3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Steph, your hubby is a champion!!! :happydance: Congratulations! It is awesome that you also manage to find an apartment already! Now you can just relax and dive in in this ttc process. :winkwink: I can only imagine how beautiful New Hampshire is in the fall. I will definitely miss it in CA: golden leaves, cool air, hot chocolate, boots….
Yep, I am in my tww... My favorite time is the first week after O, the second one is always very nerve-racking…

thats my favorite week too! So much hope and excitement!
Hey I feel ya Lenka, I really am hoping to see some news from Tynmeg. But, I would not be surprised if it takes a while to get back on here. Definitely she is still in my thoughts and prayers.

I was going to say this earlier but the timing wasn't right...Hubby got the job!! He accepted the offer and we were even able to find an apartment there in New Hampshire over the weekend! Rent is higher than expected, and the heating costs will be through the roof (Lfrans...how do you DO IT?! We have an oil furnace...ugh) But we are SO excited for this new adventure and chapter in our lives! We set sail in 3 weeks from today. I put in my notice yesterday after the long weekend...YEAY! SIL moved in to our house for the time being and MIL is coming to visit next week. Love having both of them around...I think the extra family around will make it harder to leave for sure.

O day is set for Saturday! Lenka jealous you're already in your tww :D

Glad to hear everyone is doing well and a lot of the gross feelings of the 1st trimester seem to be waning for most of you ladies...love it! So sorry this is short...I'm often reading everyone's posts a couple times a day on my phone. Anyway, I'm thinking life will start settling down the first week of October......and it couldn't come fast enough!!

WAHOO!!! Congratulations to DH and to you as well for making it happen and embracing this new adventure. Amazing. At least you'll arrive before the snow hits, right? Enjoy the fall color change. Lot's of transitions for us gals on this site- I swear this is a magical forum, as has been said before. Enjoy time with your in-laws. Yes, it is always hardest to leave just before it is time to do so. I think this is because you do get extra time with cherished friends/family and you really think about all the great things that you love about where you live. I have made big moves every few years and always feel like that, but it just means you've created lots of love in your life that will still be there!

Lenka- wow, your journey is also just around the corner. How cool that you get to work online during this time. When will you be done with school? Have classes started up again, or is it like many master's programs where it really never stops?

Mish-bummer about AF, especially since she taunted you a bit by being so late this month. Boo!

Steph, so are you officially in this month?

Lenka- to add to Kesh's great word definitions, abberations in chromosomes are changes that cause issues, like Down's Syndrome, which is when you have 3 of Chromosome 21 (called chromosomal 21 trisomy). Yes, you will learn about all of this when the time comes. I'm science nerd, so a lot of this stuff, especially genetics, I studies in school back in the day.

I had a cool blood test today that scans the baby's DNA to look for those very chromosomal abberations. I also learned that I don't have to have the NT ultrasound as previously planned, since this test and my October ultrasound will provide all that info. Because I'm over 35 my insurance covers some of the newer, more sophistocated blood tests that are more accurate than the standard blood tests (that are done in conjunction with the NT ultrasound). I guess there are some payoffs to being "advanced maternal age", lol!

Tomorrow is my last day of work here. I will miss my colleagues tremendously, but not the work itself. I'm excited for new adventures and a 2 mile commute!

Steph- will you also look for work in NH? You must be so glad to have given notice at your current job, as I recall that you didn't love it.
Hello ladies,
How have you been? Where are you all? :shrug:
I am 6dpo today. I have been feeling some pressure in my low back for the past couple of days and some light cramping on and off. That is pretty much it.
Wish you all a wonderful weekend! :flower:

Madeline, I am only left with two classes: last CPA class and the Capstone. So I should be done in December this year. No break between the classes: one finishes on Friday, the next one starts on Monday. Students cruelty...
Hey everybody! Sorry it has been so long, it's been a crazy week. The new job is going really well, but I'm in court every day for 3-5 hours and cannot sit down during that time, so it has been a big physical adjustment. I'm doing my first trial on Monday, trying not to stress about it. My depression has also gotten much, much worse. I've talked to my doctor and am going back on a low dose of my medication, as I've decided it is much better for me and, by proxy, for baby. I am sad about it - I feel like a failure in a lot of ways, but I also am a huge proponent of not stigmatizing depression and other mental health issues, so I'm working on taking my own advice! :dohh:

What has been interesting/strange to me is my symptoms (outside of the mood swings, which I believe are tied to the depression as well as hormones) have really started to wane. I haven't really been nauseous in about a week, and my appetite has regulated itself. My bbs still hurt, still a bit fatigued, but I'm hoping that maybe I've coasted through and things will not have things come back with a vengeance!

Madeline - thanks so much for thinking about me on Monday! Have you checked out Orange is the New Black? If so, you have to let me know what you think! I had a lot of sadness for Tynmeg as well - it really hit me, especially with her being the one who brought us all together. How are things going as the 'new girl'? I can relate!

Lfrans - Congrats on hearing the heartbeat! Isn't it just the best sound in the world? Still feeling a bit better?

Steph - CONGRATS!!! :wohoo: I am so excited for you and DH! He must be so, so relieved - I know when I was looking it was so hard to stay positive. The search can be so tough. You must be so excited. Congrats on the new apartment as well! I'm sure leaving family is bittersweet, but planes and phones make things a bit easier. And I've got to agree with Lenka - what a perfect time to be moving to NH!!

Kesh - how did the ultrasound go? How are you feeling?

StephieBell - Welcome! FX That you get your BFP soon!

Lenka - sounds like you guys have found the perfect plan - flying, being able to work online - I hope you have as little stress during your move as possible! This is such a huge life change, I hope nothing but the best for you two. You are testing in 5 days, no? FX for you!! :hugs: Cramping could be a great sign!
hey ladies, I know I haven't been on the thread for a long time. im sorry I haven't read all of your posts theres just too many!!! congrats to those who need it :p, sympathy for others and baby dust to anyone else :)

for me.........this cycle has been very weird for me. some of you may remember that last cycle I had a week of brown spotting before I got my positive opk on cd 23. well this cycle around cd17 when I had a tiny amount of pink spotting literally only once, then on cd 23 i started with dark brown spotting which continued up until cd 33! i didn't get a positive opk this cycle until yesterday cd35 a day before af is due, although cervix didn't feel like it did last cycle when i got my positive opk! so af should be due today and all i had is a little pink discharge this morning and nothing since. cervix feels low, soft and closed with white creamy discharge!

so who knows when i ovulated?

baby dust to you all x
Hey ladies I'm finally in the tww. I think this egg is a beast because I had the worst o cramps all day and a river of ewcm (hawt)... Lenka how many dpo are you??
Steph, I am 8dpo today (Monday). No symptoms whatsoever... I am so busy this week with packing, working from home, last week at school, goodbye meetings with my friends, hair and pedicure appointments. :wacko:
So far, I am planning on testing on Thursday. Sooo scared...
FX for you! A lot of EWCM is good!!!
Lenka good on ya for holding out testing til 11dpo! I am planning to test next Thursday so we are one week apart. Glad you're getting a chance to see and hang out with all your people before you leave. Are you getting excited? Do you feel ready?

Madeline, natto-- how are your new jobs going??
Steph, I am happy to hear from you! It has been so quit here…. I am even afraid to write first or ask questions…. Ladies, I hope everybody is fine, just being busy…
I am excited about moving, but at the same time very nervous. But I think once we get on a plane, I will feel fine and relaxed, even though I am afraid of flying. So far, I feel 50% ready but I am getting there.
I am 9dpo and today I have been feeling AF like cramps, which I never have so many days before AF!!!! I do not want to get my hopes up, but I am so hopeful!!!
Hi ladies, good to be back. Just got busy with new job and not feeling well still. The nausea is waning, but my GI is just wrecked in general, so I spend a lot of time curled up in a ball on the couch. Ugh.

