3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Getting the feeling that I'll be out within the next 24 hours...
Hiya, thanks for the welcome. Well yesterday I had some pale peachy cm but only a bit and only when I wiped. It was quite dry....odd, not had that before. Breasts still tender...here's hoping. Sooo wanted to poas this morning but stopped myself. Too early.

291 don't lose hope. It's not over til she shows x
Hey ladies!! Hope you're all well, I was wondering why I wasn't getting notifications from this forum and here I accidentally unsubscribed! Haha took me forever to find it!

Dh and I decided to just let things happen this month, we agreed I wouldn't use opks and just go with the flow by dtd every other day. It's really stressful still because I'm trying to figure out how the opks work with my cycles. It seems like I get +opk after my temp rise and almost 3-5 days after my fertile cm. so I may still sneakily take them lol.
Hey All--

I had a crazy busy weekend...and after much thought, DH and I are going to take a break from TTC this month. He has his interview on Wednesday (over Skype) and say by some chance he DOES get a job offer...I can't imagine being pregnant and doing ALL the moving. Even if he doesn't get this job, I'd still be doing all the heavy lifting if we moved any time in the next 2 months. (Plus doing all the driving cross country) No, thank you!

How was everyone's weekend? I went to a wedding at the beach while poor DH stayed at home propped up in bed. He's doing much better, thanks for asking!! Still very tired and has a bit of cabin fever. So much so, that he decided to hobble to work today. Oh, dear. I came home on Sunday morning and took a 3 1/2 hour nap! This is how much stress I've been through! Because...we have another family member over for a visit! This is the 4th person in the last 6 weeks.

Hope everyone's well. Sorry I couldn't write but you all have been in my thoughts! :hugs::hugs:
Welcome to the newcomers! Our group is really growing.
Steph - Great to have an update from you, I was wondering all weekend how your DH was doing with the ankle. You may feel less stressed by taking a break with TTC and poof, it could just happen. ;) You never know!

AFM - I'm still nervously excited, I have my days where I'm excited and have thoughts about the baby and how i'm going to do their room or how it's going to feel to rock him/her. And then I have my days where I tell myself not to get too excited that things can happen. It's such a roller coaster. I'm still peeing on IC's at 19 dpo to see the lines get darker and tomorrow I go for my second round of blood tests to make sure my hcg levels are doubling the way they should. I'll be on pins and needles while I wait for the call. lol Today I'm 4w + 4dys and have the occasional pulls and twinges in my lower stomach and my bbs are sore, not crazy sore like Madeline's karate boobs (haha) but like a medium sore. My DW is busting at the seams wanting to tell people but we're waiting until we get the results tomorrow and then we'll tell our families. :)

I'm sending out lots of baby dust to those trying this month! FX

Kesh - Good luck trying not to try and using opk's. I'm too much of a control freak and know I could never do that. lol

birthdaybaby - Sometimes you have to step back, I completely understand. I hope you've been able to settle your mind down a bit.

How's everyone else doing?

How's everyone else doing?
Hello ladies,
So many new members, welcome, welcome! :flower:
Steph, are you driving cross country? Cannot recall you mentioning it before.:dohh: We are driving from PA to CA in the beginning of September. I also have to pack and we have a lot of stuff. But we have decided to leave all our funiture behind, it is cheap and old. I just want a fresh start in CA.
I also want to take it much easier this cycle. But this being said, I have my CB digital OPK on hand, I temp each morning and already warned my BF about a week non-stop BDing... :blush: We will see what this month brings us.
I just learned that one of my GF's is three month pregnant after one miscariage and ectopic pregnancy. Another one is pregnant at 39 after 10 years of ttc!!! So exiting!!!
Hope you all are feeling good!
:hugs: and :flower: to ALL!
Steph- oh, sending your DH lots of positive energy for the interview today. Are you actively seeking a move out of the Seattle area? I recall a previous job he applied for in VT? I can understand about moving and being in early stages of pregnancy. And now that DH is laid up, you are doing double duty no matter what! Hope is hobbling to work today helped lift is restlessness but that is poor leg doesn't hurt!

