3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Readyfornatto - woo hoo a dpo buddy. I'll wait until Wednesday and test with you. I feel pregnant too... well more so a couple of days ago. I couldn't keep my eyes open and was crashing early and lethargic all day. I also was having to pee every half hour. My symptoms have calmed down the past two days :( but I still have the tummy bloat . I keep pushing on my boobs every couple of hours to see if they're sore but I remember from my last pregnancy that that didn't happen until I was one week late. Cmon more BFPs!!!
Possibly in 4dpo??, with follicles detected cd21 (currently cd27). 17mm & 22mm.
Blood test in a few days to check that I did OV (past months I've not, last month they did not check, but had a 17mm follicle at CD 13, no pregnancy though).
Hi ladies,

First of all congrats to the bfps :) a happy and healthy 9 months to you and baby dust to everyone waiting to test :)

I have loved reading this thread and would love to join. I'm a little behind you all though been roughly 4/5 dpo ( only going from opk )

My name is fran and I'm 25. This was my first cycle using opks as we are supposed to be just letting nature take its course but Iv found myself getting very "involved" in trying haha.

My last few cycles have been 35 days, 37 days (suspected chemical), 33 days and 35 days.
I got my first positive opk last Tuesday on cd 24, a super positive on Wednesday, a positive again on Thursday and a negative on Friday. I asked on a thread what dpo I was and was told I was 1dpo on Friday I believe.

I haven't really noted any pre af or post ovulation symptoms as we were just seeing what happened. So far I have had increased creamy cm, high and soft cervix, very tired, an ache on one of my boobs at the side (almost in arm pit) and twinges and stabbing pans around my hip. I know that it is probably far to early to have any real symptoms, just what I have noticed this month. I can't say I have noticed any of these in any other cycle.

Hope your all feeling well today x
Lenka- Im glad to hear Im not the only one! I felt like a crazy person yesterday :) Im thinking of testing tomorrow morning too... im scared to though.

madeline - I totally get you. I did have some spotting with my last bfp, but also had spotting last month for 5 days with bfn.... so who knows... Sorry to hear you had to cancel scuba diving... but its a good reason! Its so hard not to tell parents, we told our parent right away last time. This time, we think we will wait a bit.

Natto - I did have spotting with my last bfp. and honestly, I want the next bfp to be nothing like the last (given the outcome). Last month was my first cycle post mc. It was my longest cycle yet (32 days - im usually 27-29 day) and i had 5 days of off/on spotting before af showed up. It drove me mad!! Your symptoms also sound promising! When i press on my boobs they hurt like a bruise, but honestly, i dont usually press on them to try to feel if they hurt, so i dont know if they would do that usually :)

Kesh/Steph - any news?? :)

Birthday - your symptoms are sounding promising :)

291/clacko - welcome - so far this has been a lucky month in this group, so hopefully it will bring you luck too!

AFM - Its early in the day, but my temps stayed up, and its much higher than it was last cycle at this point. No spotting this morning.. Feeling otherwise normal, i slept ok, still woke up early. I am anxious to know if im pregnant, but nervous to test, i think ill go buy some on my way home tonight. Testing in the next few days..
Good morning everybody! :hugs:
I am at work, very hectic day... Decided to test tonight. So I have a whole evening to cry if BFN and enjoy if BFP... My temp has dropped by 0.4 this morning - very bad sign... :nope: Otherwise I feel normal, no PMS, bbs are little sore.
Just came across this beautiful quote:
Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place. ― Kurt Vonnegut

Welcome to our group 291 and Clacko! I hope this your month too!

Thank you all very much for all the Congratulations and best wishes! I sincerely do appreciate them. I wasn't online yesterday so I had a lot of reading this morning to catch up.

Ready - Are you still keeping track of everyone's DPOs? I'm feeling a little lost as to who has tested and who's next and so on...

Lenka - Sorry to hear that your temp dropped, I know exactly how that feels and bummed out feeling that comes along with it. I love your quote though and keep your chin up, you're still technically in this, our temps can do silly things for many reasons.

Birthdaybaby and Ready - So you're both testing Wednesday? How many DPO will that make you?

AFM - My tests are getting darker so I'm really hopeful that's a good sign. I got a positive on a CB Digital last night. I'm so nervously excited cause I really don't want a repeat of last time. I got a BFP last time and was super excited, went for my blood tests and my hcg level was only 25 so they sent me for more blood tests 5 days later and it hadn't increased, shortly thereafter, I had a mc. I keep testing on ICs so I can see the line get darker and know my hcg is increasing. As far as symptons, only mild cramps that are off and on and different twinges and the gas has subsided a little bit. I'm not sleeping very well, don't know if it's a sympton or if my mind is just too absorbed with being pregnant. Still don't have sore bbs but keeping my FX and saying lots of prayers for a healthy sticky lil bean.

