3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Congrats to the new BFPS!!!
I don't think it's happening this cycle. Af should be here today...it's 6:52am so she's got alllll day. I'm going to try epo and soy again this cycle and see what happens. After that were just going to ntnp and see how it goes. I was so sure of this cycle, especially with all the weird signs. Meh, another month I suppose. Haha

How is everyone else???
madeline - I got a bfp this morning. But... my temp also dipped and Im still spotting a bit, so im nervous it wont last. The BFP was very strong using FRER, the 2 lines were the same colour, so very promising. After the mc last time Im scared to be too excited about this.
Just wanted to quickly post my test! :happydance:

Thank you so much for the congrats, everyone.

Lfrans - Congrats!!!! Sending tons of sticky baby dust your way.

My DPO symptoms:

1 DPO - Sharp ovarian pain; anxiety; bloating
2 DPO - Cramping, sore muscles, stabbing pain in my breasts
3 DPO - Bloating, ovarian pain, sleeplessness, no appetite
4 DPO - Cramps, nausea, stabbing pain in breasts, mood swung from being elated to enraged in minutes, sleeplessness
5 DPO - Very weird, almost beesting like cramps, I slept from 6:30 through the night - only got up to eat! I absolutely know this is when implantation occurred. Stabbing pain in breasts, breasts were heavy and tender
6 DPO - Bloating, cramps, gas, breasts felt really dense and hurt under the armpits, vivid dreams, and I just "knew I was pregnant" feeling. Fatigue, backache
7 DPO - Headache, bloated, nausea, extreme moodiness, vivid dreams, cramps (mild), breasts hurt so badly but in a different way from PMS, stabbing pains in breasts continued, backache, just felt pregnant
8 DPO - Bloating, cramps, breast pain, back ache, fatigue, extreme moodiness (woah - wanted to kill DF for making dinner too spicy. Not like me.) I just knew I was pregnant.
9 DPO - BFP! Some pulling/twinges, headache, a bit nauseous and bloated.

It is still sinking in, and obviously I don't know if it will stick, it is still so early! Told my mom - she immediately started with, "Does his mom know? Are you guys sticking with your plan on waiting to get married? I have a good friend who loved her doula! Are you going to go into the hospital or do a home birth?" OMG I was like, "Mom, seriously, it's been like 4 hours. You need to hold off on the interrogation for a couple of days!" :) :)


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Just wanted to quickly post my test! :happydance:

Aww I love it :) so clear x

Agreed! Very clear!!! :thumbup:

Ladies, I wanted to thank you All for your support and kind words. No matter what happens next and what ways we all go, I will remember this small "gang" forever. I am not afraid to use such as strong word as "forever", because when a period of your life is packed to its fullest with emotions, be it positive or negative, you remember this period for your whole life. Especially if it's when you ttc. I wish you sticky beans and HH 9 months! Kesh, good luck to you too. And more BFP for those who are still in tww!
Wow lfrans and Natto!! SUCH EXCITING NEWS. lfrans, do you have a picture of your clear bfp???:happydance::happydance::happydance:

Natto!!! How did OH handle the news?? :happydance::happydance: Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited for you!!! Praying praying praying it will stick but WOW that is a dark line for just 9 DPO. I KNEW you were I was just waiting for it.

lfrans--I completely understand where you're coming from. After two mc I don't trust those two lines anymore!! But if it's as strong as you say it is, that has to be a good sign!

Lenka and Kesh--we gotta keep our chins up. This month wasn't our month but maybe that will make it when we actually hold one of our own it will make it so much sweeter. Every failed time (it's only been three for us so it's not a huge deal) I think, ugh, I can't do this to myself...but I'm sure I'll be back in the game next month. No AF yet for me at 14 DPO but a clear bfn on a frer this morning so I know I'm out. I have a long LP so just gotta wait til tomorrow or Thursday for it to get me.

But----WOW :happydance::happydance:what a lucky month for everyone!! Tynmeg, Madeline, Natto, lfrans...most of the original gang got their BFP this month! So don't leave me in the dust, esp madeline and natto when we spent 2 weeks just chatting about life:hugs::hugs:

Madeline--so sweet, I'm trying TRYING to put things in perspective. Doesn't mean I don't wallow in that sweet place of self pity now and again.
First of all....
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Ready and Lfrans!!! So excited for you both. :) **Sticky, Sticky, Sticky Beans**

That's 4 BFPs this month so far, that's incredible. I really hope it works out for all of us. I'm so nervous.

