3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Lenka-don't wait for me. Just check in periodically and you'll see my announcement. It's seriously no big deal. It's a forum. Peoe come and go all the time. I'll give you my email addy so you can write to me. You'll be sleeping soon as soon as baby gets a little bigger. <3
Lenka don't worry...the first weeks are SO tough. You're exhausted and although motherhood is wonderful, it's more time consuming and miserable than you'd think. I think by the time your little man is 8 weeks old, you'll be feeling so much better! Are there lactation consultants in your area? Getting that latch problem fixed (it can be, I swear!) Will help your sanity so much.

Terri that's so funny about your veins being too cold! You weren't kidding at all when you said you had circulation problems! That's NOT funny though about your meds. I can't believe you had a gross big prescription bill to pay. Hopefully your diligence on getting back as many dollars as you can will help. I bet you're one of those responsible adults who fills out and actually sends in your rebates! Hehe

Drauma how are you feeling?

Sorry sj no bfp this time. Dah!!

Afm I hadn't signed in because we had a crazy weekend an beginning of the week. No cider fest, our friends bailed out on us. But we drove to a town an hour away to get coffee. It was raining and cozy. Then Sunday we were busy all day and Monday a friend came to stay the night as he was passing through the state. Emma and I took him sightseeing. Then he left Tuesday morning and I had 3 groups of people I was meeting then his boss over for dinner! I love making Indian curry because its something I can just quickly make and I mean, who doesn't like a curry??

Today sil comes to stay for 2 weeks the the day she leaves my aunt comes for a week and we leave together to go to Seattle for a week and a half (I think I mentioned all this). Then another friend visits for a long weekend the day after I get back, then the next day a library conference, then his mom comes to visit until November!! Busy 6 weeks ahead!!
Jeez you all do sound busy. I wish my life was as exciting.

Just popping in :)
Vomit McQueasy here, reporting from Iceland.
Things are crazy, I'm really ill one minute and then I'm fine the next. No order on it when I'm good or bad. But I'm happy, happy because the little blueberry is there and I know it. I wish I had had the early ultrasound around this time to see more, but there's nothing to do about it now... We had no idea how far I was so.... Did I show you a picture of the little bean? Don't think so, this was at 6w+1d https://tinypic.com/r/nyy436/8 really tiny, but still, a happy bean ;) It's more than twice that size today! So weird little miracles...

DB is out for tonight so I'm just going to stay at home with my feet up in the air, watch some telly and knit. I'm knitting a baby blanket to keep myself busy :) Here's a photo I took for my friend the other day... I still have lots to do but you get the idea of how it will look :)

Lenka: Hope you get to sleep soon and get your sanity back. I bet it's really hard these first weeks and then at the 3 month mark people say everything should get easier, sleeping routines and all that... FX it happens soon for you and lil cuteness :)

Terri: wow you sure ain't kidding about your circulation! No more t-shirts for you!!

Steph: Busy days ahead, wow, so many visitors!

SJ: Hope you're good!

Tynmeg: Where are you? Everything ok?
Drauma i love your blanky!! i love the colours, green is my favourite colour. Hope your feeling better soon. x
Drauma-I like the colors of your blanket too. And your little blueberry does look quite comfy. hee hee. Hope you feel better.

Day 1 of my shots are complete. 10 or 11 more to go, I suppose. Hopefully I only have to take them for 10 days because I am taking more in the beginning this time around, so hopefully my follies will grow faster, and I can stop after 10. We'll see.

Steph-Enjoy hanging with your SIL!
Thanks Terri! We are driving yo CT right now to drop her off with a friend. Halfway to you! ((Waves)) Only 10 more times, you can do it! Reward yourself with a slice of pizza after each shot Hehe

BTW are you enjoying the free McDonald's coffees? Yum!

Drauma how cute you're nesting! You got me thinking of knitting again soon, too. She needs warm caps! Are you going to find out the gender? Also my friend just told me she is also 7 weeks along!

Terri do you have any hawks players on your fantasy team?

