3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Thank you Terri... I don't know either... My temps have been higher than average last few days... ?

To buy something here I need to get a loan from a bank or take over the loan that is already on the house. Since I own the apartment I live in today I'll have to sell it before I could buy another, or that's at least how I want to do it... But we just want to take a look at this one, knowing that the chance of us getting it is relatively none since we haven't spoken to the bank yet or put mine on sale... Leases here are only ehen you're renting places... Or that's the only lease I know of (language barrier here perhaps). Don't know the "buying a house"-terms in english... :/

How are you ferling Terri? Any discomfort or anything at all to take note of?

Update: i looked up the chart from when I was pg a few months back and the I had 2 days of creamy cm and 2 days after that I got my BFP...! Could this be it again? I'm CD22 today...
I didn't realize you owned your current place. I thought you rented it. Your understanding is correct.

Ooh. Now I'm excited about your CM. Do you have more tests hanging around? Maybe you are going to get a BFP this cycle and then we can be bump buddies! Hee hee.

I don't feel much today. The last two days I had just mild discomfort, but nothing too crazy. Today, I went to the post office, checked the mail and walked around a bit more and I feel pretty much back I normal. I'm still taking it easy though. Keep us updated.

SJ-how are you babe?
It's so ridiculously expensive to rent in Iceland so it's better to save up and buy a place on a loan... Not everyone can do it but I was lucky and managed to buy the pad. It's at least two times cheaper to take a loan to buy a place than to rent here... :/
Being pump buddies eould be fantastic Terri!!! I'm crossing everything and trying my best to make it happen. Funny thing, DB poured a glass of white wine for me last night with dinner and I could not manage to take a single sip! I have never ever, in the 11 years since I started drinking, experienced aversion to alcohol!!! I sure hope it's a good sign :) DB didn't complain though, he got to drink both glasses, hahaha!
And yes, I have 8 IC tests laying around :)
hey everyone, i still lurk around sometimes in between screaming myles and trying to find time to shower.

tynmeg yay a girl!!! so exciting!!
terri- fx that its working! you prob wont feel much before a bfp, so no symptoms dont mean anything
drauma. i hope creamy cm is a good sign :)
steph hows it going???

afm myles is awesome! im in love!! he is babbling and starting to roll pver a bit, dr told us to start solids at 4 months, i thought it was early, but we tried and he loves eating! he can sit a bit and is going through the 4 month sleep regression which SUCKS!!
lfrans-Good to hear from you! I was wondering how things were going. I'm so glad that Myles is doing well...I guess the 4 month regression is where he forgets how to sleep through the night. :shrug: Sorry about that, but I'm sure he'll be back to his regular schedule soon.

Drauma-Housing here can be expensive too, but a lot of times it depends on where you live geographically, and then what type of neighborhood you live in as well. I'm happy you were able to afford a place too...The wine aversion sounds promising!

Football and baseball are on tonight, so I think hubs and I will be flipping channels back and forth. :nope: I don't like that very much. I don't really like the preseason in football because it doesn't mean anything. It's like watching a 4 hour practice. Ugh..have a good night, ladies!
Drauma that apartment is gorgeous!! Good luck and FX with your symptoms this month.

Tynmeg congrats on your girl :)

Terri your chart looks very good i am so excited for you!!

Hello everyone else!

I'm afraid i'm gonna be quite fly by from now on. last month was my last month of trying before the holiday. I will be able to try again in dec/jan. I may go to docs just before then and ask about PCOS as i think i could have a mild form...DF still hasnt got a job so things are quite stressful.
I wish you all luck and will deffo keep popping in as i cant help myself, and i want to see Terri n Drauma get their BFP's!!

Oh! and i went back to brunette!!...sorry about the posing selfie, haha.

SJ- Your hair looks great brown and blonde. You look like a model! Are you still doing your slimming world? I haven't heard about it in a while. Anyway, definitely keep checking back. We will miss you and want to hear all about your trip away. I bet next month you'll get prego since you won't really be trying. :hugs: I'll miss you.
lfrans: happy to hear from you. Hope Myles gets into a good sleep pattern soon :) He sure sounds like a happy baby :)

SJ: We'll miss you, I have PCOS and I manage it mainly by eating healthy and exercising, if I skip out I get the symptoms back... I also take metformin and I used to take spironolactone tablets too but I can't take them now that I'm ttc. I sure hope you don't have PCOS but if you do just remember that it's a phase you can manage (whatever other people and forums might say), it's not a permanent disease. (I believed it was permanent and felt sorry for myself, wrapped myself into cotton and was sad... until I realised that only made things worse. Now that I look after myself better there's almost no cysts left on my ovaries and I only feel some minor side effects of it :) Your hair looks great btw :)

