3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Hey ladies,
I just want to drop a couple of lines.

First of all, Tynmeg, welcome back! :hugs:

Steph, how are you? Any news?

Hugs to everybody else.

I am sitting on a balcony now overlooking the Pacific Ocean, it is a sunny and beautiful day here… CA is awesome; it is so different from Pennsylvania. I had a couple of days when I felt very sad, when I finally realized that we had moved and we do not know a single soul here. But it should get better, I will get used to it. We need a baby asap, then I will feel complete.

Another reason why I was upset is that I failed my last class. Rather they failed me. I have done everything that was required to be done, but their system shows that I did not complete the last week homework. Luckily, on the website where the homework is done, you can see the time when it was completed. Now I have to prove them wrong. How ridiculous! I spent $3,000 on that class, 10 long weeks (about 30hrs a week, like a full time job almost), and they just gave me a fail. Just like that… :growlmad:

Well, ladies, hope everything is fine with you. Enjoy your weekend. :flower:
Lenka, it is such a huge change to move across the country and leave everything you know. I'm just now starting to realize this... It's especially hard after saying goodbye to everyone you care about the most! It's going to take some time I'm sure and I really hate to admit it but it's easy for me to fall into pits of depression so I'm starting to dread that. Hopefully you can get involved in your community quickly.

Yesterday we threw a going away that turned much larger than initially expected. I took a frer in the morning at 13dpo and it was a clear bfn so I enjoyed nursing a drink (mainly nursed it cause I was so distracted and overwhelmed by the crowd)

Hope everyone is ok. Jealous of your beach view Lenka!!
Hi Ladies,
Lenka, you have one friend in CA....,but too bad I live 8 hrs away.....you will make friends, but I know it takes time. I've made big moves 4x and I always had that time where I was alone and a bit lonely. It can be a good time to really discover more about yourself or join a club/class, etc.

I'm so sorry to hear about your class-was it some kind of glitch? Can you challenge this? Ugh. I can't imagine that frustration. I hope that you get a passing grade AND a BFP soon!!

Steph- moving day almost here. How are you feeling about it? Glad you are okay with what are so far BFN. Maybe your BFP will come when you are settled in NH (lots of time to BD on those long cold nights!!!). THen again, you aren't out yet!

Natto, lfrans, Clacko, Tynmeg, and kesh- thinking of you ladies and sending warm thoughts.

My dear friend who was prego had her baby 6 weeks early on Friday. Ironically she was supposed to come to a dinner party at my place on Fri, and had just left a text saying "Will be there. Doc said this baby is likely to go to full term". Then BOOM, a few hours later she was in labor. Baby is okay but in NICU due to lung development and thermoregulation issues (normal).

The whole thing just again brought me back to how much uncertainty there is in the natural process of creating life . We have all this technology to see our babies, watch them grow inside us, count the days until conception/ovulation, etc, yet we are still at mother nature's mercy. I am feeling grateful that things are going well for me today, and hope that all of us here have the fates on our sides as we move from TTC to baby's birth! Symptom wise, I'm doing fine-just gaining a bit of weight and wanting fatty foods like lasagna! It finally rained here too, so that chill weather made me want to indulge. Otherwise, feeling good and I've moved into T2! Woot!
I've been on the road a week and I come back to no new replies?? I guess this thread died. Wishing you all the best! Gonna try our hardest for a baby this month. Our apartment is lovely and people are so nice. Though I am feeling a bit of culture shock especially going grocery shopping. Hopefully we'll settle in and meet new people.

Madeline did all your tests come back ok?

Lenka how is sunny CA? Were you able to work things out with your class?

Lfrans I passed through Montreal kind of unexpectedly. At the last minute we decided to drive through Ontario and Quebec. DEFINITELY want to visit there when we have some time... The leaves right now are so beautiful!
Steph, hey! :wave: I am here!!! So glad to see you here… :hugs: How was your trip? You will get used to the new place very soon, I am sure!
I am in LOVE with California!!! Such an amazing state. Santa Barbara is just gorgeous.
I passed that class, so everything is fine now. Thank you for asking. I am working on another class now. :wacko:
I think I missed my ovulation this month… :shrug: I mean we did not BDed enough. We were traveling a lot, I was not using opks and it looks like I ovulated a couple of days earlier than usual. Also, Ovufriend has changed my O date twice already. So I am all confused...
At least I am living my life now. :shipw:
Natto, Madeline, Kesh, lfrans, Tynmeg, how are you ladies??? I hope everything is fine with all of you!!!
Steph, what cd are you? FX for us this month!
Steph - I have been lurking around waiting to see what was happening... Im glad to hear that your move went well. Im also glad to hear that you liked Montreal. It has been really nice here the past few days, I hope you managed to come in good weather. Enjoy NH, I know Ill be passing by eventually (whenever I go see my brother in Boston) GL with trying this month!!

