3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Welcome Anne! This could be your month. I had cramping and pulling sensations from 5dpo-8dpo and then the cramping, pulling and twinges changed, they were still there but different.
EMC - FX for you for next month!
Steph - Hmmm....what to say?! We met 12 years ago and were instant best friends. Our friendship moved into a relationship 3 years later, so we've been together for 9 years...and married now for 2.5 years. She used to work in management and managed over 35 employees but after our move to the west, she discovered that she really loves to play in the dirt and now works in construction driving dump trucks and the occasional tractor trailor. We began our journey of TTC in May 2010 with our first appointment, a series of tests later, a laproscopy, and a move across country to a new clinic with a waiting list, we began actively trying with our first IUI in June 2012. Our second IUI in October was a success but ended with a mc at 5wk + 3 days. We then had to wait for my body to have another natural cycle and get back on track before we tried again in late March - BFN and then took a month off and did Acupuncture, another IUI in June - BFN, but then tried again when we came back from vacation and seeing our family in July and here we are now today. 5wk+6dys and praying for a healthy baby!
Natto - Good luck on your interview! I have had on and off cramping but nothing severe. I don't really know what is "normal". If they are severe and not going away, I would probably check with a doctor or go to the er and maybe they would do a scan. It could give you some piece of mind.

I wanted to ask you ladies about breast tenderness, is it normal for it to come and go? Yesterday, my bbs felt almost normal and didn't really hurt at all. I got a little nervous that something could be wrong.
Hi all, sorry I've not been around for a few days, hope you're all ok although I'll be honest, I haven't read through everything as I've missed loads.

Well we didn't get our BFP this month and infact we have to stop ttc at the moment :(

I had to go back to my Gynae Consultant yesterday - I've got a dermoid cyst on my right ovary which they've been checking on every six months. It was too small to remove or cause me problems but lately I've been getting pain and irregular bleeding. The news wasn't good and it has grown to 5.5cm. I am gutted as I am now being booked in for a Laparoscopy to remove it.

Am totally gutted and scared stiff of surgery and having to have a general anaesthetic :(

Looks like it'll be in October so that's me out the game for a while. Will keep in touch though cos will be TTC like mad afterwards.

READY - when I was pg I had pains down the sides and they told me it is because during pg your uterus goes from being a pelvic organ to an abdominal one and all the muscles have to work to pull it up xxx

luv-I am so sorry to hear the news about your upcoming surgery and putting TTC off for a bit. How do you feel today about it? Remember to breathe and take it one day at a time. It's a good thing they found the cyst, as now they can take care of it and you can be on your way to TTC. You will be in good hands! October is just around the corner, and the way time flies...well, it will be here before you know it! Keep us posted if you feel inclined to do so.
Ready- I have had some mild cramping at times, like AF cramping. It is intermittent. I've heard of many women having some cramping, so unless it's quite severe or worsens, it's probably alright.

Tynmeg- my boobs completely fluctuate between feeling normal and feeling like they are being punched from the inside. THey felt worse 1 week ago, and this week it's a little less tender, unless I lay on them. They are fuller for sure, but not up a cup size. Some women (like Ready) get breast tenderness and size increase pretty quickly on, but others don't. I asked on another forum once about this (before I was prego but thought I might be), and some women said they went their entire pregnancy without feeling anything in their breasts.

Steph- if you do have to move to a place sight unseen, I recommend you ask for a lot of photos, and if possible get a local contact to check it out on your behalf. Sometimes hiring managers will do that knowing it's the only way to get the employee to come out and feel good about their new digs! Maybe you could even ask to speak with the current or immediate past tenants about their experience living in a place, so it's not just landlord's word....just ideas.
Keep us posted!

Ready-can't wait for Friday either, as I have my interview today and I'm a tad nervous. This week is super hectic, so I feel a bit disheveled, but maybe that is good- I am not over thinking the interview. Good luck!
Ready-i had cramping with my son... like everyone has said you're uterus is making a big move and, muscles, tendons and other organs need to shift to accommodate it. With my second (ectopic) it was more of a sharp pain feeling and I knew in my gut that there was something really wrong. I remember it was really hard not to worry but trust your instincts! I'm sure baby is A Ok!
Luv- I'm so sorry to hear about the hard times you'll be going through over the next few months, I hope all goes well and you can conceive soon afterwards.

