3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Kesh, here u go. See attached. Sorry for the format.


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Oh god, I started spotting. Oh god oh god. Please let this be implantation.
Either AF or testing tomorrow morning. :shrug:
Nattoo--I think maybe Tynmeg was saying Mach7 not March 7 :haha:

Kesh--I can't BELIEVE how dark that line is for how early on!!!! How FREAKING EXCITING!! 8 months with a chemical...that's a lot of heartache and I'm so happy for you!! :happydance::happydance: Keep on posting progressions :D :hugs:

Annerice--sorry AF got you. :( I wish all the ladies in the TWW could get their BFPs this month.

Lenka--good for you to know yourself to wait. I hope you can let yourself relax on your trip. Remember that those kind of trips won't be so easy after a baby or with morning sickness so you just gotta enjoy these times (as much as you want the BFP!) while you still have them. Niagra Falls! Never been there! I hope it's a blast!

Lfrans glad for the update. You probably won't read this but aren't you from Montreal? I'll probably be passing through there in late October...so you went shopping in NH? What city were all the cool stores? I'll be going there in a couple weeks to accompany my gimpy man for his interview. FX FX FX

Meanwhile work is insanely stressful BUT DH's leg is slowly improving. The doctor said in 4 weeks he can maybe take off the boot while he sleeps, but still no weight bearing for another 2 months.

Madeline--That's so awesome you teach yoga. What kind? I've always been so very inflexible it's embarrassing...so I tried a hot yoga groupon....but I'm such a sweat monster I could never get fully rehydrated and go often enough to get a good benefit. Any suggestions on a kind of yoga, or a way to do it on a budget? I love how much you seem to get outside... I am thinking if we lived close to each other I'd have an excellent hiking buddy! Your weekend in Tahoe sounds so wonderful and relaxing, I'm so glad you got to go, even if there wasn't any scuba diving!

Madeline and Natto--sorry you are starting to have the nausea but that's also super exciting!! I can't wait for your scans :hugs:

Natto--how much longer til you hear back from your job??

birthday--HOW EXCITING about the basketball recruitment! Would this be fore the NBA? I dont' know much about basketball...:blush: Have fun!
Kesh- how are you feeling???

Steph - I should be around in october, we should meet up! What will you be doing passing through montreal? I was in North Conway, there are tons of outlets there. There are also some outlets somewhere nearish to nashua. I have stopped there on the way to Boston. Where is your DH's interview? I do not know NH that well other than driving through and going to north conway. It is beautiful though

How is everyone else feeling today?

Im ok, was exhausted yesterday at work. And today woke up at 4:30, I was hoping to get to the gym today after work, but i may be way too tired for that...
Hey ladies, I'm feeling really good besides the nasty cramping every morning, oh, and I'm really ridiculously tired lol!! Weirdest thing, tested this am and my clearblue is darker, frer is lighter??! What the heck!! She told me I'm being paranoid, she says it takes a few days to get darker and she said its a yes/no test, they dont tell you HOW pregnant you are, despite everyone doing so. Shes right. I posted the pics. Top tests are from yesterdays fmu and bottom are todays fmu


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OH, and I'm going to get some betas done today and also have my first appointment with my doctor!! I'll keep you ladies posted on the results! I probably wont find out for a day or two! I'm assuming anyways!

Funny little tidbit, I look after my doctors son in my daycare and me and her have become really good friends. I texted her to tell her about my BFP and she told me she is also expecting, 6 weeks before me!!
Good morning ladies,
lfrans- good to hear from you, sounds like you've got a bit of early AM insomnia happening. Hope that doesn't stick around too long!

Kesh- yay!! More pink lines! Are you going to doctor so early because of something specific? Mine did not want to see me until 7 wks in at least. Hope it all goes really well!

Steph- Oh, how I do wish we lived closer, I would love a hiking buddy! The outdoors are what brings me into balance. I just love mountainous/tree laden environments. Beaches are nice too, but I'm a mountain gal!

So, had my first prenatal appt yesterday and all looks great! I'm on for a 3/28/14 due date, and baby is measuring 1.1 cm. We got to see and hear it- amazing!! DH got teary, which is so cute. The appointment lasted TWO HOURS. I was zonked by the end- so much to consider! But I know I'm in good hands.

I am feeling utterly awful the past 24-hrs. Exhausted, hot, headache, low energy, no appetite. Dr said it is pretty normal, and we are having (another) heat wave, so it's par for the course. I schlepped to work today, but luckily have a 1/2 day due to appointments in the afternoon.

