3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

woohoo!!!!!!!!!!! congrats tynmeg!! i totally see the line. congrats!!!
birthdaybaby- welcome and contgrats on your recent wedding. You and I also have very close bdays- I'm Sept 17th. I am sending you extra baby dust, since your immediate window closes for a bit after August.

Lenka- I agree that the posts on this thread are so warm and heartfelt, I truly feel the caring that is sent across the wires and the words. You know, a good friend of mine felt NOTHING until she got her BFP, and that was about 2 days after a missed period. Within the week her boobs got sore and she has some tiredness, but even now at 6 months she doesn't feel much different. I think I'm sharing this b/c non-symptoms can be a symptom too, lol!

Ready- what a beautiful story about celebrating D-Day and the Iris connection with your dad and what you and DF are considering as a name. Bet it has extra special meaning now...... I'm sorry to hear you are exhausted, I hope you catch up on that sleep soon.

Kesh- I agree with Steph, it's still early. Think of all the people who don't get BFP until DPO15 or beyond. Do your temps look good? They look elevated, from the chart I see, but I really have no idea how to interpret that.

Steph-so do you speak FOUR languages (Chinese, German, Spanish and English)?? No wonder you are so articulate with your words, you are a master of them! I found that studying Spanish completely changed my understanding of English (for the better) also, and sometimes I still feel it is easier for me express myself in Spanish than English, which is odd to anybody else since I don't come from a family who speaks Spanish.

AFM, still getting BFP when I test (which I have done daily b/c I want to monitor this bean!). My boobs feel unlike anything else I've ever felt. Before BFP during this cycle they itched, now they ache from the very core, but it's on and off. I also feel twinges and tugs in my uterus, but they are subtle. I'm very tired today, but it's hot out and we have been running around like chickens with heads cut off!!

Thank you to all who have expressed support for DH and his job. I know all the support truly does help. I believe the universe hears such things. lfrans- you are right that a hated job is also not a good situation, even if it is a job. I sometimes wonder if it is asking too much for DH to find a decent job that pays more ok but that he also likes? He has been networking more and has an interview Monday at the local University (where we both did our grad work) to do temp work as an analyst. The opportunity came to him through a friend he networked with.

Last week he interviewed for a job 45 min away serving food at a school cafeteria 3 hrs/day, 3 days/week. It paid $90/week. That is not a typo. It's hard to see him even interviewing for such jobs, given his extensive professional experience AND having a PhD. He is not taking the opportunity, as the gas alone would eat up all of that. This is what we have been dealing with for 9 months. I am going to do what I can to send energy out there that there is a good opportunity for him that works for our lives. I just believe it!

Ok ladies, have a great afternoon. I can't wait to see more BFPs on this thread!!!
Hey Madeline, did you see my news?! There's 2 of us now. :) come on more BFPs!
Hi Ladies! Gosh, so much to respond to! Loving getting to know everyone. :hugs:

Without further ado.... Tynmeg, CONGRATS!!!!! :wohoo: I am so happy for you. Have you had a chance to share with DW? Hope you two are over the moon!

Madeline - happy to hear you are settling in! Sending many, many positive vibes out for your DH to find a job that utilizes his knowledge and skills and that pays well. Have you gotten to tell him about your BFP? Sorry if I missed it, we have been moving all day and so I could only briefly glance, so if you already answered I will read it tomorrow. :blush:

BirthdayBaby - Welcome!!! Happy to have you join this lucky thread! Two BFPs already, woohoo! :flower:

AFM, I've got to say, I know it goes against everything we are "supposed" to proclaim, but I truly feel like I'm pregnant. Yesterday I had the weirdest cramps ever, very low and right over my pubic bone, and unlike anything I've ever felt. Call it what you will, (and it could be incorrect!), but I feel like I just know it was implantation. After all of those nights of energy and sleeplessness, yesterday I was out at 6:30 for the night, except to wake up and eat a bowl of soup! We will see if I am correct, and the great thing about you ladies is that you won't judge me if I'm wrong. :blush:

Will respond more tomorrow - just wanted to say hi, congrats and welcome!!!
Hi Madeline,
Yay, the other BFP is you!!! Congratulations. I was following your story in the first 10 pages, I'm so happy for you. I, too, am sending some positive vibes to you and your hubby! I know how frustrating is to see them work so hard and be so talented without having it rewarded.