New job is going well, only 2 days in. I work for the health department and am in the WIC department (though I am not really WIC, it's just my cost code home base). I learned today that WIC is a baby friendly work environment, meaning you can bring baby to work up to 18 months old to promote breast feeding and maternal/baby bonding. I can't believe it. I feel so blessed. I don't think I can do that full time, but even a few days a week will help with child care costs and bonding.

Steph- yay, welcome to the TWW!! Did you get to BD around O time? Lots to celebrate so hopefully the BD was in full swing ;) Are you getting all packed up? I hope you get there in time to see the magical fall foliage!! It is something I've always wanted to see.

Lenka- oh, exciting! I recall you mentioned that you'll test no sooner than 11DPO, which is really soon! I have my fingers and toes crossed for you this month. What a great moving gift a BFP would be, right!! Are you all packed? Moving day is next Monday, yes?

Ready- oh, please don't be hard on yourself for needing some medication. You are strong and brave for handling the situation by getting the support and help you need. Pregnancy AND a new job are two HUGE things (plus you just moved in with DF-big change). Pregnancy alone can do a number on your biochemistry, and there is no failure in needing some help. I'm glad you can get it. Your job sounds intense, but I hope it's interesting. I was happy to hear that it's a job using your law degree, unlike your previous job. That is wonderful! Did you tell your employer about the baby? I'm glad your other symptoms waned.

Clacko-welcome back, and I hope you captured your O time, especially with a wacky cycle.

Lfrans and Kesh- how are you?

I had my 11 week appointment yesterday and they did a (surprise!) ultrasound. I wish DH could have been there. THe baby was doing summersaults in my uterus while we did the US. It was amazing, I couldn't stop smiling. We got some pics but they are pretty bad b/c baby moved so much. It looks like a tiny baby- fingers/toes/arms/legs/huge head. Wow! I should hear the results of the genetic tests this week, hoping for the best, of course.

Hope you all are doing well. I think of you often, even if I can't write as much. My new job has more stringent internet rules than my previous job, so B&B time has to wait until I get home. :)
Ok ladies I have an update and need input. I began spotting one week late for af. 2 Days later had some red... but very little, for about 3 days. I am now still having pinkish Brown discharge. Just enough for a pantyliner. From the beginning of spotting until now is 13 days. is this normal?I've never had this. Usually the leftovers of AF are sparse and brown. This is like pinkish whiteish brown and creamy and it doesn't seem to be tapering off at all. anyone ever had this?
Iv had similar this cycle but mid cycle and still late for af, I'm now 4 days late. I had a positive opk when the spotting stopped at cd35 (I normally ov cd 23) with a 36 day cycle so I'm either 18dpo or 5dpo :-/

Sorry I don't have any idea what it could be though. My spotting started on cd 23 x
mishi the only time I had that was after I had surgery to remove uterine polyps.
Are you still getting negatives on the HPT?
steph - congrats to your DH on his new job, NH is really pretty. Where will you be in new hampshire?

madeline - sounds like your job is great! glad it is going well. Ultrasounds are so exciting. I have FX for good results from the genetic testing :)

Ready - do not beat yourself up about taking meds. I think it is a sign of strength to admit when we need some external help. Starting a new job and having a baby are 2 hugely stressful events. Just take good care of yourself.

TTCers- how are you all feeling?? When are you testing?

AFM- Im still exhausted and still having sleeping issues. It seemed to be better for a while, but since last week I am getting an average of 4-5 hours of sleep a night. Im exhausted, but cannot seem to be able to fall asleep. It is really affecting my ability to concentrate and focus at work and driving me crazy! Otherwise Im feeling ok. Nausea isnt so bad, Sometimes it hits and I just take it easy, but not as often as a few weeks ago.

I went to a geneticist yesterday with DH to take some blood tests to test us for our carrier status for certain conditions. I am going for my nuchal translucency ultrasound on monday and really looking forward to seeing the baby (while at the same time a little anxious to see that everything is ok.)

im starting to research car seats and strollers. Trying to figure out which strollers will work well with canadian winters and which car seats are safe and light weight in order to carry them.
Hey ladies!!!