Sj how are things over there? Looks like Scotland will be hanging around a bit longer... Not surprised.
Steph-No 'hawks players this time around. I do have Golden Tate, who used to be a Seahawk, so that's as close I got. And no, I haven't been enjoying the McD coffees. We have free coffee at work, so I usually just drink that. McD's is on the opposite side of the street from where I would be and I don't pass one on my way TO work, so it's inconvenient. At 7-11, they have that pre made cappuccino that I like (and its on my route) 's I just pour and go. Although now I'm back to work coffee. That was a special treat since it was only 50 cents. With coffee, I have to add the cream/sugar, etc..so it takes me a while to perfect it. I am rewarding myself with ginger snaps. 4 to a serving.

Have a great weekend! I'm going to Annapolis later today with my girlfriend so my husband can scream at the tv and I don't have to be around to hear it. My new plan is to get out and DO stuff. It's easy to get lazy, so I have lots of stuff planned in my future. And, I may end up buying playoff tickets for the Orioles. They made the playoffs 17 years ago, and I don't want to wait another 17 to go see them, so I might as well go now. It depends on how much they cost though. If it's outrageous, my tv works perfectly fine. HA!!HA!! I'm such a saver that I don't mind spending for once in a lifetime types of things.
Yeh Steph I cant believe it go to this point where Scotland wanted to leave. I was very annoyed about it at first and thought "oh just let them go, we dont care." But i have looked into it abit more now and i dont blame them for wanting to leave. They get dragged into our political wars etc and they dont realy have a lot of say in how money gets spend in their own country. The only thing that bugged me is they think they are the only ones annoyed with it! We (england) hate our government so they aren't alone. Thankfully they are still with us, but for how long no one really knows.

So i'm due to ovulate next weekend. I'm hoping we can get some BD slipped in there. Its really weird at the moment, sometimes i'm really happy and sometimes i'm really really down. DF is working part time. Which is annoying me as he isn't trying to get a full time job because he is enjoying fishing and golfing in his spare time!! (y'know instead of doing housework!) ARGH. Why are men so inconsiderate. He is a waste of space sometimes. I feel like my life has no direction at the moment.
I really don't want to go on about it tho, the less i think about it the better i feel.

Downton Abbey starts again tonight! after Xfactor. Yipee.

Hope your all well :)
Hi ladies! How is everyone?

SJ thank you, I really like making the blanky :) I decided on these colours because they're gender neutral but I love green as well so it was a no brainer. :) Glad you're taking a shot at BDing this cycle :) I'm sorry to hear you are feeling these ups and downs... In my opinion, it is better to speak about these things and tell your DF that you'd like him around more, helping you more with housework and such, because if you don't say anything, he probably thinks you're okay with everything. If I've learned anything over the years, it's that men don't take hints, they need words... and then everyone is in a better, happier place. Happy wife, happy life ;) Try to find something to do yourself when he's out, don't stay at home washing or cleaning, go out, meet friends, find a hobby, I'm sure it'll help your mood :)

Terri. Only just over a week more of the shots. How are you feeling now that you're taking a bit more in the beginning? I like the idea of you buying the tickets, it'll be fun! :)

Steph: Like the idea of you knitting. It's so relaxing and rewarding in the end :) And yes, me and DB are very curious people so we will get to know the gender. Here we can check it in the 20 week scan and if my calculations are right we'll be going to London the week after the scan so we can shop like crazy for a girl or a boy :D

Next up is the first maternity checkup with a midwife. It's the really thorough one with many, many questions, blood work and such. Then she'll order for me a time for the 12 week scan. Oh I jut cannot wait for the 12 week scan, it's in 4 weeks!!! Then I'll see a proper photo of my baby with arms and legs and everything and I'll be able to share the news with the world, haha :) I can't wait to tell my co workers, I'm always so weak and sick at work and they're all really worried.... it'll be so nice just telling them and everyone will understand :)
Well, I need to get some work done so I'll see you guys later :) Oh and yes, I'm feeling better, nausea is hardly there anymore, I just feel bad here and there and really tired.... but it's all worth it! :kiss: *hugs*
Drauma-So glad to hear you are feeling better nausea wise, but only weak. I guess that's a good thing. And yes, so exciting to finally tell your coworkers, although I'm sure some will say 'I knew it!' hee hee. A youngish woman at my church has not been there for quite a while now, and I have a feeling she's pregnant. She said she has class (she's in grad school) on Mondays, but I think she is just using it as an excuse not to come to our couples ministry. The end of the semester is about 3 months, so I'm sure she'll show up soon after Christmas and tell us all. hee hee. Also that's cool that you're meeting with the midwife soon. Lots going on at your house.