Thanks readyfornatto, I'm glad to be here!

I've been exhausted for the last five days. Not sure when I actually ovulated but according to the standard 28 day cycle I should have ov on the 15. (prob a little earlier since I think my cycle is around 26 days). I've also had odd twinge cramping and either I'm pregnant or have a uti bc I'm going to the washroom every half hour...though it could be because it's hot and I'm drinking lots of water s-)
Natto--I love your honesty with saying that you feel you're pregnant. No beating around the bush and pretending you're thinking something else, llove it love it love it!! I SO HOPE you're right!! Will you hurry up with this tww and test??

Madeline--you are so sweet <3 Are your BFPs getting darker now? When are you going to set up a dr appt? I guess it's only been a couple days...in the tww it feels like AGES since you announced your BFP.:hugs:

Anyone testing soon?? Tynmeg that is really awesome you got a bfp so early....that's probably a good sign! I bet it was even clearer in person. Praying so much for a happy and healthy 9 months for you.

birthday...26 day cycle...good question. You could have ovulated at CD 15 or earlier. I am going to have a 26 or 25 day cycle this month, the shortest I have ever had. But I oed on CD 10 to get such a short cycle so you might be even further along in the tww than you thought! My LP is pretty long, a solid 14 or 15 days.

Kesh, lfrans, lenka--any updates?

Off to my BIL's 21st birthday party! We took him hiking in the mountains, and since he's from TX he was having a bit of trouble with the hike, but it was AWESOME seeing his face go from miserable to utter amazement when he looked up to see an alpine lake with a ride of mountains surrounding it like a waterfall coated crater. Poor DH has to stay home from everything with his broken ankle.

Good luck, ladies!:happydance: :hugs: Who's BFP is next?! I can't wait! :hugs::happydance:
Hey Madeline, did you see my news?! There's 2 of us now. :) come on more BFPs!

:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: I am SO elated for you Tynmeg. I must have missed this news...how could I have missed this??!!

Oh, yay! I'm so glad you created this thread last month b/c here we are celebrating BFP's!! And I bet there will be more too!!!

How did your partner take it?

I have told DH and he was teary and excited, though now he is scared as hell, lol!!

If I could drink champagne I would toast to happy and healthy pregnancies for you and I Tynmeg, and for that to come for all of us this month or very soon!!

Ready, I too felt pregnant. Just 'knew' it. DH said he knew it too.....
Good morning ladies, today is 10 dpo, I officially made it past 9 to test. I woke up at 5 am needing to pee so I decided to test, as Madeline would say, drum roll please....BFP. :) I sat there picking up the test and putting it back down, just to make sure the line was really there. Then I woke up my DW and asked her to look to make sure I wasn't seeing things. She sees it too! It's a light line but definitely there and in color. I'm going to keep testing to make sure the line gets darker. I'm so excited but a lil nervous too. Praying for sticky little beans and more BFPs!

Had to go back to your original announcement so I could see how it all happened! Woot!!!!! Sticky beans...sticky beans...sticky beans....
Good morning ladies... I had light brownish CM when I wiped yesterday night and this morning. I hope that is not the early signs of AF!!! I do not think I will test today. I just can't...
Madeline hopefully we'll be celebrating our birthdays and births together this year!
Lenka78 ....implantation bleeding? Stay hopeful. I tested today BFN! AF isn't due for another 6 days but I just had to. I used clear blue which recommends within a 4day window... but I thought I'd try anyways!

Steph, thanks for the info. I just downloaded the fertility tracker to give me a better idea. Looks like I'm 7dpo, definitely further than I thought. I'll wait until Tuesday to test again!
I feel your pain Steph - 13dpo here and bfn, although I had a VERY convincing bfp yesterday on my greenhandled IC. boo!
Congrats Tynmeg!! Just saw your post, how exciting!!!
and pss, not sure what to think of my temps, they're still definitely up there compared to previous months. It does look like theyre going down but it looks this way because 5-6dpo temps were really high, but I'm actually right at par with my regular post-o temps. My temp has usually dropped by now ..
Kesh-- Looking at your temps, I am confused. I remember in a class I had to take when it caming to temping, the spike in temperature was directly post-o. So i'm confused...i see your cm coincides with your o date you said but it takes a few days and then spikes later on. Those two don't seem to have matched up to me so obviously I am missing something....I was never very good at temping.

