So sorry for being MIA I'll explain later this post.
Terri: WOW so many eggs! Rooting for you! Have you got a final time for the transfer? The doctors here recommend BD after a transfer to do the magic touch, is it recommended for you as well?
Congrats on the game and lol on the man between your legs, haha, he has good humour even if he's not a morning person

I totally agree with you on brow maintenance, but you said if you HAVE TO go bald... I though you had done it by choice? It suits you soLove the new avatar pic by the way!
SJ: You sure have a wonky cycle... :/ Hope it's just wonky but still working fine
Lenka: So sorry to hear you're so tired
Steph: When is the guest wave finished? You must be craving some alone time
Tynmeg: Sorry to hear you're in pain, is there anything that can be done?
Mrs L.: Welcome! Sorry to hear about your FIL and that nothing is happening after a year of TTC. Have you considered to talking to a doctor, just to see if everything is working as it should? I cross my fingers and dance for your cycle to be IT
AFM: Soooo busy these past weeks. A coworker was diagnosed with cancer and is probably not coming back to work. I worked very closely with her so there are a lot of changes that are going on. I got a promotion yesterday and am waiting for a meeting about getting a raise.
My green olive is doing fine I think, I have my first appointment next Friday with the midwife and on the 23rd we have to 12 week scan and blood work and all that. Then we'll finally be able to shout it from the roof tops and tell everyone about this. It's getting so difficult to hide because I have a huge hormonal bump! Looks like I'm 20weeks pregnant or so... I'm not even kidding! I can show you a photo next time I'm on here, can't be bothered to stand up and find my phone to transfer photos. I am soooo tired. All this extra stress at work is making me so miserable.
Life is good though, we're still apartment hunting, going to look at one house tomorrow... we'll see, there's not much going on in the market at the moment.
Today is a massive sports day for us here though. Liverpool is playing at 2pm, my home soccer team (the one I played with for years) are in the finals and the game is at 4pm today. Then our Icelandic hero, Gunni Nelson has his MMA fight today. He's had 14 fights, won 13 and tied 1. He's unstoppable and if he wins this one he might be soon going to compete for the belt, the ultimate award in this sport. I'm not a fan of violence but after Nelson's success the whole island has started to follow him, we're so proud of our sports people wherever they are and whatever they do.
I'll pop in again soon, things must be starting to slow down for me, I don't believe otherwise.... lots of love to you all!