3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Hi Ladies, I feel like it's been a while, so much has happened here:

Ready- Wahoo! Congrats, congrats! I'm very pleased and excited for you, as I know you've been wanting to move into something that aligns with your experience and interests- we will both be starting new jobs early Sept. I'm curious, did you tell you current employer? I told mine during the offer negotiation, but I knew her really well already. Not sure I would have otherwise.

Lenka- oh, I'm sorry it's not your month, but it seems like after your 7 hr sadness you are bouncing back and looking ahead at the new adventure that awaits you in CA. Maybe it's good you won't be smack dab in the middle of T1 as you transit across the country. Honestly right now I can't hardly handle anything that requires too much effort, discomfort or exertion- so persnickety am I these days :)

Steph- when does DH have 2nd interview? Soon, I think....

Kesh and lfrans- I hear you both on being tired. I have never been so obliterated physically in my life. I am like an 80 yr old woman with a tender bowl and sensitive stomach, lol. All for a good cause, but it is hard for me to stay connected to the joy element right now, I won't lie. It's also extremely hot here and that is my biggest trigger. Luckily cooler days are on the horizon.

Anybody else get triggered into nausea by non-food related things? Songs on the radio, locations, even times of day (thinking about them) can make me feel ill. It is so weird. I don't recognize myself right now, and my poor DH has no idea what to do. He's a gem- helping when he can around the house/cooking, and just making sure I am okay. I am hoping this all subsides a bit T2.

Tynmeg- I really like your pic too- I can totally see your little bean snuggled in there!!

Okay, I am going to pass along some unsolicited advice to those who are not pregnant yet, but will need to have supplemental income during maternity leave: I would encourage you to look into getting supplemental disability insurance BEFORE you get the BFP (not eligible for it when you get BFP, at least not for pregnancy/maternity issues). In CA we are lucky to get 12 weeks of pay during disability leave (6 wks) and bonding time (6 wks), but it's at a fraction of normal salary. BUT, if you have supplemental (Bonus if your employer offers it, it's usually a better deal), you can get higher % of your pay- I don't know a lot about costs, but I wish I would have listened to my intuition prior to getting BFP and checked that out. Luckily we have been saving for this little bean for a while, so we will be okay, but man, not fun to think about the $$ part of having a baby.
Can you tell I am a virgo- always the pragmatist!

Okay, off my soapbox!

Have a good day ladies.
I'm 10 dpo today. Took a test this morning and got a BFN. It's so disheartening. Even though I've read stories where women got BFP after there BFN. I'm just feeling a little hopeless today.
I am sitting here my neck and upper back so sore that I cannot even think about a cross country trip. I am still so exhausted after our trip to the Niagara Falls. Just checked airfare prices, one way to LAX is 130-150$... Hmmm… But we have 3 cars!!! And it is $1,100 per car to ship it from PA to CA… and I have a lot of stuff… My DF does not mind either way, but prefers to drive. I need to make up my mind by the end of this week so we can plan accordingly…
I have decided to stop temping after I confirm my O date this cycle. I want to take it easy this time, because honestly I drove myself crazy for the past couple of cycles. I would wake up at 5.30-6am each morning including weekends to temp and then I would not be able to go back to sleep. It is just insane. You feel tired, emotionally and physically drained, and irritable. I remember, last night at Niagara Falls we were about to check into a nice hotel and go out, I went to a “wash room” as they call it :winkwink: and saw pink when I wiped… My heart just sank… I could barely hold my tears. I told my DF that I don’t feel like going anywhere and we stayed in our room. I told him that I started my period... He was very supportive. But he still does not understand why it makes me soo upset…. :nope:
Sorry, ladies, just felt like sharing. You are so lucky that tww is behind you. Very tough process…
Hi ladies!