SJ-You should find a hobby or a meetup group with people that like to do what you do. Do you like hiking, reading books, running, sewing? If you don't know, try them? Go out on a limb and try something new. Then you don't have to worry about what DF is doing and you'll have your own things going on. When I was single (just a few years back), I did EVERYTHING. I was always all over the place with activities. Now, I feel lazy and out of it, but I'm getting back into doing what makes me happy. My hubs can go to the gym and get home at 8 and be a bump on a log, but life is too short to be sitting around waiting for others. He actually thought I was only buying one playoff ticket. I told him that if he didn't want to go, I could certainly find someone to join me. HA!!HA!! He wants to go now. I did buy the tickets and I'm waiting for the email to tell me which seats I'm getting. Woop woop! My shots are coming along fine. I have ten follies (5 on each side) that are starting to grow. I hope this is my month because I'm seriously turning into a chubby bubby. I thought it was bloating, but now it's slowed metabolism and fat. :dohh: :growlmad:

Next scan tomorrow, so I hope there are even more follicles. I want a lot so I have some leftover to freeze. That's the plan, anyway.
Yay, grow follies, grow!!! :D Glad you bought the tickets, and lol DH thought you only bought one, hehehe!
Hope you're right about your church friend, because then you'll have a friend there to talk to about things when you get pregnant, which will happen this month, I can just feel it! :)
And don't worry about weight now, getting pregnant and being pregnant is not the time to worry about these things, you should just worry about being healthy. Go for a walk during lunchtime or in the evenings and don't worry too much :)

SJ I forgot to mention, I LOVE DOWNTON ABBEY and watched the new season premiere last night, oh I love love love it! And I love The X factor as well. I can just download these right after they're shown because the only British tv-channels we get over here are BBC entertainment and some news channels...
Thanks for your advice guys, i personally don't want any particularly time consuming hobbies, i'm happy to come home and chill after work and spend my weekends at home (my star sign is cancer and its totally true to me) but i just want him to be the same and want to make an effort. it wont happen and its something i have to just get over.

Drauma its so exciting that your 12 week scan is coming up soon, i do hope you will post a picture?
And terri i do hope your church friend is pregnant like Drauma said it will be good to have a bump buddy (Grow follies grow!!)

I haven't watched a lot of Downton in the past but i'm determined to keep up this series. I really love 'our girl' Its back on now for series 2, check it out. its about a girl who joins the army. The girl in it was in Eastenders. Its really good :)
SJ, i'm cancer as well and get it with the hobbies. Hope you can make oeace with him because he wants his hobbies. Same with me and DB it bothers me sometimes that he seems to spend all his money on bike stuff but I know he'd go insane staying home with me all the time so...

I'll check our girl sometime, thanks :)
My doctor did the follicle check and he said that he was just going to do a quick check. I think he clicked about 7 times, but he was so fast, I couldn't really see the size and the number at the same time. I go to get another u/s and bloodwork tomorrow morning so I'll have a better update then.

I got tickets to the playoff games! My initial email said I would have the option of getting tickets to game 1 or 2. Well, when I got into the buying area, I got the first set of seats, and then it said 'Add another game' I clicked on it (just because) and it went through. So, we have tickets for the Thursday night game and the Friday night game. So exciting! My bestie's husband was able to get into the lottery, but he can't get into the buying area until Saturday morning. The tickets are mostly solo seats at this point, so I think we will offer one game to them so they can feel the Orioles magic. I thought that we'd be able to buy the middle priced seats, but there were not two seats together in that price range, so I had to drop down to a lower priced seat. I don't mind, but that makes me think that the people who get to buy on Saturday are really going to have slim pickings.