Madeline - I haven't been to the Dr yet. I have a fertility Doctor at the clinic and it's part of the process to have blood work done on 16 dpo if AF doesn't show. From there, I wait for the results and then do follow up blood work to see how the levels are increasing. Once I get that blood work done, if it's all good, I call a baby Dr and book an appt for when I'm 8-10 weeks.

Lenka - Sorry to hear the news about that stupid witch. I hope next month is your month! I'll stick around to stay in touch and give updates. I'm hoping not for another TWW but time will tell.

Ready - YAY!! 9 DPO is early but that's a beautiful line. So happy for you!
I go for bloodwork on Friday at 16 DPO, although I'm seriously considering going at 15 DPO so I can know what is going on by Friday.

Lfrans - YAY!! for you too! You didn't sleep well so I wouldn't pay too much attention to this mornings body temperature. I hope this is the time for you!

Kesh - I sure hope that AF stays away today and you get your BFP. FX

Clacko - You're almost done week 1, the insanity of "Do I test or not test" begins soon! :)

Birthdaybaby and Steph - How's things going for you both?

AFM - Nothing has really changed. I slept last night so that was nice. I'm 13 DPO today and my bbs are mildly sore if I do some feeling and pushing around. I have some mild cramping. I tested again this morning and the line looked basically the same as yesterday morning. I don't know whether it should get darker in a day and I should worry a little or if it's normal.
Natto and lfrans!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! So exciting. Oh my goodness this group is lucky!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for your kind words Madeline. We've always kinda done the long distance thing...He was off for school for three years before he started playing. Its pretty tough at times but we manage.

Tynmeg - I'm hanging in there. My symptoms have calmed down. Still have tummy bloat and the bbs are sore if I push and prod.

I was actually teary eyed as I read through all the good news. I'm so happy for you ladies. This is such a wonderful and caring support system. Hopefully I'll be celebrating with you in a few days! Post more test photos, I've become obsessed with them ;)
I guess Natto is not a caboose anymore, I am... So if you, ladies with BFPs, stick around, I will be over the moon! I can't wait to hear how your pregnancies progress, how you feel physically and emotionally.
Sticky beans to you!!!
I have already bought a digital OPT for my next cycle. Had a beer yesterday and a cup of very strong coffee this morning that I gave up having while ttc... and trying my best to stay positive.

bithdaybaby, if you do not mind me asking, how many cycles did it take you to get pregnant with your son?

Steph, I hope you go with the group and get your BFP very very soon!

I remember when Madeline compared herself to a kid who is going to bed before Christmas feeling very excited. You know how I feel know? Like a kid in a kindergarten, where all the kids were picked up by their parents and left home. Only I am left behind... :nope:
Oh Tynmeg, your kindergarten analogy... :( hugs hugs hugs!
With my son, DH was home from school on winter break for about a week. We were using the rhythm method as contraceptive...BC makes me queasy and I didnt feel the need to take any since DH was away so much of the year. Anyways he was home for maybe 7 days...we obv DTD quite often... ah those sweet long distance reunions. He went back to school and I was convinced I had mono or something. Super tired, just feeling icky took a couple of days off work. Then I got a call from my best friend telling me that she was pregnant. My response was " Aw, I'm so happy for you, I wish I was pregnant!" lol. She suggest that maybe I was too. I'd been feeling tired and crampy so I was convinced AF was coming....but took a test anyways and it was positive. Had to tell DH...over skype...while he was across the country in school. We always joke now that it totally felt like a maury povich situation..."Maury I'm away across the country at school and she tells me she's pregnant...I was only home for six days".
So the first was unexpected but welcomed.

Our #2 was also unexpected...I decieded to try the nuva ring (to avoid getting pregnt right before the wedding) but it made me spot for a month straight. So I took it out and we used condoms...and we had a condom break on my suspected ovulation date...But that little one ended up being ectopic.