I'm back! NYC was amazing and our two year old was such a trooper on our long days. Hubby's team won and he played a great game. It was a great distraction from the tww but it didn't stop me from temping lol. So I had a temp dip at 5 dpo kinda early for implantation bleeding... might have been the restless sleep. Good or bad news..... I had brownish red tinged Cm twice yesterday when I wiped and once today. Really hoping it's IB not the start Of AF. Im currently 9dpo. Aaaah, really hoping this is our month as DH left this morning for Denmark and we prob won't see him again until Christmas...

Congrats natto on the new job!!! Glad to read all you lovely ladies are doing well.

Lenka I totally understand! I was devastated last month and just felt all around crappy. I was just so sure. I don't know how I'll feel this month if it's not our month. I too have been walking up everyday at 530/6 to temp before the little one jumps in our bed. All the best to you next month. Baby dust baby dust baby dust!
Hey ya'll I just want you to know I've been faithfully stalking every day on my phone...I just haven't had a chance to get to a computer and update! Life is insane right now!!

I'm loving the updates on the pregnancies...though I'm disappointed to see some of you (esp Madeline) are having a rough first trimester!! UGH!! Fatigue and nausea-- ain't nobody got time for that!

:hugs::hugs: thanks everyone for your support.... I had been thinking about taking next month off too but I'm thinking that, if all goes well, we'll have the cross country road trip done by the end of the tww...so...Next month I'm in! Work and life has been so insanely stressful that I can't even imagine adding in ttc here.

Lenka, I totally feel you on the disappointment with starting your period PLUS the daunting task ahead of moving! We "only" have two cars between us, but because dh's broken ankle (on the RIGHT food...though both cars are manual anyway), there's no way we can take them both. i have a 73 beetle, my dream car, that would be just too much of a headache to make the 3000mi drive, or any out of state drive. He also has an interview with the UW in Wisconsin.

Lfrans--yeah!! That would be great to meet up! I'd only be going there mid october if Dh gets the job in new hampshire. We'd drive out with our stuff, then I'd fly back for a wedding and drive my car across Canada instead of the US.

birthday--Keep us posted...FX for you!! 9 DPO would be so early to start, wouldn't it??

Mosh--I know what you mean about BFN. I've now starting holding off til 11 DPO because of it, and even then it can be too early!

Kesh--I'm really happy for you!! I don't know if I've had a chance to write this yet!! :happydance::happydance:

tynmeg--how are things??

Natto--Soooo excited for your job, it sounds just AWESOME. :happydance: Can't wait to hear all about it when you start!

Madeline--thanks for the advice about the supplemental disability ...I had never even thought about it!! Sending good thoughts and prayers your way that you'll start feeling yourself as quickly as possible!:hugs:
Steph thanks. the more I read about 10 dpo being too early the better I feel. Even my dh has picked out my next poas day. good to know he hasn't given up on this month yet :) I think the posts about 10 dpo or earlier bfps are the exception not the rule. holding my head high. dh says we pee again on friday. af is expected sunday. We are going to see our newborn niece next weekend and I'd love to tell my MIL she will hav3 another grandbaby in 9 months. We shall see. fingers crossed.
Haha Steph! Your comment made me actually lol. Is it bad that my 2 year old son can sing the whole auto tuned version of ain't nobody got time for that? We love YouTube over here ;-)
Hi Steph- you sure can make me laugh too. Maybe my new motto is 'ain't nobody got time for that'. Ha! So true, I really don't want to feel so cruddy- perhaps if I start telling myself that I actually feel okay, well I just might get there!

Lenka- I appreciate how your share your honest feelings and experiences and hopefully it will help you process them a bit as you move into this next cycle. I had that day too when I got tears as soon as AF came. I felt so frustrated, disempowered, and out of control- as if I could not do enough to make the BFP happen. I think the TWW experiences can teach us a lot about what we want and also can help remind us that this is a big deal, but that the rest of our life must go on too. You will have a lot on your plate with moving in this coming cycle, which could bode well for helping you be a little more relaxed about it. Laying off the temping post O, at the very least, allows you to sleep in and who doesn't love a good night's sleep!

