3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

I woke up this morning and the first thing I thought of was your update, Tynmeg. CONGRATS!!!! I am as excited about this for you as I was about the BFP! That must be such a huge weight off. Have fun telling your and DW's families. :hugs::hugs:

Clacko - Still having promising symptoms?

Lfrans - How did the doctor's appointment go? Did they put your mind at ease? :hugs:

Madeline - oh, the breast pain! It does feel weird, it's a very different kind of pain. Almost like...deeper? Like I feel it straight to my breastplate. Things feel way more sensitive during sex, and almost smaller? I read up on it and I guess as your uterus expands while it is still behind the pubic bone, there is less space.

You and I are exactly one week apart! Friday will be 5 weeks for me. :happydance: I hear you on the secret keeping, and I'm so forgetful - DF is having songwriter's night tonight and I have to sweep the house for all evidence!

The job is great - awesome benefits, pay is good, I am hardcore keeping my FX!! I stand by what I believe, which is if it is the job for me, it will come. If not, well....:wacko: I totally hear you about feeling like you "missed the memo." DF and I came out of law school at 31 and 33, most are 25 or 26. We both have always taken the scenic route! You two are putting so much energy into new jobs, a new family.... it is only a matter of time before things fall into place for you, I have no doubt. Waiting for it to unfold is the hardest part! There could be things about these days that you two will miss, try to enjoy them while you can. :hugs:

Luv - I just have to tell you, our family dog is a poodle and he looks so much like Daisy (we keep him in a "puppy" cut, not the awful poodle cut!) Every time you post it reminds me of my Wilbur and makes me so happy! Your discharge sounds so promising! It could definitely be an IB. I just knew the day I implanted, it was 5 DPO which I know they say is too early, but I'd bet everything I own on it. What's funny is I saw my mom the day before implantation and the day after - the day after she walked in and said, "woah, you are pregnant! You weren't two days ago, but you are now!" The other symptoms are hard to say - I know they say your body doesn't "know" it is pregnant until implantation, and thus you get no symptoms. I understand the science, but I think it is selling the female body a bit short - your body knows when there is a fertilized egg inside of it, IMHO! But I digress. I think things sound very promising for you and am keeping fingers and toes crossed! :hugs:

Steph - Sounds like you have a lot on your plate! I totally understand not wanting a surprise BFP, sounds like you two really know what's best for you this month. Boy do I know what you mean about appreciating a position once you've left it - I feel the same way. Have you two ever thought about Cincinnati? We definitely have four seasons! :blush: As for food and this baby - chocolate she seems to be ambivalent toward in that she doesn't make me feel like I wish for vomiting just for relief lol the way she does with fried food. She apparently is just not into unhealthy things, and I'm not complaining! Last night DF made some delicious chicken noodle soup with rosemary from the garden and she loved every second of that. Thanks about the ticker! :hugs:

291 - Still no AF? I know your symptoms could be other things, but they do sound promising! Must be frustrating to not show a BFP until later, I can understand why you don't test early! I am very much hoping this is your month!

AFM - Some of you asked, the job I interviewed for is with the city prosecutor's office. I have always been on the criminal defense side, but I felt like this was a position where I would really fit in! I am so hopeful about it and I feel like I've got a shot, although all of my experience is on the other side, so it is probably a bit of a long shot. If it is meant to be it will happen!

I haven't had any nausea or anything really, other than food that doesn't agree, but last night I did toss and turn. I swear I pee once an hour now, and the minute I get back up it feels like I already have to go again - ugh! My mood has been good, DF bought me a spinning bike and it arrives today so I am super excited about that. I am ready to get back to some exercise routine!
Let us know how it goes, Natto! Sooo hope you get this job! But I know what you mean...if it doesn't happen, it wasn't meant to be. My dad just retired as a police officer/detective....so I'm definitely supportive of you going towards prosecution :haha: jk What is songwriter's night? Did you cover it up perfectly? Also, I am interested to know how your mom just KNEW when you were pregnant right after you implanted! Very cool!

Any exciting news from anyone? Anyone testing in this coming week? I wanna hear some good news! DH had his interview today over Skype and it went AWESOME. If he gets the second interview, which he is pretty hopeful about, then they would fly him out....eeeepp!!:happydance::happydance:

Luv--I've never had IB before but 6 dpo is a definite possibility...keeping my fx for you!