I got these cheapie preggo tests from a discount grocery store called Family Care One Step...I'm guessing they're reliable but looking at countdown to pregnancy, the dollar store tests are showing 65% accuracy at 12dpo compared to FRER with 88%...both have a sensitivity of 25. And I have never even heard of this brand before. Any ideas?
Steph, Kesh, we are still in, aren't we?
I have not tested yet. But no more brownish CM. I just realized that I did have a temp dip at 11dpo, which was yesterday. Today temp is up by 0.2. So may be it was the implantation dip indeed as birthdaybaby suggested?... I do not have any AF cramps, which gives me even more hope. But at the same time I usually never do, just a couple hours before AF arrives...
I keep my fingers crossed for all of us! :hugs:
How do our pregnant ladies feel? :flower:
Natto, how about you? Any symptoms today?
Natto - how are you feeling? Have you tested? I am back and forth on "feeling pregnant" Last month i had convinced myself that i was, and clearly was not... This month Im trying not to get too excited about anything, but driving myself crazy!!

Birthday- dont worry about a BFN, its still so early :)

Lenka- I also had some spotting today- drove me crazy!!! I dunno... will describe below

Kesh- your chart looks promising... :) temps are staying high which is key :)

Tynmeg, Madeline, how are you ladies feeling??

AFM- woke up this morning with serious temperature rise (yay) I was feeling very confident. Was sorta cursing myself that i do not have any tests at home at the moment. I contemplated making DH go out to buy me one while i held in my pee.... but did not do that. :) After breakfast and pretty much the rest of the day i have been super irritable. Everything annoys me today. Then, went to pee around 11ish and noticed a little bit of very light brown (almost more tan than brown colour) spotting. I was so upset. I was convinced i was getting AF. WE were not home and i got more irritable (poor DH).
I got home and have been obsessing. I put on a tampon and pulled it out right away to see what was going on... was red... I was devastated... then i put in another one thinking AF was coming, but it felt uncomfortable - pulled it out and... nothing, completely clean.... dunno....
lfrans, we are on the same page. I have been so irritable too today. I could not study in the morning so my BF and I just went to a lake, but I could not relax at all. Now back at the computer trying to concentrate on my school but it just drives me crazy... Btw, your temp chart look SOOO promising! FX!
I have only two tests left from last time. I am going to use one on Tuesday morning if the witch does not come by then... Please stay away!

Oo, just remembered, my areolas have been so puffy in the last couple of days... Can't recall them being so puffy before...
lfrans- OMG, that was me 2 cycles ago. I totally obsessed when I saw some red and watched it like a hawk. Is this when AF is due? Could be IB, or sometimes women bleed around AF even with BFP. Hard to say at this point, I suppose.

Lenka- maybe your irritability is a good sign? :) I too used to find that studying and irritability used to go hand in hand with each other.....could be a sign. It's so hard when you are at the near end of TWW and things look so similar to AF or just 'life' feelings that it's hard to tell.

To all of you ladies, until AF shows, it is still possible. Keeping my Fx for you all!!

AFM, I feel fine today. Tested this AM to see if the line got darker and it did. I will test every few days until I see the doctor, which I haven't scheduled yet. I have an HMO and usually I can get in pretty early, I think.

It's so weird to see life through the lens of being pregnant. It still feels weird to say. We haven't told ANYBODY (except you ladies). We still aren't sure how/when we want to do so. I want to wait until at least 5 weeks to tell close friends/family and then 12 weeks to tell the "world".

I was with my mom and some friends today and felt so odd about it, like I was hiding a huge secret from her. However, it was not the place nor time for the announcement.

So I realized that in 3 weeks my hubby and I are going scuba diving....well, rather HE is now going scuba diving. It's just a day trip with a friend in lake Tahoe, nothing exotic. But I'll have to kayak or something. It does mean telling the group organizer, which was not my original plan, but I'll have to do so now.

Tynmeg- how about you?

Oh, and physically I am still having insomnia and having loads of CM. Sheesh! My boobs don't hurt that much today.

DH is feeling overwhelmed by it, but he overwhelms easily so I'm not stressing about that right now. I'm definitely the ring leader of any big change operations in our house. He just doesn't manage it well, and without a job he frets a lot.
Hey everybody! Feel like it's been forever, I've read through - so much going on!

Kesh - any updates? I had two evaps two cycles ago (technically before we started trying, so I didn't even know they existed! :wacko:) How are you feeling? I looked at your chart, but I really don't know how to read them very well! :blush: FX for you!

