3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Awesome, Terri !!!!!!!! You're a follie producing machine!!

I really really hope you camake the game and lolol about the man between your legs and the eyebrows! Very good point!

Sorry so short, aunt is in town so I'm busy with her but wanted to let you know I check often for updates, my friend!

Where is everyone...?
I am here ladies. Sitting on my sofa pumping. So tired. Terri, still rooting for you!!!
Just read this entire thread! I really feel like I know you ladies! What an emotional roller coaster.
My name is Jen. I am about to celebrate my one year anniversary. My DH and I have been TTC for the last year. I swear, I stopped charting and obsessing (that's just what I tell myself) but the TWW is still agony for me. I'm currently 3/4 dpo. I think 3. I still chart when I get my period and then we BD.
Last month I put it on my iPad and on phone and they are both one day apart. I'm pretty sure though it's 3dpo.I started ACCUPUNCTURE not too long ago. I'm hoping that it will help as I am very natural with my lifestyle. Anyway, 12dpo will literally fall on my first anniversary. It would be a blessing, obviously but in a different way. My FIL had a massive stroke 3 weeks ago and it has left him a quadrapalegic with locked in syndrome. It's horrible. He's only 54. Anyway... What I'm trying to say is joyful news of new life would be the best thing for us all. Please cross your fingers or say a prayer or do a dance!
As of today I feel a bit nauseous and very tired (that might be last nights wine though!)
Sides of breasts are tender

Anyway, loved this whole thread and all of you I wanted to join and hopefully meet some friends who understand. Xoxo
Aw Terri great news on the follies!! Keep us updated (doesn't need saying really your keeping us on track)
I have been popping in but i haven't the past 3 days so it was good to catch up.

Hey Hopeful! I did the same as you, trawled the forums, found this thread and read all night till i was up to date and felt like i knew them all. its addictive! Happy Anniversary and Good luck xx

I joined the gym! Eeek! I totally went overboard monday and wednesday though. I was aching and hurting for days. I'm going again in the morning, getting back on it.
I'm a little disapointed with my cycle. I usually ovulate around cd 18, but my temp still hasnt gone up yet. ive had ewcm, sticky cm, watery cm, all sorts, i even swear i had all three in 1 day! So im guessing im not ovulating this month.

Im due on just before my holiday but i really hope its really late so i don't come on. i hate tampons.
SJ-good for you for going back to the gym. You'll get over the soreness if you keep going. Yeah, your cycle is wonky this time. Hopefully you can BD a bit in the next few days.

Mrs. L-hello. Sorry to hear bout your FIL. Cherish your time with him. Life is too short. Good luck this month with your cycle. My anniversary is coming up in a few days as well and it would be awesome to have a special anniversary present.

AFM-the game last night was so much fun and worth every penny! The Orioles won 12-3. Hubs is there today for the second home game. We went to retrieval this morning and I had 17 eggs. So happy. We got lunch and he dropped me off at home. The transfer will either be Monday or Wednesday. I'm hoping for five days.
17 eggs is great!! Woop :)

Glad your team won, mine did also, we are now in the grand final!
So sorry for being MIA I'll explain later this post.

Terri: WOW so many eggs! Rooting for you! Have you got a final time for the transfer? The doctors here recommend BD after a transfer to do the magic touch, is it recommended for you as well?
Congrats on the game and lol on the man between your legs, haha, he has good humour even if he's not a morning person :)
I totally agree with you on brow maintenance, but you said if you HAVE TO go bald... I though you had done it by choice? It suits you soLove the new avatar pic by the way! :D

SJ: You sure have a wonky cycle... :/ Hope it's just wonky but still working fine :)

Lenka: So sorry to hear you're so tired :(

Steph: When is the guest wave finished? You must be craving some alone time ;)

Tynmeg: Sorry to hear you're in pain, is there anything that can be done?

Mrs L.: Welcome! Sorry to hear about your FIL and that nothing is happening after a year of TTC. Have you considered to talking to a doctor, just to see if everything is working as it should? I cross my fingers and dance for your cycle to be IT :)

AFM: Soooo busy these past weeks. A coworker was diagnosed with cancer and is probably not coming back to work. I worked very closely with her so there are a lot of changes that are going on. I got a promotion yesterday and am waiting for a meeting about getting a raise.

My green olive is doing fine I think, I have my first appointment next Friday with the midwife and on the 23rd we have to 12 week scan and blood work and all that. Then we'll finally be able to shout it from the roof tops and tell everyone about this. It's getting so difficult to hide because I have a huge hormonal bump! Looks like I'm 20weeks pregnant or so... I'm not even kidding! I can show you a photo next time I'm on here, can't be bothered to stand up and find my phone to transfer photos. I am soooo tired. All this extra stress at work is making me so miserable.
Life is good though, we're still apartment hunting, going to look at one house tomorrow... we'll see, there's not much going on in the market at the moment.