Sorry, I dont mean to sound like mrs fertile...just the timing i suppose. I've also read that males can produce "super sperm" when separated from the female for lengths of time. Something to do evolutionarily with the men being away hunting....I dont know...could be loads of crap but seems to work with us.
birthdaybaby, thank u so much for ur story! wow, maybe when you take it easy you get pregnant more easily. I love the idea about "super sperm"!!! :winkwink:
Thanks lenka, just after the wedding we talked about ntnp...but as soon as we started I'm now really really ttc. You're probably right... I should try to relax a bit. I'm just putting a lot of pressure on this cycle with DH leaving mid august and the next OV most likely being on the "no tube" side. I'm I was hoping to have the lo's closer together. I'll just have to let nature take its course. Best of luck to you this upcoming cycle!!!!!!
Birthday, ovaries don't often..actually switch back and forth every other month like we think they do...some people say it's very unlikely that's the case even. So don't count yourself out next month! How long will dh be gone? Also I just noticed you're in Vancouver!! I used to live in Bellingham...used to visit White Rock and Burnaby pretty often :happydance: love it there!! And commercial St/Dr in Vancouver.. .sooooo delicious!!
lfrans- congrats. I will be excited for you, as I can imagine your hesitation to get totally excited just yet. In some ways I feel the same way, as I know that so early on there are many risks to the little bean sticking. Nonetheless, I hold nothing but hope and light that all of our BFPs are sticky ones and the days of MC are over for this group!

birthdaybaby- I love how your other pregnancies sort of took you by surprise. Does it feel different to be actively trying this time?

Lenka- you bet I'm sticking with this group. We are too bonded for me to leave you guys. I haven't even perused the pregnancy forums. It feels like cheating on you guys!!
This morning DH and I were both awake waaayyy to early, and we were chatting about this group. He was really happy to know that I have such a support system and a wise group of women to share the experience, strength, hope, and bizarre symptom spotting experiences with. He did find it odd that we can speak so candidly about things like CM, but I told him that when it comes to TTC, there is no such thing as TMI.

Lenka and Steph and Kesh, has AF officially come yet?

I went to the doctor this AM and had a urine PT. I guess once that is confirmed they'll do a blood test and get prenatal care set up?? It was all a little confusing....

Funny how we have yet another Canadian in the group. Makes me WISH for a trip to the North.......mountains, lakes, less people.....aaahhh!!!
Madeline, thank you for sticking with our group!!! Your husband finds it odd that we share so much private information here, my boyfriend was shocked!!! He is a very private person to say the least. Actually he does not really like the idea that I spend so much time on this site. He thinks it makes me too obsessed... But I do not care. This site and this group in particular is like a charger for me.
Yep, AF has officially come this morning.
Oh, I can't wait when I will get a BFP!!! I am kindly jealous... sorry...:blush:
Lol damn af got me this am, shortly after I posted...oh wells. Next month right? Becoming really anxious as this is now cycle 8. Blah, going to dtd every other day for 8 days around O. Hopefully that does it!
Kesh so sorry to hear you got AF today, really sucks. Your plans for next month sound promising though

Lenka - also sucks, but Im going to stick around here for a little while longer. I wanna know how things turn out with everyone and be able to celebrate with you when you get your bfp

birthday - i lived in vancouver for 2 years during grad school, gorgeous city. I definately miss it, but I like being near my family in Montreal. DH and I are planning on visiting at some point in the future, he wants to see all the places i talk about.

Madeline - Im a little less nervous right now, but really taking things slow, last time i totally got ahead of myself, DH and i had names... we were planning on how to tell our friends... this time we just want to get to the first drs appointment and hear a heartbeat. Here we do not see a doctor until 8-10 weeks... so... Ill see my GP in the meantime (thats what i did last time)

Ready - I hear you with your convo with mom, I was nervous that my mom would drive me crazy when i told her, but she actually wasnt so bad.

Tynmeg - how are you feeling??

Im exhausted, have a headache, have been peeing every 30-60 min and have some minor cramps... I guess thats all normal, no idea.

Hmm.. i I have picture of my bfp, but i feel really stupid, how do i upload it? It only asks for a url and mine is just on my computer.... (not online...) ill try to figure it out...
i figured it out.