Lenka - How are your feeling? How are your temps looking? Still have any nipple sensitivity? Really hoping AF stays away and the brown CM was implantation bleeding, sounds like your temps are promising! :hugs: Puffy areolas - that could be good! Are they getting any darker? Sorry you could not relax by the lake, I hope you got some school work done - sometimes it can be a good distraction. I have been so irritated as well - sounds like a lot of our DF/DHs are getting the raw end of things!

Lfrans - Sounds like between your temps and the insomnia, things are promising! Have you had IBs with prior pregnancies? (Sorry if you have already mentioned!) I don't know about you, but once my AF is red, I do not have a tampon come out with nothing on it! FX for you!

Tynmeg - Congrats again, that is so cool that you will be due on your birthday! Keeping FX for a sticky bean!

BirthdayBaby - Around 8 DPO, you and I are on just about the same schedule! I guess I'm no longer the lonely caboose. :haha: Congrats on the wedding and congrats to your DH, although it must be hard having him travel. Sounds like your symptoms are shaping up, FX! Also, I can relate on the tummy - I looked in the mirror today and was like, woah! Where did all of that bloat come from?! :blush: Luckily DF is very good at proactively telling me I look great - sometimes I think he can read my insecure thoughts!

Steph - Sorry about the BFN, but I will say that I usually turn to info outside of B&B when it comes to pregnancy tests, only because I feel like so many women on this site get them so early! It is so possible to get a BFN at 12 DPO even if you are pregnant, especially with a test that may or may not be as sensitive as it advertises to be. Not trying to create false hope or anything like that, I have just read that it can take a lot longer than 12 DPO to show up. :hugs: FX that this is your month. Also, so sorry to hear about DH's ankle! When I read that I thought, "Oh no, they seem so active and outdoorsy!" Big hugs to him, I hope he has a speedy recovery. Happy your BIL was able to celebrate his birthday and enjoy the scenery. Also, I know it was from a while back, but your major sounds awesome! I've always been so jealous of people who are linguistically gifted! And The Forty Thieves - OMG hysterical. I had to tell DF about that one, we both got a good chuckle. Thank you so much for your support - I am telling you, I just feel pregnant! We shall see! Feels awesome to be able to say that with such an accepting group - this TWW can really make you feel insecure and vulnerable! Also, to answer your question - in terms of boys names, I really like the name Ari. I also really like Isiah. My last name (the name they will get) is very short - three letters - so we are thinking about names that go well with that. For a girl I love the middle name Francoise, but not with Iris - guess I will just have to have two girls lol.

Madeline - Good luck to DH on his interview tomorrow! Gosh, I feel like there won't be enough :happydance: to go around when he finds the position that makes him feel happy and fulfilled. It is coming (as you have told me!) :hugs: Although no champagne is in order, I hope you two have gotten a chance to celebrate. I can imagine he feels some internal pressure to provide for his little bean, and that could lead to some fretting, especially when change is hard on someone. I am sending good vibes for the three of you! I hear you on the lying - I don't even have a BFP, but during the move my mom would NOT let me lift anything and told me the second she saw me, "oh my, you are pregnant!" I felt like the whole group was like, she won't lift anything... she won't drink beer... she won't tell us why... but what do you do? It's personal! :shrug:

So happy your lines are getting darker and darker. Sorry about the scuba diving (well not really, but you know what I mean. :winkwink:) Could you tell them you have an ear infection or something? I don't think you can dive when having ear issues, but I could be wrong.

AFM, I am holding out testing until 10 DPO, so Weds it is! So far I have been unbelievable crabby and emotional, which is nothing unusual. However, I will say my boobs hurt in a way that I have never felt before - almost the way it feels when you push on a bruise? That's the only way I can describe it. They usually get sore, but this feels very different. I'm gassy, but between a gluten allergy and an allergy to honey, that is NOTHING new. :haha: DF and I "just know." I guess we will see if our intuition is off in a few days. :winkwink: I'm super bloated as well - poor DF has been trying to convince me that I don't look pregnant already! :haha: It doesn't help that I went up a size, and at 5 feet that is noticeable, but hey, I digress. I will stop complaining now, I don't want to give the universe any wrong impression about wanting a BFP!

Until tomorrow, ladies! Sorry to write a book, just wanted to catch up! :blush:

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