Hey everybody! Oy, a bit swamped at work but I wanted to take a moment and check in with everyone.
Steph - I am on the edge of my seat, I can't wait to hear how things are unfolding! Thank you on the progression, I am SO happy about it. I was scared that the second test I took wouldn't show anything - I don't know why, I guess this is just my first BFP and I'm scared of losing it. I do remember you saying the salt in the wound was all the BDing after your O! Too funny, I really hope you are right and all of that BDing led to an awesome surprise.

I am not more hungry per se - I guess what's weird is when I'm hungry. I'm not ready for breakfast until about 9:30 and at night I only want toast, but I want a lot of food in between. Heavy food - curried tofu, miso soup, dolmas, spicy dishes. Not really craving sweet or carbs, which is super weird for me. I haven't scheduled a doctor's appointment yet. I've never done this before so I'm trying to figure out how everything works.

So happy DH got a call about a job - you are right, what a great lesson in faith! Keeping FX that everything works out awesomely for you (two)!
Lenka - Did you have fun the other night? I hope you enjoyed the champagne, I have no doubt you will be joining the BFP club very soon!
Clacko - How are things looking? Did you test this morning?
Madeline - SO happy your mom and sis are excited. Sorry your relationship with your sister is tenuous - if it is jealousy, maybe being able to turn to her for pregnancy advice will help bring down some of her walls? Obviously I don't know the situation at all, but I hope if nothing else she is stays positive and loving about your pregnancy.
Tynmeg - I am FX that everything works out. Those numbers, from what I have researched, seem good! Stay strong, I'm sure as you see your numbers go up it will help alleviate some of the anxiety.
EMC00P - Very cool! I had luck with First Response OPKs, but was considering doing something like an app as well. Although I feel so old these days, when I hear about an app the first thing I think of is something that comes before a meal!
MasonsMommy - Welcome! Sounds like your timing was very good. FX you caught the bean. Keep us posted. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, it is so hard to say at 3 DPO what is what. Hopefully we are a good source to get things off your mind - not all DHs are huge talkers.
Lfrans - I have such cramps and bloating as well! Last night I was up on and off.... driving me a bit crazy. The cats had a bit to do with it, sometimes they get frisky at night and drive me up the wall. I hope you get a good night's sleep and wake up with a throat that feels better!
AFM - OMG do my breasts HURT! I only have one bra left that even remotely fits. This weekend we are going for a couple more, as I can't live in one ill-fitting bra lol. We are going on a date night tonight which I am very excited about - we are finally about done with moving and organizing, thank goodness. I am also seriously freaked out about how bloated I am - my pants are fitting, but they definitely feel a bit tight lol. Ah well, such is life.
I wanted to ask - does anyone know if heating pads are okay? Alright, I know this sounds really silly, but my back is killing me and I want to use one, but I'm afraid I'm going to cook the baby.

I know they say to be careful about getting your temp up... I don't know. I just want to make sure I'm not doing anything terrible.