Let's see what Wednesday brings Terri... if it's all negative news again then you have the support system to help you through the disappointment

It's good to hear you can do it again with no money issues

Glad you'll try it again if it comes to that. Your avatar photo is really pretty!!!
Justin Timberlake came, saw and concurred Iceland last night. Biggest indoor concert we've ever had and everything went really well. He is said to be really happy and he is said to be staying here for a few more days just because he wants to see more of the country... here's a picture he put on Facebook yesterday from his adventures here
My ankle was not happy about last night though, haha. Went to the mall at 5pm, the buses to the concert are went from there very regularly so we took one at 5:45 and the house opened at 6pm. The warm up band, Gusgus, played and then some DJ and at 9pm JT came on and finished just before 11. Then we had to wait with the thousands of people for the buses but we were home around 12 midnight, so it was okay. Here's a yahoo recording from the concert. Only thing is it's on loop so you can't watch it from the beginning, just need to start where it is or wait for it to start over
I have really, really sore boobs today but nothing else... Thnking about e-mailing my ob/gyn and asking if I can have 2 blood tests, just to make sure everything is progressing as it should... I am a bit burned after last time... How is everyone?
Oh and SJ, definitely do some NTNP babydance if you feel like it