3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Lfrans- I'm so relieved and excited that you got to see blinky. So awesome! Fx that everything goes well.
Emc-I hope this is your time and you get to surprise DH with a BFP! I still believe that you should get a will power award. :)
Alright ladies....are you ready for this? AF was heavy but only lasted 2 days. I thought that was weird...and since I bled through my last two pregnancies I thought I'd take a test...addicted to POAS even after bleeding...but GUESS WHATY?!?!? BFP! In shock. My husband is working the early shift so he's been in bed for two hours already...dying to tell him but it will have to wait until tomorrow...so I thought I'd share with you lovely ladies. This IS a lucky thread!
Omg, that is awesome! Congratulations! I don't think I'd be able to refrain myself from waking him up.
mel- OMG, congrats!!!! I am so thrilled to hear it. Yes, this is the magic thread for sure!!! woot! You have such restraint to not wake DH up with the news. Can't wait to hear how he responds.

lfrans- what a story, and SO GLAD it had a happy ending! Sounds like you have good care, which is fantastic. That must really help you feel more at ease, even with the issue with the ovary/tube issue. Hopefully you got some rest!

Steph- yahoo!!! DH got 2nd interview and it's F2F- wonderful!!! Maybe that xcountry move is in your future. Sending good vibes

Ready- Hooray to you too for 2nd job interview!!! My oh my, this thread has brought so much good stuff to our lives - It must not be coincidence.

AFM- busy wknd (sorry, I am not responding to you all: kesh, Lenka, Tymeg, Clako, birthday, and others), and it is still going. Family visit was great- I love when my parents and DH parents can get together. It's wonderful. We put an ad on Craigslist for our house and already have 6 interested parties. I goes like that with the place- it's a totally adorable home in a historic neighborhood and we price to get it rented, so it's more the hassle than anything. Get this, our #1 candidate currently lives about 15 miles from us right now! She's moving up there for a job soon. This is great b/c she will also be owning a house here and renting it, so she 'gets it', in terms of long-distance landlord thing, and we can meet her in person, which is great. We'll know this week if she's the one. Fingers crossed.

Feeling great today, though boobs feel so weird- like I was punched in the boobs from the inside.

More tomorrow, I have to get on some tasks before Monday hits. Hope you all are doing great and had wonderful wknds. I haven't checked out any other forums yet, mainly for the reason that Ready and Tynmeg mentioned- don't want to put fear in my brain about my bean. Plus I'm pretty partial to this group.

Kesh-I believe it was O wknd AND engagement celebration- hopefully BFP is on the way. How do you feel now, being an engaged woman?
Emc-I hope this is your time and you get to surprise DH with a BFP! I still believe that you should get a will power award. :)

:) Haha...Thank you Tynmeg. I am starting to feel some tenderness in my boobs...hoping it's not just a sign that AF is on her way.
Madeline- it feels awesome!! :) a baby would be the cherry on top. We set our wedding date for August 2nd next year so providing I'm pregnant this month ill be 4ish months pp when we wed! If I don't get pregnant this month were going to wait until after the wedding. It really bums me out after 8 months of trying but maybe the break will be good and we can concentrate on our wedding planning etc
I haven't seen any trace of her. This is day 2....no sign of AF and no symptoms other than slightly tender BB's.

madeline - how is your weekend with the family. Do you still have contacts in Oregan to help you rent the place? Good Luck. Hmm... if you are craving carbs why dont you add some crackers or something to your salad. I also have been eating more carbs than usual. Cheese and crackers have become a staple for me lately.

Ready - good luck with the job. Sounds promising and sounds like you need to get out of where you are. Im actually only sticking with my job now because it offers good benefits. I plan on using my mat leave to do some courses (primarily a certificate in health care administration) and then try to find a new job while Im off.

EMC - any news on AF??? FX

Tynmeg - How are you feeling? I can understand that your family wants you closer. Do you live near DW's family?

AFM - I had a very adventurous friday/saturday with a happy ending. Friday night I had some pink/red spotting and panicked. After my mc/?ectopic I did not want to take any chances. DH and I went right to emerg. We got there at 10pm and my vitals were all normal so a possible mc is not a high level emergency. Unfortunately a bunch of people came in by ambulance so i had to wait. Finally got called at 4am. 1st doctor saw me, felt belly to see if I felt pain over my ovaries. No pain (which is a good thing). I forgot to mention by 11pm the spotting had stopped... So by this time Im feeling on and off cramps and exhausted, but otherwise good. Dr. Told me to wait til 8am for radiologist to show up and we will do an ultrasound. (blah for wait, yay for ultrasound). I did my beta hcg and other blood tests as well. At this point I think I am about 5 weeks 4 or 5 days.- blood tests come back at 26000.