So it sounds like a few of us are taking it easy in the TTC world this month. I can't help but wonder if that is when we'll see some surprise BFPs! Only time will tell. In the meantime, enjoy your DH/DF, as that is the ultimate point anyway, right? TTC can make things seem so goal oriented, as though your relationship exists simply to procreate! I am trying to appreciate my DH for just who he is, and not only see him through the lens of a DH/Father role, as I married him for the person he was, right?!! :)

Tynmeg- oh, can't wait to hear the GOOD news from the doctor. Glad you have this forum to share since you guys are keeping quiet about the news until you get some details from the doc. It's hard to NOT get excited though, I would imagine. I'm with you in some ways. I get excited but then remind myself that it is still early and just to remain neutral. However, every day that goes by and that I feel pregnant I get just that much more attached :)

I went on what will likely be my last bike ride this past Sunday. Cycling is a PASSION of mine. I've known women who still did triathlons into their 12th week, including the cycling part. It's not dangerous in itself, but the risks of falling are where the problem lies. I didn't want to give it up, but my friend fell crossing a railroad track on Sunday. She wasn't really hurt- just road rash and a huge adrenaline rush. However, it was kind of a wake up call for me- if that was me I would be freaking out about the baby!!! It's ironic, b/c I've been riding with these gals for 3 years and never has anybody taken a fall. Maybe the universe was trying to tell me something.

It makes me sad to think about letting go of cycling, especially b/c last year I bought my dream bike (She's a custom pink Pinarello named "Penny"). I feel so free when I ride, like nothing else. But, time to switch priorities. I might ride around town a bit (not on busy streets, but I live in a rural town so traffic is not an issue) just for fun, but no more serious rides. I keep reminding myself that Penny will be there when I have the baby, so it's not like I'll never cycle again.

Have a good day, ladies. Steph-keep us posted on how things go with DHs interview!
welcome newbies

kesh -good luck going with the flow, i am so controlling, i dont think i could do that. but DB every other day sounds like it can be promising and continue past when you assume you ovulated by any method and you should be able to cover it.

Birthday- sorry to hear that you are out. temping for me was a good way to know when i ovulated. i got a little crazy overanalyzing during the 2WW, but it is good to know your body. GL

Steph - hows hubby's ankle? howd the job interview go? I hear ya with taking a break with everything going on. it just may be too much at the same time.

Lenka - i guess try to take it easy if you can. So hard when you want something so bad and have such a limited opportunity to get it.

Tynmeg - waiting to hear about blood test results!!!! :)

Madeline - sucks to give up an activity you love, but its for a good reason. I used to skate and stopped this year when we knew we would start TTC. I did not want to suddenly quit from my coaches and partner with no explanation (as i would not say anything too early) so am taking a break, i may or may not get back into it.

AFM - weekend was relaxing. I was feeling exhausted and slightly sick friday so took it really easy on saturday. yesterday we went to an open house (which we did not like) and had dinner with MIL and FIL. Nothing too exciting. Ive been tired, but sleeping a bit better than originally. Been coughing alot lately, feel like im fighting something off. I have noticed that i feel slight nausea when i eat a large meal, but nothign too crazy. felt a bit light headed on the metro on my way to work this morning.
Hello ladies,
So many new members, welcome, welcome! :flower:
Steph, are you driving cross country? Cannot recall you mentioning it before.:dohh: We are driving from PA to CA in the beginning of September. I also have to pack and we have a lot of stuff. But we have decided to leave all our funiture behind, it is cheap and old. I just want a fresh start in CA.
I also want to take it much easier this cycle. But this being said, I have my CB digital OPK on hand, I temp each morning and already warned my BF about a week non-stop BDing... :blush: We will see what this month brings us.
I just learned that one of my GF's is three month pregnant after one miscariage and ectopic pregnancy. Another one is pregnant at 39 after 10 years of ttc!!! So exiting!!!
Hope you all are feeling good!
:hugs: and :flower: to ALL!

