3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Ready-it's still early so don't worry. They said it was all good and the norm so go with that. I know it is easier said than done cause we worry about everything but just try. So happy the interview went well, fx for you!
Madeline- yay for you! Good news all around for you. Have an awesome weekend.
Lfrans and Mel-how have you been feeling?

How's everyone doing in the TWW?

I'm anxious to hear from EMC tomorrow and see if we have another BFP. FX!
Hi everyone! Let me just thank everybody for their words of encouragement. They are very welcome. :blush:

I'm very glad to read how well everyone is doing, job wise and pregnancy wise. I hope everybody is having a great month!

Ready- do not worry at all about adding me to the list, I didn't even notice as I was reading how all you other gals were doing. The 'good feeling' you talk about is something I don't want to consider very much as I have previously been SURE about being pg and obviously wasn't. I'd send pictures of my boobs if it wasn't so absolutely inappropriate, I'm just so excited about what you said!

I've never been so happy about hurting so much. This is a weird feeling I know most of you have experienced too.

I'm testing the 15th, if I can even find the strength of waiting till then. :wacko:

Oh, I almost forgot! My mouth tasted like metal today! I even tried to think back if I had licked a coin, but no. It was just metal-ish. Woo!
Madeline - I will keep you posted. I am currently trying to come up with an alibi to get out of the house to buy a test since I want it to be a surprise and I didn't have time to grab one on my way home tonight.

Anne-oh, I do hope your good feeling results in that BFP. I think a few of us had that feeling of just knowing too, even if we didn't see it the first time we poas. I know you'll keep us posted as you round the corner into testing time!

Ready- happy to hear that the interview went really well. I hope they loved you and see you as the right woman for the job. Did you find your zen place? :) It is hard to say in that place of peaceful anticipation where you want something but don't want to obsess about it or start projecting thoughts into the future about it. When will you know?

I can't wait to hear how things go with telling DF's family this weekend. Do you have a sense of how they are going to react? I just hardly think it's possible for any grandparent-to-be to react with anything but love and excitement, no matter what their beliefs or expectations about what order the process of marriage-baby 'should' come in (I recall you mentioning that they are more traditional in their beliefs, yes?). I am sending you love and light for a fun weekend of celebration.

Oh, and thanks for the tip on the bras, when it's time I'll keep that in mind.

Tynmeg and lfrans, how are you feeling today?

Steph- any further word on the trip out to NH? Big weekend plans? How is DH managing with his ankle these days? Every day I fantasize about being up in the Pac NW and enjoying the beauty of summers up there. Hope the weather has been glorious for you.

Lenka- when will you be done with your MS? I think I was under the impression that you were done, so I got confused on what you were studying for- can I blame baby brain already? hehehe. I hope the TWW goes quickly for you, and studying can be a good distraction from thinking about it every minute like I did, ha!

AFM, well yesterday was a BIG day. I was offered the job at the county and accepted a tentative offer for the position. Yay! This means maternity leave AND health care through the pregnancy and beyond, not to mention a steady job. I told my boss-to-be that I am pregnant when she offered me the position and just asked if this was still a good fit knowing that I'll be out on maternity leave April-July next year. She was thrilled for me (I know her already from the work I currently do) and it was not an issue at all. WHEW!! My current boss is pretty devastated, but the writing is on the wall that we are running out of money as an organization and there is no reprieve in sight. She gets it, but we will both really miss one another a lot. I will start the new job in about 1 month.

The other good news is that we solidified a new tenant for our home. What a blessing to have so many qualified candidates who wanted it. We did go with the woman who has 3 dogs (Silken Windhounds-anybody ever hear of them? I hadn't). After meeting her dogs and meeting her and getting her references, I was very content. We are meeting here in the Sacramento area on Monday to sign papers, which is something I never get to do with tenants. I feel blessed.

Okay, I am off to the beautiful Lake Tahoe this weekend. My hubby is scuba diving with a friend and I'll kayak while they dive. We'll hopefully get in some hiking as well.

Lenka-when you drive out to CA, are you taking a Northern or southern route? Oregon may be out of your way, but if you can see Lake Tahoe, I recommend it. It is my most favorite place on this whole earth, so I'm kind of biased, but it is quite beautiful!

EMC-you have such fortitude to wait until tomorrow to test. I'd be testing every 5 minutes, hahaha! Keep us posted.

Have a good weekend everybody and Fx for those in the TWW
Hey all!

Hope you're having a relaxing weekened! This was supposed to be my first weekend in about six weekends with no obligations, but I accidentally filled it up with social activies :dohh: Oh well, DH and I watched a movie in bed, had some good times, then were asleep by 10 PM! Glorious Friday night!!

Madeline--Oh yeah wow the scuba trip to Tahoe is already here! Hope you're having a blast. It's so pretty there. So since you're pg, does that mean you won't be diving? If not, there's so many things to do there that I'm sure you're still having so much fun.

CONGRATS ON THE JOB !!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: I'm so happy for you!! You and your hubby seemed to be going through such a hard time for so many months and I'm so excited we get to watch some good stuff start happening for you! And the house...the last thing a pregnant lady needs to do is start worrying about stuff.