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Hey everybody! Before I go on, can I just say I totally want to keep this group together! Madeline, I'm with you - regardless of BFPs and all else, I don't want our little group to break up! I seriously was (almost :haha:) as excited for all of the other BFPs this month, and I know that others are coming, whether it be this month or the next! So as long as you guys will have me, I want to stick around and celebrate all of the coming BFPs! :blush:

Tynmeg - Thank you so much! I am excited and kind of shocked, it is my first BFP. I keep looking down and thinking, "Really? There's something growing in there? Huh!" Glad you have gotten some rest - I hope the insomnia stays at bay. Keep us posted on your line!

Lfrans - how are you feeling? I am sorry you are having anxiety - that sounds totally understandable. I have never gone through the emotional trauma of a MC, so I won't pretend I can relate, but I am keeping my FX for you and sending tons of sticky dust! And that is a beautifully dark line!

Madeline - cheers to prego insomnia! I plan on starting to keep my computer next to me, as I suspect it might keep up. I have been shocked at how much energy I have had, as I'm usually the first to feel fatigued. Plenty of time for that.

Lenka - I'm sorry that AF came. Sounds like the surgery could have really impacted your chances this month, which is a bummer but at least you know it is a cause! I can't wait until you get your BFP. :hugs: And don't say you will miss us, I couldn't bring myself to go anywhere! :nope: I agree, this gang of women has been so awesome to find and such a wealth of knowledge and support. It feels very special to me as well. I'm glad you are being good to yourself, enjoying a beer and coffee - I have no doubt that soon enough those things will be out! Your Kindergarden analogy - aww, made me sad! We will be waiting with you!

Steph - It touches my heart that you knew, too! Man, intuition - it can be crazy! I'm sorry about your BFN. I know you are probably ready for AF to come so you can start a new cycle. I am so excited to be here when you get your BFP, and this group seems to bring lots of luck! Crazy how many of the original gang got BFPs already! And like I've said, it has been SO wonderful spending time just getting to know you guys, I'm sticking around. :flower:

Clacko - You are coming up on testing time soon, as Tyandmeg said! When do you think you will go for it? Just curious, I am so excited and nervous for everyone!

BirthdayBaby - Thank you so much! FX that you will be celebrating in just a few days! Have you decided when to test? Sorry I finked out and tested this morning, it was just a whim, didn't think I'd get anything on it. :blush: Sorry to hear about your ectopic. Love the Maury joke! Sounds like you are fertile and it is only a matter of time before your LO is a big brother. :hugs: Super sperm - yikes! Makes total sense, but brings an image to mind! :haha:

Kesh - I'm so sorry AF got you, but at least you can start your next cycle. Keeping FX that this cycle is your month! :hugs: And sounds like you've got a good plan.

AFM - well, I woke DF up right after I posted on here and told him I had to turn the light on for a second. He was sound asleep so just threw some covers over his face. I showed him the test and he got very excited. Then he said, "I bet you can't wait to tell your online friends!" I sheepishly said, "I already did!" :blush: He thought that was hysterical. He is very excited but we are both freaking out a bit about healthcare, as I was planning on leaving my job in September and we aren't married. I can only get on his plan if we get hitched, and even then it is unclear if my pregnancy will be a preexisting condition. Sigh. Things two attorneys *probably* could have thought about a bit more! :dohh: Regardless, he is thrilled! And he thinks it is hysterical and totally crazy how much we share, but he loves the support I've found on here. He gets excited with every new BFP and plays new songs while I update at night. He's pretty cute. :blush:

I'm feeling good! My back hurts and I've had a headache, and woah nelly have I had an appetite! All totally doable - I'm waiting (and praying) for the 6-8 week smack in the face!

I wanted to ask those who have gotten BFPs - have you guys changed your workouts? I know we talked about this before, but now I'm scared! I did some yoga and pilates today, but I have been doing Insanity and I miss breaking a sweat! Just wanted to know what others were thinking.

Cheers, ladies!
Congrats natto & Ifrans :)

I had my blood test today, confirmed ovulation. So would have me around 7dpo. I have to wait another 7-10days and if no AF I get to call them back and then I imagine test for pregnancy. So fingers crossed one my follicles had an egg, and that DH's swimmers found the golden trophy. No symptoms to report (or that I can link), did have some cramps last night, and discharge seems different to normal, was dry for a few days now a mix between milky and eggwhite, but only what seen when I go to the loo. No internal investigation here.
So now to wait for these 7-10 days to pass. I think I'll go for 11 days lol.

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