Hi TTLive,
I like to use Fertility Diary on my phone to track symptoms, oh and here too! I have a Windows phone, so not all apps are available for me that are available for the Droid and iPhone world.
I know what you mean about going crazy with the waiting. I feel like I am in some kind of "the amazing race" game. I almost trick myself into thinking that I have some ability to control the outcome at this point. Silly!
Anyway, good luck ladies. I am testing in the morning because I'm neurotic! LOL
Plus, I have these fancy new tests my hubby gave me.
Today I was queasy all day, did not want to finish my decaf coffee and I tired easily, though I got up early to catch a flight. I have some gas, and a LOT of CM as the day went on. It's noticeably lotiony, odorless, and abundant (as in evident when I wipe and staining in undies- TMI). It also feels like I am 'dripping' CM sometimes for a minute.
My pee also smells weird. I was reading another forum on here where women indicate their symptoms before the BFP. Strange smelling pee came up. Then again, I can't be 100% sure that would be pregnancy related. Any of what I am feeling could be PMS or nothing or a BFP!!! You know what I'm rooting for.
I am at a conference where I swear EVERYBODY is pregnant. Sheesh!!!! I wanna join the ranks!
I know some of us are getting to the end of our TWW, so I'm sending out good vibes for BFPS!