Good morning ladies,
Before any of you get excited, testing this morning with FRER and it was a clear BFN. It is statistically very unlikely at this point that I will get a BFP this cycle (9 to 1) so I am preparing myself for AF to arrive soon. This isn't being depressed, this is realistic. There is always next month. I was really starting to get my hopes up, too starting Friday. Started to feel pregnant, sore boobs, feeling off, hungry like crazy, and tired easily. Yesterday was the strongest feeling of this. DH said he was pretty hopeful still about this month so when I tested, I honestly expected BFP.
Just let me get this off my chest and the whining will cease: I was really expecting a lucky month this month, but instead of DH finding work or any job leads, and me getting pregnant, he broke his ankle which makes it so I'm pulling in all the chores and cooking and yard work, plus no trips like eastern europe and backpacking. /whining Honestly ovulate so early this month that caught me completely by surprise...there has to be some reason. The timing on ALL of this, the ankle right before trips, etc. It's all so unfortunate that it must be for something. So trying to keep my chin up. I'm lucky to have work even if I don't like it. DH has 5 weeks to get a job before he's out of work at the end of August so we still have time. There is time.
Natto--Your post made my day! Honestly I am SO EXCITED for you to test! And about linguistically gifted, I do alright, but to be able to win an argument, haha, I've never been able to do that one! I just get frustrated and say never mind because I can't articulate my thoughts quickly enough. Isiah is a cool name, good choices! How many DPO are you again and how are you feeling??
Madeline--I love how you're wearing your cute clothes while they still fit. (at least, for now!) Ohhh and how exciting it will be to show off that bump! Glad your lines are getting darker. It took you til 13 DPO to get the BFP right? Was it at night on 12 DPO or 13? I remember it was at your friends house but I'm sorry for not remembering exactly which day.
EVERYONE how many DPO are you as of today 7/22? I wanna keep track!
lfrans, sounds promising!
Tynmeg--I totally get your fear of another chemical. But looking at how dark that line is at only 12 DPO is an AWESOME sign. The fact that it is that much darker after two days is wonderful!

How is DW taking it? Excited??
Lenka--Sorry about the temperature drop. How many months have you been TTC again? Maybe next month will be OUR lucky month
Clacko--I think we ALL thought we would be chill about this process but lol here we all are on a forum every dya
Just writing all this and remembering all of your guys' good news just totally made me feel better.
Thanks so much everyone!