3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Clacko, if that were my test I'd say it's negative. I don't do squinting. Though I did used to with OPK's but after seeing a positive (and it came up right away both times) I now rely only on two solid lines.
oh Steph! Those are good signs.
I didn't realize that DH was in surgery right now. Sending healing thoughts! :hug:Glad he will move to recovery so he can get his mobility back and you can travel!

Oh, did I not mention that DH got a job!!?? Maybe with all of the other hoopla I forgot.

Through a friend he got a temp job at the University. He will be an analyst in the office of research. Honestly I have no idea what that means, LOL!! But, he is now in the system and it could become a permanent position. If not, he'll move to another assignment w/in temp pool. His friend who works there hooked him up. At the very least it offers income and experience while he looks for something else.

Though it's not permanent I'm excited and hopefully by the time the bean arrives we'll be situated enough to know what the right decisions are re: me taking extended time off, etc.

Let us know how the surgery goes, Steph! When do you test?

Clacko-I concur w/Steph- hard to see, but it could be the pic. If it's your BFP we will be here to celebrate :thumbup:
It's been awesome Steph! I only work until 12, do I've been getting some good beach days in. I'm so happy you're still in it! All the best to hubby, wishing him a fast and smooth recovery.

Thanks for the info Madeline. Just found out that my local dollar store sells both so I stocked up. i'm so happy for you and your hubby, that's great news! Congratulations!

lfrans, Yup, I teach high school biology and am also a learning support teacher (special education).

Afm after my BFN and a reassessment of my symptoms... I think I might be out. I know I shouldn't count myself out just yet but I just don't feel it. I was absolutely sure last week but all of my symptoms seemed to have fizzled out... tons of baby dust to all of you still waiting and a happy and healthy pregnancy to our BFPs !!!
Clacko - I agree with others, it is really hard to tell. I don't see much, but I also know that when I tried to photograph my light lines I had a really hard time getting a pic that showed them. FMU tomorrow? FX for you!

Steph - Totally! Trust me, I get so frustrated with my body issues, and truth be told when I look at my body, I like it. That's what is so hard - I'm not super skinny but I'm totally okay with that until I start comparing myself to how small I used to be and then ugh.... But I'm taking it as an opportunity to face things because the LAST thing I want to do is bring a child into a family with a mom who unconsciously passes that stuff along. Rom coms.... yup, so annoying when the emphasis is put on being called beautiful as opposed to anything else! :wacko:

Anyway, on to more important things - 1. I hope surgery goes well and 2. I am so keeping my FX for you! Eeekk! I love that you are feeling hopeful and am so hoping this is your month. :hugs:

BirthdayBaby - you saying "boo urns" made me laugh so hard. DF says it all the time and for some reason I thought it was only him - I asked him today and he thought I was so weird! Very jealous of your beach days. I know you feel out, I'm keeping my FX crossed, but if this isn't your month than I'm keeping FX it is a month very soon. :hugs:

Madeline - Sending lots of love your way for telling your mom! Regardless of knowing how she will react it is totally valid to have nerves over delivering such big news. I can't wait to see you post about how happy she is for you two! :hugs: I hear you about wanting to go from flat to bump, the "I just look fat" stage is what I am least looking forward to! As for insurance, DF and I talked about just going down to the courthouse privately and then having a celebration down the line - the only problem is if we do that, and we file jointly, his income will be considered for my student loan repayments, which could actually cost us more in the long run than paying for doctors/birth, etc. out of pocket. :wacko: So frustrating. Thank you for the info on your sister! I am going to ask DF to check in with his insurance about the preexisting condition conundrum.

As for your career choices - well first, might I say, congrats to your DH for the temp position working out!!! :happydance: The momentum that gives him is so huge. I am hoping this is leading him to the perfect position! I say Option 2 as well, only because it keeps you, DH and baby covered, it is steady income and you can always reevaluate when DH is in something more permanent. Your baby will need health insurance, so that would put less pressure on maintaining COBRA, etc. Having said that, only YOU know what is right for you and I have no doubt that things will come together for you and your family perfectly!

Lfrans - Ugh, trust me, I envy your system! Things are (IMHO) unnecessarily complicated in the states. And $10/day for good childcare? OMG sounds like heaven! Sounds like your doctor is helping you take the right precautions - are you feeling more comfortable and less anxious? :hugs:

Lenka - I LOVE that you reread this thread! So many details that I'm sure we've all forgotten about. I totally forgot that Madeline waffled on wanting to try this month! Holy moly! I think I will do that as well when I get a chance.

AFM - My back has been hurting and my sciatic nerve especially, which makes me nervous because that happens before AF. Really praying I don't have a chemical pregnancy. I'm also very hungry and a bit nauseous....

