moist, and today that was the case (thought we regrouped and did finish the act to fruition). Do you think using PreSeed would exacerbate the issue? I haven't opened mine yet to know what it feels like. Sorry for the TMI, I just don't want to accidentally tip the cards in the WRONG direction, hahaha!!

So, we BD again thsi
Woohoo for moving! Glad it was a little cooler of a weekend to move in...although you seriously made me lol when you said the 70s is too cold to go in the swimming pool. 70s is mid summer perfect weather here in Seattle, where people will willingly dive into glacier-fed mountain lakes to cool off!

Oh the bachelorette party...we went out to gar bars for pride weekend and it was insanity. Let's just say dressing up as a unicorn is now a thing! The only bars I go to now anymore are gay bars but that was new to me :haha:

Natto--Singer/songwriter thing is awesome. So cool you can listen to your bf practice...sounds so relaxing! I love my man to death but singing on tune is not his specialty. Though, I can't say anything because now I'm learning the accordion and hitting a wrong note on an accordion doesn't sound so great either :haha: And Madeline--your dh builds mountain bikes? How cool is that! Where in Oregon did you live? We'd love to live there...what a great state!

So sorry your dh didn't get the job...so frustrating. I think July is our month though! Dh said a few days ago "I have a good feeling about July...I think it's going to bring good things" I asked him what he meant by good things, and he said, "Jobs...baby." :cloud9: Hopefully he's right...for ALL of us! Those are two things we all want!

I don't know much about preseed but I'm wondering if it's as helpful as people say it is...esp since it might be conterproductive for you. I was fully believing that you should only bd every other day before the o day but now that I looked into it, it seems more often is better(lower sperm count but better quality)... I'd look into some more. TOO much cm...now that's a problem most of us don't have!
Steph-ooh, Seattle is one of our favorite cities! My best friend lives in Kirkland, so I get to visit on occasion. We went frequently when living in Oregon. We lived in Salem-not the 'coolest' town in OR (I LOOOVVEEE Portland and surrounding area), but we landed there b/c it is so proximal to mountains, ocean, P-town, Eugene and it was really affordable. We go there about 1x/year. I dream about moving back to OR, but the job market is no so great there, especially for DH's field, though mine too.

So, I just checked my CM and it seems dry??!! Also OPK's are showing nothing but the standard faint line up against the dark control line. What is going on? Can CM change so quickly? Maybe I just got it at a dry moment? I don't know. My body is weird, that is all I can say.

I love what your DH said about July being our month. Yes, yes, yes!! I am sending out positive energy for your DH to get a job too and for Ready to also find a job that she enjoys, and for my DH to also find something.

Anybody have special plans for the 4th? We are doing nothing really. It's going to be 108 degrees- no thank you to outdoor activities. One thing I miss is having temperate summers. The summers near Sacramento, CA (I live near there) are blazing and not that fun for outdoor stuff. I'll enjoy vicariously through you all!!
Ugh, this move is never ending! We have moved almost all of my stuff into DF's house but there is still more to do. Plus my furniture isn't over there yet, so there isn't enough storage for everything. There is stuff everywhere, which does not settle well with my neat-freak ways lol. We are moving furniture the 20th - I am so ready for this move to be done. I have moved six times in the last year (long story, back and forth between different family houses, up to Columbus for an internship, etc...) Ready to be in one place. And Steph, you would crack up - it has consistently been in the 70s here and I've been wrapped up in a sweater every day! If it isn't in the 80s I can't stand being in the water or in a bathing suit for that matter. Although it sounds like it isn't as hot here as it is in the Sacramento area! I agree Madeline, the change is hard. I love my condo and was so happy to finally have my own place, but this is what makes sense. Plus I don't want to be moving while I'm pregnant. But it is always bittersweet to give up a home you love. Like you said, it does ease the pain a lot to know it is still mine and it is always there.