DH and I freaked when we saw that number! I thought maybe twins! I got to radiology, did ultrasound.... and we saw a sac, yoke sac and little blinking bean! (the heart beat just looks like the bean is flashing). They measure the baby at 5weeks 6 days. It was so exciting.... But... in my R ovary there is something which radiologist is concerned about, so again I have to wait... He is concerned that with my hcg so high, this could be a 2nd pregnancy in my ovary so he wants me to see the gynecologist.

Gyne resident shows up ( a few hours pass by...) Yay- its the same resident we saw last time and really liked. So she totally knows and understands the whole history. She says that the hcg is a little high but nothing to be too concerned about. Ultrasound looks like i have a cyst in r ovary next to corpus luteum. BUt... because of my history of a possible ectopic. Gyne wants me to come back for a repeat ultrasound and repeat blood work. She really does not think it is anything serious, making me and DH very excited.

She wasnt able to answer why I had some spotting, but said not to worry about it. I can do anything, except have sex. She is concerned that if there is an ectopic it can get banged around during sex and cause tube to burst. She also said that although pregnancy in uturus looks good, until 12ish weeks it is still possible that it will end (although after seeing heartbeat the rate of mc decreases significantly.)

Ill be a bit apprehensive until my repeat scan on friday, but Im more relaxed about the whole thing. We have been calling the baby blinky since we saw it blinking at us.

Moral of the story - you are probably better off going to ER at 7am rather than 10pm for a non-life threatening emergency. And, not all spotting has a clinical reason and not all spotting means something bad.
mel_docks, OMG CONGRATS!!!! :happydance: So happy for you! Have you told DH yet? So happy for you!

Tynmeg - thank you for the well wishes on the interview, really hoping for this one. Have you and DW considered moving back to where you are from, or is your sister just hoping against hope?

EMC00P - Girl, when are you going to test? I can't believe you've held out this long!! Generally my breasts hurt but then stop right before AF shows up, if you are the same then maybe it's a good sign that your breasts hurt now?

Lfrans - Thank you! Yes, if this job had any redeeming qualities I might stay... but it doesn't lol. What an adventure you and DH had - I'm so happy it ended with you seeing your little one's heartbeat! FX that there is no ectopic for you to deal with.

Madeline - that is great news on the candidates for your rental! Sounds like you may have found a perfect fit, but you have backups jic. That's wonderful. Happy you had some relaxing family time this weekend. Also - boobs getting punched from the inside - YES! I was trying to explain to DF that they feel bruised and beaten almost, but couldn't quite describe the actual feeling...

I have to say I agree with you, this group is like a little vortex of positive energy!!

Kesh - Sounds great, August weddings are lovely! Keeping my FX for your BFP this month!

AFM - I've been feeling pretty great! My breasts are killing me and I've been a bit emotional, still bloated. The amount of time I spend peeing is pretty offensive lol, but no nausea or crazy food cravings.... I've noticed my sense of smell and taste changing a bit. On Saturday I fell asleep at 9:30 and slept for 12 hours, I woke up in a bit of a bad mood because I was so excited to stay up and watch scary movies with DH. I got two workout DVDs and did one of the workouts and then got on my spinning bike yesterday, it seriously felt great to be getting back into the swing of working out!

Oh, my niece was born yesterday, so freaking adorable I can't even stand it! My best friend's DW went into labor on THURSDAY - they finally did a section last night. They tried to induce her, poor thing was so exhausted she literally slept through her contractions! So, so, so excited - they live in Seattle, so I won't be able to meet her for a while.
Hello ladies,
First of all, mel, congratulations on your BFP! That is just amazing! :happydance:
Lfrans, I can only imagine what it feels like when you hear your little one’s heart beat for the first time… FX for you!!!
Madeline, good luck with renting your house, seems like it will happen very soon. I would love to visit Oregon on our way to CA. It is on our list to see.
Natto, talking about scary movies, have you ever watched The Blair Witch Project movie? OMG, it scared the hell out of me… I haven’t watched any scary movies since then…
Ladies, I feel so sorry for your boobs… :nope: But on a brighter side, well, no pain, no gain, right? :winkwink: On a darker side, wait till you start breastfeeding… :wave:
Kesh, so have you Oed yet?
AFM, according to my OPK, I should be ovulating any time now… We had a huge fight with my boyfriend yesterday, but I had to swallow my pride and “seduce” him… :bunny:
Have a wonderful week everybody! :flower:
Alright ladies, time for a new list!