Today is a massive sports day for us here though. Liverpool is playing at 2pm, my home soccer team (the one I played with for years) are in the finals and the game is at 4pm today. Then our Icelandic hero, Gunni Nelson has his MMA fight today. He's had 14 fights, won 13 and tied 1. He's unstoppable and if he wins this one he might be soon going to compete for the belt, the ultimate award in this sport. I'm not a fan of violence but after Nelson's success the whole island has started to follow him, we're so proud of our sports people wherever they are and whatever they do. ;)

I'll pop in again soon, things must be starting to slow down for me, I don't believe otherwise.... lots of love to you all! :) :hugs:
Drauma-glad all is going well!! Can't wait to hear the update from the midwife. I did shave my head bald, but most people wouldn't. Here, people usually shave when they find out they have cancer. That's all I was saying. I'm so sorry to hear about your coworker. Hopefully she can beat it and come back to work.

Good luck to your sports teams. For some reason, I like MMA better than boxing. I guess because they do all this fancy moves and stuff. Boxing is just punching in the face/body which I don't like.

SJ-looks like your temp is about to go up. BD tonight!

My transfer is probably going to be on Wednesday. That's five days from retrieval. I hope it's not Monday because I have a study at work that needs to get done and it's scheduled for Monday. Have a great weekend all!
Hmm, it didn't spike it wnet down again, but this morning i had kinda like ewcm but it was yellow, and this afternoon seems a bit white and lumpy. argh. I think ill be able to get df to BD tonight. I suggested a mid afternoon rendezvous but he said no maybe tonight if your lucky. haha. Obv he has no idea i may be ovulating as we agreed to wait till jan so as not to interrupt the holiday but i'm not bothered about missing the holiday so Ssshhh!

Oh also i dont know if i told you but i have quite an exciting two weeks ahead.
So on Tuesday i'm going to see a psychic medium :) I know a lot of people are sceptical about them but entertain me...I am SO excited. One of my close friends/ex boyf died a couple of years ago so im am hoping to god he comes through.
The same day i finally get my iphone 6! Woop, after months and months of this iphone 3 i am desperate for it!

Then on the 18th i fly to Tenerife for a week with my Mama. bliss!

Im feeling quite happy today, which is rare considering how down ive been lately.

Im going watching a firework show at 7pm toight too! Fireworks are my fave.

Hope you're all having a fab weekend.

Steph has your visitor left yet? Bet your dying for some alone time.
Drauma congrats on your promotion, i know its under awful circumstances but still its great news for you. Have you told work about your pregnancy yet? Dont until you have that payrise in the bag ;)

Terri, i will be popping in next week to hear how things went with your transfer :)

SJ-glad you have fun things planned. I have the iPhone 5 and my battery is losing power very quickly. It's so annoying but I'm holding out.

Fertilization update- All 14 are still growing strong so I have a Wednesday retrieval. Time to get to the store and stock up on healthy foods and fruit again. Yay!!
Great to hear about your follies Terri :) Crossing my fingers for Wednesday :) I also have iPhone 5 and my oh my the battery is horrible!!! Much better on DB's iPhone 5s... :( Mine got a bit better though after I reset all factory settings. Did you check your phone model here? https://www.apple.com/support/iphone5-battery/ They're replacing some iPhone 5's that have proved to be faulty.

SJ: No, I haven't told my boss or coworkers yet, I'm hoping I get my salary-interview before that. Wish I could join you to Tenerife! So cold and windy and rainy over here, soooo annoying!

Here's my photo of last weeks HUGE bump!!

Today I'm 10 weeks and the bump is smaller today for some reason....
Drauma-Yes, you look adorable! Thanks for the phone link. I will check mine out and hopefully I can take mine back to the store and get another one with a better battery. That would be sweet!

Sj-Hope the fireworks were awesome, and enjoy the trip with your mom. How fun!

AFM-I was swamped at work today and only got to play enough to see my email from the Os saying that tomorrow morning I have my chance to buy ALCS tickets!! Obsessive much? hee hee.