Madeline, Lfrans, Tynmeg...any other preggo lady updates? :D
Well nothing to report over here lol waiting for o to come. Had some right side o pains/twinges today...o should be here any day now!
Well I must have known the test would be wasted. No test taken, but AF showed up this morning. 36 days into my cycle. Last month was 27 days, the month prior was 44 days.
I am going to go on a wait list for an HSG this month, so should have that done in the next 2-3 months under public system. If no luck we've got to wait 14 months till we start ICSI, and that's not 100% either. *sigh*
Now we're in our 12th month of trying.
Af came this morning for me!! Good luck ladies x
291, clacko – sorry that AF showed up. :hugs: I can totally relate to your sadness about it and blah-ness. Been there, done that. But I have to tell you, time does fly, and you will be waiting for O to come sooner than it seems now. Just stay positive, take your prenatals and see you around, ladies. :flower:
Natto – a job at the city prosecutor’s office… So cool! :coolio: Go get them, tiger! FX for you!
Steph – I hope that your DH get that second interview!!! Good luck!! :hugs:
Bithdaybaby, how have you been lately? :flower:
Kesh – I have been taking EPO (learnt it from you :winkwink:) this cycle too and today I had soo much EWCM, but it was yellowish in color (sorry for TMI)… I am going to buy some baby aspirin also… I am so glad to realize that I am in a very positive mood now. I have already started packing for CA, even though it is more than a month till our move out date. I just have to get rid of all lot of stuff that is not worth taking with us to another state, have to sell a few things, ship some, and so on. It keeps me occupied. :juggle:
I was also wondering how our pregnant ladies feel… I hope they feel wonderful! :hugs:
291 and Clacko - Sorry AF came! I am sure it's frustrating, but at least now you are onto a new cycle. :hugs:

Lenka - Thanks so much for the well wishes on the job, I am really hoping for this one! Are you enjoying packing and purging some things? Sometimes I find that process to be very calming. And I assume at CD 10 you are starting to get close to O? Really hoping this is your month!

Kesh - you are so close to O as well, you've got to be getting excited! I am so hoping we get some more BFPs this month, FX that it is your month!

Steph - So happy DH's interview went well!!! That is great news. Flying him out for a second interview sounds very promising - after all, no company wants to spend money on a plane ticket if they aren't very interested in the candidate! FX that he gets the callback. Very cool that your dad is a retired police officer/detective. It has surprised me how much I've started to feel drawn toward prosecution, as I've always been hugely into criminal defense. Sometimes I think at the lower level (assaults, OVIs, etc.) it is easier (emotionally) to do prosecution but as you climb up to felonies, it becomes very interesting to do defense, with all of the constitutional implications, etc. At least that's how I feel, everyone is different. Songwriter's night - DF is in a group that plays music together on a regular basis, so they meet up at someone's house and play new songs, collaborate, etc. I did cover it up, but I swear with this bloat I look like I've gained 15 pounds...between that and not drinking even a beer, it's only a matter of time before people start to suspect!

As for my mom - my mom is an energy therapist, and it's kind of hard to explain other than to say that she is very in tune with things that most people don't know/feel, etc. She won't nose around, but sometimes she just knows things. When she picks up on something, I tend to listen!

AFM, like Lenka asked, I am okay - a bit cranky, but the #1 thing that is driving me crazy are these huge boobs, the bloat and peeing ALL THE TIME! I pee a minimum of two times a night, sometimes more... the other morning I was putting on my makeup and DF came in to the bathroom to pee (sorry, TMI) after a full night's sleep, and he peed so much that I finally snapped at him, "As long as I'm pregnant, don't you ever come into the bathroom when I'm in here and pee that much!" :blush: Poor guy, he couldn't even figure out why I was so upset until I told him how much I'm up in the night! :haha:
Ready- I am sitting at my desk chuckling as I envision the convo you had with DH about peeing. I bet he learned his lesson, lol!!!
I'm happy to hear that you are feeling great, boobs and pee schedule aside. Fx that you avoid the morning sickness phase altogether.

My ears perked up when you mentioned that your mom is an energy therapist. What modalities does she practice? I studies various forms of energy therapy a few years ago, such as Emotional Freedom Technique (and other tapping techniques in general), body talk, and Reiki. I used to be so much more engaged with them, and then I went to grad school. All that "evidenced based" talk and intellectual approaches to nutrition I had to endure sort of sucked the life out of my ability to connect with the subtler realms. However, I'm slowly making my way back to this work, mostly for my own interests and health.
I hope you hear good news about the job very soon. I know it's been a long time coming since you were excited about a job, so I hope that this is it, but agree that if it's not- it just means something else is meant to happen.

Steph- Wahoo on DH's job interview on Skype going well. Is he really interested in the job too? I always forget that interviews are a TWO WAY street- the employer evaluating the candidate, but equally important is the candidate evaluating the employer. Hope that if it's a match made in heaven it's his! How has it been for you having to take on more of the daily life chores with his ankle issue?

lfrans and clacko- oh rats about AF, I wish I had some more encouraging words to share about it. TTC is such a journey of the unknown, and I look forward to the day when we get to celebrate your BFPs! Do you use EPO? Seems to be working for kesh and Lenka in terms of EWCM.

Lenka- I love that letting go phase that happens before a big move. Out with the old, and that leaves space to be filled with the next chapter of your life! A month goes quickly, so I'm sure you'll be busy tying up loose ends.

