Hi ladies! How is everyone?
SJ thank you, I really like making the blanky

I decided on these colours because they're gender neutral but I love green as well so it was a no brainer.

Glad you're taking a shot at BDing this cycle

I'm sorry to hear you are feeling these ups and downs... In my opinion, it is better to speak about these things and tell your DF that you'd like him around more, helping you more with housework and such, because if you don't say anything, he probably thinks you're okay with everything. If I've learned anything over the years, it's that men don't take hints, they need words... and then everyone is in a better, happier place. Happy wife, happy life

Try to find something to do yourself when he's out, don't stay at home washing or cleaning, go out, meet friends, find a hobby, I'm sure it'll help your mood
Terri. Only just over a week more of the shots. How are you feeling now that you're taking a bit more in the beginning? I like the idea of you buying the tickets, it'll be fun!
Steph: Like the idea of you knitting. It's so relaxing and rewarding in the end

And yes, me and DB are very curious people so we will get to know the gender. Here we can check it in the 20 week scan and if my calculations are right we'll be going to London the week after the scan so we can shop like crazy for a girl or a boy
Next up is the first maternity checkup with a midwife. It's the really thorough one with many, many questions, blood work and such. Then she'll order for me a time for the 12 week scan. Oh I jut cannot wait for the 12 week scan, it's in 4 weeks!!! Then I'll see a proper photo of my baby with arms and legs and everything and I'll be able to share the news with the world, haha

I can't wait to tell my co workers, I'm always so weak and sick at work and they're all really worried.... it'll be so nice just telling them and everyone will understand

Well, I need to get some work done so I'll see you guys later

Oh and yes, I'm feeling better, nausea is hardly there anymore, I just feel bad here and there and really tired.... but it's all worth it!