Lenka, your post helped remind me that the TTC journey is so varied, and sometimes long for some people. It's awesome about your friends, I bet their BFP are really sweet after having the hardships they endured. It's great you could be happy for them!. It makes me reflect that no matter what we see around us, our TTC journey is unique to ourselves and our life path. We can't predict it no matter how much we use OPKs, plan BD, symptom spot, etc. Such is the wonder of life :) When I first joined this forum I had this weird thought that just being around TTC'ers would make me have a BFP faster-haha!

Well I hope your DF is up for the 'sacrifice' of having to BD for a week straight. Haha - men have the BEST role in TTC :)

Glad you are going to be driving across the country in Sept when it's not so insanely hot. That is one of the best months on the CA coast- great weather and sunsets, and no tourists!

291- you aren't out until AF comes, but if she does, the good news is that your body is working and you will be ready for next month! Fingers crossed!
Madeline, lolol, o yes, I agree that men have the best role in TTC process. And let it be this way. I do not want to stress my DF out. He does not even know that I temp, that I pee on a stick every morning – he does not need to know all that. At least for now… Yep, even though this whole process of moving from East coast to West coast is going to be quite stressful especially for a control freak like myself, I am looking forward to finally moving to CA. I hope you are feeling great, love when you said you feel more attached… Cannot wait when I can experience that…
Hey everybody! Sorry I've been MIA, we had a super busy weekend and then yesterday I had a job interview, so I was pooped by the time I got home! I've been missing you all! :flower::flower:

Clacko - Any updates? Are you still in limbo?

Madeline - Still have the insomnia? That is so funny - DF and I say hangry all the time, as we are both incredibly susceptible! It is such a great word, it really takes the edge off when you can just say with one word, "my blood sugar is low, it's taking a toll on my mood, and if you stand between me and my food I might actually have to kill you!"

I'm so happy that everything went so wonderfully with telling MIL! Sounds like your DH really needed the boost. It's funny how sometimes, when we aren't feeling sure that timing is right, we can do something, etc., getting reassurance from the people we love totally turns the boat. So funny you watched What to Expect - we watched Knocked Up this weekend and I was doubled over in laughter, at least until the end when they were showing them with their baby.... um, totally started to cry! I am SO not a crier when it comes to movies, it caught me off guard. I think it was the first time that I connected on an emotional level that at the end of all of this, god willing, I'm going to have a baby!

Sounds like taking it easy on the biking is a good idea, and yes, the universe might have been sending you a message. I'm sure it is hard to put Penny away for now, but it sounds like you know what decision is best for you, especially this early. Maybe there is another way to feel that freedom? I know what you mean, it has been a bit of an adjustment for me in terms of what my body can do (or should be doing) right now. :hugs:

MasonsMommy - Welcome! This is a super great group, and I know some of us can relate to a DH or DF who does not talk too much! Sounds like you are in the testing range - any news? FX for you!

Steph - Sounds like you two have figured out what is best for you! I didn't realize a cross country move was a possibility, even if DH isn't offered the job (FX he is!) I guess I missed something? :shrug: Either way, I really hope you check in with us and stay in touch, you are such an integral part of our group. (Having said that, much love if you step away and we will all be so excited to see you return. :hugs: I don't want to put pressure!) Did DH hobble in to work again? Cabin fever is rough! Hope he is hanging in there. :flower:

Tynmeg - I'm sending good vibes your way, hoping all is well with the tests and you and DW get to tell your families! I understand being cautiously optimistic - I have no had a miscarriage, so I won't pretend I know the stress and worry it causes, but it is quite an experience to feel like you have such little control over whether or not this tiny being stays put.

291 - How are you feeling? Still planning on testing tomorrow?

Luv-my-bichon - Welcome! Your pup is adorable! When do you plan on testing? FX for you, happy you joined! This is a lucky group! Also, could the discharge you noticed have been a IB? I've never had one, but if you don't spot regularly it seems like you could be in the window for implantation. FX!!!