Clacko - CD 5
291 - CD 5
BirthdayBaby - CD 9
Kesh - CD 14
Lenka - CD 14

Luv-my-bichon - 11 DPO
USUKLove - 13 DPO
MasonsMommy - 14 DPO
EMC00P - 15 DPO

Steph - Taking a break this month (If you want your cycle to be listed just let me know, I just didn't want you to feel like I wasn't acknowledging your decision this month.)

Mel_docks - BFP!!!!
Madeline - 6 weeks 3 days
Lfrans - 5 weeks 6 days
Tynmeg - 5 weeks 4 days
Ready - 5 weeks 3 days

If anything is incorrect, just let me know! :hugs:
I want to finally actually write here! Life is starting to settle down a little. Well, I thought it was going to after this weekend but it looks as if I will be going out to NH with the DH whenever his second interview is...they needed to check references and a few things with the city in order to get the funding to fly him out. I was thinking he was going to be the only one but I think there's at LEAST one other person vying for the position. I hope they won't look at his current mobility as a problem and decide not to hire him!

There's so much I want to ask and comment on for all of you ladies but then I forgot by the time it's time to write on here!

Natto--that's so interesting about your mom's work! I really admire people like that...who are more in tune with themselves and others...who don't let the cynicism of the world get in their way.

Madeline--Sad that your boobs hurt but it's good you're not having any nausea or anything! The renter sounds AWESOME. And I wish I could see that house you're talking about...sounds so cute! It's been exciting look at houses to buy/rent...We definitely want a place with a garden and property...that allows our sweet dog. Also, after reading all these rental places that are talking about "plowing provided" maybe we want a car port, too! Never in my life have I lived in a place with lots of snow!

Lfrans...so GOOD to hear your story has a happy ending! That must have been so scary for you! But hearing the heart beat! YEAY!!!! :happydance::happydance:

EMC00P...yeah, so it's been decided. You have to test or this group is going to go crazy.

Mel-- congrats!!! How crazy is that! :happydance::happydance: How lucky this thread is! How has your dh reacted?

Kesh-- did you O yet?

Lenka- Sorry you and your bf got in a big fight. How's the packing going? It's crazy how quickly time goes by like that.

Tynmeg--how are things going with you?

Anyone else have any news? Thanks for the updates on cycles, Natto. I am still keeping track of mine (CD 12) but despite a slip up on Saturday night, which I'm sure will be fine, we are still planning on skipping this month. Though, I haven't had really any CM at all which is very odd for this part of the month. I used to be SO regular and now it seems like everything has changed.
Hello ladies,
First of all, mel, congratulations on your BFP! That is just amazing! :happydance:
Lfrans, I can only imagine what it feels like when you hear your little one’s heart beat for the first time… FX for you!!!
Madeline, good luck with renting your house, seems like it will happen very soon. I would love to visit Oregon on our way to CA. It is on our list to see.
Natto, talking about scary movies, have you ever watched The Blair Witch Project movie? OMG, it scared the hell out of me… I haven’t watched any scary movies since then…
Ladies, I feel so sorry for your boobs… :nope: But on a brighter side, well, no pain, no gain, right? :winkwink: On a darker side, wait till you start breastfeeding… :wave:
Kesh, so have you Oed yet?
AFM, according to my OPK, I should be ovulating any time now… We had a huge fight with my boyfriend yesterday, but I had to swallow my pride and “seduce” him… :bunny:
Have a wonderful week everybody! :flower:

Just relaized that OR is quite off our route to CA... :dohh: Well, next time then...
Steph, GL to your DH with his second job interview!
NATTO - I've had AF show up a day or so late before. I'm trying to see If she is just running behind. As far as my BB's go, they usually hurt before and during AF. I remember them hurting worse than ever when I was pregnant before....although I have heard symptoms change with each pregnancy. I should be testing soon though.

mel_docks, OMG CONGRATS!!!! :happydance: So happy for you! Have you told DH yet? So happy for you!

