Kesh, I love the term fertility bomb- hilarous! What is epo? I'm not familiar yet. Sound like you are pulling out all the stops this month, so I'm sending you lots of baby dust!!!
Ready- so good to hear from you, I was thinking a lot about you and how your first week of being pregnant has been. I wonder what it will mean for the fate of your boobs if you already went up a bra size?!

I would secretly like that problem, as I'm afflicted with small breasts, though I know that I'm fortunate for that given the back issues that many women suffer with large breasts. Mine hurt in a weird way that is nothing like PMS, and are fuller, but not much else.
Regarding sex drive- my dear friend experienced the same thing you are- once she got her BFP her mind and body just weren't that into it. We've only BD 2x since I found out, and I did notice I was less turned on by the whole thing once it happened, but was feeling really amorous leading up to the point. Hmm... It did feel a little odd physically as well, like things are just more sensitive in there, lol!
clacko- as has been said, it's not over yet! So hard to stay in the moment with this process, isn't it?
lfrans- I can totally understand your concern about the micro-spotting. It's good you are seeing your GP soon, as that will ease your mind. My understanding is that many women get a bit of bleeding early in pregnancy. From your description it wasn't even enough to call spotting and I hope it stays that way for you!
AFM: I am now 5 weeks and 4 days. Friday will be 6 weeks- holy cow! Just 6 more weeks until I can officially tell the world....I suck at keeping secrets, so that will be a challenge.
Steph- I too hope you stick around, even if not daily, but you are such a key part of this group and I love hearing about your life, and not just the TTC stuff. How is DH healing? Maybe you and Lenka will be crossing paths on a x-country move if things go well with DH job interview!
Ready-fingers crossed with the job interview! Is it one that you really want? Good insurance? Maternity leave? Funny how that stuff has to get factored in these days, huh!?
Tynmeg- is this dr appt day? I hope it goes well and you and DW can feel all the excitement about your little bean that you deserve to feel.