How are you all doing?! Anyone getting ready to test???

Sorry I've been so quiet had a lot going on, had my first ultrasound Monday at exactly 7 weeks, all is well, heartbeat was 149!


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Madeline-- I can't BELIEVE how great your job ended up being for a pregnant lady...AWESOME!! I wish more jobs could be like that, how neat. BTW what does WIC stand for? I would consider working after I give birth if I could bring the baby to work, at least some of the time. Bonding is so important... So happy for you! So sorry you're still having such a rough time with the first trimester. Ugh!! If you're at 11 weeks now, should it start easing up soon...? I hope so. So cute the baby was jumping around...you most have been just over the moon!

Kesh--how neat! Very happy things seem to be progressing along nicely for you. Wonderful news on your side, too!

Lfrans--we're moving about an hour north of Manchester. Know any great places to shop? I went to college in a border town here in WA and the Canadians go crazy for shopping here in the States...I can only imagine what it would be like in a tax free state! Yes...the winters, I don't blame you for planning for them. It's a little cooler than in Montreal there...but I've NEVER experienced a snow-filled winter before! If snow sticks around for a week here in Seattle, it's pretty much the apocalypse and we'll soon result to anarchy, looting, etc:haha: What month do you usually get to start seeing grass again?

Clacko--I don't know much about the opks but I'd say you're probably 5 dpo then, so you're 2 days ahead!

Lenka--Sorry we all abandoned you for a while. I think things have been too crazy! You know how it is :D I know what you mean about being 50% ready to move... omgsh I'm so nervous for you for tomorrow mornings test! Let us know ASAP BFP or BFN but fx it's bfp!

2 weeks until we leave for our cross country trip! 3 weeks after we leave, I'll be flying back home for a friend's wedding. Ridiculous! Then, I'll drive our other car solo back to NH. Hopefully, and it seems like it will in fact work out, my 95 year old grandmother will come along and stay til Christmas. She is my world and it's so hard to think about moving away from her when she's so frail now. It would be a big responsibility to take care of her but it would be an honor <3

Yes, Madeline, you are right when you said that you recall I didn't like my job too much. I think, besides the constant weddings and inlaw visits (would you believe my MIL is flying in tonight for another week visit? She can stay as long as she wants, she's incredible!), that work was the real reason I've been constantly unhappy this summer. Putting in my notice relieved stress. No longer am I letting the bully at work push me around! And he sees now he has no power over me and has given up. Ugh, I wish I would have realized he was this easy to deter sooner. Lessons learned and a great growing experience. Though, because this nonprofit was kind enough to me to give me experience as a project manager for almost a year now, that I feel getting another job will be easier than it had been in the past.

3 dpo. Clacko, Lenka, is it just the three of us?

PS Madeline I WILL be posting a picture of the leaves...CANT WAIT! :D
I don't normally have wacko cycles so maybe I did ovulate when the opk was positive even though it was very very late!! Af is now 5 days late but maybe only 6dpo x
steph - oh boy, you are going to have an interesting year! I regularly drive through new hampshire and manchester on my way to visit my brother who lives in boston. I cannot speak for the manchester area, but generally boston does not get quite as much snow or quite as cold as we get here in canada, but you will definitely have snow for more than a week at a time! I used to live in vancouver, so I understand what you mean about seattle freaking out with some snow. I do know that we recently checked out some outlets. "merrimack premium outlets" https://www.premiumoutlets.com/outlets/outlet.asp?id=101 I was ttc and did not buy much, but my husband bought tons. I also was in north conway recently and they have tons of outlets there. Otherwise I do not know much, Im sure you will learn soon. You will probably want to get yourself a VERY warm jacket. You will not be used to the cold and it is much colder than Seattle. Oh, and the alcohol in New Hampshire is cheap! They have HUGE liquor stores off the side of the highway, we often stop there to pick up something to bring home (too bad we have limits of what we can bring across the border).
Hey ladies,
I am planning to test today after 5pm. FX!

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