Natto--I'm glad your interview went well and that it's done and over with. Ugh 2 whole weeks to find out?? Seriously zen! You've done all you can do, you shone... so now you can know that if it doesn't work out it really wasn't meant to be...(but I hope it is! :blush:) About the dr appt...That IS confusing because didn't you get your BFP super early on? I know you Oed earlier than you thought you did....but if you did in fact O later then how the heck did you get a BFP so fast?? Those levels of HcG seem very high and good! :hugs: How did it go telling his family?? Were they very excited as they should be?? Good luck and I'm excited to hear news!

Lenka--I feela ya on the nature puts you at peace. Seems that's another thing we all have in common here...we spend time out doors! Me in the mountains, Madeline in the redwoods, and Natto on concert grass fields :haha: Congrats on officially being in the tww!

EMC00P I hope I hope I hope it's a BFP for you. I really do!!

Anne-- Glad to know you are not actually licking coins! :haha: So you're 9 DPO now? I too have been convinced I was pregnant and then turned out I wasn't....also have been convinced I wasn't and it turned out I was! So..you never know :D

Tynmeg-- how are things with you? How cool you started out as friends for so long that you had a solid base to begin a relationship on. You talked about a lot of cross country movies...are you in BC now or on the other side? How are things with the little bean?? You two are going to love him/her even more with all the hurdles you had to jump to get to where you are! I know that with every month and every mc I gotta go through, when I finally do get to hold one of my own, whether it be our DNA or not, it's going to be all the more beautiful.

So I guess I am actually very determined not to get pregnant. I still think about how much stress moving by myself would be whle pregnant and nope, despite 5 days of ewcm AND watching a movie about pregnancy....I held my ground!! DH's job interview is at the END of the month....UGH...so far away. In the meantime, he has a second interview with a university here in town. It pays very little...especially for being right in downtown Seattle where houses are easily 300k to 400k for something small. There is no way. But it'll be nice to have at least SOMETHING else going on in case the NH job doesn't work out. I'm so hoping it does!!

Good luck, ladies, i want to see tons of BFPs this month!

Steph- you're funny! Yes, only 5 more days until the test :test:

Fx for you and your hubby's NH interview! Do keep us posted.
So I took a test this morning....BFN. DH suggested we test again in a couple days. We will see.
6dpo today ... tested of course LOL bfn! As expected. Temps been crazy the last few days, wonder what tomorrow will bring!
Good morning ladies,
Madeline, Ready, Tynmeg, Lfrans, how are you feeling? :hugs:
Steph, FX for the NH job to work out! I hear you about packing while pregnant…
Kesh, 6dpo is way too early to get a bfp. :winkwink: I am not going to test till my AF is due. So far, I have not had any extraordinary symptoms. Yesterday, we went to a party and I had a glass of rosé. Now, I feel kind of guilty, but it took me 6 hours to finish the glass sip by sip. I am afraid of swimming in a swimming pool now, but I had alcohol… very smart…
Anne, EMC, any news, ladies?
We have decided to go to Niagara Falls this coming weekend. We just want to take this opportunity while on the East Coast. They say that the views are more beautiful from the Canada side, meaning I am going to Canada…. :happydance:
Lenka- lol oh I know, I needed to get my fix :p no real symptoms here either except some af type cramps for the last couple days. The last few nights also felt nauseas at bedtime when first laying down. Crossing my fingers for both of us!!!
Hey ladies!
You're couple of symptoms sound promising Kesh Fx! My temp spiked today so I think I'm now 1dpo! Let the symptom spotting begin lol. We got some good news last week! Hubby entered a Nike contest to play in a big game in NYC. We'd found out he was drafted about two weeks ago and just found out he was selected. The two coaches are NBA players, Kevin Durant and James Hardin! In so excited and happy for him!
They talk about him at 2:30


My sister, son and I are going to watch! We leave for new York on Thurs!!!
How everyone is feeling great!
Good Morning ladies,
I hope everyone had a nice weekend. It was totally about self care for me...I watched movies, had naps, soaked in the tub, totally relaxed. Although I was sick on Saturday, first time, and I felt better after my nap. Things are good for me, 4 days until my first scan so seriously on count down. Super excited for that, although my Dr. said that they might not show me anything and I might have to wait till my appointment with her on Monday. I really hope they show me! I can't imagine having to wait all weekend to know if everything is ok.

Kesh-I had weird AF cramps from 5-8 dpo and then at 9dpo the pulling and twinges started, FX for you!

Anne-Only 3 more days till test day. Are you going to make it?

EMC-Boo to the BFN. Maybe your 2 AF was all you're going to it and you're that much closer to O day and your next TWW.

Steph-I'm in AB and you're right...when you work so hard at something, you really realize how much you want it and how precious it really is.

Lenka-Enjoy your trip to Canada and seeing Niagara Falls! Excited for you.

Natto, Madeline, Lfrans, Mel-How are you all feeling?

