3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Thanks ladies..I thought it was my month too. I'll really know on Wednesday but not feeling it. I'm exhausted thinking about it anymore at this point. My energy was focused for the last 10 days on this transfer.

It ended up that I didn't have any to freeze, so if we do this again (which I am almost 100% sure we will), I will have to start all over. Thankfully my mother left me some money for my inheritance, so we have a chance to do it again. And..I know a lot of people save for it, but we won't have to do that. I don't really have a lot of time to save because I'm older (ha ha), so I owe this all to my mother.
Let's see what Wednesday brings Terri... if it's all negative news again then you have the support system to help you through the disappointment :hugs:
It's good to hear you can do it again with no money issues :) Glad you'll try it again if it comes to that. Your avatar photo is really pretty!!!

Justin Timberlake came, saw and concurred Iceland last night. Biggest indoor concert we've ever had and everything went really well. He is said to be really happy and he is said to be staying here for a few more days just because he wants to see more of the country... here's a picture he put on Facebook yesterday from his adventures here :) https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd....2_10152343167812098_6064433114304015166_n.jpg

My ankle was not happy about last night though, haha. Went to the mall at 5pm, the buses to the concert are went from there very regularly so we took one at 5:45 and the house opened at 6pm. The warm up band, Gusgus, played and then some DJ and at 9pm JT came on and finished just before 11. Then we had to wait with the thousands of people for the buses but we were home around 12 midnight, so it was okay. Here's a yahoo recording from the concert. Only thing is it's on loop so you can't watch it from the beginning, just need to start where it is or wait for it to start over :) https://screen.yahoo.com/live/event/justin-timberlake

I have really, really sore boobs today but nothing else... Thnking about e-mailing my ob/gyn and asking if I can have 2 blood tests, just to make sure everything is progressing as it should... I am a bit burned after last time... How is everyone?

Oh and SJ, definitely do some NTNP babydance if you feel like it :)
Hi ladies,
I am 38 weeks today and I have to tell u I am so ready for my little guy to come out into my arms. My back hurts, I cant find a comfortable position after 7pm, at night I move from our bed to a guests bed and back again. To conclude, I am tired, I am ready. Tomorrow is a growth scan, keeping my fingers crossed that the baby is at least 3 kilos.
Hope u all feeling good. Hugs
NTNP babydance? I have no idea what that is, but i'm full of a cold today. I decided not to temp. i dont even have any ovulation test things, im literally gonna just guess and tell my self i'm not really trying haha. Denial is the way forward!

Aw Terri i'm glad you have the money to go again :)

Aw Lenka, it must be so painful, it'll be over soon and Baba will be here :)
Lenka: I'm ready with you!! Must be so tiring feeling like this... Try to keep your mind occupied on other things though because baby could come tomorrow or in 4 weeks (well, at least in Iceland, women here are not induced before it's 42 weeks)... What I'm trying to say is that if you sit down now and just wait it will drive you crazy :hug:
Try to do at least one task every day that way you always have something to look forward to and it's always less than a day away :)

SJ: i'll stop sugarcoating it, I'm talking about having sex while not trying but not preventing :) since you don't feel like temping and testing, just ease up and enjoy life and see if things happen on their own :) fall is getting closer and closer and the time of romantic candles and home cooked meals is upon us :) such a romantic tkme of year I think :)
Drauma, btw how are u feeling? When are going to take a test again?
I'm feeling good apart from my bruises and cuts after the fall... I have sore boobs and I've had to pee like 15 times today, really weird. Didn't know symptoms appeared so early... I was wondering if I was maybe a few days further along than the 4+2 I assumed... What do you think, you who have experienced this?
My doctor is on vacation until 27th and then I'm hopefully going in for bloodwork to see if hcg levels are progressing as they should... Then I have an appointment on September 9th for an early scan to see if there's a heartbeat... I will probably buy a test tomorrow and test sometime this week... I am pretty content while my temps are staying up but I'm not stressing, hopefully everything goes well this time :) FX

Btw. The real estate agent called today and told us she estimates my apartment to sell for $200.000 (£120.000) which is exactly what I was hoping for... A 3 bedroom place like we are looking for will cost little under twice that so it's all good :)
When I got my BFP I remember having very sore boobs for a few days, they were as on fire. Then a lovely period of peeing every 30 minutes came. I visited more public restrooms in California in 9 months than I did in Phila in 10 years. No kidding. -)))
Great news about your house, Drauma, and the concert sounded like a lot of fun. Did you go with DB, or your girlfriend?