Birthday-glad you are back and that you and DH had a fun time in NYC! That does sound fun! Fx that this is your month

Mish- Fx for you too- sounds like you have a really supportive DH, which is awesome!!! No matter what happens, you know that DH has your back :) That is always a good thing. This has been a lucky thread for a lot of us here in many ways, so hopefully for you too.

Ready-when do you start your new job?

Tynmeg, kesh, lfrans- hope you are feeling good today. I feel better than usual today, and even went for a jog this morning. It felt good to have energy. Fx it stays all day!
Lenka-oooh, I am sending you lots of healing thoughts for your neck. Can you get a good massage? I hope the pain is alleviated soon!
Thank you, ladies for all your support!!! It helps so much! I am not in a good place emotionally today, so I will write more later...
Hello Everyone, I haven't been on a computer...like Steph, I often get to read everyone's posts from my phone but it's difficult to write back.

Lenka - I'm sorry about AF, I understand it can be so frustrating. Those BFN's always made me feel like something was just wrong with me and not working right. Even though the Dr.'s were saying everything was fine, we just had to get the right timing. I'm such a control freak that I would read about all these things to thicken my uterine lining because in my head it wasn't thick enough and that was the problem...only because I had read that Clomid thinned your uterine lining...I guess what I'm getting at is that we all want it so bad, that it really does suck when it doesn't happen when we want it, try to keep your chin up and looking forward and your BFP will come when it's meant to come. I really do believe that it helped me to be distracted the first 2 weeks of my cycle, I was on vacation visiting family and at times forgetting to even take my Clomid until I was laying in bed at night and then would think, Oh Shit! The distraction of moving and travelling may be good for you too, although you'll be very busy. I hate moving, although cross country moves are definately exciting. FX for you and Good luck with everything.

Mishish and birthdaybaby - I hope this is both your month! FX for you both and baby dust!

Steph - YAY, you're back at it next month! I totally understand you taking the break, but I'm exciting that you've decided to try again. Good luck on your move and I hope your DH's ankle is healing well!

Madeline, Natto, Lfrans, Kesh, Mel - How's those lil ones treating yas? It's crappy that you're feeling some sickness and worn down, like you say though, it's for a good cause. Good for you Madeline for able to get out for a jog today!

AFM - I get nauseous at times but generally I feel pretty good. I hear about these women who are literally sick all day throwing up and I count myself lucky for feeling as good as I do. I still get paranoid that something is wrong because I don't feel sick enough so something must be wrong with my hormones...I know I have to give that up, I drive myself crazy. I still feel my boobs to see if they are sore and yesterday, even poas again, and surprise, BFP...dear lord, I have to give it up. Even if something bad happens I have no control over it, but yet in my mind I think that if I know something is going to happen then I'll be better prepared and won't be surprisingly devastated. I wonder if it's all bc I lost my first one so early and I was in total shock when it happened that I don't want to be there again. There are times, I feel really positive and others not so much. Anyway, enough about that, 8 weeks tomorrow! Although my scan showed that the little one is 2 days further along than my calculations but I'm still using them. We used to call our lil one "Blasto" short for Blastocyst and now we call him/her "Bryo" short for Embryo and can't wait until he/she is a lil Fetus, I think that happens around 9 weeks. Yesterday, was my DW's bday and I signed her card from me and Bryo, she thought that was awesome and got a lil emotional. :) I go for another ultrasound in 3.5 weeks, it's an NT ultrasound and it tests for genetic disorders, such as down syndrome. Are any of you getting that ultrasound/blood work done? I agreed to do it, one because I'd like to be prepared if there is a disorder and two because I get to see the lil one again. :)
Lenka (and other ladies who haven't got their bfp) have you considered soy isoflavones? I took it this cycle and got my bfp. Hundreds of positive reviews everywhere. Some women had been trying 2+ years and got their bfp the first cycle they took soy!
I am also getting the NT scan done on 9/16, I believe. I have so many genetic screening tests coming up in the next few weeks, I can't keep them straight. I am also doing the 2 blood test that go with the NT to be the 'complete' diagnostic package, and then I am doing some blood work where they extract the baby's DNA to tell you if you have Downs, and other chromosomal abberations. It's more accurate than anything else, and it's a new procedure-only out for 6 months or so. From there, based on our odds for these things, we'll do amnio. I'm hoping that we don't have to do amnio b/c that means our odds are really low.