Birthdaybaby-Any update from you? I haven't heard from you in a while. :)
Hey ladies!
You're couple of symptoms sound promising Kesh Fx! My temp spiked today so I think I'm now 1dpo! Let the symptom spotting begin lol. We got some good news last week! Hubby entered a Nike contest to play in a big game in NYC. We'd found out he was drafted about two weeks ago and just found out he was selected. The two coaches are NBA players, Kevin Durant and James Hardin! In so excited and happy for him!
They talk about him at 2:30


My sister, son and I are going to watch! We leave for new York on Thurs!!!
How everyone is feeling great!

Awesome! That sounds exciting! It will shorten your TWW too cause you'll be preoccupied.
Good morning ladies,
I love coming back from a couple days away to see all the interesting shares and turns of events.

Birthdaybaby- congrats for your hubby, and hence what that means for your family. So I am guessing your hubby plays bball??! Just a guess :) One of my dear friends up in Oregon is married to an ex-NBA player (Portland Trailblazers). They both worked at the wellness center I was at for a while to help get it started. He decided to go the 'zen route' after his career and taught yoga. Funny to watch a guy almost 7' tall touch his toes, hahaha!!
Fingers crossed that the good news added extra baby dust for ya.

Tynmeg- oh, your weekend self care sounds SO NICE, especially the bath part. I think I could use a little down time like that. Life is going at Mach7 right now, so I'll have to parsel out some "me time". So, do you go to the doctor today to get the result of the scan? What exactly is it a scan of?

Lenka- don't be hard on yourself with the wine. It happens to the best of us, I'm pretty sure I sipped a few bevvies during my TWW too, as have most of my friends. Your bean will be fine, as it would not have even implanted yet and you didn't go crazy! Niagra falls in Canada sounds amazing- good idea for you and DF to see the beauty of your current location before you head out of town.

Steph- good for you for holding your ground about TTC and doing the 'right thing' for you right now. It is a good sign that DH has 2 interview options, and at least the local one can keep you guys occupied while you wait until the end of Aug for the NH interview. When I read that part I flashed back to the umpteen times DH heard that same thing from potential employers. "We really like you and want you to come out here....in about 3 weeks". Grr...it's annoying, mostly b/c you have to totally surrender control and your own timelines. It is frustrating that some jobs in Seattle pay so little, despite high cost of living. Sacramento is a bit like that. Some jobs we looked at wanted MS degrees and paid like $12/hr. Seriously? I made that babysitting in college. Ridiculous. Are you and DH aiming to buy a house in the near future? Would you rather live on the East or West coast, or are you open to either one equally?

Ready-so, how did it go with DF's parents? Was it a celebratory weekend? Did you feel good?

Lfrans- how are you doing?

Kesh- you are just like me- testing is always on the mind, even when I know it would be negative. Well, let's hope that as the days progress you will see that little line that makes all the difference. There is a lot to celebrate for you too, so maybe that added the extra baby dust!!

Ann-we look forward to hearing how it goes when you test, and of course we would all TOTALLY understand if you tested early, hehehehe.

EMC- well, it certainly has been a curious cycle for you, hasn't it. 2 day AF and then now a BFN. Hmm? I had that too, back in June. Made me SO MAD. Then I got my BFP next cycle. Maybe nature is giving you a hint that your are about to stop having AF (due to little bean), so she wanted to give you a practice run of having a light one....yes, I know that makes NO sense! Our bodies are so odd, especially when TTC sometimes.

AFM: tahoe weekend was wonderful. I went for a jog and kayaked while my DH learned to Scuba dive with a friend of ours. We also enjoyed a lovely hike, a great meal, and I had some down time on the beach to read. That was a nice treat, as I haven't had time to read before dark in forever. I have been feeling sick, and even threw up last night (TMI, sorry). It's usually mild and triggered by eating heavy foods or being hot. I absolutely detest being hot now, which is unfortunate given where I live :)

So, this is a busy, big week for me. I finalize negotiations on my job, give my notice, and sign the papers with the new tenant for our house in Oregon. Plus I am subbing 2 yoga classes/week starting today for the next 4 weeks. I signed on to do this when hubby did not have a job and I wasn't prego, but can't back out now- owners of the studio are in Hong Kong, so it's not like I can just call them to say that I really don't feel like teaching at night, especially if I feel queasy.

Have a great day everybody.


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Hey Madeline - So great you had a good weekend, kayaking sounds wonderful. I miss doing that, it's been a couple years. My scan is my first ultrasound and it's the 16th, this Friday and then my Dr. appt is the 19th, the Monday after my ultrasound.
OMG Kesh! I'm freaking out for you. I would go buy a FRER test. They are so easy to read.
Haha this is a frer! I opened them up just to take a picture!! I'm so dang excited. I'll be testing again tomorrow morning :)
I know the bottom test has an indent but theres a faint pink line in the indent, top has no indent but pink line!
oh my goodness, I'm freaking out. So excited for you. I seen the indent on the second one but as you say, there is pink in it! and the first one, I can see the pink line too, but no indent. I can't wait for you to test tomorrow! FX!

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