Today I asked DF if he wanted to say hi to his baby... he leaned down and said to my belly, "Hi baby." Pause. "Well, you don't have ears yet, so I guess this will be a short conversation." Man, it got me. I couldn't stop laughing. That's about it lol - watching some standup and trying to relax!
EMC00P - Welcome! Twins run in my family as well, and at 5' tall I've often been a bit scared of what that would be like! :wacko:

I know I would be happy either way, not that I have any say in the matter. As far as updating dpo's, I think it's a good idea. I am coming up on 5 dpo in about 45 minutes.
Welcome EMCOOP! Fx for you this cycle. I'm impressed that you know your DPO down to the MINUTE!!!

Steph, I will wait on baited breath for you to test.

Ready-sending hope that is is a stick bean, just like your name says. Early pregnancy looks a lot like PMS, so don't go down the AF trail just yet!

birthdaybaby- beach sounds AWESOME!

AFM: just spend about a million hours this week applying for the County job. Fx, if I get an interview and an offer at last I'll have options, and once I know more it will be easier to make a decision.

Lfrans- how ya doing?

Kesh-oh, sorry to hear that AF got ya, boo! Well, the good news is that only 2 more weeks and you can try again and we'll be right here!
Well I just woke up and poas....and I'm not sure what to say! I thought it was a very faint bfp but not so sure anymore....it would be too hard to say. I could honestly see it going either way. To be frank, I was expecting a clear bfp. This is the first time I've seen any kind of a line this cycle on a frer. Buuut I am not sure if it has any color. Arrgghh waiting!! If I don't start today, it will prove that I oed later than expected.

Will reply to all of your news later this morning and not at 4 am! I will say Congrats to your hubby Madeline!!!!
Natto- very cute story about DF. :) I totally hear you about your body issues. I had some issues as a teen and now am much better, but still so self critical. I am worried about looking HUGE and losing the weight afterwards. I have been really bad about going to the gym, I used to go almost daily and was in amazing shape (5ish years ago) now not so much... I have been looking for pregnancy workouts online a bit, I usually do some weights and cardio at the gym, my weight routine is probably too intense for me right now.

Madeline- congrats on your DH's job, sounds like a great opprtunity and a huge relief. Good luck with the county job, I agree with everyone that the stability of it sounds excellent. I am not happy with my job, but sticking with it for the benefits for now. Im actually looking into doing a certificate while on mat leave to improve my chances of getting a better job after.

Steph - hmmm.... sounds like it could be promising... your symptoms definately could be pregnancy... FX!!!!

AFM- soooo tired..... I woke up again at 3:30, fell back asleep for a bit around 6ish... And I was wide awake around 10pm last night when i was trying to go to bed early... This will be a long day. I started the prometrium last night, i will be taking it for 2 weeks. Hopefully it helps. Im less nervous than I was. Really nothing that worrying will do to help or prevent anything.
The lack of sleep is so annoying! I do regularly have insomnia and usually if i get in a habit of not sleeping its hard to break it, so ill take nyquil or something, sleep 1-2 nights with that and im back on track ot normal sleeping. Now, I cant take anything and cant drink coffee to keep me awake. blah!!
Its also affecting my very ambitious workout plans. I really want to get back to the gym, but so tired, I will try to push myself to go for a walk when i get home from work.
I do see the lines Clacko! Hopefully they'll get darker for you! Fx'd!!
I tested this morning and got this
Steph - I am so freaking excited at the prospect that this could be your month! Are you going to test tomorrow morning? Fingers and toes crossed. I am seriously almost giddy about this. :hugs:

EMC00P - How do you know your DPO to the minute? Very impressive! I couldn't know that info if I tried! And so true - no control over twins, so I guess you just go with the flow!

Lfrans - I've been looking at pregnancy workouts as well. Find anything good? I think DF and I are going to buy a spinning bike for the house - that way I can hop on when I have the energy and do some weights/yoga/pilates as well. That is a routine I'd be very happy with. :flower: Can you do weights, etc., at home on days when you are tired? I'm sure with your insomnia you are wiped out! I understand - my ambien was the first thing to go in the TWW.... it is so nice to get that one night of sleep that sets you back on track.

Madeline - hadn't even thought of COBRA, thanks for reminding me of its existence lol! I looked into it today at work, it's actually way less than I expected - great option. :hugs:

Well, the back still hurts, appetite is changing, but other than that I'm pretty good. A bit emotional/weepy, but not in a way I can't laugh off. Ready for the weekend!
Also, wanted to post my tests but have to do it from my phone! 9 and 11 DPO.


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Clacko, so sorry, I didn't see your message while I was posting! How does your test look to you? I am struggling to see a line, but I am TERRIBLE at it - half the time I can't tell the difference between a BFN and a faint positive until other people point it out!
It looks like yesterday's tests, very very faint. I also did a clear blue which was bfn. Tuesdays tests were bfn so I know its not rubbish tests.