Tynmeg - thank you for the well wishes on the interview, really hoping for this one. Have you and DW considered moving back to where you are from, or is your sister just hoping against hope?

EMC00P - Girl, when are you going to test? I can't believe you've held out this long!! Generally my breasts hurt but then stop right before AF shows up, if you are the same then maybe it's a good sign that your breasts hurt now?

Lfrans - Thank you! Yes, if this job had any redeeming qualities I might stay... but it doesn't lol. What an adventure you and DH had - I'm so happy it ended with you seeing your little one's heartbeat! FX that there is no ectopic for you to deal with.

Madeline - that is great news on the candidates for your rental! Sounds like you may have found a perfect fit, but you have backups jic. That's wonderful. Happy you had some relaxing family time this weekend. Also - boobs getting punched from the inside - YES! I was trying to explain to DF that they feel bruised and beaten almost, but couldn't quite describe the actual feeling...

I have to say I agree with you, this group is like a little vortex of positive energy!!

Kesh - Sounds great, August weddings are lovely! Keeping my FX for your BFP this month!

AFM - I've been feeling pretty great! My breasts are killing me and I've been a bit emotional, still bloated. The amount of time I spend peeing is pretty offensive lol, but no nausea or crazy food cravings.... I've noticed my sense of smell and taste changing a bit. On Saturday I fell asleep at 9:30 and slept for 12 hours, I woke up in a bit of a bad mood because I was so excited to stay up and watch scary movies with DH. I got two workout DVDs and did one of the workouts and then got on my spinning bike yesterday, it seriously felt great to be getting back into the swing of working out!

Oh, my niece was born yesterday, so freaking adorable I can't even stand it! My best friend's DW went into labor on THURSDAY - they finally did a section last night. They tried to induce her, poor thing was so exhausted she literally slept through her contractions! So, so, so excited - they live in Seattle, so I won't be able to meet her for a while.
hope that make-up BD from a fight was fun and fruitful :) I'm sure you easily got to use your womanly ways with DB!

I do hope you visit Oregon on you way out- it is magnificent. Multnomah Falls and the whole Columbia River Gorge are amazing, as is Mt. Hood, the town of Sisters/Bend, and the coast is really rugged and beautiful. The town of Astoria, on the North West tip is a really cool coast town where the Columbia river meets the ocean.

Steph- So excited that you get to go to NH too. That seems important so you can see where you might be living and raising a little one ;) Wow, never had to think about 'plough services' before- a whole new world awaits you.

Ready- your poor boobs, but as Lenka pointed out- totally the cause, eh? Congrats on becoming an auntie! Imagine how darling and beautiful your little one will be to you and your family when he/she comes into this world too!

Tynmeg- sounds like you are feeling great- wahoo!

I hear that the 6-week mark is often when the more robust symptoms start, so it will be curious to see how we all experience these various and miraculous changes to the body. I am feeling a tad nauseated at night, and when I woke up this morning, but it could be due to my HUGE dinner I consumed last night! Oops!

EMC- any news? Did you test? You know we are all waiting on baited breath :)

Okay, more later- busy day at work and I am wading through inquiries on our house in Oregon. We have had over 20 calls/emails of 'highly interested' people. How to choose...hmm....
Madeline, no I haven't tested yet. I'm trying to hold out a couple days to see if AF shows up. She hasn't been very punctual lately. I will keep everyone posted though. Thank you all for your support.

hope that make-up BD from a fight was fun and fruitful :) I'm sure you easily got to use your womanly ways with DB!

I do hope you visit Oregon on you way out- it is magnificent. Multnomah Falls and the whole Columbia River Gorge are amazing, as is Mt. Hood, the town of Sisters/Bend, and the coast is really rugged and beautiful. The town of Astoria, on the North West tip is a really cool coast town where the Columbia river meets the ocean.

Steph- So excited that you get to go to NH too. That seems important so you can see where you might be living and raising a little one ;) Wow, never had to think about 'plough services' before- a whole new world awaits you.
Ready- your poor boobs, but as Lenka pointed out- totally the cause, eh? Congrats on becoming an auntie! Imagine how darling and beautiful your little one will be to you and your family when he/she comes into this world too!

Tynmeg- sounds like you are feeling great- wahoo!

