3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Welcome mel_docks! This is an awesome group. I noticed your from NB, that's where I'm originally from as well. Where abouts?
DETAILS KESH DETAILS!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Congrats!!!!!

(and of course, welcome, mel! :hugs:)
Kesh- CONGRATS!!!!! Thats so exciting!! Did you expect it? How did he do it!!!! Yayayayayay!!!! As for late o... OMG, what a pain, the last 2 cycles mine was 4ish days later than usual. DH and I were getting sick of each other lol

mel-docks - welcome - woohoo NB, Im from Montreal, but my dad is from NB and I still have family there.

Lenka- glad you seem to have things figured out for this month. FX this will be your month

Tynmeg - woohoo, congrats on rising HCG! HOw are you feeling?

Natto - GL with the job, sounds interesting. Hows the mat leave :)

Ahh, i have to rush to work, cant respond to everyones posts. I have been MIA the past few days due to being totally out of it. A research assistant working in my office had a cold and kept borrowing my pens (without my knowledge). So needless to say, I caught the cold and being pregnant Im not allowed to take anything to treat it. So Ive been totally worn out for the past week. Finally feeling a bit better today. And luckily I am off work for a week for a staycation, so Ill get to rest up and feel good. Otherwise feeling ok. I get moments of complete panic that I will lose this baby too, but then I manage to calm myself down. My symptoms are relatively mild- if i eat too much (which is really not alot, a normal size meal) I feel slightly nauseous. So, I have been eating less, but more often. I get random cramps here and there. Breasts are on and off sore (I freaked out the other day cuz they didnt feel so bad. I kept poking myself to see if they hurt). Fatigue is horrible though (insomnia, plus sick, plus pregnant makes for 1 very tired lady)

Insomnia is getting better i slept for 9 hours last night, woke up hourly from 3-6am... but still fell back asleep.

ok really gtg
Thanks for the warm welcome!
Tynmeg- I am from just outside of Fredericton. I love that this group has so many Canadian ladies. Very rare!

Kesh - would love a picture of the ring. And details of course.

I can't believe it. I just went to the bathroom and you'll never guess who reared her ugly head....over A WEEK EARLY! sigh...oh well...hopefully my cycles are getting back to normal since the birth of my daughter and we can start planning a little better.
Good luck to the rest of you who are waiting!
There's an Pregnancy group for April due dates if Natto and Lfrans would like to join. I think if I remember correctly Madeline is in March.

Just thought I'd share...There's 26 so far.

thanks for the info Tynmeg. Ill join now :)
Mel - Boo! Well it's just time for the next cycle. Do you use opks? Most of my family live in and around Fredericton. That's really awesome. I love it there and if I ever move back home, it will be in Freddy.

No problem, Lfrans, excited for you to join.
Kesh, congratulations!!! :wedding: So did you say yes? Or that you you would think about it? JK! :winkwink::flower:
I guess, a BFP would be a cherry on top... FX!
Thanks ladiess!!!! I definitely said yes ;)

We were talking about his company etc and then he told me to come to his truck, and I thought he wanted help cleaning it out as we were packing to leave back to our hometown for the long weekend, and all of a sudden he gets on one knee!!! I was like WTH!?!?! hahaha I was soo surprised! I'm in love with the ring, I'll have to get it resized as it hardly fits my sausage fingers lol! Thanks again for the congrats ladies!!! xoxo


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kesh - so exciting, i love the ring, so unique.
OMG LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!! My boyfriend just proposed !!!!! I'm freaking the heck out! LOL I'm soooooo over the moon excited!!

Wahoo!!! Good news abounds on this thread!!! So exciting! You know what they say...first comes love, then comes marriage....and then comes the baby in the baby carriage!! Hope you guys savor your special time as newly engaged lovebirds!!!
Does this coincide well with O time? Time to BD to celebrate and get that BFP!!!
Kesh, what a beautiful ring!!! I wish you many many happy years togerther, a bunch of kids and grandkids! How about that? :winkwink::happydance:
lfrans- oh, boo to having a cold. So not what you want when you are prego. BUT, maybe you are strengthening that little immune system for your tiny bean so it will come out hearty and strong, lol!! So glad you slept last night for 9 hrs- yahoo! I dream of 9 hrs of sleep......I too have had a tad of insomnia.

Tynmeg-did you tell your family yet? Sorry if I missed that part. I got all caught up in the excitement about your HCG numbers, I may have overlooked something.

