3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Hey all! I hope you had a great weekend! Sounds like everyone had a lot going on.

Kesh--You lived in Regina? That's awesome!! So....FLAT! I've traveled all but 3 US States and they always say Kansas is as flat as a pancake. They've got NOTHING on SK! From my grandmother's farm, you can see clearly her old schoolhouse 2 miles away as if it were a block away.

Madeline--11 DPO...good job for holding off testing before!! I have not gotten a BFP before 12 DPO so hopefully it just takes a little time! FX and :dust: Please keep us posting I've been dying to know all weekend! How is your new place?? Is it close to everything? Does it feel like home?

Natto--how was the music festival? Did you O already? If so, how many DPO are you? Glad you ended up Oing on the earlier side than you were expecting, but not TOO early like me!

Tynmeg...it's not over til it's over! I hate it when people say that when statistically it's unlikely BUT...it is VERY early still hon! :hugs:

Lenka-I've never been to that part of Canada before...but maybe I will after such a great endorsement!

Ifrans, Tynmeg...I think we're at the exact same cycle day! I'm 6 dpo today. Good for you both on temping...

Although I feel disappointed that I most likely missed my chance this month, I am feeling pretty zen about it. What are the odds that I have the SHORTEST cycle I have ever had in my life...preceded by life craziness that prevented us from bding for the few days before. To add salt to that wound, my libido has been crazy :blush: and we've been bding every day since! :haha: So obviously if it happens, it was definitely meant to be. I'm not hopless but I'm not holding out too much hope for this month and that's ok.

This month we went camping in the mountains by a small German town called Leavenworth. Free primitive campsites...I swam in Icicle Creek. I AM STRONG! :haha::haha: A lot of fun....hot air ballooning on Friday too so this morning it was so hard to get up for work!
Hope you had great weekends ladies!! good luck!
lfrans, I am 6dpo. No symptoms. Temp is staying up. I am getting nervous more and more each day...
FX for all of you!
O mine... Ifrans, Tynmeg, Steph, we are all at 5-6 dpo! :happydance:
Hi guys!
Lenka, Steph and Kesh- how cool that you guys are DPO buddies now. Let' see how it all unfolds for you ladies.

Steph- Icicle creek?!! Sounds so...exhilarating!!! Was that in WA? There is just so much amazing camping and hiking and freezing cold swimming up in the PNW. I'm hoping to get up there in Oct to visit my BFF, as I long for the beauty of the PNW.

Well, correction on my last post . Today I am 11 DPO. Yesterday was such a long day, that in my mind the morning that I tested and yesterday were 2 different days, but really they were one :dohh:

Last night I had an odd experience. As I lay in bed my whole hip/pelvis/uterus area felt tingly, like something was happening on the inside. It hurt my boobs mildly to lay on my stomach - maybe this is all a sign? I hate to say that I feel pregnant because I've never been pregnant, but the first intuition that came to me last night was that there was life forming inside me. I have copious lotiony CM and my CP is high and very soft. Hmm....

I hate to really belabor any symptoms because if they turn out not to be a sign of BFP, I think I'm going to feel really silly, ya know!
I will certainly keep you gals posted.

Kesh- is your temp till up?

Steph- It's great that you feel pretty zen about this month, isn't that a much for freeing mental state to be in versus the daily obsession? I feel more zen too, but maybe it's only because there has been so much else going on. I like your attitude and will continue to try and get there myself.

Tynmeg- how are you doing? What DPO are you now?

All this Canada talk is making me hanker for a journey north. I'm such a mountain/evergreen/northern hemisphere gal. A lot of my vacays end up being in Northern Europe or North America! I think this California heat is making me want to head north, but I'll skip SK if it's as flat as y'all say, haha!
Today I'm 5 dpo and having some cramping. I was really bummed out when my temp dropped this morning, however I've done some further reading and found this:

"a corpus luteum dip usually occurs at 4-6 DPO. It is no indication of pregnancy since each cycle your corpus luteum (the "shell" of the ovum follicle) exists and starts to secrete progesterone. If you are pregnant, hcg signals the corpus to continue secretion of progesterone until the 2nd tri. If no hcg is present, by 14 days (give or take) the corpus exhausts the progesterone, and you see AF.

Really the only attention you need to pay is to not confuse it with an ID, which is usually about 7-10 DPO, and to talk to your doc if your LP temps stay close to coverline because it could signal a progesterone deficiency and they might put you on supplements."

I'm reading more about the corpus luteum now but thought I'd share my update.
I know what you mean Madeline... I have the itch to travel so bad too! Relatives from Edmonton came to visit a couple weeks ago and now I want so bad to go back to Banff and Jasper. Just for clarification did you test yesterday or today or both? Will you test tomorrow??

