Hey Madeline, I totally understand. I rented our home back east for 2 years and it was very stressful. I remember the "I'm the perfect tenant to rent your home" emails, AAAHHH!! It's a nightmare. It's such a big decision to chose someone to rent your home thousands of miles away. Go with your gut, I didn't once and fell into the trap cause they wouldn't leave me alone...this was our first tenants, I actually met them before leaving to go out west...they would stop by and bring me lobster and everything. I wish you the best of luck with the whole process. FX for you! How's the lil one treating you? You must be going for your first scan soon, so exciting!
I haven't been on here in the last couple days so I'm sure I've missed some things.
Steph - Great news on your DH getting the second interview. FX that if it's meant to be that it will all work out in your favor.
Natto - I'm sure you'll do awesome on your interview. You keep us so organized that I can only imagine how you prep for an interview.

How have you been feeling?
Kesh, Lenka, Bump2bubba - Baby dust to each of you! Keep us updated on all the SS you do over these next 2 weeks.
Lfrans - how are you making out? Any more spotting? It must have been so cool to see your lil "Blinky". I can't wait....10 more days for me!
AFM - Well I have my waves of nausea if something smells really strong like grease...my DW was frying hot dogs last night, and the smell made me a little nauseous...and she had McDonalds hash browns for breakfast, they didn't smell good either. I went out yesterday and bought a new bra with no underwire so that I could sleep in it and wake up all night cause it hurts when I roll around in my sleep. haha. One of the biggest things with me is the amount of gas I have after I eat a meal, sorry if tmi, I wondered seriously if it was normal or if something was wrong. My moods go up and down, I'm easily annoyed is the best way to explain it...totally understand throwing that water bottle out the door. lmao. I was really liking cheese and crackers but trying to cut back on the cheese now so I don't get constipated.
Well I gotta get back to work for a bit but will check in again later. Hope you are all having a good day.