3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Drauma-Glad you are feeling reassured with your pregnancy. Yay!! I hope things get better for you too, but I think you have to wait another 5 weeks or so, but hopefully that will be the end of morning sickness for good! Then you can enjoy your pregnancy.

Steph-I'm doing ok...back on BCPs until mid September. My retrieval date is for the end of September, beginning of October, so I'm just waiting. I'm curios to see how much they increase my meds, but that won't happen until mid September. For now, I'm just :coffee: 7-11 has them on sale for 50 cents the next couple weeks. hee hee.

I took Lexi back yesterday. She was crying in the car on the way to the shelter, but when she got there, and smelled all the dogs she was happy. Her new mom is going to pick her up today as she got the all clear from the vet. She really was a joy to have around. And I know where she lives, so I can visit her periodically.

Lenka-I'm sure you're doing great. Did you ever meet any mom friends to keep you company in your area? Just remember, everyone loves babies, and everyone will help you. Just ask. How is your girlfriend doing that just had her baby?
I'm super slow today.... I seriously think preggo brain-mode has started since I just feel so slow and stupid haha. You're drinking coffee for now Terri that is on sale at 7-11 stores? Please explain :)

I agree with you, will be interesting to see how much they change it or if they change it at all... How are you feeling now? Did having Lexi help at all?
Will you foster another dog soon you think? :)
I think I mentioned 7-11 before. It's a convenience store that is very popular or common on the east coast. They sell coffee, ice, ice cream, sodas/drinks, snacks like pizza and hot dogs, slurpees (the frozen drinks) and all sorts of stuff. So, this is the 50 year anniversary and they are selling coffee for 50 cents instead of the usual 1.25 or 1.50. They have good coffee in my opinion so it's a treat going there in the mornings. Plus, after my transfer, they said not to drink caffeine so I didn't have a coffee for over two weeks! I wouldn't say that I'm addicted to coffee, I just like having one cup in the mornings.

I feel fine. Just ready to get started again. I'm not really sad, I'm not mad. I just know it wasn't my time to be prego, and I'm ok with it. This next time, I'll probably be more upset, because we're getting into big bucks then, but for now, I'm happy to have good insurance and money from my mom to pay for all this stuff.

School started last week so I've been busy with that too, and having Lexi was really a lot of fun. I don't know when I will get another foster because hubs' doesn't really like having them as much as I do, but he is coming around a bit. He liked playing with Lexi becuase she was so stinking cute. I hope that I can get another one next month.
Lenka he is so cute :) How are you even functioning without sleep?!?! Eeeek!

Glad your all well :) Drauma this is your time :)
Steph, lolol, thank you for the encouragement!!! You are so funny. Yes, I was shouting in Russian, and with each contraction they wanted me to tell them when I was ready to push. At the end I was saying it in Russian that I am ready. Funny, they always get the point. They had to hold my legs which I didn't feel due to epidural.
Did I tell u that my doctor was away that weekend... and it was the busiest day in L&D this year in that hospital. I even didn't get a delivery room, they put me in a spare room. But all that is fine. I got what I came there for. And left with my baby. -))
So, how are u ladies? Drauma, if u start having an unbearable nausea, let me know, I will share one trick with you.
Terri, how does you husband feel about the second round?
Sj, how is everything with OH?
Tynmeg, how are u feeling?
Hugs to all.
Lenka-You're right about not having a regular room. Obviously the bed and doctor/nurse presence was enough. My sister had her second child on the floor in the emergency room because she thought she was lying when she said that the baby was coming. hee hee. Then, they tried to charge her for anasthesia! All was fine with her and the baby and she had another one!

Hubs hasn't said much about trying again. It's just a given, so in a few weeks we'll go through the process again, and hope/pray it works. He hasn't said that he's depressed or feeling bad/happy/excited. He's pretty mellow all the way around unless football is on. I can never really get a gauge on how he's really feeling. But, I don't really care to worry about that either. If something is bothering him, he can speak up or forever hold his peace. I have my own issues going on (not really). hee hee.
Oh now I get it, I just didn't get why coffee was on sale for a few weeks, hehe. I've never seen coffee on sale here in Iceland, hehe :) And 7-11 stores, I know them, have shopped in USA and they're also in Denmark :)
Glad to hear you and hubs are felling good. Know what you mean though, DB is pretty mellow as well unless we're watching soccer :) And who can say no to cute little pups? :)

Lenka: If you want to share your secret, please share :) You can also pm me if you don't want to tell the whole world. I puked this morning from the nausea... so with every single day things are getting worse :/ I tried these prego pops.... didn't really do much... I've just been trying to eat something throughout the day and then I feel fine, aparently it's just in the mornings when I need to balance my blood sugar after hours of sleep that I feel so bad... so any advice well taken, thanks. My friend who I've told has some good tips as well... Having a little breakfast in bed before going out (cheerios, toast etc.), drinking water with lime/lemon, ginger juice and such :)
Miss you guys.... guess you've all been busy this weekend?
I made and offer on an apartment last Friday... will get an answer before noon tomorrow... It will probably be a counter offer that we can hopefully do something with... exciting times :)
I told my mom about the pregnancy yesterday. We had ordered custom made pacifiers for all the grandparents (3 sets) which say "World's best grandparents" and I wrapped my mom's and her husband's on a cute box and asked them to open it together... it took a little while... He read it out loud and said it's a pacifier but it still didn't register until my mom looked at me with her jaw absolutely to the floor and she said "nooooooo????!!!! REALLY????????????" and then she ran up at me and DB and hugged us, and they both hugged us for a little while and my mom laughed and cried and everything at the same time. It was really, really cute :) She's the only one of her friends who isn't a grandmother yet so she's wayyyy too excited for her own good :) Today is my MIL's birthday and they come home from their vacation in Spain next Tuesday. We have sent a package to their place (they live far away from us) that says "open at 9pm Tuesday" and we're going to Skype them, hear about the trip and them ask them to open the box..... I think there will be tears, they don't have grandchildren either :) :hugs:
Oh, Drauma, so cute... exciting times.... don't have time, will just write what helped me big time with nausea. No morning snacks, no ginger candies, nothing at all helped me but: Unisom sleeping pills which contain doxylamine. My doctor advised me to take them. I only survived because of these pills. Hugs!!
Drauma-that story is so cute!! I'm so happy your family loved their gifts.