SJ-Yeah, NTNP (not trying, not preventing) sex. Those were the days. hee hee. Well, I guess I had that when I was on BCP, but that's NTP. hee hee.

Lenka-Yeah, I guess you shouldn't get too excited just yet because you will go crazy. You still have a couple more weeks, so just try to get as comfy as you can, and if you have to keep moving beds, so be it. Don't rush little Brandon. He'll come out when he's ready, AND it'll be easier if he's ready to be here. :hugs: You can do it.
The days of blood works are upon us... I had the first one today, Terri's tomorrow and Thursday I have my second blood test.

When do you get today's results? I have a small glimmer of hope in the back of my mind, but if it's negative, I'm hoping hubs will let me get a foster dog for a couple weeks. Shhh. It's a secret. Actually, either way he might! Hee hee. Hope the results are great, Drauma. I'll post as soon as I hear something.
That's fantastic Terri, fostering will keep your mind occupied no matter what the verdict :) I am hoping and praying with you and crossing fingers and toes :)

I'm expecting an e-mail or a call from my doctor sometime Wednesday, I'll let you know asap, then if this is the real deal I will take test two Thursday to see if HCG levels have doubled... FX

Just came back from the movies, we saw 'Let's be cops', we liked it! A bit silly at times but funny and exciting :) exactly what I needed to ease my mind a bit ;)
Absolutely checking in for blood test results for you two! Oh I sure hope it's great news for you guys.

Emma had her two month vaccines today...she was NOT a happy camper at all. She's been screaming in pain...if she'd fall asleep she'd be happier...
I second Steph, dear ladies! Poor Emma, hugs!
My boy gained 500 grams in the last two weeks, which is what we were hoping for! And his weight now is healthy 3 kilos or 6.6 pounds! Couldn't be happier!
Great news Lenka!! Keep us posted, too.

Also Terri I didn't say...your profile pic is adorable . you two are a good looking couple!!
Thanks Steph. Yes, Terri you are so beautiful on ur avatar picture! Love the colors of the top too.
I'm so happy the baby gained weight, Lenka. Hopefully he'll stop gaining now, right? A few more weeks!!

Thanks for the compliments. I got that dress at Sears. It's a springy maxi sundress and it's really cute. Kyle and I only take pics when we're looking fab. Hee hee.

My appt. is 15 minutes earlier than normal so I'm up early. Talk soon.
Lenka: Great to hear your boy is at a healthy weight now :happydance:

Steph: Awwww, poor Emma, I hate vaccines and needles so I know how she feels! Luckily the pain goes away quickly :) I used to work at a hospital where bloodwork is done and I can tell you I was told the usual reason why babies cry is that they don't like it when they're held still like that, sometimes with a bit of force when they're injected, the pain from the needle doesn't really hurt them because their skin and everything is so soft.

Can't wait to hear your results Terri! Well, and mine, I still haven't heard from the doctor but hopefully soon... I had the most vivid dream about my doctor calling and telling me there was no hcg in my blood and what I saw on the tests had just been evap-lines. I was devastated when I woke up! Hopefully this just means the opposite and everything is as it should be... keep FX-ing please :) :kiss:
What a scary dream! I think dreaming is a good sign, in general though, so even if it was a bad dream, I'm feeling really good about this pregnancy. This has to be it for you. I hope the doctor tells you that your hcg is sky high, and that you've been prego for a while! hee hee.

My bloodwork tech said 'If it's positive, I'll see you on Friday.' I didn't think about the next steps, so I thought that was nice of her. If it's negative she'll see me in about 3 weeks because I have to go back on BCP for a couple weeks, and then it's the whole ultrasound/shot routine again. Booooo...c'mon positive. hee hee.

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