Ready and tynmeg- thank you very much!

I have news: last night I got a nosebleed just completely out of the blue. I told myself not to read into it but of course I couldn't help it and found out some ladies have had a nosebleed at 5dpo too, but couldn't find any that ended up with BFP. Does anybody here know anything about that?

Much love!:flower:
Good morning, ladies, :flower:
AnneRice, let's hope that a nosebleed at 5dpo has something to do with implantation!
Madeline, how did your interview go?
How is everyone???
My temp went up this morning again, which means I O-ed last Monday and it makes me at a 3dpo. :dance:
Not only did AF show up 3 days late, but then she only stuck around for 2 days. I WILL be testing this Saturday~!!!
Good morning ladies!

Lenka! I'm also 3dpo today! My opk finally went negative today from 5 days of blaring positives, wonder what that was all about. No real symptoms so far, yesterday I had some twinges around my ovaries/uterus area that kinda tickled lol that's all!
Blah, I wish there was a more definitive way to tell if you are pregnant. I've been having AF type cramps all day today now. BLah, I know its 'probably nothing' because it always is lol. Hows everyone else today? I was surprised to come back and see no comments today!
Kesh, that's cool that we are at the same dpo! :dance::friends:
Hey everybody! OMG I feel like I have so much to catch up on, I've missed you ladies.

Kesh & Lenka - YEY! So funny you two are DPO buddies again this month, I'm so hoping for some BFPs ladies! Any symptoms to let us in on? Lenka, I totally agree - I love checking in on this thread, even if I don't have time to update. How is the studying going? Don't worry, I know when I was studying for the bar I felt the same way - how will I keep it all in my head? :wacko: You sound like you are putting in a lot of time, I'm sure you will do very well!

Bump2Bubba - How are you feeling? Any updates on your TWW?

Madeline - 7 weeks tomorrow! That is so wonderful. How is the tenant situation working out? I agree with the consensus, go with your gut. On paper someone might seem great, but they are living in your house after all... a good feeling beats a stellar showing on paper, IMHO. How did your interview go? You mentioned you were nervous - I'm sure you rocked it!

Tynmeg - I've been feeling good, although I hear you on the grease making you queasy! I haven't been able to smell fried foods, let alone eat them. They are practically the only thing that upsets my stomach, so I guess I shouldn't complain (although god I love my fries.) And the up and down moods.... yikes on this end. Luckily the only people who tend to annoy me are people who I'm not close to, so I can walk away and take a breath without them knowing I want to rip out their throat. As for gas - last night I was up from 4-6 just trying to figure out how to not feel like an inflated balloon, it was the worst! Not that I'm complaining, but I'm right there with you. Oh, with boob tenderness - mine is worse and better depending on the day... never totally gone, but definitely ups and downs.

Also, how cool that DW listened to her heart and made a big career change! That can be so scary, it takes a lot of courage. My best friend and her DW did IUIs for a year before their BFP - my niece that I spoke of before is their little girl who was born 2 days ago. Over the moon for them, it was a hard process but so worth it. Love that little rugrat already.

BirthdayBaby - Happy to see you! Totally understand needing to take a step back. Just on the BD'ing question - last month DF and I BD'd once or twice a day all around my fertile time. I'm with the others - I think the every other day thing is a myth.

AnnRice - do you normally get O pain in that way? Either way, your symptoms sound promising! How are you feeling now at 7 DPO? Could be right around implantation time! :hugs: I have heard of nosebleeds in threads on B&B, so it could be a good sign!

EMC00P - Oh man, what a roller coaster! You are handling things way better than I would. Can't wait for Sat!

Steph - things sound very promising for DH! I am keeping FX. So happy there is momentum behind him finding something. Second interviews are so promising, but it is nerve wracking when you know there is more than one candidate. FX your DH shines and they scoop him up!