Steph-my favorite type of yoga is Vinyasa yoga. It's a heat-producing yoga, but not necessarily done in a hot room. It's very flowy/rythymic, which is why I love it so much, plus it is usually a little more creative and varied than say Bikram, which does the same poses each class. Videos can be an inexpensive way to do yoga and I like Sean Corn and Shiva Rea in terms of good vinyasa style teachers. Look for yoga studio groupons too. Yoga in Seattle is EXPENSIVE! I bought my BFF a gift cert for her favorite studio and I was blown a way at how much it was per class. Sheesh. It's cheaper here in the Sacto region, but since I teach, I don't have to pay :)

Okay ladies, more later. Gotta get some work done!

Tynmeg/Ready- when do you go to the doctor for ultrasound to see the baby? Beware: It's a transvaginal ultrasound, not a tummy one! You may have known that, but JIC.

Lenka-good strategy to wait. The BFP will be there for you when you get back if this is your month and really do celebrate every sec with DF, because once BFP does come, life is different :)
Ladies, thank you for your warm wishes. :hugs: Madeline, your baby is already 1.1 cm. How cute that is!!!
I was thinking to write down my symptoms, that I think are quite unusual for me. So, I am constipated for the third day in a row (sorry for TMI)… I wake up around 4.30 am and can’t fall back to sleep. When I wake up I feel that my throat is sore. My breasts are fuller but they are always like that before AF. Here I am symptom spotting. Ugh… :dohh:
Kesh, how are you? FX for darker lines!
:flower: to all!!!
Anne - I hope it's implantation...FX for you!

Kesh - I didn't see much increase when I was checking progression from day to day but noticed it more every 2 days. Try comparing tomorrow's test with yesterdays, it will probably be visibly darker. ;) Can't wait to hear your beta results. So excited for you!

Madeline - So awesome you got to see and hear your wee one. You must be a little relieved and it must seem even more real. My ultrasound is Friday and they said it was on the stomach but thanks for the heads up cause I'll be prepared just in case. I'm so excited.

AFM - things are good. No real symptons, things have kind of settled down. Kind of makes me a little worried but they say your symptons can come and go so trying to think about it.
Hey all!
Madeline - No real reason for my doctors visit, they just like to see you immediately to confirm your pregnancy and then book any necessary appointments then. So I go back in 4/5 weeks for my first ultrasound, and then at 11 weeks have my full physical as well as listen for the heartbeat! SO excited! I wont be going for bloodwork immediately...she gave me a requisition and said to go whenever I want! All depends on work for me! So we'll see. Also, everyones got me paranoid about twins, my doctor made a joke that I must have twins since I tested so early, my friend who's having twins thinks its twins, before my bfp I was reading up on long LH surges and almost all results I read said a long LH surge can be an indication for twins, or I guess two eggs releasing. I would cry LOL I literally would. I have a 2 year old as we speak and he's no little angel by any means lol I dont know how I would have twins, a 2 year old plus plan a wedding! It could get very interesting!
Lol I'm here, Kesh! I've been a bit MIA, this work week has been a bit crazy! Plus our list of house renovations includes new windows, block glass for basement windows, new front door, repour front steps and driveway cement, exterior paint job for house, new stove, new washer.... oy! I found a washer last night and a stove to be picked up tonight, meeting with a guy about the concrete work, got an estimate for the house painting so we are getting it scheduled.... I seriously feel wiped out by the time I get home, work out, and get home stuff done! My nausea has been on and off but pretty bad at times. :cry: Anyway, not complaining - these are all great changes, just zapping me a bit!

Lenka - Keeping FX for Tuesday! Had any symptoms? I am hoping your trip will be a great distraction, and I agree, enjoy it - after that BFP, everything changes! Oh, also, if you happen to be headed by Cincinnati on your trip, I'd love to meet up!

AnnRice - any news? Was it AF? :hugs:

Steph - I will hear about the job next week, one of the people involved in the hiring process is on vacation so it's turned into a long wait..... Just to chime in on the yoga question, Vinyasa is a wonderful style and videos are so great! I have a Shiva Rea video that I love - I also like Rodney Yee, although sometimes his videos are a bit on the slow side for me.