How cool that your DH builds road bikes! And Steph, you are learning the accordion?! That is so cool! What made you want to take that up? I feel like my biggest talent is effectively winning an argument, probably why I became an attorney! :haha: It is so relaxing to listen to BF play, and I know it sounds cheesy but I'm so proud of his talent. I didn't make it to Pride this year, we had so much to do and it was just a torrential downpour, but I understand, we pretty much only go to queer or queer-friendly bars. Downtown Cincinnati is actually becoming a cool place, so it's fun to go down there. The gay bars in Cincy tend to be super cliquey and full of my exes (I pretty much only dated women before meeting DF), so I tend to try and avoid the drama. But I am excited at the prospect of seeing someone dressed up as a unicorn! When did that become a thing? :haha: I wonder if you know my best friend and her wife, they live in Seattle and are expecting, and have meet some wonderful people out there! (I know Seattle is big, but sometimes the world can be surprisingly small!)

Madeline, I'm so sorry to hear your DH did not get the job. I'm glad the data analysis opportunity somewhat helps the blow, I'm sure his spirits were low about it. Is he able to use things like that data analysis opportunity to keep his resume up to date? I know that's a part of why I do the pro bono work I do, even though I have a position right now... Plus it really does help the hardest part of it, which is that you worked so hard to develop these skills and can't find anyone who (in your mind) values them. How are you processing him not getting it? I know you mentioned that you've been feeling a fair amount of pressure around that...

For the 4th we are going to the Northside parade, which is a neighborhood thing but something that is a big deal. DF's parents and brother are coming up (they are from Louisville) and my parents will be there - they are meeting for the first time, eek!! And no beer to help grease the social wheels, as I'm not drinking this month! Should be interesting.... But I know they will get along.

Madeline - it sounds like you don't need preseed! I have to use it, as sadly the medicine I take really does a number on my CM. Having said that, I have no idea about you having dry CM, as that tends to be all I have! Are the OPKs reliable? Today was my first time using them, so I fear I can't really give any input on the subject! But you guys are BDing, so if this is your window at least you aren't missing it! :thumbup: I wouldn't use preseed if you don't need it - from what I've heard, the natural CM is what is best! Plus I do think it could exacerbate it becoming difficult to finish, which would NOT be good! (Things I never thought I would say over the internet to a woman I've not met - I'm jealous of your CM! :haha:)

I've got a good feeling about July as well!!! Steph, hopefully your husband is onto something. :happydance:
Hi gals,
I am laughing at your comment about CM envy, Natto! I also never thought in a million years I'd have these conversations about CM, my sex life, the shape of my cervix, etc. with total strangers.
The funny thing is, you gals don't feel too much like strangers. You feel like very special women brought into my life at a very special time- we are bonded by our collective desire to start a family, and then we get to learn about one another along the way. How cool!

Natto- I feel your frustration in the moving process, I'll be there in about a week! You will feel SOO good when it's all done, and remember that this transition is totally temporary. I too hate having dissarray and unfinished business. It's a Virgo thing, in my case. I have heard Cinci is a cool place from a colleague that recently moved from there. Sounds fun and colorful!!! I used to work for a group that did HIV research in San Diego, and about 98% of the staff was gay. I loved going out with them -such a fun, open hearted, open minded crowd. TOtally different that some of the bars in SD where were total meat markets.

Gosh, I would pay money right now for some 70-80 degree weather. It's 100+ for several days in a row and the air is fraught with dust, pollution, etc. because it's also a little windy. Boo. I have been cooped up for 3 days now!

DH is not taking the news well at all. He went into an emotional spiral yesterday, which stayed with him this AM. Needless to say, no BD for us last night :( Natto, it's like you say-he feels like nobody wants his skills that he worked hard to get. However, the short term data analysis gig might perk him up. At least it's work commensurate with his experience and education. Let's hope so because I need a couple more BD sessions this week, lol!

Today I used my OPK's and I got the result in the pic attached. This could mean I am either on my way up, or on my way down. So hard to tell, b/c I have more creamy CM today, though it it still stretchy, just darker. I will keep using OPKs

I want this to be all of our months, so I'm keeping Fx for all of us. I really need at least one more episode :sex (sorry, I just found all the emoticons!!) and I want to set us up for success this month, especially since it's the first I've really noticed EWCM.