Luv - So sorry to hear the news. I am sending lots of :hugs: your way and hoping that while it is a temporary setback for your TTC, in the end it is a positive thing that they found it and treated it before there was any permanent harm.

Also, everyone who responded to my cramping question - thank you so much! The cramping was temporary and never worse than AF, no spotting. The bean is just snuggling in. :cloud9:

Just a head's up to any ladies who are needing new bras - I went to the gap and got two of the "hidden underwire" bras ($36/piece) and they are HEAVEN. I could seriously stay in them all day. I went from a C to a D, so they have awesome support regardless of how small or big you are.

My interview went well - I have a good feeling, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up, as I've had serious letdowns in the past around job interviews going well and not getting offers. One of the guys in charge of the hiring decision is out this week and next, so I won't find out until two weeks out. :growlmad: Looking for my inner zen lol.

DF and I tell his parents about the baby tomorrow.... yikes! So excited!

Will make a new list asap - we have some definite TWWers! :happydance:
Natto, "The bean is just snuggling in" - love it. :haha::flower:
Natto- This has been a rollercoaster indeed. I am trying to hang on one more day. That way if we get our BFP, DH and I have plenty of time to celebrate. One....more......day....... ::sigh::
Here's an updated list, ladies!

Clacko - CD 9
291 - CD 9
BirthdayBaby - CD 13

Kesh - 4 DPO
Lenka - 4 DPO
Bump2Bubba - 7 DPO
AnnRice - 8 DPO
EMC00P - 19 DPO, FX for a BFP tomorrow!

Mel_docks - BFP!!!!
Madeline - 7 weeks
Lfrans - 6 weeks 3 days
Tynmeg - 6 weeks 1 day
Ready - 6 weeks

Steph - Taking a break this month (If you want your cycle to be listed just let me know, I just didn't want you to feel like I wasn't acknowledging your decision this month.)

Luv_my_bichon - Having a health issue taken care of so she can get back to TTC! :hugs:

USUKLove and MasonsMommy - don't know how things shook out this TWW, let us know!
Ready- I do usually experience O pain but this is definitely different and new. My doctor says I shouldn't get my hopes up- but she's suspicious about my breast tenderness and visible veins which came up at 6dpo. Currently 8dpo.

I have a good feeling about this!!:happydance:
Anne-oh, I do hope your good feeling results in that BFP. I think a few of us had that feeling of just knowing too, even if we didn't see it the first time we poas. I know you'll keep us posted as you round the corner into testing time!

Ready- happy to hear that the interview went really well. I hope they loved you and see you as the right woman for the job. Did you find your zen place? :) It is hard to say in that place of peaceful anticipation where you want something but don't want to obsess about it or start projecting thoughts into the future about it. When will you know?

I can't wait to hear how things go with telling DF's family this weekend. Do you have a sense of how they are going to react? I just hardly think it's possible for any grandparent-to-be to react with anything but love and excitement, no matter what their beliefs or expectations about what order the process of marriage-baby 'should' come in (I recall you mentioning that they are more traditional in their beliefs, yes?). I am sending you love and light for a fun weekend of celebration.

Oh, and thanks for the tip on the bras, when it's time I'll keep that in mind.

Tynmeg and lfrans, how are you feeling today?

Steph- any further word on the trip out to NH? Big weekend plans? How is DH managing with his ankle these days? Every day I fantasize about being up in the Pac NW and enjoying the beauty of summers up there. Hope the weather has been glorious for you.

Lenka- when will you be done with your MS? I think I was under the impression that you were done, so I got confused on what you were studying for- can I blame baby brain already? hehehe. I hope the TWW goes quickly for you, and studying can be a good distraction from thinking about it every minute like I did, ha!