Lfrans - is sleep coming any easier? :hugs:

Kesh - have you gotten your betas yet? That's so great that you have a good friend who you are so close in time with. I wouldn't worry too much about twins - when my HCG came back so high I talked to a close family friend who is an OB and he said that, while twin pregnancies usually have a higher level of HCG, it isn't indicative in the medical community as so many other things cause HCG to vary. Having said that, no one really knows until the scan that shows what is going on in there! :hugs:

Madeline - Congrats on the great scan and Dr. Appt!!! Sounds like your little one is growing like a weed! :happydance: I love that your DH was so emotionally touched, that is awesome. I'm so sorry that you aren't feeling great, I try to remind myself that it will pass but it doesn't really help. Have you found anything that you can eat that sounds even remotely good? Big :hugs:! Also, when I went to the hospital they did the transvaginal ultrasound and good lord, it took over 30 minutes! I don't know if that was normal or because they were being very careful about ruling out an ectopic, but either way I would have preferred an abdominal! Although I'm TERRIFIED of having blood drawn, so that part was by far the worst. They actually tried to come back and take more, but couldn't clearly explain for what - the lab tech just kept saying "we take blood before and after." I kept saying "after what?" Her response was, "Whatever you are having done, like a transfusion, surgery...." I kindly explained that no one would be taking my blood if they couldn't clearly explain to me why, as there was no event that would give way to an "after." Oy!

Tynmeg - How are the symptoms today? Mine have been going in and out, I know that you know it's common but I also understand it making you worry. Every morning I wake up and grab my boobs just to make sure they still hurt! :haha: I'm sure everything is great with the bean! :hugs: I bet you are so excited for tomorrow!! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Alright, lovely ladies! Back to work for me! :wacko:
haha kesh - Ive been lurking around. My betas were on the higher side and they mentioned it could be twins, but ultrasound only showed one. hcg norms are based on averages, so i think being a bit below or above the "average" isnt necessarily abnormal.

Ready - why would they need blood before and after an ultrasound? I had my blood taken a few days apart to make sure everything was normal. My sleep issues are on ongoing problem from pre-pregnancy. Some days im fine, others not so much. Before i sometimes took meds to help me sleep, but not doing that now. I have benadryl when i need it, but i try to avoid taking anything. Im sleeping ok, slept normally today, but constantly tired. I have no idea how you have the energy to do everything!

Madeline - how are you feeling today? any better?

tynmeg - dont worry, my symptoms have come and gone and come back with a bang. I felt great over the weekend. Was a bit worried too, but was back to being queesy on the drive home. Now im queesy any time i get in a car. :(

AFM - ive been on and off nauseous. Cant eat too much. I threw up this morning a bit. Ive been super tired. So motivated to exercise, but i dont have the energy to do much. The weather is nice today, ill try to fit in a 20-30 min walk when i get home before i crash. I want to go to the gym, but i really have no energy for a real workout.
Lfrans - That's what I was trying to figure out! Apparently when you go to the hospital and they know you are pregnant, they take blood before and after any procedures in order to be able to compare the two, and also I guess if your baby is one blood type and you are another there can be problems... I couldn't figure it out other than being able to identify that it was something I absolutely did not need. She even mentioned it might be for after I had the baby - I was like, "Look at me. Does it look like I'm delivering a baby today? I'm 6 weeks along!"

I'm so sorry you are feeling so crummy! Trust me, the only reason I'm able to get things done is because I seem to be getting rather light symptoms the majority of the time - I'm not tired other than sleeping an extra hour at night, the nausea comes and goes.... I have the moments when it's terrible, and in those moments I'm not doing a thing! I've been nowhere near being sick, which tells me you and Madeline are feeling much rougher than I am. Big :hugs: to you both, I hope it passes soon and you feel like you hit the ground running!
Ready- sounds relatively normal - Over the weekend, I was out with my DH's family and feeling mostly normal other than tired and gonig to bed earlier. Today i generally felt good, but if i eat too much, or wait too long between meals i dont feel too good. I know when i have my miscarriage they took extra blood tests to make sure i was Rh+, if not, they may need to give an injection to make sure you do not reject the baby the next time around. I found out i have A+ blood type, which works well with my personality :)

Im also almost a week ahead of you, 7weeks 4 days today. My friends told me the symptoms got much worse for them at 7 weeks, and for me it has been worse this week. Last week i was eating indian, mexican... this week grilled cheese and plain pasta with butter...
I have such a feeling mine will be getting worse... lately I am LOVING spicy foods but that has dwindled a bit. Right now I'm craving asiago cheese bagels and Lemonheads - two things I normally never eat! :shrug:

I am a bit "type A" and I can say that for me the hardest thing for me isn't the actually physically feeling sick at times, it's more how unpredictable it all is. I'm much better if I know exactly what I can expect, no matter how bad - so this pregnancy might push me a bit out of my comfort zone! :haha:
Okay so I am new to B&B and have been combing through this thread like a crazy woman in her TWW...because thats what I am at the moment. Okay so TTC #1 with my new hubby :) Got off BCP on July 26th. AF started July 27th. I am currently 3DPO if my math/charting serves me well. So far I've had swollen tonsil/sore throat since 1DPO. Last two days I have been so bloated and gassy that my husband is now scared of my little butt. I am also very thin and I look like I was just in a eating competition. SOOOOOO bloated. Tonight I have been feeling pressure like I have to toot (TMI SORRY) but no gas. Very full feeling down there. Backpain, headaches, and non AF cramps seem to come and go. Who wants to try to keep me sane during this TWW?