Good to hear tynmeg! I am curious...does id happen in every woman or just some?

So cool you're visiting wa in October. Its my favorite month by far. The leaves, he rain, he cold. It's all so romantic! No wonder I'm a July baby haha. Yes icicle creek is in wa. If you haven't been to Leavenworth yet I totally recommend it. Hopefully you'll see it with a bump!! Those DO sound like promising signs. I totally know what you mean about being afraid that you're reading into things wrong or too much. But honestly sometimes you can tell!! I definitely knew when I was. I had promising signs 8 and 9 dpo last month so I thought I might be but I wasn't. You all didn't look down on me did you?? Didn't think so. So fx this is your month...so excited for you I could burst!! And if not...then you'll know your body just a bit better. Hugs!! :hugs::hugs:
Hey ladies!!
Steph- yup Regina of all places lol I'm now in Alberta nice and close to mountains!!
Madeline- it's super cool were all around the same dpo again! I'm 7 today! And yup temp is still definitely up. I don't want to get excited (but I want to get excited lol) I usually have a huge temp dip at 5dpov every month and nothing except the teeny one today.

I really do hope we all get a bfp this month. My doc will be medicating me next cycle if this one is a bust. I never thought it would come to this. Blah.
Steph-from what I read, some woman do and some don't. It's not a consistent thing.

Kesh-I'm up Northern AB, in Grande Prairie. Small world. :)
Haha tyn too weird!! Ya I'm in Brooks! Neato!
Hey everyone! Ack, I feel like I've been away for two days and have missed so much! It's amazing how much I missed getting back to our little group. :blush: The music festival was awesome, but I was exhausted by Sunday night. We even left The National show early. :cry:Yesterday we were just trying to make up for lost time, cleaning and grocery shopping, etc.! Plus I passed out early (typical for me right around ovulation, I could sleep 14 hours a day.) Lenka, Tynmeg and Steph - so jealous, I wish I was in the DPO club! :blush:

Lenka - thank you for the congrats! I do not temp, in fact this is my first month using OPKs. Temping seems like it requires a lot of effort, so I've sort of back burnered it as a future option. However, it does seem like it gives people so much information, so I am tempted!

Kesh - are your temps holding! That is awesome, I'm super keeping my fx'd for you! 8 DPO, very exciting! :hugs:

Madeline - I agree with Steph, I've been so curious to see how things unfold for you! I totally understand how you feel about talking about symptoms, but like Steph said - we all are taking note of what is going on with our bodies so closely, and we can't judge anyone for it, even ourselves! I know I brought up the fear of looking silly early on and you were the first to say that we have to be gentle with ourselves. :flower: Let us know how things look - are you testing today? I am really hoping for you!!!

Steph - I did end up O'ing, I am now 2 DPO! :happydance: The music fest rocked our worlds. It rained at the end, but we just happily danced soaking wet lol. You are 7 DPO, you must be getting a bit excited! I know you were bummed about O'ing so early, but it sounds like you are taking things in stride. You know what they say - it only takes one time! And not too bad that there has been a ton of BDing going on for fun! :haha: I admire you for your dip in Icicle Lake and hot air ballooning - two things I would never have the courage to do!

Tynmeg - I'm happy that your temps aren't indicating what you originally thought - I'm keeping my fx'd for you! :hugs:

Lfrans - How are the temps? Sounds promising, fx!

All of this talk about traveling makes me want to get out of the midwest! Although I love heat - as long as I'm near water, the hotter the better!
Well 6 dpo today and my temp went back up. Still having some cramping and I needed to nap yesterday...I was easily annoyed at everything. lol

Madeline - Any update from you? Really hoping this is your month!

We need some BFPs this time around. FX :)
Madeline, we are all holding our breath and keeping fingers and toes crossed for you! :hugs::hugs:
Hi gals,
Tynmeg- yay! Hope this is your month. I too needed a nap yesterday (took one in the boss's office, as she was gone- she always leaves an open invitation to do so because she has a recliner in her office for that very purpose!!)

I wish I had more exciting news, but I did test today and got BFN. I'm not reading to much into it, as it is only 12DPO, so it may take more time???

I still have copious CM, sometimes thick, sometimes lotiony and my left boob was achy continuously yesterday. Why only the left? I don't know.

Leaving for a biz trip today but you better believe I packed a HPT! Never leave home without it!

I have also noticed feeling a bit dizzy sometimes, waking up starving the past 2 days, and my heart beating a tad bit faster than usual at times. If this is not BFP, what is up? Could be the heat, though it's not been extremely hot, and it could also be that I've been running around a lot lately with moving and work obligations.

Hmm...the plot thickens.

And you ladies?? How is the TWW for you today??

