3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Terri, 14 eggs- well done!!! Get some rest on Sunday, you deserve it.
Afm, tonight is one of those evenings when I feel like I am
going to burst. It hurts. But yesterday we had a very productive day. I received everything from Amazon. Yay.
We assembled the crib, installed
the base for the car seat, I washed baby's sheets and some cloth, started packing a hospital bag
(rather suitcase lolol). Still waiting for a changing table and a glider. And, I did return that Graco stroller and bought an Uppababy vista one and Mesa car seat. Love all of it!!! Its comes with a bassinet, which I am going to take with us if we go for a longer walk. Will make pictures once everything is done.
Well ladies, I will try to fall asleep now, and you all have a beautiful Sunday!
Lenka it sounds like you have been busy!

I'm off out today with my cousin and her nephew to an interactive museum for kids, hehe. I used to go quite a bit as a kid myself and i'm so excited!!! it's been years.

My temps are awfu this cycle. it has gone up today but i dont feel any different than normal so not holding out much hope, and i have been trawling the internet to find charts like mine but nada. :(

Oh well. C'mon Terri and Drauma, i'm rooting for you x
Wow Terri!! You should be called The Eggmachine from now on ;) very well done my dear :) hope you're still feeling ok and that DH takes good care of you <3 and what's up with that doctor, ouch!!!!

Lenka, looking forward to seeing photos :D sounds like you were paying the prize the day after being so productive, don't forget to take it easy, you are in the home stretch :)

SJ that museum sounds great fun :) hope your temps are just off and everything is as it should be... I guess waiting will reveal the truth of the matter in a few days... It's just so horribly boring having to wait and see :/

Afm: i have had the strangest cramps down there for a few days now. They come and go but when they come they are sooo sharp and painful!!! Have you got an idea what it could be?? It feels like it's right behind my pelvic bone...
Went downtown yesterday to watch the gay pride parade, it was really fun and 100.000 people came to show their support (1/3 of Iceland's population!) then we went for drinks with friends and didn't get home until after midnight, really fun day :) i have a bit of hangover today but nothing to complain about... Think I'll go swimming today and put some meat on the bbq tonight for me and DB :)
Have a lovely Sunday girls :)
Lenka-looks like we'll both be resting today. I have to say, I don't feel anywhere near as bloated as I did for IUI and I'm thankful for that. Just a little achy, but I can't really pinpoint exactly what is sore. I guess because it's all in my insides. :) I'm glad you are just about ready for the baby to get here. Sounds like it, anyway. How come you took the other stroller back?

Drauma-I love festivals and parades. Glad you had fun yesterday and maybe those cramps are a bean settling in. You never know. But have fun while you can!

SJ-have a great time at the museum. I'm sure your nephew will love it. Take some pictures.

Steph-you're not asking a dumb question. A five day transfer means that the embryo has made it to blastocysts stage and is a little stronger. They call the three day stage the cleavage so I guess it's not completely ready. Apparently, it takes the egg five days to move down the Fallopian tube and implants the next day I suppose, so if the homemade embryo makes it to five days, it's ready to start implanting when they transfer it back into my body. One other cool thing is that it has a tough shell around it and as it moves, that shell is worn down. Because I'm :jo: they are going to break the shell for me before they put it back. All this stuff is being done, no wonder it's so sad when it doesn't work. I'm planning on being a success though. I think the odds are in my favor.

Have a great day, chicas. <3

UPDATE::: Out of the 14 retrieved, 9 were mature (so that's basically the 10 that they saw on Thursday, I suppose), and out of those 6 fertilized. So, while it's not the best number, I'll take 6. I just hope they make it to the 5 day stage. I'm getting a little nervous, but it's all out of my hands now. fxfxfx.
Crossing fingers and toes Terri... Try not to stress and believe the doctors are doing everything they can to make this happen... Stressing can only do damage so please try to keep faith and relax *hugs* we're with you every step of the way :) :hugs:
I just got a call from the nurse. I had 6 yesterday and I still have 6. They are 2-5 cells (whatever that means), and I will be doing a CD3 transfer, which is tomorrow. I'm FREAKING OUT!!! I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing. I think bad because they aren't giving them the chance to grow to 5, but maybe it's ok because they look like strong growers at 3. I guess I better get on the positive train, and fast!
Yeh keep positive!! omg it's so crazy. I cant wait :)

I feel so achey and tired today, I'm wondering if my chart is triphasic?
I guess a few more days of temping will tell. Im due on friday.
Sj can you test?? I was never any good at waiting...you and Terri are strong!

