Kesh - OMG I would be freaking out, too! That totally looks like a BFP to me, especially the top one! I am so hopeful and excited, I know you are cautiously optimistic but that totally looks like our 6th BFP to me!
Madeline - thanks so much for the HCG info. A fetal pole is basically the first visible sign of a developing embryo, it usually shows up between 5.5 - 6.5 weeks. The doctor said that everything looked great and he wasn't concerned at all, so I'm holding tight until my scan on August 29th.

Anyway, enough of that - you have a ton going on! Sounds like your weekend was perfect. So jealous of your breach time - one of the many perks of living in Southwest Ohio is the 13 hour drive to the ocean!

I've been feeling sick as well - hit my like a ton of bricks on Fri night. I haven't vomited yet, but all of the sudden my eating is super minute by minute. And the heat - it surely does make things worse, doesn't it? GL with the yoga classes, lots of deep breaths and maybe not too many inversions!

I was confused about your March 7th reference, what did you mean? I only ask because that's my birthday lol. I thought your EDD was later in the month?
AnneRice - I totally don't blame you on not wanting to go on a "gut feeling," have you had any more symptoms? Are your boobs still showing veins and tender? I've heard of the metallic taste as being a good sign, too. Those are great signs, FX! 3 more days!!!
EMC00P - Sorry about the BFN! Keeping FX that your BFP is on its way.
Steph - that Friday night sounds lovely! I love those kind of evenings. Thanks so much for the support on the job - I agree, if it is meant to be, it will be. If not, there will be something better. As far as my BFP, I did get it early, but I also O very late - so I got my BFP at 8 DPO, but I O'd on CD 18. So I think in terms of my LMP, I am a bit later, because online calculators assume you O'd on CD 14. So when I thought I was at 6 weeks, I was at 5 weeks 3 days, having a 4 day discrepancy. I've decided to try and stop obsessing about it and just go with what my intuition says, which is baby is fine, healthy and doing her thing.

So sorry this second interview is at the end of the month, that is quite a wait! I think it's great you are standing your ground on TTC, I probably would have caved. Way to stay focused on what is best for your overall health and for you and DH.
Lenka - Niagara Falls is beautiful! Have a blast. I think it's a great idea to explore the east coast a bit before you leave. And don't beat yourself up for one glass of wine - if you get your BFP, baby will be fine.
BirthdayBaby - That is awesome news about your DH, congrats to him! I can't watch the video on my work computer, as it is a dinosaur, but I will tonight. What game? Maybe we can watch!
Tynmeg - sounds so lovely, self-care is so important. FX that they show you all of the wonderful things they see on Friday.
AFM - Telling DF's parents was a lot of fun, they were super excited, albeit his mother immediately latched on to a Thanksgiving wedding, which I politely declined. I had to explain a couple of times that this was not a surprise, that our timeline was baby THEN marriage, and I won't be walking down the aisle while I'm pregnant, as making sure we are married before we have a baby is not a reflection of DF or my values (not knocking her opinion at all - to each their own!) His parents are so, so wonderful, and we knew her Catholicism would come into play, but they are also very socially liberal and understand that their children do not share their faith. So all in all, it was quite wonderful and they are very, very excited to have grandbaby 1 and 2 on the way now (DF's sister-in-law is due any day!)
Other than that, MS has hit me and has not been pleasant. I haven't thrown up yet, but oh man suddenly nothing sounds good. I even have dreams about being in trees or on buildings and looking down and getting queasy.

Such is life, I know it will pass.