Don't know what to think to be honest!
good morning,

lfrans- good for you for wanting do do some exercise. I think as long as you don't over exert or start something totally new, you will be fine. Walking is such great exercise and can help wake you up, so as to compensate for that coffee you can't drink now, lol!!

Steph- OMG, OMG!! It is starting to get really interesting!! I can't wait to see how the next couple of days unfold with your tests. Fingers crossed, it looks promising! All it takes is one good BD at the right time! :thumbup:

AFM: I can relate to the insomnia lfrans and Ready have reported. I feel like telling people that if they want to call me, to do so between 3:30 and 6 am, as I am wide awake with nothing to do at that time. Last night was no exception. I have a mild head ache, but otherwise I don't feel exhausted. Insomnia is totally new to me. One thing I'm usually really good at is sleeping :sleep:

Okay, off to see my family and spend the day with my 9 yr old nephew. I can't wait. He is the current apple of my eye, though I'm sure that position will go to our little one as time goes on. Good thing I have two eyes!
Telling my mom today too!! Eek! So nervous, I feel like I'm a teen ager or something telling my mom I got pregnant. So weird......
I'm 23, Trying for #2, kinda. Husband and I have been "NTNP" for approximately 7 months with no luck. I swear we've bought the store out of Prego tests. This month we've actually tried. I'm post ovulation for 3days. We BD'd -2,-1,day of, and +2, on top of the entire week before that. We're both concerned that we won't be able to conceive. However, The last 6 or so days I have been urinating frequently, nauseous, running to the bathroom with soft stool (extremely) every 30 or so minutes. Smell somewhat increased, and headaches and fatigue. I can't remember the beginning of my previous pregnancy, it was over 3 years ago. I have a 2 1/2 yo little boy. Didn't think I had morning sickness then, but I was in the bathroom a lot. Is it possible to have morning sickness this early? I just need someone to talk to :( Hubby isn't super talkative at this point because it frustrates both of us that we haven't gotten pregnant yet. Thanks in advance
First of all natto that is some beautiful progression!! I'm getting so excited for you! Though its hard to believe you're only 11 dpo....feels like you should be at 5 or 6 weeks already! :haha: appetite changing...what do you mean by that? Have you turned into a hungry, hungry, hippo like I am?? Hehe... Dr appts scheduled? Any news on what you've decided to do? Thanks for your support...:hugs: I think it was more than one bd session. Remember how I lamented that I oed too early and salt in the wound we bd like every day AFTER when I had thought I oed? Well I guess it was the o hormones...so I think we got a feeew more sessions in:blush: I'm going to be brave like you and just say even if that was not a real line, ans it got darker later on, then I feel pregnant and I'm waiting foe he tests to confirm how I feel!! Will test tomorrow morning.

Madeline how does dh feel about his new.job?? Is he excited? Honestly the hard part is getting an "in" I think...he can network and get other positions so much easier now that he has SOMETHING :happydance: what a July!nd guess what?? Dh got a call for a job interview during surgery yesterday!!! :happydance::happydance: first bite or word of ANYTHING in 5 months!! What a month right??

This has been such a month of faith for me. Which i handled poorly I'll admit:blush: He may or may not get the job and I may or may not be pregnant but I should have more real faith that all things will work out.

Clacko... I don't see anything I'm so sorry but I'm sure if I had posted my test you would not have seen anything either. So who knows

Lenka how are you doing and feeling?? I miss your sweet and kind updates :hugs:

Mommy this is a perfect place to come to....lots of support!! I've loved these last couple months

Madeline I can't wait to hear how your mom reacts!! Have a wonderful day! And I hope it's so exciting that you fall fast and hard asleep tonight:hugs:
Steph, I am here, checking this thread every few hours and being happy for all of you. :blush: I agree - what a month! How does your DH feel after the surgery? Good luck on his job interview! FX for you for tomorrow testing.
Madeline, congratulations on DH’s job offer! What a relief for both of you… Let us know how your mom reacts… I am sure she will be very thrilled and happy…
Natto, I have to tell you that your DH also has a good sense of humor, him saying hi and admitting that it was going to be a short conversation…. :haha:
Ifrans, I used to suffer from insomnia few years ago. It drove me nuts. It took me almost two years to recover from that. I still sleep with ears plugs, cannot fall asleep without them. Hope you will feel more energetic soon!
Kesh, how are you feeling? I am better and better each day. Getting ready for cycle #3…
Tonight we are going out with a bunch of my friends, high heels, short dresses, chilled champagne. Sorry, ladies, but trust me I would rather be pregnant now, and have a morning sickness, and be constipated and whatever it takes!!!
:hugs: and :flower: to ALL of you!
I couldn't wait another day. I went for my blood work today. They called and said my hcg level is 152. I'm 15 dpo today so from what I can tell that's an average number but it really doesn't mean much. I go back on Tuesday and see if the number is doubling like it should. This truly is like having a second TWW! I don't know how to feel from one minute to the next.

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