Terri: I'd just start knitting or doing some baby stuff while your DH is watching his sports :) Or watch something you want to watch on the computer while he's watching telly :)

I went for a 8k run yesterday, it was really fun. Next Saturday is my milestona 10k run in the Reykjavik marathon. I think it'll be great fun :) I'll post a photo if I manage to finish it ;) Cramps have changed and are very, very mild now. And my boobs hurt. But I can manage things now, I'm not in excruciating pain in bed anymore, yay! :)
Hello ladies,

Terri, loooove your temperatures.... FX! FX! FX!

EJ, of course it is none of my business, but I truly believe in this saying: life is what happens when you are busy making plans. Maybe you should just go to NTNP mode (not trying not preventing) and you never know... Beautiful hair color on that picture!

Drauma, great attitude and advice to SJ! Btw, I loved that condo for sale, especially the outdoor area. 8k run? Well done, girl!

Tynmeg, so happy to hear that your are doing great! Same applies to our moms.

Well, yesterday I went into panic mode. I finally start to realize that the day when I will go into labor is approaching and it is approaching rather fast. I am so afraid of pain. I google how to manage labor pain, what positions to choose, how to breath correctly (you should breath with your abdominal, not your chest). It takes some practice! At least I am all ready, like everything! Nursery, hospital bag, car seat, breast pump, cleaned house, shaved legs, lolol. Pedicure is scheduled for Wednesday. Positive thinking is the only thing I have to work on now. I can manage, right?

My baby has definitely been growing, and I bet he is going to be a tall guy. I am tall myself (5.8, 174 sm) and so is my DF. My baby's head is in my pelvis and he manages to kick my ribs pretty hard each time, even though I have a long torso, even too long for my liking. He also pushes on my stomach, it is very uncomfortable. But he can do what ever he wants, he is the love of my life even though I have never met the guy yet. -)))

Well, ladies, wish you all a beautiful week!!!
Lenka-My coworker's daughter is having a baby at the end of September, and just today she was telling us that her daughter is freaking out too. I say, there's no sense freaking out because it's coming whether you're scared or not! hee hee. That's no consolation, but Steph had some good ideas, I remember, so hopefully she'll help you. I hope you can get the epidural to ease some of your pain. i'm excited for next month to get here so we can see your bundle of joy. I'm truly so happy for you. It seems like it's been a long time coming. hee hee.
Lolol thank u Terri! I know, labor is a very natural process and we all will go through it!!! I am not the only one. And of course I want epidural, I will start demanding it as soon as we step inside the hospital. Lol
How are feeling? POAS starts 25th? ;-)
I'm feeling good. Unfortunately, I am eating goat cheese mixed with cream cheese and spinach and pasta tonight for dinner. I love soft cheese, so i'm eating it now while I can! I have been doing really well on my healthy eating kick. I've noticed though that I'm hungry throughout the day. I bought $50 more in groceries after work because I realize I will need healthy snacks too! The good food just doesn't stay with me like hamburgers and taco salads. HA!!!HA!!

You'll do great when it's time Lenka. I just know it. :flower:
Lenka you will rock labor! The key is to relax through contractions. Just melt into them! The more you practice mental relaxation now, the better! I practiced a lot. I'm not saying this to brag, because I think anyone can do what I did, but I rocked labor. The practice did all the difference. The mentality that you learn before, or during labor, of "just gotta get through this contraction" will help so much with a screaming newborn and excruciatingly painful breastfeeding. You will do so well... And if an epidural helps keep you calm and breathing, go for it! My advice is for when you are not at the hospital yet.

Terri great eating!! You put me to shame! Eat your soft cheeses...the only concern is if they are pasteurized and most cheese in the States is! Phew :D loving your chart fx fx fx.... Cannot wait for you to test!!

Sj your hair is so cute!! I love the ntnp idea from others... Have you thought to try that?

Nice job on the 8k!! Getting in shape is a great feeling , isn't it?