AFM, well yesterday was a BIG day. I was offered the job at the county and accepted a tentative offer for the position. Yay! This means maternity leave AND health care through the pregnancy and beyond, not to mention a steady job. I told my boss-to-be that I am pregnant when she offered me the position and just asked if this was still a good fit knowing that I'll be out on maternity leave April-July next year. She was thrilled for me (I know her already from the work I currently do) and it was not an issue at all. WHEW!! My current boss is pretty devastated, but the writing is on the wall that we are running out of money as an organization and there is no reprieve in sight. She gets it, but we will both really miss one another a lot. I will start the new job in about 1 month.

The other good news is that we solidified a new tenant for our home. What a blessing to have so many qualified candidates who wanted it. We did go with the woman who has 3 dogs (Silken Windhounds-anybody ever hear of them? I hadn't). After meeting her dogs and meeting her and getting her references, I was very content. We are meeting here in the Sacramento area on Monday to sign papers, which is something I never get to do with tenants. I feel blessed.

Okay, I am off to the beautiful Lake Tahoe this weekend. My hubby is scuba diving with a friend and I'll kayak while they dive. We'll hopefully get in some hiking as well.

Lenka-when you drive out to CA, are you taking a Northern or southern route? Oregon may be out of your way, but if you can see Lake Tahoe, I recommend it. It is my most favorite place on this whole earth, so I'm kind of biased, but it is quite beautiful!

EMC-you have such fortitude to wait until tomorrow to test. I'd be testing every 5 minutes, hahaha! Keep us posted.

Have a good weekend everybody and Fx for those in the TWW
Madeline, wow, congratulations on your new job and on your new tenant! That is just incredible! What a summer, what a summer... :yipee:
Regarding our route to CA - I am not sure what route we are going to take because I am a demographic idiot therefore my bf is in charge. But he wants to take it easy and go wherever we feel like going. We have at least a week to drive, so we want to just enjoy our ride. I am sure we will pass a lot of beautiful places. Eh, Lake Tahoe… Even if we do not pass it on our way there, I am sure we will visit it quite often while living there. I just love nature, it makes me so relaxed and at peace.
Yes, tww goes quite quickly. I am so much at ease this cycle. I do not want to get my hopes up, it is so painful to fall down from up there when AF arrives. :nope:
:flower: to all of you!
Ready- I do usually experience O pain but this is definitely different and new. My doctor says I shouldn't get my hopes up- but she's suspicious about my breast tenderness and visible veins which came up at 6dpo. Currently 8dpo.

I have a good feeling about this!!:happydance:

Ann - First, so sorry I left you off the list! You have been added. It is sometimes hard for me to make sure I catch everyone. Looks like you will probably be our next tester after EMC00P!

I will say that above any symptoms I had, I just had a feeling. I think that you are feeling really good about things is a great sign. I also have never heard of having veins become more apparent as a PMS sign - it is unique to pregnancy, from what I have heard, although I'm no expert and can't speak to all women's experiences. I am so very hopeful that this is your month!

Madeline - CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS! So many good things unfolding for you! So happy for you. Have a wonderful time this weekend, reveling in your new baby, new tenant and new position! :hugs:

AFM - kind of a big day today! I've been having a pain on my right side, thought it was sciatica but it has gotten worse. Went to get it checked out today because I started to get worried. My HCG is 26,150, I measured at 5 weeks 3 days, which freaked me out majorly because I had myself measured at 6 weeks. However, I O'd on cycle day 18 - 4 days later than the average, so maybe that's why I'm 4 days behind? Any ideas or experiences, ladies? Does that HCG level seem high? They weren't able to see a fetal pole, only gestational sac and yolk sac, but said that was normal. I am trying to stay focused on being positive. This is why I didn't set up any appointments this early! :wacko:
Ready-I'm so glad you went to the doctor to get your pain checked out. how cool that there is already a visible yolk sac. I don't know what a fetal pole is...is it anything like a tadpole?
I don't know much about numbers for HCG, so I can't speak to that. Were the doctors concerned or did you leave with their blessing that all is well?
Here is a link to a chart with HCG levels weekly. Notice how the levels vary wildly after week 4. So, you are probably right on the money, ready.

The chart also said what is really important is that the HCG doubles every several days, which of course, you can't determine from 1 reading. Will you go back to the dr to follow up?


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