Lenka: Congrats! Im glad to hearthat you passed. Dont worry about this past month, it may have been enough BDing, but you will know that soon enough, if not, there is always next month. Great attitude though!

Madeline - hows your friend's baby doing? I had 2 friends give birth early in the past 2 months. (3 and 4 weeks, both babies are doing well).How are you feeling??

AFM - I am doing well, I saw the dr on monday and all is well. I have gained 1 lb. Its a bit weird to be looking to gain weight when Im so used to trying to maintain a certain weight... I havent been sleeping again, but totally unrelated to pregnancy. When I get anxious I do not sleep, and we are in the middle of negotiating a house deal. It kinda fell into our laps. Im going to be working on writing up an offer tonight.

The lady who owns the house is moving and very nostalgic, she seemed to really like me and DH and despite the fact that she knows we cannot offer her as much as other people, she wants us to have the house. We have verbally agreed on a price and I am going to bring her in a written offer asap. FX!! It would be really nice to buy a house pre-baby.

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Lfrans, yes buying a house would be so great before the baby! Fingers crossed for you... I can't say too much about Montreal since it was night time and we just drove through. Just one question... Why dos Quebec not follow the bilingual sign laws? I like languages so even though I don't soak French, I could get by just fine but it was surprising to see road closure and construction updates only in French. When I go back to visit I'll let you know, ok? I'm craving a coffee place that's not dunkin donuts ...icky....

So glad you like California, Lenka!! That is a very beautiful part of the state. For me, I like seasons but I can totally understand the appeal! Are you meeting anyone yet?
Lfrans, good luck with the house purchase! It is a nerve wrecking process but at the same it is an exciting one.
Step, do you mean if we are meeting new people? Guess who we met in the outskirts of Santa Barbara at a local farmers market?! My fiancé’s ex-girlfriend!!! They used to date for about five months when they were still teenagers. She lives in LA now and was just visiting SB with her friend. Well, I am a very jealous person, but that girl was so sweet… We even visited her in LA one time after that. Such a small world we live in… Beside her, we do meet people here and there. In any case, I feel like at home already. My mom has a point by calling me “gypsy” …
Tynmeg, how are you? I also wonder how Natto is… She just disappeared...
I know, Lenka, I was wondering the same thing! Also...getting ready to O. I'm guessing you're already in the tww lenka or did you say that you missed it completely? It might be good to take a month off anyway, even if it was on accident. That's so great you can adjust and meet others so quickly! Usually, I don't expect to fit in very well because of language issues/new culture but this time I'm still in my own country where I speak the language fluently. So maybe it will be easier. But, the process of meeting people sounds too exhausting right now.
Steph, we BD on cd 10, 12 and 14. I usually O on cd 14-16. But this cycle my OF gave me crosshairs on cd 12, so, we BD last time on cd14 and just relaxed. Then, on cd 18, the crosshairs shifted to cd15! So, I didn’t even bother to BD more. We will see. But I have to tell you, I think I have been experiencing some weird symptoms that I did not have previous cycles. These are:
- A lot, like a lot of creamy cm up to 6dpo, then it just suddenly stopped;
- Excessive saliva, to the point I have to spit up;
- Yesterday I had a glass of water and it tasted soooo weird to me but not to my DF. It tasted very sweet when it wasn’t.
I hope I am not imagining all this…. AF is due next this coming Friday (I am 8dpo today)… I only have one test left, but I am not sure if I am going to use it until Friday.
Steph, GL to you! Get busy. :winkwink: And enjoy the fall in the meantime. Btw, how was that wedding that you were planning to attend?
Steph, take a look at this article:

So informative, at least it was for me. :)

The day before ovulation: Interestingly, the day before ovulation is actually a better day to conceive on than the day of. This may be because sperm that are ejaculated the day before ovulation have had time to mature and reach the egg.

Two days before ovulation: Even more interesting, researchers have found that a woman’s chance of conceiving two days before ovulation is just as likely, if not more likely, as the day before ovulation. What this means for couples trying to conceive is that timing intercourse to occur a couple days before ovulation and the day before ovulation will give them the greatest chance of conceiving.
- See more at: https://www.justmommies.com/getting...est-time-to-get-pregnant#sthash.J0Wke5HV.dpuf
Thanks for the info, Lenka! The reason why I was hesitant to respond was because I thought I may have ovulated Saturday night. I had tons of watery cm and slight o pain that night. The next morning it dried up. However, yesterday and today I've been having more cm again. Quite a bit but not like before. If I did o sat/sun, I should be 3 dpo now. I hope you are right about the bding. I think I oed on cd 13. We bd cd 10, 12, 13, and 14. We haven't since because I'm pretty sensitive now, tmi, but the point is I hope we caught that egg!