I had a family bday party today for my bestie and now it's football season. Not much going on here anyway though. Taking my BCPs. Another day, another dollar.
I think I mentioned 7-11 before. It's a convenience store that is very popular or common on the east coast. They sell coffee, ice, ice cream, sodas/drinks, snacks like pizza and hot dogs, slurpees (the frozen drinks) and all sorts of stuff. So, this is the 50 year anniversary and they are selling coffee for 50 cents instead of the usual 1.25 or 1.50. They have good coffee in my opinion so it's a treat going there in the mornings. Plus, after my transfer, they said not to drink caffeine so I didn't have a coffee for over two weeks! I wouldn't say that I'm addicted to coffee, I just like having one cup in the mornings.

I feel fine. Just ready to get started again. I'm not really sad, I'm not mad. I just know it wasn't my time to be prego, and I'm ok with it. This next time, I'll probably be more upset, because we're getting into big bucks then, but for now, I'm happy to have good insurance and money from my mom to pay for all this stuff.

School started last week so I've been busy with that too, and having Lexi was really a lot of fun. I don't know when I will get another foster because hubs' doesn't really like having them as much as I do, but he is coming around a bit. He liked playing with Lexi becuase she was so stinking cute. I hope that I can get another one next month.

they have 7-11 in Florida too, ha ha. Slurpee!!!
Thank you Lenka for the info. Sadly, these meds are banned in Iceland so I can't try.... But I'm surviving with ginger and gatorade :)

Terri: How long will you take BCP this time?

How is the rest of you doing? Nothing been going on here lately....

I have my first scan today around 3pm. I hope we get to see a little bean with a beating heart. I am stressed but excited at the same time. FX everything looks good. I'll keep you posted :) :hugs:
What an exciting day for you today, Drauma.

I think I'm going to be on a posting break for a while. I have one more week exactly until I stop BCP and start stimming. I'll be :ninja: but I don't have much going on worth talking about really. Just doing schoolwork, work work, watching baseball and football. That's my life, so I'm trying to do that more than playing on the computer. Definitely keep posting about what/how you are doing. :flower:
ok Terri :) Enjoy posting break, I sure will miss you. Good luck with everything and please post if anything noteworthy happens... I actually do enjoy reading about school and other "stuff" that's going on in your lives :)
Aw Drauma that is exciting!!

It has been quiet lately,..
I have started temping vaginally for the past few days, it seem generally higher which i'm guessing is because i'm not doing it orally anymore... my temp are less jagged though now! woop. And although i cant guarantee it, i do think we BD on the right day this month. I don't feel any different though.. I always get achey boobs the week leading upto AF.

I am going to Newcastle this weekend with 3 friends to celebrate birthdays so i am looking forward to that, i just need to find a decent dress and some underwear to suck my belly in ;)
I'm sure you'll look lovely in a black garbage bag, hehe, you're such a pretty girl :)
Glad to hear your temps are not as jagged when you temp vaginally, and yes, they should be a tad higher than orally, even though I hadn't opened your mouth or drunk anything when you temped orally... :)

Now for the big news. I am pregnant! Yes, I know you know, but it's just so good to get reassured! We saw a tiny little bean with a tiny little heart that was blinking on the screen! Yay! Heartbeat and everything, The doctor thinks I'm at least 5 and a half weeks and could be everything up to 9 days further. It's very inaccurate this early. I'll know more when I have the 12 week scan :) I think I'll keep counting from the o'date I previously decided and will just change it if it comes to that... should have the 12 week scan around the last week of October I think :)
Congrats drauma!! Very glad to hear things are progressing. Also I have two friends that are in Iceland right now. They are having such a good time and are posting lots of interesting pictures :)

Exciting news on bding on your o day possibly, sj. Keep us posted!

Terri we'll miss you on your mini sabbatical... Is Baltimore playing in the playoffs? I know nothing of baseball but am loving the start of the NFL season. When it's time for retrieval which shouldn't be long now, come back please!

Lenka how goes the latch training? Was it successful?

AFM Emma is almost 11 weeks now. I'll be flying out to Seattle with her in 4 weeks...still dreading the flight. This girl has some lungs and has no qualms about using them!

Hope you're all well. It's starting to get cool here. Think tonight is a rake leaves and drink Guinness kind of night!
Also... I heard about Ray Rice , argh!! Looking forward to watching Thursday night football. Please crush our most hated team!!!
Woop Drauma thats great news!!

Aw steph i dont blame you for being a bit worried, theres nowhere to hide with a baby on a plane is there!, I am sure she will be fine.
Oh I'm sure you'll be fine on the flight :) What I've learned is trying to keep baby awake, feed it when plane is going up in the air and then baby should sleep most of the trip and if she's drinking when the plane goes up and down she won't get ear pain... or so they say.
Great to hear your friends are having fun in Iceland! you can put them in contact with me if they need some insider information, you can just tell them you know me through a friend or something :)
Leaves are falling off the trees here now... and we have a volcano going.... so used to it though, hehe, I know, weird right!

SJ: Happy that you got bd in around your o'day!! :D FX!!

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