Terri!! I don't think that they would transfer eggs if they didn't think your little eggies were ready so I'm taking it as a GREAT sign!! Can NOT wait for more updates! This is getting so close!!

Drauma I love how you're always going and doing something...along with all of Iceland! Seems you guys like doing things as a whole country together haha so great!

In our town we have a volunteer program where a retired lady comes to your house once a week and watches the baby for you for 3 hours so you can grocery shop, do chores, or nap. It's soo wonderful! Today she's here so I ate lunch in the sun and now I'll nap.

Keep updating ladies!!
Steph - i think i am going to see what my temp is in the morning but to be honest i think i will wait till i am officially late, if i get that far. I don't want to get carried away then be disappointed with a BFN. Plus i think i'm clutching at straws.

That volunteer program sounds awesome! I wish they did that here!

Oh and a couple of pics from the museum:


Drauma, steph is right, you do get out and about a lot, i bet you have so many pictures! I have lots on facebook, i SO need to get them printed and make photo albums.
SJ-I don't blame you for waiting. Cute pictures!!

I got another call girls, and my transfer is at 1pm tomorrow. I told my boss(es) that I will be off sick tomorrow (I do have to go in to get my computer) and Wednesday, and I will be working from home on Thursday/Friday. This embie (or 4) are going to have every opportunity to implant the way they are supposed to. Then the weekend is here and I also have no plans, but I should be able to move around and not feel any effects. :happydance: I can't believe this day is almost here.
Terri, so how many are they transferring? GL, dear!!! Will be thinking of you... I see twins in your near future. ;-)
Sj, nice temp jump, fx.
More later, have to go to pick up my breast pump, they cant ship it, so annoying....
Terri woooow it's come to this already, the big day! :D I'm crossing everything for you, and you should cross your legs after the doctor has been in there, hehehe! ;) I hope you only need this one try and we'll see cute little Terri-baby/ies in 8-9 months :D :D :D (I wrote 8 cus if you have twins you won't go full term!)

SJ: Aw fun pictures!! You look great by the way! :) A triphasic chart.... if it is then that's very promising... I don't get it how you can hold off from testing, hehe, I love testing and am really used to getting BFN's... Oh I really hope this is it for you :D And yes, I have loads of photos, and some of them are on Facebook. If any of you guys want to be friends on FB just PM me and I'll send you a link to my site :)

Steph: that volunteer program sounds amazing. I love it when communities try their best to find something to do for the elderly that would otherwise be bored at home, and when it benefits a young family at the same time, that's just fantastic :)
You're right about us Icelanders, if there's something going on most people participate... But then after the summer there's not so much going on and you'll find my moping around, bored and cold, hehe. Next weekend there's bacon festival downtown (yes, really) but we're not going. We're going to a christening and a house warming party in the evening instead. Then the weekend after that I start Saturday off by running a 10k run in the Reykjavik marathon (maybe one day I'll run a whole one, hehe) and then the rest of the day is culture festival. All museums are free and there's music EVERYWHERE. Then in the night there are huge concerts and a big fire work show. This pretty much ends the summer festivities and winter will be here soon(-ish, hehe).

Lenka, why can't they ship your pump?? Can't they see it's a breast pump and the only people ordering it is most likely heavily pregnant women or women with a tiny baby in their arms? Oh, stupid companies! Hahaha, there, I took the anger-part for you :)

AFM: I AM CRAMPING! So f-ing badly. I can't sit straight and it's been like this on and off from CD10. It's only getting worse now yesterday and today... What can it be? I, the lady with the average of 41 day long cycles, don't know how this works!!! Could I have O'ed on CD10? Could I be cramping for 8 days and not O? What's happening... heeeeelp!?!? :shrug: I am so lost. I don't understand why my doctor doesn't monitor me with some blood work or something.... :/

