Lol I'm here, Kesh! I've been a bit MIA, this work week has been a bit crazy! Plus our list of house renovations includes new windows, block glass for basement windows, new front door, repour front steps and driveway cement, exterior paint job for house, new stove, new washer.... oy! I found a washer last night and a stove to be picked up tonight, meeting with a guy about the concrete work, got an estimate for the house painting so we are getting it scheduled.... I seriously feel wiped out by the time I get home, work out, and get home stuff done! My nausea has been on and off but pretty bad at times.

Anyway, not complaining - these are all great changes, just zapping me a bit!
Lenka - Keeping FX for Tuesday! Had any symptoms? I am hoping your trip will be a great distraction, and I agree, enjoy it - after that BFP, everything changes! Oh, also, if you happen to be headed by Cincinnati on your trip, I'd love to meet up!
AnnRice - any news? Was it AF?
Steph - I will hear about the job next week, one of the people involved in the hiring process is on vacation so it's turned into a long wait..... Just to chime in on the yoga question, Vinyasa is a wonderful style and videos are so great! I have a Shiva Rea video that I love - I also like Rodney Yee, although sometimes his videos are a bit on the slow side for me.
Lfrans - is sleep coming any easier?
Kesh - have you gotten your betas yet? That's so great that you have a good friend who you are so close in time with. I wouldn't worry too much about twins - when my HCG came back so high I talked to a close family friend who is an OB and he said that, while twin pregnancies usually have a higher level of HCG, it isn't indicative in the medical community as so many other things cause HCG to vary. Having said that, no one really knows until the scan that shows what is going on in there!
Madeline - Congrats on the great scan and Dr. Appt!!! Sounds like your little one is growing like a weed!

I love that your DH was so emotionally touched, that is awesome. I'm so sorry that you aren't feeling great, I try to remind myself that it will pass but it doesn't really help. Have you found anything that you can eat that sounds even remotely good? Big

! Also, when I went to the hospital they did the transvaginal ultrasound and good lord, it took over 30 minutes! I don't know if that was normal or because they were being very careful about ruling out an ectopic, but either way I would have preferred an abdominal! Although I'm TERRIFIED of having blood drawn, so that part was by far the worst. They actually tried to come back and take more, but couldn't clearly explain for what - the lab tech just kept saying "we take blood before and after." I kept saying "after what?" Her response was, "Whatever you are having done, like a transfusion, surgery...." I kindly explained that no one would be taking my blood if they couldn't clearly explain to me why, as there was no event that would give way to an "after." Oy!
Tynmeg - How are the symptoms today? Mine have been going in and out, I know that you know it's common but I also understand it making you worry. Every morning I wake up and grab my boobs just to make sure they still hurt!

I'm sure everything is great with the bean!

I bet you are so excited for tomorrow!! Can't wait to hear all about it.
Alright, lovely ladies! Back to work for me!