Hi ladies! I almost logged on yesterday to just say AF was on her way, as I was having pretty bad cramps. I'm glad I didn't! I'm still in it to win it. Keeping my fingers crossed, as AF was due either yesterday or today. My bbs are KILLING me and I'm exhausted (both common PMS symptoms for me, so not reading too much into it). What's weird is that I'm also nauseous, but I'm not bloated the way I usually am when I get AF. So fx!!!
Madeline and Steph - thank you so much for the kind words about my interview. It really did help me put things into perspective - I know that sometimes something happens on the other end and it just gets sidelined. I think knowing I had to wait until the weekend was over to find out about it, plus being on the tail end of the TWW just really put me in a sour mood.
Madeline - Isn't it frustrating when we start comparing ourselves to others? I have a half sister who got pregnant at 15 and 17, obviously wasn't trying, and had two healthy girls. I was thinking to myself how she never went through the agony of wanting to know for two weeks whether things worked out. Hopefully your feeling alone has subsided somewhat - I hope having BnB helps somewhat as well.
Tynmeg - has AF arrived? I'm hoping your cramps were a false call!!
Kesh - any good news?
Trying - I'm hoping for a quick TWW for you with a BFP in the end! I get cold sores, and I will say that mine are almost always triggered by hormonal changes. I've never been pregnant, but I can always track mine back to some sort of shift in hormones. Maybe that's a good sign?
I feel you ladies with wanting to enjoy a nice glass of wine! Boobs, I second your recommendation - Apothic Red is a great blend. I also love Menage a Trois. I really enjoy blends. Madeline, have you ever tried I Love Pinot Noir? I know the name is a little silly, but my bf and I had a bottle of it not too long ago and thought it was really good, especially for the price. He loves Pinot Noir as well.
As for BD - this is so terrible, my libido has disappeared! The bf and I usually BD almost every day regardless of baby plans. So my goal if AF arrives is just to get my libido back, jeez! I have no idea if that's a symptom or not, but if so, I'm NOT enjoying it!