WHen will you ladies O this month? Mine either happened maybe yesterday?? or it's going to happen in next couple of days. This is like a mystery!!


  • LHtestJuly2.jpg
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Will write more later, only have a minute, but oh my gosh when I saw that I thought it was a BFP and my heart jumped!!!
Don't I wish......but for today I'll settle for an (almost) positive OPK!
Madeline, I thought so too about BFP I was like O.O DON'T TOY WITH OUR EMOTIONS :D :D

Hey Salem is pretty cool. I like Portland but I'm more of a fan of other parts of OR. It's such a gorgeous state. Actually, on that note, Natto, Ohio is crazy pretty too. My dad is from Canton...not such a pretty city but the country side on that side is gorgeous. What is your first name anyway if you don't mind? Your name brings back sad memories of living in Japan and trying so hard to love natto, and being surprised each time how TERRIBLE it tasted too. Isn't that the definition of insanity? Trying something multiple times expecting a new result?:haha:

I have to say I am kinda glad I'm not in your shoes right now! Moving...with STUFF ugh I hate clutter...doesn't sound fun at all! Esp the 108 degrees.

So sorry to hear about how disappointed your DH is. That breaks my heart...I won't say that the perfect job is out there waiting for him because I'm sure he's heard that a million times and it just sounds hollow and gross.

As for ttc, i'd just bd every day if i were you. Maybe that would cheer him up?? hehe. Take another opk tomorrow and see if you're on the rise...hopefully!!:happydance:

So jealous ladies, can't wait to be further on in my cycle so I can tell you all about my cervix and cm! I feel so left out!! :haha: O day should be somewhere around natto. 14-18, I think. I think my cycles are getting longer, grr.
and LOL about your only talent being winning arguments...what a lawyer you are :wink: I've never been able to win an argument to save my life! And I was at a knitting circle in the mall when they had an accordion showcase with free lessons. I ended up taking the lesson and loving it...and the teacher is the sweetest old guy ever. Lent me an accordion and everything!
Steph- I love how malls in Seattle have knitting circles......and accordion masters. There is so much creativity and community in the Northwest. It is our dream to move back there....somewhere...probably not Salem, but maybe Seattle. My heart aches for the Pac NW on a regular basis. I had no idea what beauty resided up there, as I'd never been really until we moved there in 2006. We came back in 2009 to CA for grad school and here we are. It's good here, I like NorCal and all of our family/friends from many years are here. How could we take grandbaby #1 away from my DHs folks?? Lol! When we do move back to the Northwest, they'll all be retired so they can come visit!

I just did another OPK (why, b/c I am OBSESSED!!). It seems somewhat less dark than eariler to day, but still darker than the standard line that just shows they are valid. CM pretty stretchy and CP is high, soft and posterior.

Steph, I wish you were farther along too,but you'll get here and then we can cheer on your EWCM, CP, and BD extravaganza.

Hubby is in a perkier mood, so maybe BD later :)
Still darker than the control line? That's exciting!! :sex: away, my friend! And tomorrow morning...just in case ;) So glad you got those opk. Are you temping?

LOL about the knitting circle...I know PNW is a weird, but beautiful place! I hope you can move out here....maybe dh can find a job here! We are looking at Oregon...he applied for two jobs there but they were both a no go.
well, now the OPK line is 100% darker than control line....so bring on the BD!!! DH is up for it. yay!!
Just wanted to share that we did try the preseed last night. I was pulling out all the stops, not going to miss my FIRST positive OPK!!! The texture is great, but in my opinion it dries up a tad too fast, and then leaves a somewhat tacky residue.

However, it is also extremely hot where we are, and while the A/C is going all the time in our place, it makes for an extremely dry environment, which could have played a role.