I had a consult with a genetic counselor and based on family hx, age, and health my odds for Downs or other trisomies that cause mental ******ation are fairly low (<1%), but the new blood test will be more accurate, and of course the NT will also look for neural tube defects. I take my folic acid every day (via my gummie vitamins- so tasty!). I don't like thinking about our little one in this way (like a risk factor), but we really want to get the lay of the land in there and know what decisions we may have to make about our baby (or not make). Fx for both of us that things keep going as planned for our little "blasto"s- love the name.

Cute that you signed DW's card with the baby nickname. So sweet!

I hope when I get to feeling better I'll be more excited about connecting with my little bean. Right now, sometimes just even thinking about being pregnant can make me feel ill. That is partly why I didn't login into this thread this weekend- how crazy is that!
Madeline - There is a lot to your process for genetic screening. Thanks for sharing. My NT ultrasound is also on 9/16. (I'll be thinking about ya) They told me though that it was blood work and ultrasound, nothing else. I won't be so alarmed now if they say there are more steps to the process.

I'm feeling more positive today, thanks for listening to me vent yesterday. I had a lot of mild to moderate AF style cramps yesterday...I even went once to the bathroom to check...I think that's why I was being so paranoid about everything. So far, things are good today, 8 weeks today, my fruit and baby growth changed on my signature. HAHA! I look forward to that every week. ;)
Hey everybody!

Madeline - Thanks so much for the congrats! I am so excited about this new challenge. I am super anxious about being sick at the new job, but nothing I can do about that, so I'm trying to just breathe through the anxiety and trust that I can handle it. How are you feeling about starting when feeling not so great? I did not tell my employer, although because it is a city job they do an extensive physical and one of the questions they ask is whether you are pregnant. I am saying yes, as you can be reprimanded for lying, but cannot (legally) rescind a job offer because someone is pregnant. Having an employment/labor attorney for a DF has made me super cautious about it.... OH also, I start September 3rd. I could have gone with the 3rd or the 8th, but I wanted to get things going....

How is teaching yoga going? Are you getting through? I know you haven't been feeling great...:hugs: Also, in terms of non-food things triggering nausea, YES!! I can barely ride in the car and I've noticed thinking about things that trigger stress tend to make me feel worse. I threw up (TMI) this morning hearing my co-worker just describe a certain food - one I would normally love! Thanks for the tip on the supplemental insurance - as a Pisces I am always appreciative of the planning and consistency that earth signs offer! :hugs:

MishishMosh - any news? How are you feeling? Have fun visiting your newborn niece, I hope you get to bring good news with you!

Lenka - Is your neck feeling better? Road trips can be very physically demanding! Have you made any decisions about driving vs. flying? I think your decision to stop temping is a great one - temping can give you great information, but it won't help you become pregnant (post-O) and sounds like it is causing some stress and draining you. I am so glad you found this group, as I can imagine sometimes it is hard for men to understand the hard emotions that come around trying to conceive. I know there is nothing I can say to make the process easier, but I'm always here to listen and offer :hugs:!

BirthdayBaby - CONGRATS to your DH for the win! That is so awesome, you must just be so proud of him. Isn't it so wonderful to watch the people that you love when they are in their element and showing how talented they are? How are you feeling at 11 DPO?

Steph - OMG I laughed so hard at that one, I had a coworker who used to drop that line at the perfect moment and it used to crack me up! So happy that you are in next month! Is all of the stress letting up a bit? When do you guys leave for DH's interview? Another interview at UW - sounds like there is some really awesome energy behind your DH finding a great new position!