AFM I also went running for the first time postpartum. Things are finally healing! So slow though. I'm supposed to do a 10k trail run in October. We'll see...
Thanks, dear Steph! I am going to practice mental relaxation. And breathing! We women are so strong, aren't we? ;-)
Lenka, you're doing so well! I can tell you about my cousin, she had her baby girl in July and was really scared of the pain that she'd be in during labour. She was always waiting and waiting for things to get a whole lot worse and all of a sudden the baby was born! She didn't believe it. She was preparing for so much pain that she just didn't know it was over when it was. She has a very low pain threshold as well so I was very surprised and it gave me hope that if everything is okay then perhaps we can manage this... And what I've learned from OBEM: Push into your bottom and don't scream, use all the power you have to push :) And don't feel bad about not having everything ready, when the baby comes, the only things they need is milk, nappies and lots of love :)

Terri: You're doing great with changing your food plan. Why are you worried about cheese? Here in Iceland pregnant women are allowed to eat all cheese types. Your chart is looking good, hopefully you're already baking a little baby :D When I eat healthy like I am doing now I need to eat a little bit more often, otherwise I'm starving, but if I make sure I eat a really nutritious breakfast and lunch, the rest of the day is easy. Eating fruit in between and a little bit of nuts helps me along the day.

Steph: Great advice to Lenka, I also believe mental relaxation helps with pain. I have done yoga for 4 years and it's amazing how the relaxation time in the end always makes me lose track of time and feel nothing at all :) How was it to run for the first time again? Love the idea of trail running.... I'll let 10k street run do for now though, I'm not crazy fit...hehe.

AFM: I POAS this morning.... I don't know what the result is.... First I didn't see anything and then I took the test to the window to see it in day light and I swear I saw a faint, faint, faintest of faint line!!! I tried to take pictures but my phone can't take a picture so close up and personal so I couldn't see anything on the photos. I even tried a tweaking tool and I don't see anything, but I swear I saw a line in the window-light!! ARGH! The test tells you to wait for up to 10 minutes and this was within that time period so I must be able to rule out evap line? Perhaps this is just wishful thinking and this was just my brain messing with me, but I'm sure going to test again tomorrow, and the next day! hehe. I'm CD25 today and my temps went up again... oh girls... what to do what to do... I'll give you the "best" photo I took. You can probably not see anything on it unless you're crazy like me... :dohh:

Drauma-I want to see something, but I'm really just not sure. It looks like an ink run, but test again tomorrow and see what happens. It looks like your temps are leveling off, so that's a good thing!

Steph-I did check the goat cheese, and it said pasteurized, so I was pretty sure it was ok. Oh well..my dinner and lunch today are delicious! hee hee. I did get lots of fruits, string cheese for a snack and yogurt and such, so I think today will be a successful day without being so hungry.

I'm actually getting a little excited/nervous for testing day too. I know that the progesterone will make my temps increase, but I have never had such steady numbers post O. fxfxfx. hee hee.
Drauma, thank you for your support also! :hugs: I hope I am going to be like your cousin: "That is it? It was not that bad!"!!! :happydance: Regarding your test: I can see a second line where you put arrows, but what is the third line, next to it on the right? Give it 24 hr and test again!!! I have a good feeling...

Terri, yay for healthy eating!!! :thumbup: I am also so excited for your testing day! :happydance:

Steph, does breastfeeding still hurt? :wacko::hugs:
Thank you Lenka :) :hugs: The line on the far right is something that always shows up on these tests... I have no idea what it is.... :/ Glad to hear I'm not seeing things... I really think there's a tiny little fainty there... Definitely testing again tomorrow morning :D I am feeling today exactly like I was feeling when I was in Denmark and found out I was pg... My back is not hurting at all (which is weird for me because it hurts every single day for years) and I have a funny feeling in my uterus area and sore boobs but just a little bit. This is the same feeling I had when I just had to take a test in the middle of the day in Denmark and got a positive... I sure hope it's a good sign! :) FX FX FX FX and if I get a BFP in the next days please send me sticky bean dust :) :kiss:

Terri: Aren't you tempted just to start testing? I love testing :p
Drauma-Everyone has been asking me about testing, but at 5dpt, the embryos are still implanting and the hcg wouldn't show up right now, so no, I'm not really that eager to test if I'm going to get a BFN. I think the earliest I would get something is at 7 dpt. Plus I really can't stand those IC's, but I'm too cheap to waste FRERs. I have four FRERs. I guess I bought them at a moment of weakness some time ago. I have three in one box, and Stephanie's lucky one sitting out by itself. :)

Your signs sound super promising, so I hope you do get a positive tomorrow. I can't wait now! hee hee. :dust: :dust:

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