Ifrans-- Good move on the house. House hunting is so much more difficult than it sounds!! Keep us updated...I hope you find a beautiful place that is perfect for a family

And really, that could be an id. however, I think it should go up by the next day. Has your temp gone back up?
Lenka--that does sound promising!
Kesh--It's SO early you are not out. So few women get their bfp so early on...I'd wait a couple days before testing again to give your body to catch up with your excitement! I'm 8 dpo and not really having any symptoms either. Ugh. It does suck though.
Natto--yes, she is working out pretty well. Excited that you are still so tired. If that were a pregnancy symptom for ME personally, I would have been pregnant my whole life! You know DH and I went to bed at 8:45 last night? It doesn't get dark til 10! Ridiculous. They should send us to an old folks home.

Anyway, with my bfp, I had a lot of promising signs from like 3 dpo. However, it could be just a correlation and not causation...but still...just sayin'
Madeline--I'm guessing you didn't get a bfp this morning because you haven't written on here today (I guess you have that business trip, too!) but I'm still holding out hope for ya!
Today I have had cramps much stronger than last month at this time before AF here on 8 dpo. Other than that and a ton of gas, (ya'll DEFINITELY wanted to know that) nothin'. Wait, wait, wait...