AFM, I was traveling for 2 days for work. Two LONG days, but I was in a beautiful place (Humboldt county, CA- near Oregon border on the coast) and got to hike in the redwoods yesterday. Nothing fills my cup more than hiking amidst large evergreen trees, so baby and I are happy.
I went from being ravenous to being hyper picky about what I want. today it's watermelon (which I have thankfully) and really light foods. I had nausea 2 nights in a row, but very mild. I am still poas every few days, which I "know" is silly, but until I hear the heartbeat on Aug 13th, I just want to make sure that line stays dark, which it is.

okay, back to work. Hey, I also just got a call about a job interview for that county job I mentioned. I didn't expect it to happen so fast, but am glad it is. What makes me nervous is telling my boss. It's awkward b/c the hiring manager of the county job is the president of the organization my boss and I work for, so I feel like I'm keeping a secret from my boss by not mentioning that I got an interview. She knows that I'm looking b/c of our uncertainty with funding, but she's been so good to me and such an advocate for me that I simply don't want to blindside her with leaving if I get the job. Hmm....what to do??
291- any word? Last check in you were right around AF time, right? How are things today?

Tynmeg-I just went back and read the news- YAY!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: so excited for you. You must be elated!!!!!
291, clacko – sorry that AF showed up. :hugs: I can totally relate to your sadness about it and blah-ness. Been there, done that. But I have to tell you, time does fly, and you will be waiting for O to come sooner than it seems now. Just stay positive, take your prenatals and see you around, ladies. :flower:
Natto – a job at the city prosecutor’s office… So cool! :coolio: Go get them, tiger! FX for you!
Steph – I hope that your DH get that second interview!!! Good luck!! :hugs:
Bithdaybaby, how have you been lately? :flower:
Kesh – I have been taking EPO (learnt it from you :winkwink:) this cycle too and today I had soo much EWCM, but it was yellowish in color (sorry for TMI)… I am going to buy some baby aspirin also… I am so glad to realize that I am in a very positive mood now. I have already started packing for CA, even though it is more than a month till our move out date. I just have to get rid of all lot of stuff that is not worth taking with us to another state, have to sell a few things, ship some, and so on. It keeps me occupied. :juggle:
I was also wondering how our pregnant ladies feel… I hope they feel wonderful! :hugs:

Lenka!! Glad it's working for you! Make sure you only take it from AF to O day, and not after you ovulate!
Yes, Kesh, I read that. EPO up to O, Fish oil (Omega-3) after O. Right? :toothpick: Thanks! :hugs:
Last moth I O-ed at cdo 16... 6 more days to go... But that is fine... I will just have to make sure that we BD every second day... We are a once every three weeks couple, mostly because of me, so "I am looking forward to it"... :haha:
LOL I'm the same Lenka ... sex is usually the last thing on my mind! This cycle is really strange so far ... opk is stark white, the lines almost seem to be getting lighter??? What the heck!! All previous cycles my opk is usually almost positive by now and would go positive by tomorrow and stay positive for about 2-3 days. Hope I dont ovulate late!
Kesh, I am using a CB digital, it is kind of pricey, but at least I do not have to guess, compare and so on... I just hope it works right!
Oh, I just want to ovulate. Period. Try not to worry too much! :hugs:
Hey Kesh - Mine always get lighter right before they are positive, maybe that's what is going on with you. FX this is your month!
Its super strange though, I've never ever had this happen before. I'm using the First Response ovulation tests, apparently they're quite accurate, I ran out of IC so I had to go splurge on those My tests usually start getting dark right at 9-10dpo
Hello Ladies,
I have read your thread...all 52 pages and I feel like I know you all. Congrats to all of you who got your BFP. Good luck over the next 9 months. You would think after having two babies already that I wouldn't have questions about "am I or aren't I" but here I am...loving that I have someone to talk to. My DH is starting to get annoyed with my constant worrying and wondering.
I know that both of my pregnancies were different. My cycles are longer than they were since having my daughter a year ago. I am currently cd 29 and expecting AF around August 10. We made sure to BD every opportunity we had this month...regardless of days and CM. While I'm feeling optomistic...I don't want to get my hopes up. I started cramping today (and this happened with my daughter as well) but I am also craving chocolate...a clear sign of AF. I'd love to be let into your thread and share in the dreaded TWW with you all. Good luck...Baby Dust!
mel_docks, you are so welcome! FX for you! Hopefully AF does not show up and you get a BFP around August 10th instead! :happydance:
Just realized that you are from Canada also... Some Canadian mafia is forming up here...:ninja::friends:
OMG LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!! My boyfriend just proposed !!!!! I'm freaking the heck out! LOL I'm soooooo over the moon excited!!
OMG!!! Congratulations Kesh! That's fantastic! So happy for you. :)

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