Tynmeg - Congrats on being 8 weeks (yesterday)!!! I have no doubt that losing your first bean is causing a lot of your worry - I feel like I have the luxury of not knowing how devastating a mc is, and I can only imagine it contributes to feeling very ready to be in the second trimester! I plan on getting the testing done so that, like Madeline said, DF and I can make any decisions about our pregnancy that may need to be made. FX that this is not an issue for any of us! I love your and DW's nicknames for the bean, so sweet. I just call it "my baby" (when I'm feeling good) and "your baby" to DF (when I'm feeling terrible.) :haha:

AFM, well it's my last day at this job, so naturally I came in this morning and vomited from MS! It actually made me feel better - anyone else feel better after getting sick? I was so afraid of it happening, and then when it did I was so relieved. We have had such a hectic week, I seriously feel like I need a day to recuperate! My brother, who is 21 (10 years younger), just got back from traveling for 6 months - he visited 10 different countries! He came over last night to show me his pics and tell me all about it, which was awesome but after an entire week of something going on every day, I'm exhausted! We are going to dinner tonight with my aunt and uncle and then I'm getting into pjs and watching Law and Order until I pass out! Tomorrow I'm hanging out with my niece and nephew (8 and 5).... we are going to the park for a few hours. I will definitely need a long nap after that!
Hello ladies,
I was trying to stay away from BnB, but here I am again. :dohh:
Ladies, I hope that your nausea will end very soon and you feel good again!!:hugs: Birthdaybaby, thank you for you warm words. You are all so awesome.
Natto, good luck on your new job, it sounds like a very interesting but at the same challenging position. And thanks for the support! My neck is still sore… After several days of deliberation, we have decided to fly to CA… Yep… I just did not feel like driving that long. It just did not feel right and I tend to trust my guts. So we are flying there on September 16th, just when AF is due… As of now, I am not temping, no obsessing, just taking a whatever approach...
Steph, are you saying that you will have to drive across the country twice and one time by yourself? You are one independent and brave lady. :thumbup:
Madeline, wanted to ask you how is your DH doing???
:flower: Have a nice weekend everybody!
Ready- I LOVE Law and Order marathons! L&O is my TV comfort food- I love that it's on Netflix and there are about a million seasons to watch. I always feel comforted by knowing that Bensen and Stabler are on the scene taking care of business!!Lol.

So do you have a week off between jobs? Very nice! Wish I could have done it that way, but I had to give 30-days notice to my current employer (part of my contract), so I'm here til 9/6 and then new job 9/9.

Like you, stress triggers my nausea and general feeling of fatigue. I have only vomited 3x total, and it did feel a little better. I feel achey a lot too, which is odd- sort of like I'm coming down with a flu, but never do. Such a journey this is.

Has anybody started taking belly pics yet? I haven't, mainly b/c I have noticed any change, but I think that I will this weekend, so I have a starting point.

Lenka- does it feel good to have the decision made about flying? It's nice that now you can plan and know what you are in for. If you have a hankering for a long drive, perhaps you and DF can explore your new environment. The CA coast is so beautiful, particularly mid-Sept through October. You can let nature dazzle you as you get to know your new surroundings.

My DH is doing well with his new job. He likes it alright- not an amazing job, but he is grateful for the opportunity. It drives him to want more and to pursue a better playing opportunity when the time comes. I'm proud of him b/c he has become humble in ways that he really sort of needed to become so (he had a tad bit of that elitist attitude that can come with getting a PhD and I did not appreciate it!).

We have a baby shower for a friend tomorrow. If I see any good ideas for shower activities, I'll pass them along. I'm personally not really wanting to have a baby shower, but everybody around me seems to want there to be one, including my mom and MIL. Do I bend to the pressure?? I still have time...what do you ladies think about the topic? I like going to them, just don't like to be the center of attention :)

Have a great weekend everybody.
For those that are testing soon -Fx!!

