3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

OMG, my heart is beating so fast after I read Madeline's post.... :dance: That is amazing!!! That is a good start for this thread this months! More BFPs please! Keep them coming, ladies! :happydance:
Hope everyone is feeling well this morning. I woke up early again. My temp was higher than yesterday, but not as high as it had been. Im not sure if that means anything or not. I stayed in bed until my alarm and took my temp again and it had risen again (but doesnt count cuz i was up playing on ipad.... Yesterday i did the same thing and my temp stayed the same.... I dunno... trying to read into things way too much!!

lfrans, that was probably an implantation dip on the 17th. :thumbup: I didn't have this dip...yet... My temp stays the same since ovulation.....
Lenka - no worries, in march/april when i got bfp, i did not have an implantation dip, so i dont think it is necessary, just sometimes happens. From what i read it happens in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy charts, just happens in pregnancy charts more often.
Madeline! Omg! I'm so excited for you. I bet you barely slept in anticipation of testing again and the BFP you got. I'll be waiting for an update this morning. Wahoo!

My temp dipped this morning, 8 dpo so could be an ID but we'll see what it does tomorrow. Still no other symptoms except for the gas and cramping.

Lots of baby dust to everyone!
Madeline, OMG ACK!!!!! :happydance: I am at work right now and trying to contain how happy and excited I am!!!! I cannot wait to hear what this morning brings. I seriously cannot stop smiling!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I told DF, he is so happy for you as well! (I may have mentioned that I found an awesome group of women on here!) And thank you, I am hoping that my intuition is keen this month. :blush:

Kesh - how are your temps? You aren't out yet, 9 DPO is still early! FX! :flower:

Lfrans - Thanks for the input on my sleep! So weird, I am up until 11:30 - 12:30 every night, alarm goes off at 6:50 and I'm already awake! Usually post-O I'm asleep between 9-10 and dragging at 7:30. Very, very weird, but I'm trying not to read into it - sometimes cycles are just different. :blush: Any new symptoms for you? How is the coffee tasting this morning? I wish I knew more about temping so I could have an idea of what yours means!

Lenka - any more symptoms? Chills and heaviness in the bbs, those are good signs! :hugs: I agree - how awesome would it be if we all got our BFPs! :thumbup:

Tynmeg - Sounds promising! I know you mentioned at 9 DPO you start to get the testing itch :haha:, do you plan on starting to test then? Although sounds like you had an ID? I'm still trying to learn temping. FX for you!

Steph - I hear you about correlation and causation, I think that's why we all get so hesitant about symptom spotting, it is just so dang hard not to! :blush: I'm usually exhausted post-O, that's what is weird right now, I'm wide awake! Although this one would go either way - if I was exhausted, I would still see it as a symptom. :haha: Do you usually cramp between O and AF? Keeping my fx for you. Gas is also a good sign, and lord knows after all of our CM talks, etc., a little gas talk won't hurt anyone!

AFM, cranky crabby last night (right in line with PMS), but weird pains in my bbs that feel like stabbing (not something I remember experiencing) and the sleeplessness (although I hate to put it that way, I'm sleeping better than I ever have, I'm just way more energized!) We shall see!

So, just for my own clarification, are these the DPOs of our group? If yours is correct, would you "thank" this, and if not, just post to clarify? I want to make sure I have it right, especially as we all get closer to testing! :happydance:

Madeline - 14 DPO
Kesh - 10 DPO
Lenka - 9 DPO
Steph - 9 DPO
Lfrans - 9 DPO
Tynmeg - 8 DPO
Ready - 4 DPO
Yayayayyaya Madeline!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see a pic, that's so freakin exciting!!
Ready - Great job keeping track of everyone, you have mine correct.
It was only a 0.4 dip so I really don't know if that counts or not but time will tell I guess. I'm not a very patient person when it comes to waiting but in our situation, we really have no choice but to wait. I'm going to try to wait until 10 dpo this time, I figure if I can hold off one extra day then that's a start. The problem is that I get reading and see all the bfps that other people get at 7, 8 & 9 dpo and then I cave.
Tynmeg totally know what you mean! I spent some time looking at countdown to pregnancy and looked at all those bfps for 8 dpo...made me feel that if I poas then surely I would get a bfp too! Natto great job! Yes I am 9 dpo today. Crazy dreams last two nights but last night was because my hubby had trouble sleeping so he woke me up a lot. Don't blame him one bit! He fell rock climbing yesterday and sprained his ankle pretty good.

