3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

EMC00P - How do you know your DPO to the minute? Very impressive! I couldn't know that info if I tried! And so true - no control over twins, so I guess you just go with the flow!

I've been using an app on my phone for over a year, you can record period cycles and it also gives you an idea of when ovulation will occur. Plus, you can tell where you are at by discharge.
Tynmeg- Glad you went to the doctor instead of had all that concern swimming in your head. That number sounds good, I think, right??!! Ugh, and just when you thought the "wait" was over. Does this time feel any different that the last time you got a BFP? Sending you lots of love and support that you don't have worry on your mind over the next few days. All we can do is take this journey one day at a time, no matter what. I know you'll keep us posted and share what Dr says next week.

Steph- wow, you are so right- what a MONTH!!! Some much change, unexpected surprises (mostly good for this group, which is awesome). I wonder if something is going on astrologically- sorry, I always turn to the stars and the cosmos for answers, lol!! Great news that DH got a job call during surgery. It's always when we LEAST expect it!
well, maybe all that BD did the trick, eh? Are you going to test again soon?

AFM: mom was thrilled. I loved seeing the look on her face- total surprised elation. When I left she said this will be the best next 9 months b/c she knows another grandbaby is coming (She has 1 grandkid-my nephew). I told my sis, who I also saw yesterday. She was also excited. She and I have a very tenuous relationship, I'm sorry to say, so I wasn't sure she'd even care. She's hard to read and lately hasn't spoken to me at all for several months (this is her pattern, not totally sure why but some say jealously of me, which I don't get but whatever...). I was glad to share the news in person and receive a truly loving warm hug from her.

lfrans- how are you?

welcome masonsmom. Glad you founds us. I empathize for the struggle of TTC and that your DH is tired of talking about it, so this is a great place. We share every stinking detail, as you can tell!! I think sometimes DH don't get a lot of 'benefit' from talking about it as much as us ladies.

Lenka- your post made me laugh! You know you are TTC when a night in with bloating, consitpation and exhaustion trumps a fun night out with the girls! Well, I'm just going to ask that you live it up for me too on your fun night, and know that soon enough you'll be the one staying in or drinking the club soda during a night out!
madeline - im glad to hear everyone was happy for you (as they should be) apparently my MIL cried (bc she was happy) when DH told her. we are holding back from telling siblings for now. (My SIL was super inappropriate last BFP, im still barely talking to her from then so not interested in telling her... but the others maybe- that causes major issue for my husband cuz its his sister. i really like his brother and dont mind telling him, just not his sister...)

Steph- any news today??

tynmeg - hcg seems good, lets hope it stays that way.

AFM: I still am not sleeping properly and now have a sore throat. I spoke to a pharmacist today and am taking halls for my throat and she told me i could take benadryl to sleep. im hesitant to take meds, but so desperate to sleep past 3am.
my breasts are getting more sore by the day, no nausea or anything, but i feel very bloated and have mild cramps on and off throughout the day.
Hey everybody! Oy, a bit swamped at work but I wanted to take a moment and check in with everyone.

Steph - I am on the edge of my seat, I can't wait to hear how things are unfolding! Thank you on the progression, I am SO happy about it. I was scared that the second test I took wouldn't show anything - I don't know why, I guess this is just my first BFP and I'm scared of losing it. I do remember you saying the salt in the wound was all the BDing after your O! Too funny, I really hope you are right and all of that BDing led to an awesome surprise. :hugs: I am not more hungry per se - I guess what's weird is when I'm hungry. I'm not ready for breakfast until about 9:30 and at night I only want toast, but I want a lot of food in between. Heavy food - curried tofu, miso soup, dolmas, spicy dishes. Not really craving sweet or carbs, which is super weird for me. I haven't scheduled a doctor's appointment yet. I've never done this before so I'm trying to figure out how everything works. :blush: So happy DH got a call about a job - you are right, what a great lesson in faith! Keeping FX that everything works out awesomely for you (two)!

Lenka - Did you have fun the other night? I hope you enjoyed the champagne, I have no doubt you will be joining the BFP club very soon! :happydance:

Clacko - How are things looking? Did you test this morning?

Madeline - SO happy your mom and sis are excited. Sorry your relationship with your sister is tenuous - if it is jealousy, maybe being able to turn to her for pregnancy advice will help bring down some of her walls? Obviously I don't know the situation at all, but I hope if nothing else she is stays positive and loving about your pregnancy.