I hear that the 6-week mark is often when the more robust symptoms start, so it will be curious to see how we all experience these various and miraculous changes to the body. I am feeling a tad nauseated at night, and when I woke up this morning, but it could be due to my HUGE dinner I consumed last night! Oops!

EMC- any news? Did you test? You know we are all waiting on baited breath :)

Okay, more later- busy day at work and I am wading through inquiries on our house in Oregon. We have had over 20 calls/emails of 'highly interested' people. How to choose...hmm....
Congrats Mel!! That's fantastic news!!

I think I ovulated yesterday?? But Saturday I had a dark opk, not QUITE positive but really close, yesterday my test line as the same color as the control line and today my test line as darker than the contr
EMC - you are so good about not testing! I would be testing every 5 min! So type A, I am...

Steph- I just re-read the part about DH's job and their being another candidate. I'll be sending my thoughts out that he is the #1 pick (particularly if you want to move out that way, of course). He made it this far in the process for a reason, so that is a good sign. Does he do a lot of brushing up on good interview strategies? My DH did a lot of that-not that it really helped, per se, but I bet some of it got him to 3rd round ,etc. There is a lot of good stuff on the internet.
It's hard....but I want to make sure I have time to celebrate with DH if we see a BFP.

EMC - you are so good about not testing! I would be testing every 5 min! So type A, I am...

Steph- I just re-read the part about DH's job and their being another candidate. I'll be sending my thoughts out that he is the #1 pick (particularly if you want to move out that way, of course). He made it this far in the process for a reason, so that is a good sign. Does he do a lot of brushing up on good interview strategies? My DH did a lot of that-not that it really helped, per se, but I bet some of it got him to 3rd round ,etc. There is a lot of good stuff on the internet.
Hey guys I'm new here:) guessing I'm in the right place pretty sure I o"d sat so 3dpo today :)

I'm having dull aches in pubic region anyone else?

Here's my story!

I have a 26 day cycle
So we have bd every 2 days up to cd 9 I though I was going to O around 10/11 pains etc but no ewcm this month at all so strange anyways then on Friday (cd12) i decided to ovulation tsst - I had a very very strong positive OPK result on cd 12 & 13 / 14 haha cant tell anymore so confused fist cd was 20th july - opk fading off on cd 13 /14evening - I know that you O after the result so thought my 4 days cut off for bd may be pushing my luck so bd on cd 12 & cd14. Also when does the 12-36 hours start from testing from your first or last positive opk??? So confused with that...

Anyways pretty sure we gave bd a good go this month first month ttc...

What do you girls think?

Thanks eeeeeek :))[/QUOTE]
Bump2bubba - Welcome! Just a head's up, not many of us are 3 DPO anymore, as this thread was started a few months ago, but we love having new women join us, and this has been quite a lucky thread! :hugs: The only OPK I used was the First Response one that just said "yes" or "no" if you would ovulate in 12-36 hours, so I can't say about the testing strips, but it sounds like you definitely got some good BDing in! :happydance:

Lenka - Yes, saw the Blair Witch Project, it was definitely terrifying! It became less so when it came out that it was a hoax, but it had me so scared in the moment. Sorry about your fight with your boyfriend, happy you managed to use your feminine powers to get the BDing done. :haha:

Steph - When is the interview? Keeping FX for your DH! I know how you feel - they interviewed 6 for the position I'm vying for, and called back 3. :wacko: I highly doubt they take into consideration your DH's lack of mobility - and I hate to say it, but if they are so shortsighted that they won't hire someone who is temporarily on crutches, even if they are a perfect fit, that is a bad sign about their office!

Madeline - for the last two days I have had one wave of nausea in the evening, I'm hoping that it stays mild! You're over the 6 week mark, any new things to report? I thought the same thing about my niece - the second I saw her picture I just adored her. I can't imagine how it will feel when it's my own baby I see for the first time!

AFM - Well, knowing there are two other candidates vying for this position, I am putting a lot of time into preparing but staying focused on my belief that if this is right for me, it will come. DF and I both had cranky nights last night - not with each other, he just had a long day at work and I was nauseous, sore, and hormonal. Luckily we could laugh it out. I can tell I'm hormonal - last night I was working out and my water bottle kept spilling on me.... I finally opened the front door and threw it into the yard! :blush: I promptly had a good laugh at myself for it.

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