Today is 6 weeks for me! Feeling good, though not really that hungry and when I am, I sadly want carby things. I am eating a salad with beans and hard boiled eggs atop my greens right now and it's bumming me out-hahahha! Wish I had toast or chips. I don't usually eat those things much at all, so it's odd to want them.

So life got a little more stressful yesterday when our tenant in the house we own in Oregon announced that they will be moving out in October. Ugh, I hate finding new tenants, though we always have good luck. It's just always a lot of work and orchestrating it from afar sucks. Word to the wise: Don't own rental property in another state unless you have the time and $$ to go there often!!! This was not our plan when we bought the place but hubby got the itch to return to grad school, and it was a crummy time to sell (still is in Salem OR), but oh well. The good news is that we have 60 days to find a tenant before we don't have anybody in there, which is ample time. Historically the place rents within 1 week b/c it is so cute!

Have a good weekend everybody. My DH family is coming to stay and then we'll meet up with my family on Sat- lots of baby talk, I'm sure.
Madeline you should set up one of those little tickers so we can see day by day how far along you are. Im ust over the moon for you!!!

Dh got a second interview so he'll be flying out! Not sure exactly what day yet though life is changing so fast I gotta hold on tight or I'll get swept away!Lotr quote there oops...
Kesh - CONGRATS!!! That is so awesome! Your ring is gorgeous - very unique! I love the curve of the band. He has great taste. :happydance: How are your OPKs looking? Did your fiance have great timing, or did he happen to know you are right around probable O time? :haha: Like Lenka said, perfect timing!

Mel - Welcome! Sorry you got AF, but I hope you stick around! This is a wonderful group of women, very supportive and like you said - it feels like we have really gotten to know each other. How awesome that you read this thread, I need to go back and read it again.

Lenka - this really is turning into a Canadian gang here! :haha: Am I still the only (US) midwesterner around?

Madeline - my mom developed her own tools based on her skills and gift. It is kind of hard to explain lol, I'm not trying to be vague! She has actually licensed and copyrighted her "tools" and that is all she uses. I totally understand the "evidence based" talk sometimes draining one's ability to connect with subtler powers. The law is this way - it brings out the fighter in me; sometimes I need to reconnect with much softer activities in order to bring out my nurturing side and to feel like I am taking care of myself, emotionally. Sounds like you had a wonderful time in the redwoods, that sounds awesome! Isn't it funny - sometimes (like today) I will be on my way somewhere and realize I have a little being with me! Congrats on the interview call! Did you talk to your boss? I am sure she will understand/understood. I find that keeping people in the loop really helps, especially if they have advocated for you. Between that and the leasing of the new place, there's a lot going on! Hope your place gets rented soon.

Also, sounds like these babies are making us crave such opposite things - I LOVE fried foods, carbs, etc. (although I don't eat much of it) - this baby HATES them! Sounds like your bean loves them! I'm sorry you aren't enjoying your cravings. Just a thought - if you make meals with beans, does it help stave those cravings? Just because of the high carb count, but the protein helps not spike your blood sugar (things I don't need to tell you! :blush:)

Lfrans - Thanks for the good luck wishes! As for maternity leave, it has to be better than where I'm at - they don't offer it! Happy you got some sleep, the insomnia for me has been aggravating, but somehow it isn't translating into fatigue during the day...very weird. Glad you are feeling better - summer colds are the worst! Especially with no medicine. :nope: I hope you have a relaxing staycation, those are the BEST! Any plans?

Tynmeg - Sounds good, I'm going to join! I've been dabbling a bit in the First Tri, but I'd like a group like that - sometimes I get anxious when I read first tri posts, I know people need support and I am all for that, but so much talk about things that can go wrong... it starts to make me super worried.

Steph - CONGRATS to DH!! That is such awesome news. I've got to tell DF you quoted LOTR, he is such a nerd for those movies. I love them too, but it's kind of adorable - he cries at the end of the 3rd one every time. He is way more of a crier than I am lol.

Anyone we haven't heard from in a while? Luv, BirthdayBaby? Hope all is well!

AFM - Well, I got a call back for a second interview! According to my friend they interviewed 6 in the first round and asked 3 to come back for second interviews. I'm really trying to stay focused on my belief about this working if it is the right fit. However, I REALLY want out of my current position, so I am very much hoping it is right!!!

