3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Normally the nausea doesn't hit that quickly but the biggest thing I learnt is that there are no rules. I was really dizzy in my first trimester and nausea would come and go...the worst around 8 weeks. Try to eat something carb related like toast first thing in the morning. Waiting to eat was never a good idea, it would set my whole day up to be awful. Oh and eat whatever it is your body is allowing you to eat. It will help with being nausea. Eating something because it's good for you even though it seems to be on your food aversion list at the moment only leads to a bad time both emotionally and physically. Lol.
Yeah, good advice thank you. I always eat my breakfast at work, perhaps I should stop that and try to eat a little at home.... I'll try that next week, see if it changes things.

I got myself a new ticker... mainly because this is still a bit unreal to me so I thought I'd see the progress with these tickers and see if it makes this more real. Well, if it doesn't go the way we want I'll just get back to my TTC tickers, no harm done.

My plans for the weekend are relaxing tonight, DB is going out with work mates... tomorrow we're going for a little celebratory brunch at a fancy restaurant, then a big delicatessen food market in the concert hall and then there's a house warming party at our friend's house in the evening. Sunday will probably be relaxing day as well :) Hope you have a fantastic weekend all! :hugs:
Everyone is different! Mine started at around that time...close to 5 weeks and well, you got to hear me whine about it for 3 months. Remember it will eventually pass...and get worse before it gets better to be honest! Weeks 8 to 10 seem to be the worst for most people. As tynmeg said, eat what you crave and try to eat something good in the meantime. Your baby is living off stores anyway for the first trimester so if you lose weight (you will) don't worry so much. Babies that are meant to stick around are resilient little buggers! If they aren't meant to be, then there's not so much you can do :( Pregnancy, TTC, motherhood...so much is out of our control! It's a very tough pill to swallow sometimes.

Weekend plans include building a clothesline, hiking, and to the brew pub with friends. Last weekend kd summer. We are already raking leaves here!! Are the leaves changing for you guys yet? Seems so early...
Drauma, my nausea hit at week 6 and lasted till week 17. Every day, day and night. It was awful. But hey, no regrets here. -)) I was craving french fries and cold fruits, yes, fruits had to be out of a fridge...
My weekend? Sofa, TV, bed, sofa, TV, bed... and its a long weekend here, in the US.
I READ (haha) that ginger can settle your stomach, so look for some ginger snaps (cookies), or ginger candy. Not sure if it's true, but that's what my book said. Also, like Tynmeg said...eat what you can, when you can. If you're body isn't feeling fruits and veggies, but you can eat toast/butter, go for it! It also said to have a little snack right before you go to bed just to keep your blood sugar where it should be through the night.

My plans are to go to a fantasy football draft on Sunday. Tomorrow, I have to take Lexi to meet her new mom (maybe?), and hopefully I can get on my bike for a couple hours. I have a few towns I need to visit. Monday, I'm taking it easy. It is a holiday after all and a lot of people will be traveling and out on the streets. That is someplace I do NOT want to be. hee hee.
Thank you so much for your advice girls, it really means a lot to me to be able to talk to you guys for the past months :)

I've been feeling horrible all day, well apart from lunch time, I had a great lunch and felt terrific. But this morning and afternoon I've been nauseous, bloated like never before, gassy and light headed :( I really hope things won't stay like this for too long. I had to go exchange something at the mall after work and dropped into a store and bought myself new pyjamas, really cozy big trousers and a big top. I am going to put it on now, eat some strawberries and watch TV. Enjoying being home alone and watching something girly and dramatic ;)
Funny thing, I think I'm giving the little poppy seed all my brain cells! I can't remember where I put my keys, I seem to forget how to drive sometimes, I start something at work, stand up and then forget what I was doing until some hours later and have to start again... funny weird things. It's sooooooo weird!!!!

Terri: Will AF visit you soon or will you go straight on BCP? What holiday is this Monday for you?

Lenka: Your weekend sounds exactly like I want to have mine :P Glad to hear you can relax, are you watching anything noteworthy on tv?

Steph: What kind of clothesline do you build? Is your 10k trail hike this weekend? Leaves have not started to fall here in Iceland yet... Our summer starts a bit later than in other countries and peaks in August so it's still a bit warm and nice here. They will start falling soon though I think, but everything is still green at the moment :)

Tynmeg: I intend to eat just what I want when I feel like this and when I'm feeling okay I'll eat healthy. I think I wouldn't be able to stay away from something I crave just because it isn't ideal... but of course I'll stay away from banned foods :)
Hi girls, how was your weekend?
Mine was good apart from horrible weather, leftovers from hurricane Cristobel reached Iceland Saturday night and it was so windy and rainy :/
Apart from that I was just at home Friday night while DB had a staff party, I fell asleep at 10 pm, haha! Saturday we went for a brunch, visited IKEA and a delicatessen food market. Bought some straight-from-the-farm meat, home made jams, home made pasta and various types of nuts. Yum yum! Then we went to a house warming party where I stayed to 11 pm and went home to sleep. I am so incredibly tired these past days.
Yesterday I met with my friends to say goodbye to one of us who's leaving for China next Wednesday. She's going to be there for at least a year!
One of my friends told us she is 10 weeks pregnant.... she has an almost 8 month old already!!! She never even got her period, just first ovulation after baby and boom!!! They were TTC for 4 years with their baby boy so this is fantastic news for them, even though the next baby wasn't planned so soon :)
Today is Labor Day, our holiday. I'm going out to lunch, and playing with Lexi. Not doing too much today. A lot of people have cookouts and just hang..it's a fun day for not working!

