Hi ladies, happy new year!!
First of all, my sincere apologies for not being on here for sooooo long, I'll explain, but first, Terri.... I am so, so, so sorry to hear it didn't work this time either. My heart breaks for you. 2015 is definitely your year, it has already started so I'll keep you in my thoughts and hopefully next time you try will be the lucky one. Until then I hope you can do it the old fashioned way and who knows... something might happen?
SJ, sorry to hear about you and DF falling out on your ov day... glaf to hear he promised to do better next cycle.
Hope all of you are doing well.
I went to London in December after getting the keys to the new apartment and painting all the rooms and cleaning. We came back home late in the afternoon on a Sunday after a massive delay due to engine failure and had the truck and everything pre-ordered so we just had to move the minute we landed and got loads of friends and family to help. Then we tried to make everything look a bit like a home, locked the rest of the boxes in the extra bedroom and celebrated Christmas and New Years. With a family diner at a different place almost every night/lunch time since December 24th our lives have been rather crazy. I have been really tired over the holidays, trying to rest but I just can't rest when there are still boxes to unpack and photos to be put up. We got half of the lights up today after today's lunch party and then I unpacked 3 more boxes... Little baby steps and I'll get there, it's starting to look really good

I'll send you pictures when everything's ready
Now, for the big news.........................................

Yup, we had the 20 week scan December 19th and everything looks perfect. We asked to lady to pack a note with the gender in an envelope which we took to a store, picked a pink bodysuit and a blue one and asked the clerk to pick one after giving her the envelope as well and she was super excited and wrapped it in a cute box for us. I took the box home and wrapped it in a Christmas wrapper with a pink and blue bow on it and we opened it on the morning of December 24th (the day we celebrate Christmas here). Then in the evening we went to my mom's and celebrated with my whole family, grandparents and all. Told them all we still hadn't opened our private present so there were no questions about that... until we opened all the presents together... My cousin always hands out the presents and reads on the tags and after like half of the presents were opened she picked a small present from under the tree, read to herself, paused... paused some more... and then she read (loud and clear, with a huge smile on her face, she's 17 years old) "TO GRANDMA AND GRANDDAD.... FROM THE LITTLE PRINCE IN THE BELLY"... and everyone just stopped and were like WHAT??? REALLY? It was so cute, and then everyone clapped and hugged us. It was such a precious moment
I attached photo of the package and one of what was inside... and one of me, a selfie because DB is out partying with his friends
I'm almost 23 weeks now and feel some kicks and stuff, but DB hasn't felt anything yet. The placenta is in the front so it's hard to feel on the outside, but baby is getting stronger every day so hopefully he'll feel something soon

I feel fine apart from one thing, my back is totally busted. I sleep maybe 2-4 hours a night and the rest I'm tossing and turning trying to find a good position, it's horrible... hopefully I'll find a way to make it better soon, before I totally lose it....
Well, this is enough for now, I promise I'll be on here more often now that things are finally slowing down.
Big hugs to you all!!!!