Tynmeg - I am FX that everything works out. Those numbers, from what I have researched, seem good! Stay strong, I'm sure as you see your numbers go up it will help alleviate some of the anxiety. :hugs:

EMC00P - Very cool! I had luck with First Response OPKs, but was considering doing something like an app as well. Although I feel so old these days, when I hear about an app the first thing I think of is something that comes before a meal! :haha:

MasonsMommy - Welcome! Sounds like your timing was very good. FX you caught the bean. Keep us posted. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, it is so hard to say at 3 DPO what is what. Hopefully we are a good source to get things off your mind - not all DHs are huge talkers. :hugs:

Lfrans - I have such cramps and bloating as well! Last night I was up on and off.... driving me a bit crazy. The cats had a bit to do with it, sometimes they get frisky at night and drive me up the wall. I hope you get a good night's sleep and wake up with a throat that feels better!

AFM - OMG do my breasts HURT! I only have one bra left that even remotely fits. This weekend we are going for a couple more, as I can't live in one ill-fitting bra lol. We are going on a date night tonight which I am very excited about - we are finally about done with moving and organizing, thank goodness. I am also seriously freaked out about how bloated I am - my pants are fitting, but they definitely feel a bit tight lol. Ah well, such is life.

I wanted to ask - does anyone know if heating pads are okay? Alright, I know this sounds really silly, but my back is killing me and I want to use one, but I'm afraid I'm going to cook the baby. :blush: I know they say to be careful about getting your temp up... I don't know. I just want to make sure I'm not doing anything terrible.
Ready- I relate to your testing again the following day(s), just to be sure you didn't lose the BFP. I have tested about 8x since BFP 9 days ago, and it's partly to make sure this is 'real', and also to see line get darker.

When I made an appointment my doc doesn't want to see me until 7 weeks, when we can hear the heartbeat. Yay! That is Aug 9th for me and I was thrilled that I didn't have to as DH to come with - he just naturally wants to.

Today I am zombie tired. I took a mid-day nap yesterday, which I NEVER do, but I was with my nephew all day running around like crazy (9 yr old boys have a lot of energy!) and today I will likely do the same, as I am working from home.

Ready- no sweet cravings for me either. I'm usually a sugar hound, or rather, I would be if I didn't know better. I just want food. Yesterday I had a chicken burger and fries for lunch at a restaurant and then was perfectly ready for mom's lasagna and salad at dinner. Usually I would not have two heavy things like that in one day, and I had cheese 3x yesterday (burger, lasagna, and as a snack!). I don't even eat that much cheese in 2 weeks, lol!

I recall reading somewhere that increased hunger for calorie dense foods is common in first few weeks, as the level of cell replication is exponentially high right now. It will taper off, and then surge again (in terms of rate) toward T3. Per my nutrition books, we technically don't 'need' more calories/day during T1, but we do have an increase in need for protein by about 10%, folic acid req about doubles, and iron requirement triples!!! Blood volume is going to triple through the pregnancy too, which likely explains the iron need. Maybe that is why my body is preferentially desiring dense foods versus yummy treat foods....
Madeline - that makes so much sense. I am in the same boat - I just want to eat and eat! It feels how I feel at the height of PMS, like I'm not even that hungry, my brain just won't stop thinking about food. I'm trying to balance listening to my body (hence, eating dense food) with what I know, which is the need for calories hasn't really gone up. So I'm still saying no to certain things, particularly if they are not great for me (for instance, someone brought in doughnuts to work yesterday, which I LOVE but I never eat because of my gluten-sensitivity and because they are filled with stuff I don't like to put in my body.) I looked at them and thought nope, you just want that. You don't need it, pregnant or not. I'm going to try to keep that mindset, at least until I end up so nauseated that only certain things sound good (I pray this doesn't happen, but statistically speaking it is quite likely!) A good friend of mine could only eat hot tamales during her pregnancy, she never eats that kind of stuff, but for whatever reason it was the only thing she could keep down!

I also feel like my blood sugar drops more rapidly now, and I was always a bit cranky when I was hungry anyway, so now I'm just kind of a bear when it happens! Last night DF was going to cook dinner (we were cleaning and I had to stop because I was all of the sudden super hungry.) He started putting dishes away before starting dinner and I had to check my crazy - my brain was like, "OH MY GOD START COOKING NOW!" Luckily a trip upstairs and back down was enough to remind myself that he is a dear who was cleaning and then cooking for us, so eat a bite and knock it off. :haha:
Also, congrats! August 9th, that's so exciting! I bet you are chomping at the bit. :happydance: I think part of what I'm trying to figure out is who to go to - my family doctor has always done my gynecological exams, so I don't have an OB/GYN to make an appointment with!
I'm at work writing on my phone so I don't have much time and.ability to write but I wanted to let you know af got me last night. Stayed up half the night with awful cramps. I'm so crushed mostly because I felt VERY pregnant. Shortness of.breath, weird.appetite, and aching.boobs. all symptoms I have only had with bfps. So yeah. There you have it. Will respond to all of your posts later.:cry::hugs:
Oh Steph, I'm so sorry. Big hugs. At least now you know and this is the start of a new, and hopefully much more predictable, cycle. Don't lose faith, your BFP is coming! :hugs: :hugs:
Steph, :hugs:
I know it is easier said than done, but try not to get too upset. I did and I still am. But there is always another month. We will get our BFP next month! Taurus/Horse babies for us!!! I am Taurus/Horse myself. :blush:

I also feel very exhausted and hungry, but then I remember than I am not even pregnant and get sad again... :nope:

At least, yesterday, we had a lot of fun and cocktails. :wine: No, it was cocktails then a lot of fun...
Cute quote:
You can't buy happiness, but you can give birth to one... :baby:
Oh Steph, I almost didn't believe it!! Well, hmm... darnit! But, as Lenka said, the beauty is that another cycle begins and you get to try again. I'm sorry and it's totally ok if you are having a tiny pity party :) I had one about every month for the first 3 months of TTC, lol!

Taurus it is. I guess we couldn't all have Aries babies- we've got to keep balance on the earth!

Honor your AF and the amazing wonder of the female body. Without AF we would not be able to TTC.

Lenka- glad cocktails were fun.

Ready- good for you for resisting the power of the donut. Good advice to keep the mindset of asking one's self if you are prego hungry (or just hungry), or have the 'wants'.
There is a term my DH and use for the mood we both get when we are hungry: hangry (combo of hungry that yields anger/frustrtion). Glad you recognized your "hanger" last night and didn't bite DF's head off :) Nice guy to cook dinner, hope it was tasty!
Tynmeg- best of luck, fingers crossed for you, I hope the number has continued to climb.

Welcome Masonsmommy.

I'm 9dpo today, or thereabouts.

Getting mild cramps, and boobs are a bit tender - but this is normal pre AF for me. Due Wednesday.
Told my body to send it early if i'm not pregnant... next week is going to be horrible, the unknown is not something I like.
Hi 291-when do you plan on testing? Are you going to wait for AF, or test early? I always caved at tested starting 10 DPO, even if I promised myself I wouldn't! How many cycles have you been trying?

Steph-how is DH's recovery from his surgery going? I hope you both can enjoy the weekend and the summer weather in Seattle, even if he's quite laid up. Have a mini- 'staycation' in your back yard.

AFM, no big weekend plans, for once, which is nice. We're pretty busy with little trips, family visits and work travel (me) this coming month. I swear, summer just flies by!
Body feels good today, though tiredness is really hitting me big. It might be because of all the insomnia last week, but even today when I awoke naturally at 7, I felt like I could have slept another couple of hours, yet my body would not let my eyes shut. I'm a total morning person, so once I'm up...I'm UP!

DH told MIL yesterday about the baby while he visited her. She was elated. I think it boosted DH confidence a bit too, as he is a mix of excitement and worry. I can tell that when other's get excited for us, he is reaffirmed that yes, it is OKAY for us to have a baby and we will be just fine.

Okay, off to do a little workout and water the plants before it gets hot here.

Have a great day all.
Hi 291-when do you plan on testing? Are you going to wait for AF, or test early? I always caved at tested starting 10 DPO, even if I promised myself I wouldn't! How many cycles have you been trying?

I've no intentions to test till after Wednesday as that's 13dpo.
And when AF is due. Though my LP is on average 11 days (so that would see AF due Mon/Tues. Meh, I've no idea really. Not "feeling" pregnant at all yet.
Hello ladies! I'd like to join in as well. I'm 5DPO and a bit crampy with mildly sore boobs. Trying to ignore it and pretend I don't notice lol. Don't want to get my hopes up. We've ntnp for the past 6 years, this is our first month of actually ttc.
Hello ladies... sorry I've been mia last couple is days. I just had to take a step back. I was becoming obsessed with testing and symptom spotting. AF got me today so onto a new cycle. I've just started temping to increase our chances this cycle! Best of luck to those of you still waiting and hope all our pregnant mammass are doing great!
Hi all,
welcome love and USU- this is a great place to share all things TWW, the highs and the lows.

Birthday-totally understand about needing to step back. Sounds like you are already moving forward and not letting AF get you down. I hope that temping helps you this cycle so that you can get your BFP before hubby heads out again! The good news means there is more BD in your future!!

Ready, Steph, lfrans, Kesh, Clacko, tynmeg- how are you gals?

AFM: I am doing well after a really lovely mellow weekend. It felt good to not be rushed. My weekend included some couch time and watching "What to expect when you're expection". Fun to watch in my recent prego state! All of our immediate family members now are in the know and are excited! My boobs feel like somebody did karate on them, but otherwise I am feeling good.

Hope the regulars hop on after the weekend. You are all in my thoughts!

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