USUKLove - Welcome to you as well! You are over the hump and into the second week of the TWW starting tomorrow, if I am correct. How are you feeling? When do you plan on testing?

BirthdayBaby - I totally understand that feeling, I'm sorry about AF but it sounds like you are geared up for this cycle! I've never temped, but it seems to offer such a wealth of information. Excited to see how your month progresses!

Kesh - Happy to hear from you! Sounds like your go with the flow plan is a good strategy, although if you sneakily do your OPKs and report them to us, we won't mind! :haha: FX for you.

Lenka - I'm sure DH wasn't complaining about a week of BD'ing? :haha: So exciting, I really hope this is your month. So lovely that your friends are also pregnant - FX that you guys will be experiencing pregnancy together! :hugs:

Lfrans - Happy you had a relaxing weekend, nothing beats being able to rest when you need it! Sounds like your symptoms are tolerable - I have found the same, although I know it is very early in the game. Have you told MIL and FIL? Sorry if I missed it, sometimes it is hard to remember everyone's news.... :hugs:

AFM - well, I can tell you one thing, this baby does NOT like fried food or carbs! I haven't really been nauseated at all except for Friday, when we went out to dinner and I got an order of my favorite fries. I had about 6 and felt like I was going to hurl for the rest of the night! Everything else has been pretty mild, outside of my boobs...good lord! I already had to go buy two new bras, as I went up a cup size. :cry: This is not something that a girl who had a breast reduction wants in the slightest! Also... any of the other mammas with BFPs notice a serious change in their sex drive? :blush: I all of the sudden could not care less, and when we do have sex it feels uncomfortable, like I'm irritated on the inside. I feel so bad for DF and want to know if this is normal....

Alright, everyone.... had an interview yesterday, it went well, please send good vibes my way!!!
I tested with a frer this morning and negative. Im 11dpo today x
Also - wanted to do an updated list:

BirthdayBaby - CD 3
Steph - CD 6
Kesh - CD 8
Lenka - CD 8

Luv-my-bichon - 5 DPO
USUKLove - 7 DPO
MasonsMommy - 8 DPO
Clacko - 11 DPO
291 - 12 DPO

Madeline - 5 weeks 4 days
Lfrans - 5 weeks
Tynmeg - 4 weeks 5 days
Ready - 4 weeks 4 days

If these numbers are wrong, or if you would like for me to leave you off of this list, please just post and let me know - I will edit accordingly!

Looks like we've got some ladies coming up on testing, so excited! FX!

Thank you! I'm going from my last positive opk! Getting lots of symptoms x
clacko - it aint over til AF shows up. you really never know. wait a few days and test again (or wait til after you miss AF and test at that point).

Ready - I think i am 5 weeks today, according to LMP im 5weeks3days, but i think i o-ed later than usual based on temping.

Hows everyone feeling today? Im EXHAUSTED!!! I could not fall asleep last night, was tossing and turning all night. now I have a bit of a cold and cannot focus at work. I was stressing out last night. Everything was great, I came home from work, went to the bathroom and i had a tiny bit of pink spotting. It seemed to only be that 1 time when i wiped, now seems to be gone, so im a bit relieved... but very much anxious to just hear a heart beat. 5 more weeks til i see the OBGYN, so itll be a long wait. Im seeing my GP today, im sure she will tell me not to worry.
I updated you, Lfrans. Good luck today at the doctor's office. I'm sure you are fine but I can totally understand why you are worried - I hope your doctor is able to ease your worries. :hugs:

I haven't been tossing and turning, but I get up every 2-3 hours to pee, it's driving me crazy already!
Great job on the list Natto!
I've been taking epo this month for the first time since ttc and wowzers, I'm practically flooding in ewcm. I'm really excited! I took soy again this month too, along with baby aspirin and folic acid. I'm a fertility bomb this month! I never have ewcm so far from o. I usually get it 2-3 days before and then I have none during ovulation so hopefully this keeps up!

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