Steph- when is DH interview? I'm also happy at the news you are back in this month - when do you O?
I loved having showers with my other two children. The gifts come in handy, the games are fun and I loved being the centre of attention...once the baby comes they don't care as much about us mamas...which is fine.
My doctor doesn't see newly pregnant moms unil 10 weeks so I haven't had my first appt yet. Hoping and praying all is well. No signs...I felt amazing the whole time with my son. My daughter's pregnancy was awful...exhaustion and sickness like you wouldn't believe the entire time. My guess would be that I'm around 6 1/2 weeks.

So excited for all of the new news. Glad everyone (even if they're not feeling great) are growing right along! It goes so fast. This is definitely our last so I've promisedyself to cherish every kick and roll and not pray for delivery day to come sooner than it has to.
Oh Madeline you should definitely take belly pics soon! You gotta have that baseline...plus you're at 9 weeks already so it won't be long til things start changing :D I wish I could make you feel better...the achy thing almost sounds worse than the nausea!

Natto-- Congrats on the last day of work! What are you going to do with your free week?? I understand the fear of being sick when you're first starting the job but you'll be over 9 weeks along when you first start out...and that means less than 3 weeks of the first trimester grossies. Well, I hope at least.... Good luck at the park with two energetic kids :haha:

Alrighty this morning I started my period...ended with a 30 day cycle. this is so NORMAL for me. I think my cycle finally figured itself out after the mc. (it's still hard to know I would be 18 weeks along if the little bean had stuck...I try not to think about it but I suppose it's inevitable!) I'm wondering how wise it is to try this month...Say everything goes well, we would be moving furniture with me being 5 weeks along. Isn't it bad to lift heavy things while pregnant?

Lenka--Is it just me and you then? You're a week ahead so you'd get your BFP way faster! yeay!! Yes, with the wedding in October and my husband's broken foot, that would be the only way to do this move (that will hopefully happen...I just started looking at pictures of New England in fall and winter and I almost exploded with happiness!!) I've actually traveled across Canada and the country several times in my life....I've always loved travelling. I used to think it all had to be international but I found there are so many things here in the US to see...so many cultures! Having spent time off the grid in the mountains in Nevada and also in Tennessee....life is DIFFERENT everywhere :hugs::hugs: Most of my travels have been alone, me sleeping in my car. The best thing I've learned is that 99.9% of people are good, and we shouldn't be afraid to get out there due to fear of that .1% Oh ...and don't think I haven't run into that .1% but...those aren't stories for this forum! Anyway--I'm sorry your poor neck won't allow for a cross country all at once trip, but it's not nearly so fun when you're racing the clock with a uhaul. Like Madeline said, there's so much to see along the coast in California in shorter trips!!

Tynmeg-- So glad to see you're feeling better! Totally understand your concerns esp with the history...but things seem to be progressing beautifully. So excited for you and DW. Cute nicknames!

Mel-- Definitely FX that this is an easier pregnancy for you!

We leave Thursday morning for his interview!! FX FX FX!! It's going to be a mini vacation since we'll be gone til early Monday morning. That gives us almost 3 days to explore the area...not sure what to see on a budget! Anyone been to Maine or Boston? His ankle is healing nicely but he still has 7 weeks until he can put weight on the foot.

This weekend we have really nothing planned...the first time since the beginning of June! It's great to lay back in bed and cruise the internet. I should pick up. I LOVE a clean house and I don't mind but with work being so stressful, and my dresser breaking (including the pole that hangs up clothes), our 500sqft apartment is looking like a disaster zone. But for right now, I'm going to Netflix and sip a latte my gimpy man made!

Have a wonderful weekend, ladies!! /novel
Hey ladies!

Just stopping by to let you know I'm out :( I started spotting at 8dpo and thought Yay IB. Then the spotting continued... ive never spotted that early ever... it lasted about a week then AF caught me today. My only explanation is maybe we did conceive but the little bean couldn't implant properly. My flow has been heavier than ever and my cramps have me doubled over on the sofa all day. I'm going to be taking a little bnb break since hubby is now away till Christmas but I'll be checking in on you lovely ladies from time to time. Happy and healthy pregnancies and lots of baby dust to those of you still waiting! XO .

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