The FRER tests are from 10 DPO and today at 12 DPO.

The ICs are from throughout the day at 10 DPO and 11 DPO.


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Tynmeg - They're getting darker! They're getting darker!!! I'm so excited for you. Wednesday will put me around 11dpo and about 3/4 days before AF is due.

Welcome 291 and clacko. I'm fairly new too and these ladies are awesome! Such a positive support group and it seems like a very lucky place to be.

AFM - I dont have any major symptoms... just feel a bit off with the tummy bloat. Oooh, and just checked and the boobs are a bit sore. At this point I'm syptom searching...I really felt pregnant last week...not so much now. We'll see.
Beautiful dark lines on those tests, Tynmeg!!! I hope they get darker and darker each day!!! :hugs:
Thank you for the support! It is greatly appreciated! :flower:
Good morning ladies,

So nice to see the new additions to the group. Welcome fran and Clacko. I have found these women to be a GODSEND to the process of TTC and sharing the highs and lows of it all.

Clacko- it too me a couple months to get the hang of OPKs, so I'm glad you got your positives at first try- hope you BD a lot!!!

Lfrans, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that this is your month and that your cycle behaves and doesn't leave you guessing. When I first set out TTC I figured it would be a much more straightforward process, but I have learned that our bodies can be so elusive in revealing their secrets and what is going on!!!!

Lenka, Steph, Ready, and Kesh- fx for you ladies, from what I see you are all still in and we should know soon what is to come, yes? Lenka, as Tynmeg says: you are not out until AF comes :)

Tynmeg- I am sending prayers that this is YOUR month and those lines just keep getting darker. At 17DOP my line looks a lot like the line on the bottom right photo, and it is darker than the others. I haven't tested today.

My boobs are less sore right now, which makes me wonder, but my uterus/abdomen bloating has taken over. I am just 4.5 weeks pregnant, so maybe I shouldn't expect much.

Today I decided to wear a tighter fitting (But appropriate) skirt to work- might as well use the clothes I have now while I can, as pretty soon my expanding waistline is going to diminish my options! I just got a bunch of great hand me downs from a friend that will be perfect for the first phase of showing a bump, as they are a little big in the waist/belly, and there are even a few dresses that will work great. How fortunate I feel for that, as clothing is not in the budget at this time (and I know it's early).

BTW: the BEST line's I've gotten with HPTs have been from the dollar store tests. Who would have known? My expensive tests that my husband absconded from his lab (really they were dumping them, but he took them) are the less "potent" in terms of what they show. Hmm....
oh and Ready and Lenka- I hope your irritable moods are all for a worthy cause of BFP>

Steph- I'm sorry to hear about DH ankle too, as well as the change in your plans. Well, maybe you'll get a BFP in this time and then you guys can plan a trip that accommodates injuries and baby bumps!! :)
Hi everyone! Just a quick reply - welcome Clacko and 291! Tynmeg (and everyone else,) here is an updated list below. I agree, I was beginning to feel a bit lost!

Kesh - 14 DPO
Steph - 13 DPO
Lenka - 13 DPO
Lfrans - 13 DPO
BirthdayBaby - 8 DPO
ReadyForNatto - 8 DPO - Testing Weds or Fri, not sure yet
Clacko - 4/5 DPO
291 - 5 DPO, but not entirely sure

Madeline and Tynmeg - BFPs!! :wohoo:

If this is incorrect, just post and I will change it. Additionally if you want when you plan on testing added just post and I will edit this list. :flower:

We have such a lovely group! Happy to be a part of this journey with all of you. :hugs:
Good morning ladies,

Before any of you get excited, testing this morning with FRER and it was a clear BFN. It is statistically very unlikely at this point that I will get a BFP this cycle (9 to 1) so I am preparing myself for AF to arrive soon. This isn't being depressed, this is realistic. There is always next month. I was really starting to get my hopes up, too starting Friday. Started to feel pregnant, sore boobs, feeling off, hungry like crazy, and tired easily. Yesterday was the strongest feeling of this. DH said he was pretty hopeful still about this month so when I tested, I honestly expected BFP.

Just let me get this off my chest and the whining will cease: I was really expecting a lucky month this month, but instead of DH finding work or any job leads, and me getting pregnant, he broke his ankle which makes it so I'm pulling in all the chores and cooking and yard work, plus no trips like eastern europe and backpacking. /whining Honestly though...to ovulate so early this month that caught me completely by surprise...there has to be some reason. The timing on ALL of this, the ankle right before trips, etc. It's all so unfortunate that it must be for something. So trying to keep my chin up. I'm lucky to have work even if I don't like it. DH has 5 weeks to get a job before he's out of work at the end of August so we still have time. There is time.