Ready- let's see what your thoughts are about it..... :)

Oh, and last night while on a walk in the evening DH told me about 2 other friends from grad school who are prego. Ugh! Seriously? Is EVERYBODY I know pregnant? Two of my 3 closest friends are, my cousin is, now two school mates....dang!! Hopefully our turn is up next.
My first name is Dominique! Didn't occur to me to introduce myself properly lol. I've never tried natto, I was just trying to be clever and non-identifying in my handle, and "sticky bean" came to mind. I agree Madeline, it does feel like I wandered into this thread (which is not very like me, I tend to be more of a lurker) and met two very awesome women! I'm so excited for the BFPs, etc! You two definitely keep me sane and it's been so fun getting to know you guys. :hugs:

I'm so excited to be settled, I'm a clutter hater myself, Steph. Madeline, as a Virgo I'm guessing you are not a big fan of clutter yourself! I will say it is so much fun to move in with the BF, though. Pisces are supposed to be fairly go-with-the-flow - I didn't get that gene!

Cincy is really coming up. The county I live in was the huge swing county in Ohio in the 2012 election, and Ohio's electoral votes pretty much hinged on how our county went - I was so freaking excited when we went blue! Huge change from even 5 years ago. And it is beautiful here - we get four real seasons, which I do love. I've never been to Canton Steph, it's Northern Ohio, right? I love that you are learning the accordion! If I could learn an instrument it would be either the banjo or harmonica, my two faves. :) I'm jealous of how weird and wonderful the west coast is in general - I lived in SF for a few months and loved it. Won't find knitting circles or accordion masters at malls here - I'm afraid it's mostly power walkers! :haha: Although I don't think I could do 100 degrees plus for three days straight Madeline, that sounds like torture!

I'm so sorry that your husband has been spiraling emotionally. I'm sending good vibes your way! I am with Steph, it is so easy to say the right thing is coming, but that rarely raises the spirits in the moment. :nope:

Madeline - congrats on the positive OPK! Sounds like you guys have really nailed it with the BDing! I agree that the preseed can be a bit tacky, but I find that to be true with most lube and I've had to use it for so long that it's kind of hard to remember what it is like without it! :blush: But from what I've heard, natural CM is the best, so if you don't need the preseed I wouldn't feel like you have to use it!

FX for all of us. We're going to have our days in the sun soon! It is hard to see other people having theirs when you want it so badly, but they are coming our way! Having said that, the only person in my life who is pregnant is my bestie's wife, and they are out in Seattle, so I'm not struggling too badly with seeing everyone around me getting pregnant. :wacko: I'm sure it would be hard. We will be there soon enough! :happydance: Steph, I feel like you and I have sooooooo many days to go just to start the TWW! Uuuggghhhhh....
Hi ladies,
so, now I am curious- what is natto exactly? I was in Japan a few years ago and don't recall it, but then again, I was just there for a few weeks. Is it a bean thing? I do recall a lot of treats being made of beans (same with Chinese foods- red bean soup for dessert). I'm sorry, but in my world beans are never a satisfactory dessert, so I guess I have a very western palate! :)

I would love to visit Ohio, it sounds lovely. I love seasons. We have there here too, though Spring/Fall are nothing like what beauty we experienced in Oregon. Plus this dang heat...which is why we needed the preseed last night. My CM was not cooperating, plus we both felt a certain amount of pressure to make it happen, which we laughed about afterward :) BD under pressure is not so romantic, but I'm still really glad it happened.

Geez, it cracks me up how much I discuss my sex life and cervix with you ladies! hahaha!!

Ready (Dominique-pretty name), I too would love to play the banjo. I love bluegress music. I say it's because I grew up in a rural town in NorCal...you can take the girl out of the country, but not the country out of the girl. However, I'm not as inclined to enjoying regular country music, more just bluegrass and folk.