So the nurse called and I STILL have 14 embryos!! She was so great. She gave me an update on every single one of them. The smallest is a 5 cell, but she said that sometimes they catch up and divide quickly in the last few days. The best two right now are at 13 cells, and they call that early compacting (?) I will look that up later. I won't bore you with ALL the details, but I'm feeling really great. Bottom line, 13 pretty strong embryos. No update tomorrow, but transfer will be Wednesday at 10a. :thumbup:
Thanks girls, I feel sooooo bloated lately, feel better today as you can see from the pics :)

Great to hear about your follies Terri! How exciting!!! :D :happydance:

How was the firework show SJ? :)

Oh you won't believe it but it started to snow here in the capital last weekend!!! :( The mountains are all white now and there was a little bit of snow Friday and Saturday thet gladly disappeared really quickly... but still... it isn't winter just yet???? If there'll be more snow soon I'll just start listening to Christmas music, no joke! :xmas7:
Gah i love snow! For two days then i want it gone hahah. The UK cannot cope with snow. I'm guessing you guys are better at it?

Terri that sounds like great news!

The fireworks were great, not as epic as disneyland but still epic :)

So....I went to the medium. She said:

I will have 2 children but not right now, when the time is right (how frustrating!) and she said i may need help with it. She said i am with the love of my life even though i sometimes sit here and wonder if i am doing the right thing. she said we might bicker but we are meant to be.

She brought my grandad and my friend mark through. It was really good.

Afm today i just went to the loo and had a massive glob of EWCM. again! argh. My temp went really high today but i did take it around 40 mins late and i was tossing and turning in the morning. So i will just see what my temp is tomorrow, and might try and bd tonight.
Ooh SJ!! That's quite a jump. Glad the medium experience was awesome. Go BD tonight. I'll hope it works!

I was able to get tickets to Home Games 3 and 4 if need be. I'm hoping we win in 4 games, but that's probably unheard of, so I'll be patient and watch the games. I offered one set to my bestie since I had to have her get them because my work firewall was blocking me. I offered her seats prior to knowing about the firewall too. All my focus now is on transfer tomorrow. 10am. Woot woot!
Good luck today Terri!!!! FX FX FX FX FX FX
Glad you got your tickets :)

Glad you're happy with the medium. I don't really believe in them, I've visited a medium twice and what a load of crap, nothing has come true or turned out like they said, almost the opposite.... But if yours is a good one then that's great. :) I've heard of people who go to see a medium and everything turns out the way they said... At least it's fun to see what they say :)

When I lived in London it snowed a little tiny bit and I am still telling people here in Iceland about the craziness I witnessed... The M25 being close due to snowstorms, people putting chains on their car tires. Airports closing due to a tiny bit of snow. You guys really don't know how to cope and you're to scared of it :) Icelandic pilots have gotten fed up with this and went out to plow the snow from an airfield so they could fly home, they had to do it themselves because airport control just shut down. Hahahaha. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/dorrit-moussaieff/how-iceland-air-kept-flyi_b_801077.html You can read the news here :)

If you love fireworks SJ you should come over to Iceland during New Years... Everyone is allowed to buy fire works and we're bombing them for days, most of it of course around midnight 31st Dec. It's absolutely insane :) Here's a video of a go-pro camera that went flying last new years in a normal neighborhood in Reykjavík... just to show you that every single family is shooting up firewroks :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xkW4rIvS1o

2 days to my first maternity check-up! :) yay!
Oh Wow Drauma that video is SO SO cool!! I cant believe how many were going off!! I totally want to spend new years at yours ;)

I have been to two mediums before, one was very very accurate in what she said, stuff i dont think can be guessed. But i dont blame people for being sceptical.

That article is funny, we are pathetic in snow. Its ridiculous.

My temp dropped back to normal today. Damn.
SJ-Sorry about your temperature. Did you BD? You still have a chance!!

Drauma-Can't wait for your checkup! How are you feeling? I'll have to look at the video later.

My transfer went well today. I had three blastocysts transferred. One was expanded good rating, and the other two were expanded fair rating. The doctor said they grade them as good, fair, poor. She also said that they looked beautiful.:happydance: The doctor is the only woman at the site, and she's always so nice, patient and explains everything. She also did my retrieval this time. I think tomorrow they will call me to tell me how many frosties I will have, but this morning my regular doctor called and said he sees about 8-9. So I'm super happy about that too. I took a nap when I got home and then chopped tons of vegetables and roasted them for a vegetable fritatta with white cheddar queso. Yum yum. I'm finally about to try it! I'm going to work tomorrow and just taking it easy. Last time I did the super bed rest, but it was the weekend and I could just sit around. Not this time! Hope everyone is doing well!
Drauma-Thank you so much for the link to the apple site. Mine does fall into that category!! I bought it when it was brand new, so I'm not surprised. Usually I'm the last to the technology party, but my Palm Pixi was just dying a painful death, so I decided to step up and get the iPhone 5 as soon as it came out. Yay!! My appointment is on Monday.

Not much else going on here..:juggle: Hope everyone is well.

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