Ok so I am now 6 dpo. I've had a migraine for the last 3 days off and on, also a lot of cramps and backpain. the cramps are unlike any AF cramp I've ever had though. The last two days I've noticed I've been peeing more than I should based on the amount I'm drinking. Also noticed an increase in CM. Help? When can I test. I'm dying to haha
Good morning ladies, :flower:
Again, I woke up at 5.30ish, but strangely enough I feel quite energized during a day. How is everyone feeling? I am so sorry, ladies, that you feel nauseous. But that is a part of the deal, isn’t? :winkwink: Anyway, hopefully it finishes soon. As far as I understand, 2nd trimester is the easiest. :hugs:
Kesh, a set of two bundles of joy would be awesome! My close friend had twins…, they were not ttc, she was working FT and going to undergraduate school. She gave a birth on her birthday! :wacko: Then she got her degree with a 3.9 GPA and a job offer from Johnson & Johnson. :happydance: Now, she has two kids and a great job. So, miracles do happen.
Natto, it is so sweat of you to offer to meet!!! :hugs: I would love to! We are not yet sure about what route we are going to take exactly, but I am taking my laptop with me of course, and I will keep you posted! You never know, we may visit Cincinnati and if you have time for me, we will definitely meet! Even though, it sounds too good to be true…
Lfrans, Tynmeg, Madeline, how are you, ladies? Have you realized that you are going to be moms in a few months (so is Natto!)? :wacko: I am so jealous... But I have to say, I feel so good about this month... Two days ago, I had the weirdest feeling in my stomach; I felt pulsation just below my belly button for about 20 seconds. Yesterday I had twinges in my left abdominal, quite painful, on and off for about 30 minutes. Never had it before. So I am soooo hopeful! Still planning to test on Monday the earliest. But I will know by my temperature on Sunday.
Have a nice day! :flower:
Good morning gals,
how are we all doing today?

Lenka- I am excited to hear that you are experience some feelings/symptoms that might be a good sign!! I hope you and DF really savor your wonderful weekend in Niagra- it is on my bucket list of places to see one day.

Ready and lfrans- I TOTALLY relate to just wanting to eat carby/comfort foods that are plain and simple. Toast is my new best friend, and I don't even really eat bread normally. Veggies, particularly raw, are my enemy, so I squeeze them into cooked meals. It's the oddest thing.

Tynmeg- it's great you are not feeling sick- my dear friend who is 7 months in did not have a lick of morning sickness nor food cravings and she is just fine; I guess we are all different.

I realize that my prenatal vitamin was exacerbating my nausea, so I am going to switch brands. I did some experimenting with when I take it and my nausea, and it's definitely worse. I had an intuitive feeling even before that, I think my body just 'knew'. I am going for the gummy vitamins- my friend had some right when I was newly pregnant and I had a few when house sitting and they seemed okay, so I'll try that.

Ready-how did things go last weekend, I may have missed that post? Sorry if I did!

Kesh-I am with you that twins would be quite a handful. Luckily we saw only 1 bean in this belly at the appointment, so I am very, very grateful.

Mish-I can relate to those symptoms, lol! Believe me, if this is your month, don't expect them to go away!! I have had the worst bloating/trapped gas, and it really depends on what I eat. It's quite a journey figuring out what my body does and does not like.

Birthday- when do you test? Are we close to that time?

This weekend is the first quiet weekend in a long time, and I'm thankful. DH and I are going to the county fair (yee haw) tonight just for fun, and then I have a girl's date with a prego gal pal of mine tomorrow. I plan to sleep in, exercise and clean the house in between.

Even thought I sort of lament my symptoms, I would not trade them for anything if it meant not being pregnant. I am so excited I don't even know how to put words to it. I often ask myself how I got so lucky to get something I've wanted for a really long time. It's almost too much to take in at once, so I guess that is why pregnancy and motherhood lasts a lifetime :)

Hope you all have lovely weekends and that it's not going to be hot where you are.
oh, and Ready and lfrans-where did you get your ticker tape thingy on your signature that tells you how far along you are?

I am 8 wks today but it will definitely be easier for you gals to know if it can just be in my siggy.


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