Natto--Your post made my day! Honestly I am SO EXCITED for you to test! And about linguistically gifted, I do alright, but to be able to win an argument, haha, I've never been able to do that one! I just get frustrated and say never mind because I can't articulate my thoughts quickly enough. Isiah is a cool name, good choices! How many DPO are you again and how are you feeling??

Madeline--I love how you're wearing your cute clothes while they still fit. (at least, for now!) Ohhh and how exciting it will be to show off that bump! Glad your lines are getting darker. It took you til 13 DPO to get the BFP right? Was it at night on 12 DPO or 13? I remember it was at your friends house but I'm sorry for not remembering exactly which day.

EVERYONE how many DPO are you as of today 7/22? I wanna keep track!

lfrans, sounds promising!

Tynmeg--I totally get your fear of another chemical. But looking at how dark that line is at only 12 DPO is an AWESOME sign. The fact that it is that much darker after two days is wonderful! :hugs::hugs: How is DW taking it? Excited??

Lenka--Sorry about the temperature drop. How many months have you been TTC again? Maybe next month will be OUR lucky month :happydance:

Clacko--I think we ALL thought we would be chill about this process but lol here we all are on a forum every dya :haha:

Just writing all this and remembering all of your guys' good news just totally made me feel better.

Thanks so much everyone! :hugs:
hi everyone, i have 5 minutes left on my lunch break and need to vent. was super psyched this am, temp stayed up and no spotting... I came to work, was super hungry. Spotting started again very light this morning. but now (2ish hours later) it seems to have stopped again... dunno... I did have spotting with my last bfp, so i know im not necessarily out... but 13dpo... so it could be af coming...
Hey ladies, updated my avatar...the last was a bit outdated as my little guy is almost three now...
Readyfornatto - woo hoo a dpo buddy. I'll wait until Wednesday and test with you. I feel pregnant too... well more so a couple of days ago. I couldn't keep my eyes open and was crashing early and lethargic all day. I also was having to pee every half hour. My symptoms have calmed down the past two days :( but I still have the tummy bloat . I keep pushing on my boobs every couple of hours to see if they're sore but I remember from my last pregnancy that that didn't happen until I was one week late. Cmon more BFPs!!!

birthdaybaby, you are such a beautiful family!!! :flower:
oh lfrans, hang tight. That must be so nerve-wracking. AF is playing tricks on you. But, spotting is normal for some when then get BFP, from what I read. I hope you know definitively either way soon so the confusion can stop. Are you expecting AF tomorrow?

Steph- I wish I could reach out and give you a huge hug right now. Yes, this has been a big month of unexpected surprises, none of which were necessarily in the direction you expected. Believe ME, I know that feeling so well, it describes the past 8 months of my life! I believe things happen for a reason and the universe is doing footwork behind the scenes to make things happen that, upon our experience of them, don't make sense. Sometimes they make sense later and the "a-ha" moment appears, and sometimes I think the "a-ha" is some kind of lesson to learn. Anyway, just want you to know that I hear you and have a lot of empathy for your situation. Sending prayers that DH finds that job within the 5 weeks.

Tynmeg, how did DW take the news??!!

I just posted a pic of my HPT today. This is not FMU. It is much darker than my first test at 14DPO that I posted. Today is 18DPO.


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Thanks Ready - You keep us on track with who's where and doing what when, it's awesome!

Steph - Venting is one of my favorite stress relievers, I hope it kind of made you feel better, as Madeline said...wait for the a-ha moment. Great things will come your way.

Lfrans - The temp spike and spotting look promising! I'm so anxious for you to test.

Birthdaybaby - You have a beautiful family. Love the pic.

Madeline - Your test looks great, looks quite a bit darker than the other so nice progression.

As far as my DW, she's so excited! She said she's jumping up and down on the inside. She's just a little nervous for the same reasons as me...I think once I have the blood test, it will help to know the amount of hcg and if there's a good chance of a sticky bean! I'm going to get follow up blood tests after the initial one to make sure it's doubling like it should.
madeline/tynmeg - thanks for the support, i have been peeing alot, but not sure if its more out of nerves, and the rough work toilet paper is not good when im wiping hard looking for spotting.... tmi.. sorry. lol. Its been less this afternoon since i posted, i had the same thing when i got my bfp - but.... also had that last month for 5 days. I think i should be getting af tomorrow... but cycles have been off since mc... so anything goes now....

As my best friend put it, my body is putting me through a psychological thriller...
13 dpo and just got a BFN... :nope:
Will test tomorrow morning with FMU.
Madeline, your HPT looks great! very happy for you. :flower:
Steph, this is ttc #2 for me, even though in May we were NTNP. What about you?
lfrans, when are you planning to test? FX for you!

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