So, my name is not actually Madeline, it's Rebecca. However, you can keep referring to me as Madeline, as that is what I am used to seeing here. I chose it b/c when I joined B&B my favorite kitty, Madeline, had just passed and she was on my mind and in my heart. I sort of like using her name- is that weird? She played a huge role in my life when I got married and really is what opened my DH's heart to the idea of having a family, as weird as that sounds. He surprised himself by falling in love with having a cat and caring for another creature, and her unrelenting adoration of him made him awaken to the realization that yes, he wanted a family and wanted to open his heart to having a child to cherish and adore. So funny that it took a fat, lazy cat with an insatiable purr to make that happen, but it did!

I think tomorrow put's me into the TWW...the longest part of the month.

Thank goodness for you gals.

Any big 4th plans? We are meeting up with friends at Farmer's market tonight, where there will be live music and lots of yummy food, so that will probably do it for us. If we can find a way to escape the heat without running into crowds, we'll do it.

You will get to the TWW soon, Ready and Steph.. Just think, the non-TWW part of the cycle acutally usually goes faster than the TWW (at least for me), so enjoy the faster moving days!!!
Hello ladies,
Can I join your thread? I have been reading it as a novel for the past couple of weeks. Very addictive…:blush:
About me in a nutshell: I am 35, BF is 34. We live in PA, planning to move to CA at the end of the summer. I go to a graduate school, major accounting. The CPA exam is waiting for me, I am already scared.:wacko: I also feel that very often my life is “on hold”, like I am always waiting for something, be it a work authorization (I am not originally from the US), green card, citizenship, proposal from my BF, marriage... This time is to get pregnant. And when I do that I cannot concentrate on anything else and it is so sad, because life goes by so fast, and we should to enjoy each moment of it. This is what I am trying to do now instead of obsessing about TTC…
This is our cycle #2 of TTC. Actually, we did try twice in May, but I do not count that month. (#2 looks better to me, more comforting).:blush: This is when I just gave my BF an ultimatum that we DO it OR we DO it. :growlmad: He basically didn’t have any choice.
I have difficulties at pin-pointing when I ovulate. I usually do not even have any symptoms before my AF arrives. That is why I bought a Clearblue advanced digital OTK this time. Yesterday, it showed that I was about to ovulate in 2 days. Very good… What makes me nervous is that my BF had a surgery under the general anestasia on June 27th and as I read it affects sperm…. Well, if this month is not our month, and we get pregnant in July, then it will be three Tauruses in the family… Like two is not enough…
In the meantime, I promise myself everyday that I am not going to look for any pregnancy symptoms, like I did at cycle 1. It was so devastating when I had all the symptoms and AF showed up…
Well, good luck to all of you, thank you for all your posts, happy July 4th and see you around. :flower:
Welcome, Lenka!! Your life seems pretty on par with ours :D Good luck and bd as much as possible...I don't know much about surgery affecting sperm, but fx they are healthy and strong swimmers :happydance: May I ask where you're originally from?? And a CPA exam....oh goshhhh that sounds awful!! Good luck!

Haha everyone else seems so into signs...I know I'm a cancer but I don't even know what that is! No idea what the dh is even!

4th of July plans? Heading to our favorite pub on the water...right where the Space Needle is and where they shoot off all the fireworks...SIL in coming into town along with her friend who's going to be our new roommate. For the whole month of June, we had a whole house to ourselves! Then we both work tomorrow...and on Saturday, we are volunteering at a beer festival which is also my birthday. It's a lot of fun even though I don't drink beer. Gross. But these are all things that if I were in the tww, i couldn't enjoy as much!

Oh! Learning the banjo would be awesome! Love how you guys love bluegrass. It's such great music.

As for natto, it's fermented soy beans...it looks a lot like mucousy rabbit turds. And smells like dirty feet. Sometimes food that smells so awful, like stinky tofu in Taiwan, actually doesn't taste bad at all. But natto does taste terrible haha. It IS a very clever name!

As for Madeline, that is really sweet. So sorry your kitty passed :( It is amazing what animals can do. That doesn't sound strange at all about how a cat changed your dh! She sounds like she was a very cool cat and put there for a reason.

Natto--what is cincy?? and lol about power walkers.

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