Wish I had something to comment on you guys with your temp charts but I know nothing about post o temping. When I used to temp as birth control I would be lazy and stop temping a few days after o.
Steph - Haha, thanks for that...I know I'm not alone in that craziness.
I see everybody is in excellent mood! :thumbup: Yes, Natto, it is 9dpo for me. Thanks for making the list!
I do not have any symptoms today. Boobs are back to normal. It is making me so nervous and scared… I do not want to see the witch! :shrug: Please stay away!!! I guess only time will tell. I have always been the one who wished there was at least 26 hours a day. Look at me now!...
I understand Lenka...I think we all do. Lol

I'm wishing my bbs would get sore, it's crazy...I have these cramps and gas but that's it and for some reason, (maybe cause of the symptons with my first bfp) I think that if my bbs would start hurting as well than things could look promising. The craziness we put ourselves through is just insanity! LOL
I can relate to your comment about usually wanting longer days, but when it comes to TWW, I want to skip days altogether!!

Ready-thank you for making the DPO chart, that is fantastic! Stabbing pain in boobs might be a good sign, that is sort of how mine are feeling, but it's more tingly- and it's intermittent. I don't think everybody has so bbs, though I agree with what was said before that I always want mine to be super sore - as though that alone means BFP!!

So, I had another bout of insomnia last night - awoke at 4am, up until 6. So, I poas again at 5am (why not, it's technically FMU, right?). Still a faint line for BFP, but seriously my phone camera is to lame to capture it. :happydance:

When I get home tonight I'll use a more sensitive test and then a pic is coming!!! However, even with BFP, I'm going to test every other day for a bit just to make sure it isn't a chemical or something. Don't get me wrong, I'm ESTATIC, but also trepidatious (is that a word? If so, my computer doesn't know how to spell it, lol I think so- I mean to say I have trepidation about getting overly excited).

For those who temp, are the expected variations, such as maintenance of elevated temps and a dip at implantation, consistent for all women? I don't know much about temping, I think I've been too lazy to do it thus far, but I know it's kind of a gold standard.

Steph- I must have missed the post about causation vs correlation- the verbiage brings me back to my days of studying epidemiology - are you in Public health by chance or just savvy on these concepts? :)

So, who is going to test next? I hear Tynmeg is waiting until 10DPO, what about others?

So, if my BFP is really that, I hope you gals let me stay in this thread until we all get BFP. I don't want to leave and go to the other forums. You gals mean too much to me!!!!!

I guess we are getting into the exciting yet nerve wracking part of the TWW, yes? I like how we have about 1/2 a month to chat about ourselves and get to know each other, and then once O happens, it's ON!!! Symptoms, HPTs, BBTs and BFPs are the topics d'jour.

Ready-that is so sweet that your DF is also excited for me. I love how the support extends! :friends::happydance:

Have a good day ladies!!! :dust:
ready - im 9dpo today. your symptoms are sounding promising, always hard to tell so early though.

lenka - you still have time, its not over til its over.... :)

AFM - nothing too exciting, i did have some crazy dreams the past few nights, but dunno... maybe thats nothing. little twinges but not sure if its a big deal or anything...
Just a quick reply but OF COURSE we want you to hang around!! We gotta see everything from bfp pics to ultrasounds...etc etc!! I don't blame you for.being cautiously hopeful but I will definitely be praying for a healthy and happy 9 months hug hug hug!!!! PS dh is also extremely happy for you!!
Ladies, any thoughts on how you are going to present BFP news to your significant other? Besides my BF, I can't wait to tell my parents. I mean if I get a BFP this cycle. FX! My dad is turning 62 on July 29th and it would be the best present ever. He has a grandson already, who is 19. My sister had him when she was 19... :wacko::thumbup: Now, she is married to a guy who cannot have kids. So we are so glad that she has a kid already.
I am kind of late on this one. 35 is considered old to have the fist baby in Russia! My parent almost gave up their hopes... So, I can't wait to see their happy faces on Skype when I tell the news... :blush:

So, what about you? :flower:
Lfrans - sorry about that! I have edited the list so that we have your accurate DPO count. The last thing I want to do is set you back a day - these days can be brutal! :haha:

Madeline - I am over the moon for you! And as Steph already said, OF COURSE we want you to stay! You are such a big part of why this group is so special. :hugs: Plus, if everyone leaves after their TWW, who's going to be left to hang out with the caboose? :shrug: :haha:

Lenka - I'm sure DF will be there when I test, but as for my parents - my mom will just know lol, she is like that. I'm sure we will casually tell them right away, as they know we are trying. For his parents, I'm not sure - I don't think they will be too upset, but it will be more delicate (because we are not married.) I bet you cannot wait to give your parents the news! It is funny how 35 seems so old to others but in the U.S. your 30s has become the goal for many women when looking at when to start TTC! To each his own. :thumbup:
such a good question. Here I am with the news and I haven't even told DH. I've been away and it's just not something to share over the phone or email, lol!!! Not sure how I will even tell him. He knows it's 'about time' for either AF or testing, but not sure he'd inquire about it unless I bring it up. I want it to be sweet but at the same time don't want to make it a big 'thing' and make it too formal/dramatic.

