Hey everybody! Sorry I've been MIA, we had a super busy weekend and then yesterday I had a job interview, so I was pooped by the time I got home! I've been missing you all!

Clacko - Any updates? Are you still in limbo?
Madeline - Still have the insomnia? That is so funny - DF and I say hangry all the time, as we are both incredibly susceptible! It is such a great word, it really takes the edge off when you can just say with one word, "my blood sugar is low, it's taking a toll on my mood, and if you stand between me and my food I might actually have to kill you!"
I'm so happy that everything went so wonderfully with telling MIL! Sounds like your DH really needed the boost. It's funny how sometimes, when we aren't feeling sure that timing is right, we can do something, etc., getting reassurance from the people we love totally turns the boat. So funny you watched What to Expect - we watched Knocked Up this weekend and I was doubled over in laughter, at least until the end when they were showing them with their baby.... um, totally started to cry! I am SO not a crier when it comes to movies, it caught me off guard. I think it was the first time that I connected on an emotional level that at the end of all of this, god willing, I'm going to have a baby!
Sounds like taking it easy on the biking is a good idea, and yes, the universe might have been sending you a message. I'm sure it is hard to put Penny away for now, but it sounds like you know what decision is best for you, especially this early. Maybe there is another way to feel that freedom? I know what you mean, it has been a bit of an adjustment for me in terms of what my body can do (or should be doing) right now.
MasonsMommy - Welcome! This is a super great group, and I know some of us can relate to a DH or DF who does not talk too much! Sounds like you are in the testing range - any news? FX for you!
Steph - Sounds like you two have figured out what is best for you! I didn't realize a cross country move was a possibility, even if DH isn't offered the job (FX he is!) I guess I missed something?

Either way, I really hope you check in with us and stay in touch, you are such an integral part of our group. (Having said that, much love if you step away and we will all be so excited to see you return.

I don't want to put pressure!) Did DH hobble in to work again? Cabin fever is rough! Hope he is hanging in there.
Tynmeg - I'm sending good vibes your way, hoping all is well with the tests and you and DW get to tell your families! I understand being cautiously optimistic - I have no had a miscarriage, so I won't pretend I know the stress and worry it causes, but it is quite an experience to feel like you have such little control over whether or not this tiny being stays put.
291 - How are you feeling? Still planning on testing tomorrow?
Luv-my-bichon - Welcome! Your pup is adorable! When do you plan on testing? FX for you, happy you joined! This is a lucky group! Also, could the discharge you noticed have been a IB? I've never had one, but if you don't spot regularly it seems like you could be in the window for implantation. FX!!!
USUKLove - Welcome to you as well! You are over the hump and into the second week of the TWW starting tomorrow, if I am correct. How are you feeling? When do you plan on testing?
BirthdayBaby - I totally understand that feeling, I'm sorry about AF but it sounds like you are geared up for this cycle! I've never temped, but it seems to offer such a wealth of information. Excited to see how your month progresses!
Kesh - Happy to hear from you! Sounds like your go with the flow plan is a good strategy, although if you sneakily do your OPKs and report them to us, we won't mind!

FX for you.
Lenka - I'm sure DH wasn't complaining about a week of BD'ing?

So exciting, I really hope this is your month. So lovely that your friends are also pregnant - FX that you guys will be experiencing pregnancy together!
Lfrans - Happy you had a relaxing weekend, nothing beats being able to rest when you need it! Sounds like your symptoms are tolerable - I have found the same, although I know it is very early in the game. Have you told MIL and FIL? Sorry if I missed it, sometimes it is hard to remember everyone's news....
AFM - well, I can tell you one thing, this baby does NOT like fried food or carbs! I haven't really been nauseated at all except for Friday, when we went out to dinner and I got an order of my favorite fries. I had about 6 and felt like I was going to hurl for the rest of the night! Everything else has been pretty mild, outside of my boobs...good lord! I already had to go buy two new bras, as I went up a cup size.

This is not something that a girl who had a breast reduction wants in the slightest! Also... any of the other mammas with BFPs notice a serious change in their sex drive?

I all of the sudden could not care less, and when we do have sex it feels uncomfortable, like I'm irritated on the inside. I feel so bad for DF and want to know if this is normal....
Alright, everyone.... had an interview yesterday, it went well, please send good vibes my way!!!