I hope I can post GOOD news here in the next few days.
ReadyFor Natto, it must be so romantic to happily dance in the rain… “Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain…” So true…
Well, I am at 7dpo. Still no symptoms. except that I had a very strange dream last night. I was peeing with blood… hmm… :wacko: Actually I have some mild cramping on and off… I am still not planning to test till Sunday. For me it is easier anticipating a BFP than getting an upsetting BFN.
Madeline, your symptoms sound so promising! Keeping my fingers crossed for all of us. :friends:
Lenka, we'll be testing the same day then! No symptoms for me either besides some minor cramping. I'm excited for both of us! :happydance:

Madeline--Oh PHOOEY. I was really hoping for a 6 AM quick post announcing a BFP but I guess it will have to wait. Those symptoms seem very promising...and I love how hopeful you are about this cycle! You have no idea how much we want this for you :hugs:

Natto--I agree...dancing in the rain sounds SO GREAT. How cool, you are a very neat person that just goes with the flow, I love it!

Kesh--I'm glad you have a new doctor that will listen to you. Very much hoping for a BFP for you, too so you don't need to worry about that at all. You're 8dpo today, right? Any symptoms?

Today new roomie is making us dinner! :happydance: She added that she made some homemade sangria for us aw nuts...So I'll have to gracefully decline. Thankfully with wine, I can use my bladder as an excuse since wine irritates a condition. But....so delicious and refreshing......

Oh dear, a storm is coming! It's been sunny and warm for the past month! If you ever visit here, visit in July or August...it's incredible. (maybe not AS much as AB though!!) I'd better quickly mow down the weeds before the rain comes. Of course dandelions survive the drought so if we don't mow, our lawn goes into full bloom :growlmad: :haha:
Well today I've had on and off mild AF cramping with sporadic pulling sensations. I had this the last time I got my BFP so I'm really hoping this is a good sign. I know it could be nothing but I'm really hopeful. We'll see what tomorrow brings!
tynmeg: ooohh sounds promising, FX!!!!

Lenka: Im totally with you, I do not like testing too early. Id rather wait it out than keep getting BFNs. I havent decided when I will test, but probably sometime after next tuesday.

Madeline: sounds very promising, your symptoms sound very similar to how i felt last time I had a BFP. FX!!!

I am currently 8DPO, my temp rose dramatically at 5dpo and stayed high through to yesterday. Today it dropped significantly. Im unsure if I should consider implantation dip or just maybe im out... but its pretty early and for me usually my temp stays high until after i get AF... so not really sure what this means.

I forgot to update you all on my house hunt. We walked from the house last week - the sellers were making it complicated, making a big deal about a crack in the bricking (which they claim was nothing serious). When they said that they would not accept an inspection report from 2 well known thorough inspectors, we walked. It is illegal to say such a thing, but we just felt they were trying to hide something. We are back looking, there are a few places we have our eyes on.
Tynmeg - I can't help but feel excited about your symptoms, they sound so promising! I'm really hoping this is your month. :hugs:

Madeline - How I want a boss like yours! :haha: Sounds like your work environment is amazing. I don't know if you have visited countdowntopregnancy.com, but they have stats on when pregnant women get their BFPs - according to them almost 20% of (pregnant) women get a BFN at 12 DPO. You are still definitely in it, and we all have our fingers crossed for you! Hope the business trip is a bit of a distraction and we hear good news from you soon. :hugs:

Lenka - It felt romantic, but I'm sure it looked super goofy lol. The thing I love more than anything about DF is that he does not care about acting a fool with me! That dream sounds disconcerting! Maybe it was a bit of anxiety about AF? I've heard vivid dreams are a good sign! :flower:

Steph - Sounds like the new roomie is working out! That is great. It is hard to navigate the TWW/TTC, isn't it? Hope you got your yardwork done before the storm. It has rained here nonstop - we got more rain in the first week of July than we typically get for the entire month! :wacko:

Kesh - any news?

Lfrans - I don't know much about temping, but FX that you had an implantation dip - those are talked about quite a bit, so it sounds very possible! And I have to say it sounds like you did the exact right thing with the house. No one should EVER be trying to hide the ball when it comes to a real estate transaction, and illegal behavior is a huge red flag. Not to mention, a crack in the foundation could potentially be a huge cost to the new owners. I am sure the perfect house is out there for you! :hugs:

AFM - 3 DPO. No symptoms to report, just trucking along and keeping my FX. I'm seriously so excited to see how things turn out for everyone - in a way I'm enjoying being the caboose, I feel like every morning I wake up in anticipation of news from you ladies! :hugs:
Just a note - one thing I have noticed is that I was tired on Monday, but last night I was super energetic and restless, and woke up this morning before my alarm. That NEVER happens post-O - I usually want to sleep and sleep and sleep! I'm not saying it means anything at all, just thought it was interesting! :blush:

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