Not too many symptoms, belly is big and boobs are huge. Craving protein, this morning chocolate tasted gross! :cry: Apparently this baby hates all of the things I love! I guess I shouldn't complain too much, as she seems to favor healthy things. We got the spinning bike all set up, pretty excited about that. Just hoping I still fit into my suits by next week! :haha:
Lol he had no idea it was o time so yes definitely perfect timing! I'm hoping all these good vibes help me get my bfp!!
AF was supposed to start today....crossing my fingers that this is our month.
Natto- I understand about the first trimester forum. I dabble a little bit but don't get too involved there cause I get all paranoid that something bad is going to happen. So happy you got a second call for another interview. Best of luck to you!

Kesh- your ring is beautiful, congrats again, a BFP would be like the cherry on top!

Emc- how have you not tested yet? I would never make it that long. Good will power! Fx for you!

Madeline, steph, lfrans, Lenka, birthdaybaby- how's everything going with you?

Madeline- our families were both very happy for us. My sisters really want me to move back home now. I know what you mean about poas, last night I took a digital just to make sure that the conception indicator changed to 3+. It did so it made me happy. 2 weeks until my ultrasound, I'll be so relieved to hear a heartbeat and see this lil one.
madeline - how is your weekend with the family. Do you still have contacts in Oregan to help you rent the place? Good Luck. Hmm... if you are craving carbs why dont you add some crackers or something to your salad. I also have been eating more carbs than usual. Cheese and crackers have become a staple for me lately.

Ready - good luck with the job. Sounds promising and sounds like you need to get out of where you are. Im actually only sticking with my job now because it offers good benefits. I plan on using my mat leave to do some courses (primarily a certificate in health care administration) and then try to find a new job while Im off.

EMC - any news on AF??? FX

Tynmeg - How are you feeling? I can understand that your family wants you closer. Do you live near DW's family?

AFM - I had a very adventurous friday/saturday with a happy ending. Friday night I had some pink/red spotting and panicked. After my mc/?ectopic I did not want to take any chances. DH and I went right to emerg. We got there at 10pm and my vitals were all normal so a possible mc is not a high level emergency. Unfortunately a bunch of people came in by ambulance so i had to wait. Finally got called at 4am. 1st doctor saw me, felt belly to see if I felt pain over my ovaries. No pain (which is a good thing). I forgot to mention by 11pm the spotting had stopped... So by this time Im feeling on and off cramps and exhausted, but otherwise good. Dr. Told me to wait til 8am for radiologist to show up and we will do an ultrasound. (blah for wait, yay for ultrasound). I did my beta hcg and other blood tests as well. At this point I think I am about 5 weeks 4 or 5 days.- blood tests come back at 26000.

DH and I freaked when we saw that number! I thought maybe twins! I got to radiology, did ultrasound.... and we saw a sac, yoke sac and little blinking bean! (the heart beat just looks like the bean is flashing). They measure the baby at 5weeks 6 days. It was so exciting.... But... in my R ovary there is something which radiologist is concerned about, so again I have to wait... He is concerned that with my hcg so high, this could be a 2nd pregnancy in my ovary so he wants me to see the gynecologist.

Gyne resident shows up ( a few hours pass by...) Yay- its the same resident we saw last time and really liked. So she totally knows and understands the whole history. She says that the hcg is a little high but nothing to be too concerned about. Ultrasound looks like i have a cyst in r ovary next to corpus luteum. BUt... because of my history of a possible ectopic. Gyne wants me to come back for a repeat ultrasound and repeat blood work. She really does not think it is anything serious, making me and DH very excited.

She wasnt able to answer why I had some spotting, but said not to worry about it. I can do anything, except have sex. She is concerned that if there is an ectopic it can get banged around during sex and cause tube to burst. She also said that although pregnancy in uturus looks good, until 12ish weeks it is still possible that it will end (although after seeing heartbeat the rate of mc decreases significantly.)

Ill be a bit apprehensive until my repeat scan on friday, but Im more relaxed about the whole thing. We have been calling the baby blinky since we saw it blinking at us.

Moral of the story - you are probably better off going to ER at 7am rather than 10pm for a non-life threatening emergency. And, not all spotting has a clinical reason and not all spotting means something bad.
Tynmeg - I think the tough part is not saying something to DH, but I am trying to wait a couple days. AF has been out of whack these past couple months and has the tendency to show up a couple days late. My plan is to surprise him if I do get a BFP. The last time he found out he said he kinda knew already since AF didn't come yet. Yes, he somehow keeps track of that in his head.

Ifrans - Nothing yet...she should have been here yesterday and I haven't had my normal PMS symptoms...I just feel normal.

I think if I cross my fingers any tighter they will break off.

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