As for parent's.....it turns out both of our sets of parents will be getting together with us next Sunday, so if this BFP truly sticks, then that will be a good day to tell, though it will be so early on (5 wks). I will tell my BFF and also my other prego friend who told me at 5 wks, but probably not anybody else until closer to 12 wks.

Lenka, I am 36 and my folks gave up on me too, especially since we have been married 7 yrs. THey are happy we are trying but I don't think they get the concept, since my mom and dad never had to 'try'...it just happened when they set out for it. However, my mom was 26 at the time, so biology wasn't a big factor.

Ok, I have attached a pic of the FOURTH HPT I took today (3 diff brands). The line is so light I wanted to be sure it is real. Ironically the Dollar Store test showed off the most clear line, though the pic isn't great. Can you even see it? I just keep looking at them at my desk, as though suddenly the line is going to disappear if I don't keep watching it!
God, if I am this neurotic about TTC what is in store for me the next 9 months.

Ready- no fear, we will never leave the caboose behind. We are a unified bunch :)


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Madeline--yup, i definitely see the line!:thumbup: Hoping it will get darker for you really soon! I totally understand your fears. Retest in the morning and see how dark it gets this time! Even though it still might take a while to fully start getting dark. And hahaha about being so neurotic about ttc and what's in store for 9 months!! I think almost all women are the same...or at least those who come to these forums :blush:

Let us know what DH says! You're right...over the phone, no....it's gotta be in person!

Good question, Lenka...that will be so cool to be able to tell your parents over Skype when the time comes (and I hope it's soon!) No good ideas on my part. My hubby knows my schedule so well so he'll know right when I do. I cannot keep such things to myself! :blush: As for my inlaws, when my dh and i were just dating, he was living with his sister. She and I became pretty close (but she doesn't want anything to do with babies or relationships!). One time we were talking about girl names that are also the names of cities...I gave an example, "you know like Detroit!" In my mind, I was thinking Dallas but Detroit popped out. That was 2 years ago and she still won't let me live it down, insisting that we're going to name our firstborn Detroit. So when I tell her, I'll just send her a picture of the Detroit skyline with the estimated due date in front. She'll know right away! And NO we are not naming our child Detroit!

Nothing too exciting over here. 9 DPO and feeling ok, I guess. Still cramping, pretty tired and I just noticed my boobs feeling heavy. I always have the dh test out to see how they feel. He hates the job :winkwink: Don't feel pregnant though. Madeline--it seems like you just knew, didn't you?

Ifrans-I've also been having crazy dreams the last couple nights. Intresting!

Tynmeg-every pregnancy is different so maybe you won't end up with sore boobies the second time around!

Natto--Keep on forgetting to say oops, completely missed that you said that you were having trouble sleeping, not sleeping too much. Don't know how i mixed that up! Still wide awake? How are you feeling today??

Who's testing next??? Sunday for me! I'm trying to hold out til 12dpo since my lp is 15 days instead of 14 on most months.
Yaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy I totally see it Madeline!!! That's awesome! Will you test again in am?
Madeline- totally see it! I kinda browse this page regularly from work, didnt notice the other post where you were talking about correlation and causation... I have an MPH... lol, makes me think of my epi classes (as does reading alot of symptom spotting during tww). Enjoy telling your family, itll be great no matter how you do it!

Lenka - I have not really thought about it, I think DH and I will keep it to ourselves for atleast a few days before telling our parents. Last time we told our parents and siblings right away. I am sure DH will know when i am planning on testing and will be home.

Steph - sounding good, I also noticed my boobs were a bit heavy the other day. And my DH is also the tester. actually, when i had the miscarriage, before we knew for sure, i kept asking him if they were as heavy as before and he didnt know. so afterwards i made him figure out my "baseline" for next time.

Im doing ok, hungry today, little twinges in my abdomen... nothing much else... As for testing, im going to try to wait until atleast 14dpo if not 15-16. I HATE bfns (although hate af too right now). I find it really depressing, so ill try to wait to test when im more sure about it anyways. So, Ready- even though you are the caboose, I may be waiting for you anyways :)

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