Oh on another note, how sad is it, Robin Williams has passed away :( :cry: I cried last night when I read the news... I love all his films and grew up to some of them, like Aladdin, Mrs. Doubtfire and Jumanji... Really, really sad times.
Yes, the day is finally here! I can't believe it. One year after my hubs and I started TTC, it's finally here. I hope this is it too. I rented abook from the library about what to eat when you're expecting, and although I'm not expecting, I can definitely improve my nutrition. I bought fruits/almond milk, whole grain cereal, some yogurt, and spinach/arugula (my favorite "lettuces"), so I will at least have a few days of eating right. I ate my last frozen pizza last night. hee hee. I have been really good about not eating frozen pizza since we got married, but I still miss it. My husband doesn't like it as much as I do, so if I know he's going to be out for the night, I may get it, or buy a pizza from the local shop down the street. I LOVE PIZZA!!!! And honestly, I can even say I sneaked a slice from 7-11 (I felt like an addict-eating it in the car). So gross, but my love for pizza doesn't have many bounds. Any pizza is good to me. hee hee.

Drauma-One day I will come to Iceland for a festival. I guess it's good to know that I have any time during the summer would be festival time. I'm not sure why you're cramping, and sorry to hear that, unless it's a good thing. Next time you go to the doctor, ask him about the next step because you can't figure out your cycles the way things are currently going. Hopefully he will help.

Lenka-That is bizarre about not shipping a breast pump. Do they have an amazon distribution center near you? I will find out today how many they are transferring. I honestly think 4.

Steph-Oh, that's so cool that a retired lady comes to see you once a week. Is she nice? How old do you think she is? That's a great service that the community provides, and it gives moms someone to talk to, and the opportunity to get away from the baby for a bit. It sounds mean, but you do need a break, and so does little Emma. She has to be comfy around other people.

Ok girls..I'll check back in this afternoon. My appointment is at 1pm eastern.
Terri, you could live with my boyfriend, he looooooves his pizza as well! I am more in love with cheese filled bread sticks that one can order WITH the pizza... That's my posion, really.
It's alsmost 1pm Icelandic time now, that means it's almost 9 eastern time, if google serves me right... So, 4 hours! I'm super excited for you, I'm a bit nervous for you as well, but more excited :)
Great to hear you're thinking about better nutrition, I'm sure nutrition can help a great deal, there are so many vitamins and stuff we get from food. Are you taking some sort of omega-3 and folic acid as well?

And you're right, if you come to Iceland, make sure it's in the summer, unless you like cold weathers and snow, hehe. Late July and most of August is the best time for being here, it's the warmest time and most to do :)
Big update girls-the doctor called me AT WORK (I came in temporarily) and said that everything looks GREAT so they are going to do the transfer on Thursday. Can we say 'emotional rollercoaster?' *sigh* I'm still only working half a day today though. hee hee.
Yay for everything looking great!!! That's the best news you could get. So no worries, Thursday will get here really soon and you wanted it to happen on day 5 instead of 3 anyway so this is a happy thing, they'll just grow stronger until then :) :hugs:
I'm all over the place with this, but yeah, now I'm really happy. here is what the nurse said when I finally got to talk to her a few minutes ago.

If you're under 35, they like to confidently transfer 1 blast on Day 5 or 2 pre-blasts on day 3. If you're over 35, they like to somewhat confidently transfer 4 on Day 3 and 3 on Day 5. So...I guess the embryologist was worried that something might happen so they wanted to just do 4 today. Then my doctor got involved and said "Hey, we have 6, so let's grow them out and see how they do.' If it turns out that I only get two (I asked just so I know), there is no turning back and they will transfer two, but at this point, the goal is 3-5 day blasts. If I had used 4 today, I would have frozen the other two for next time, although that's weird because I would wonder (forever!), if my frozen embies didn't work or the new ones that I made didn't work, so I'm fine with using 3 and freezing 3 should all six make the cut!
I'll respond more in depth later but foesdoes that mean there's a chance of triplets if you're using 3 and freezing three??
OMG Imagine 3 babies, hehe!

Good Luck Terri I cant wait to read, "BFP" in big flashing letters :)

- p.s My temp dipped lots tody so i think AF is imminent.
Don't give up yet, SJ!

Well, yes, there is a chance. At my age, there is a low risk for multiples, so I don't think I'll have multiples. As you get older they put more embryos in with hopes that ONE will do what it's supposed to do. It's not in my hands. If I really were to have triplets, oh well...not like I am going to selectively reduce these babies after working so hard to get them.

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