:wave: to the rest of you ladies. I hope you are all doing great. Go O's!
How is everyone doing?? Just thought I'd check in.

I had 13 follicles this morning on the ultrasound. Not bad! I'll probably be taking my trigger shot later in the week because my follies have to be >18mm, and right now they are between 10-14, with a 2mm/day growth rate. Hopefully the timing will work out where I'm not going to have to take my shot in the middle of the baseball game, but trust me, I will do it if I have to. I'm not missing this game for anything. HA! I'm crazy, I know.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone. :flower:
That's awesome Terri! I keep checking in to see how your journey is going. I'm really hopefully that this is your time. :) Enjoy the game!

How's the rest of you ladies making out?

Things for me are great, baby is doing awesome. My only complaint is I have some serious pain happening in my pelvic area and down the inside of my thighs. I've done some reading online and it sounds like I have SPD symphysis pubis dysfunction. I'm going to make a Dr appt to be sure instead of relying on Dr Google. It's really painful to stand up and walk.
Terri congrats on the tons of follies! I really hope you don't have to do any shots during the playoff game but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! When's your next ultrasound?

Today guest 2 left after a week and a half here.I feel bad for saying this but she was definitely a guest and not a helper! I love her but dang it, if are housing you, feeding you, driving you all across the region..at least offer to watch the baby or do some dishes!, pay for something!! Hence me having no time to be on here. End vent. So sj, don't be jealous of the exciting life haha

Any news people? Sorry tynmeg you are having problems with spd. I has sciatica and it was miserable...well, I know in my head it was. I'm already forgetting. Uh oh! Goes to show you how temporary it all is .I hope you get some answers and you can get some relief, too ! Either way, it'll all be done in 12 weeks. It seems like forever but it isn't.

Terri when's your game? Are you going with the hubby?

Gonna try to rest before round 3 gets here Wednesday morning!
I went back today for another ultrasound and things are looking really good. I'm hoping that after tomorrow's visit, they will have me trigger tomorrow night, and retrieval will be on Thursday. That will mean that I can go to the game free and clear! hee hee. Yes, hubs is going with me on Friday night. We may take a half day so we can get downtown early and find free parking. Free parking is VERY HIGH on the list of things that make me happy. I'm crazy about it. hee hee.

Sorry you had a sucky guest, and yeah, she should have offered something. Maybe she'll send you a nice thank you card with a giftcard or $$ inside. You never know, but can always hope. Yeah, take it easy until Guest #3 shows up. :)
Here's the latest update, ladies!

I have lots of updates to share. My doctor (my actual doctor who is not a morning person, but said I was fun) made a joke today about the baseball games after I told him he ruined my life. He said, while doing my ultrasound, 'well, if you can't make the game on Friday, you can certainly give the tickets to the man you love. The one between your legs right now.' I died laughing. Then he said 'Let's hope Pittsburgh wins so the game will be at 3pm, and then you can go, but take it easy.' I was happy. So...I have 18 freaking follicles! 18!!!! Unbelievable. 9 on each side. Trigger is tonight, so I had to meet with a random nurse. I told her that I'd really like to get the first appointment if possible. She said Lupron helps prevent OHSS, but then I will get hcg the morning of retrieval to help my lining. After work I had a message from my nice nurse (all cylinders were firing properly today with the nice people), and she said that I will do a combo Lupron/hcg and not get one in the morning. So, I have two subQ shots today and no butt shots at 9pm for retrieval at 9a. Boop boop! I have to go back tomorrow morning for bloodwork (which is fine), and then to work, so no biggie. I'm SOOO happy today. I was able to reschedule my dentist's appointment for another day, and because I didn't have to work late, I still made my eyebrow waxing appointment on time. Today is my day! If you ever have to go bald, definitely keep your brows in tip top shape. :wohoo:

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