Hey everybody! Before I go on, can I just say I totally want to keep this group together! Madeline, I'm with you - regardless of BFPs and all else, I don't want our little group to break up! I seriously was (almost

) as excited for all of the other BFPs this month, and I know that others are coming, whether it be this month or the next! So as long as you guys will have me, I want to stick around and celebrate all of the coming BFPs!
Tynmeg - Thank you so much! I am excited and kind of shocked, it is my first BFP. I keep looking down and thinking, "Really? There's something growing in there? Huh!" Glad you have gotten some rest - I hope the insomnia stays at bay. Keep us posted on your line!
Lfrans - how are you feeling? I am sorry you are having anxiety - that sounds totally understandable. I have never gone through the emotional trauma of a MC, so I won't pretend I can relate, but I am keeping my FX for you and sending tons of sticky dust! And that is a beautifully dark line!
Madeline - cheers to prego insomnia! I plan on starting to keep my computer next to me, as I suspect it might keep up. I have been shocked at how much energy I have had, as I'm usually the first to feel fatigued. Plenty of time for that.
Lenka - I'm sorry that AF came. Sounds like the surgery could have really impacted your chances this month, which is a bummer but at least you know it is a cause! I can't wait until you get your BFP.

And don't say you will miss us, I couldn't bring myself to go anywhere!

I agree, this gang of women has been so awesome to find and such a wealth of knowledge and support. It feels very special to me as well. I'm glad you are being good to yourself, enjoying a beer and coffee - I have no doubt that soon enough those things will be out! Your Kindergarden analogy - aww, made me sad! We will be waiting with you!
Steph - It touches my heart that you knew, too! Man, intuition - it can be crazy! I'm sorry about your BFN. I know you are probably ready for AF to come so you can start a new cycle. I am so excited to be here when you get your BFP, and this group seems to bring lots of luck! Crazy how many of the original gang got BFPs already! And like I've said, it has been SO wonderful spending time just getting to know you guys, I'm sticking around.
Clacko - You are coming up on testing time soon, as Tyandmeg said! When do you think you will go for it? Just curious, I am so excited and nervous for everyone!
BirthdayBaby - Thank you so much! FX that you will be celebrating in just a few days! Have you decided when to test? Sorry I finked out and tested this morning, it was just a whim, didn't think I'd get anything on it.

Sorry to hear about your ectopic. Love the Maury joke! Sounds like you are fertile and it is only a matter of time before your LO is a big brother.

Super sperm - yikes! Makes total sense, but brings an image to mind!
Kesh - I'm so sorry AF got you, but at least you can start your next cycle. Keeping FX that this cycle is your month!

And sounds like you've got a good plan.
AFM - well, I woke DF up right after I posted on here and told him I had to turn the light on for a second. He was sound asleep so just threw some covers over his face. I showed him the test and he got very excited. Then he said, "I bet you can't wait to tell your online friends!" I sheepishly said, "I already did!"

He thought that was hysterical. He is very excited but we are both freaking out a bit about healthcare, as I was planning on leaving my job in September and we aren't married. I can only get on his plan if we get hitched, and even then it is unclear if my pregnancy will be a preexisting condition. Sigh. Things two attorneys *probably* could have thought about a bit more!

Regardless, he is thrilled! And he thinks it is hysterical and totally crazy how much we share, but he loves the support I've found on here. He gets excited with every new BFP and plays new songs while I update at night. He's pretty cute.
I'm feeling good! My back hurts and I've had a headache, and woah nelly have I had an appetite! All totally doable - I'm waiting (and praying) for the 6-8 week smack in the face!
I wanted to ask those who have gotten BFPs - have you guys changed your workouts? I know we talked about this before, but now I'm scared! I did some yoga and pilates today, but I have been doing Insanity and I miss breaking a sweat! Just wanted to know what others were thinking.
Cheers, ladies!