Congrats to your friend, and glad you're feeling well enough to go out with friends and have brunch. I had a two (?) day AF, and I have to call the nurse and get on BCPs for two weeks, so I'll be back on BCP in the next couple days. Yay for getting started earlier. I'm probably not going to be temping until I start my stims, so I can have a little bit of a break, which will be nice.

Lenka-How are you doing/feeling. You're getting down to the wire. So exciting!!

Hope everyone else enjoys your holiday today!
Oh Drauma i love IKEA. Hehe, i love the plants and little things, i also got my drapes from there. I cant believe your friend!!Ive heard of that happening and my god it would be hard work raising two kids under 2 but congrats to them it must be great after 4 yrs of trying!

Terri, its good to have a break from temping, ive felt more relaxed not temping, and tbh i have guessed ovulation this month, I got lots of EWCM on saturday lunch, so i BD on Saturday night. I know i shouldnt but i did hehe. Id give up the holiday for a baby.

Hope everyone is else is good?!
I actually did a post replying to everyone the other day but it didnt send and i literally nearly cried when it lost it, so i didnt even write it all out again, i do apologise. I keep checking on you all every day at work. I cant post on my phone though as ive forgot my log ins and its auto sign in on my laptop at home.

Im going on a barge (canal boat) on weds after work with my mum and DF's mum. For afternoon tea :) It's for their birthdays, my treat. Then going watching rugby Fri night, then sunday i'm at a christening, so busy busy.
Ladies, guess what!? I went into labor on the Labor day weekend!!! My precious little boy was born on August 30th at 10.15 am (being 6.13 pounds and 20 inches). Contractions started 29th at 11pm. I came to the hospital at 3am being 6sm dilated. It was painful, but manageable. Had an epidural at around 5am, wow it did wonders. I was 10 sm at around 8pm. Started pushing around 9am. OMG!!! It was the toughest 1.5hrs of my life!!!! I was sweating, moaning, peeing, pooping, swearing in Russian, just could not push him out. God bless my nurse! She didn't let me to give up and have a c section. And I did it!!! I gave a birth to my son. He was born as another person to this world, but he is the world to me. My DF is wonderful, he is such a huge help. We became sooo close having our son... and our boy is just sooo adorable. Will post pictures later. Still in the hospital, hopefully going home tonight. He does not take my breast, so I have to pump and feed him... miss you all, later.
Oh wow..Congratulations Lenka!! I'm so proud of you, and 1.5 hours is nothing! I'm so happy..Happy Birthday to your son!! Woohoo...I'm just overjoyed and so surprised. <3
Congratulations Lenka!! I am so proud of you not giving up! Look forward to seeing a photo and hope you get to go home soon mama :hugs:

I hear it can take time to get the hang of breastfeeding and sometimes the babies tongue is a bit restricted and needs to be fixed with a little cut in order to letting them latch on for breast feeding. We hardly ever give up on it early here in Iceland, the nurses here are breastfeeding nazis! Will you keep trying or have the nurses told you he just won't do it?
Don't worry though if you can't breastfeed, those babies are just as happy and it doesn't make you any less capable of being a mom :) :kiss: you'll be great at this new role.
All my friends say that the first 3 months are the hardest, takes time to bond and get the routine going and everything. Just take it easy and let things have their way :)
Oh LENKAAA!! Congratulations!! :)
I cant wait to see a picture. Well done :)
Congratulations Lenka! So happy for you and ur DF, and that your baby boy is healthy. Hugs!
Thank u ladies!!! How are u all doing?
Today, day 5, I finally got some sleep. Before that I didn't sleep for 4 nights straight. Crazy! But we are doing fine!!! Still pumping, but will start trying to teach him how to latch today. He is one always hungry monster. Anyway my milk wouldn't be enough. So I have to pump and also give him a bottle.
Here is my little boy. -)))


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Oh he's adorable Lenka!!! So cute!!! :D
Glad to hear you are finally getting some sleep, the first days must be so hard. :/ Enjoy sleeping as much as you can and this early it's fine sleeping while he is sleeping. You need rest to be able to give him 100% attention when he's awake :)
Hope you can enjoy these first days... this is the time that most parents forget in 3 months or so... hehe :) *hugs*

How is everyone else?

Morning sickness is here to stay! I almost puked in the car this morning on my way to work, was just retching like crazy... I sipped my smoothie like crazy and it fixed things... then I went to the store and bought cream crackers, they don't taste like much and it was the only thing I wanted to eat... Luckily this is just in the mornings and I hope it stays that way until it goes away again! Otherwise I'm fine, my temps are staying solid above the cross hairs on FFoe and I get the occational cramp and my boobs are so sore I can't hug people, but I'm fine. Just happy that I feel something to assure me everything should be okay.
Can't wait to go to the doctor next Tuesday afternoon... FX for heartbeat FX
Lenka congrats on your adorable baby boy!! I knew you'd do great. Ugh pushing is so hard but you did it anyway! (Loopy from pain in my labor, I posted a Facebook status that just said "strong like Russia!!!" You really were with the shouting in Russian haha"

I bet once you get rest and he learns how to latch, you'll have just enough milk! Pumping may not stimulate enough. Good luck! My initial extreme frustration and pain of breastfeeding paid off.. Night feedings are quick and easy! I wish that for you as well. And if it doesn't work out, it doesn't and you did what was the best for you and your family.

Drauma glad you're feeling poorly! I mean....not glad you are feeling bad but it's very comforting to have symptoms imo.

Terri? How's it been for you? I think of you when I hear a 'pack' of motorcycles go by. (The road our house is on is popular with bikers I think)

Lenka pm me if you need to talk but it seems like you're doing great! Hope you get more pictures posted asap hehe

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