In other news, our sweet dog, a real rescue, has cost us quite a bit in vet bills lately for minor health issues and also a limp. Turns out she tore her acl and surgery is the only way to fix it. This will be at LEAST 2000 on top of the 500 we've already spent. She's 9 years old, or so we assume. She was found on the side of the freeway with s big chain around her neck, bleeding. I knew with all the litters of puppies she had in the past and her rough life she had before us that she wouldn't live very long, even for a Rott. Her quality of life is still pretty good. And we just don't have the money to fix her. :-( which she runs the risk of tearing the other knee by limping. Should we give her up? She's one of those perfect dogs you read about in children's books. No bad habits whatsoever. Never has gone to the bathroom in the house, chewed on anything, doesn't bark. Great around kids, other dogs, cats. She's even gentle and thoughtful around my 95 year old grandma. Putting her down would be wrong. I give her 3 more good years.

She's all we have here, 3000 miles from home, but I'd give her up immediately if she could get this surgery.
Steph, let’s hope you did catch that egg!!! And, hey, we are always approximately 7 days apart. I am 10 dpo today, you are 3dpo – correct. :thumbup:

Sorry about your dog!!! Please do not ask me for any advice here. :nope: I hope you will find the right solution and/or she will get better soon!!! I have never had a dog in my life, but we have been wanting to get a French bulldog puppy as soon as we move to CA… But I know how the medical care for pets can become so expensive.

AFM, I am entering the most emotionally draining period – a couple of days before AF. Ugh… I had nausea yesterday. And I think I have it this morning. Lolol. Unless I am imagining it. My LP is 12 days, so we will see very soon…

Enjoy your day and see you here very soon. :flower:
Hi Ladies, glad to see that you two are still on this thread and trying for a baby. I hope this is your month! I wonder what all our preggo moms are doing and how they are feeling.
Steph - That's awful about your dog, I have 2 and can't imagine life without them. I hope things work out the way it should.
AFM - I had my appt with the specialist and he decided to send me for all the testing to make sure there's not a reason for these recurrent miscarriages. I'm so glad he didn't make me wait for the 3rd, which is the normal rule of thumb. I went the other day for the tests, get this....23 vials of blood! Crazy! I was a little dizzy after all that but survived just fine. I'm eager to get results but they take 2 months to a year. I figure I'll wait for the 2 month ones but I'm not waiting a year for the genetic one before we try again. Today is cd 2 for me, first cycle since the mc and it's a little strange not to be getting ready to take my clomid tomorrow. Oh and I got a new job! I've been Temporary full time, covering a mat leave, and I went for an interview and got a permanent FT job. I'm excited, I start it in 2 weeks.

FX for you both! This is the month!
Hey Ladies!!
Hope you all are doing well!!
Congrats on the job Tynmeg, and glad to hear you seem to be doing well :)
Lenka - Are you waiting until AF to test?? Have you been doing anything different with your cycles??
Steph - So sorry to hear about your dog :( Thats heartbreaking, I honestly don't know what I would do in your situation, vets are definitely expensive!! I hope you can come to a solution that makes you happy. When will you be testing??
Kesh, it's good to hear from you again! How's the first trimester going for you?

Tynmeg, good to hear from you too. Glad people are stopping in just to see how us late bloomers Lenka and I are doing. :D

We put our dog on some pain medications and anti inflammatories and it seems to really have perked her up. We can't pay for the surgery, but hopefully the pain meds will keep her limp away and she won't blow the other knee. She is happy with us and I don't see a reason to give her up or definitely not put her down while her quality of life is still pretty good.

Kesh--I'll be testing next Thursday...ok.....maybe next Wed or Tues :blush: I may only be 3 DPO today although I think I'm 4. Lenka...you said you're waiting til when again?? Tomorrow? Just praying for a bfp for you girl! :hugs:
Ladies!!! :flower:
Tynmeg, huge congratulation on your FT job!!! It is so good to see you are in a happy mood!
Kesh, hey!!! How are you feeling???
Steph, I could not sleep all night last night, I would wake up every 2 hrs, I am sooo nervous... AF is due Friday. She is always very punctual. So if AF does not show up by Saturday afternoon/evening, I am going to test. I am afraid to think that what if she shows up... "Late bloomers" - so well said and so funny! :haha:
I just wanted to pop in and say that I have been following this thread for what seems like ages! You guys are awesome. It was the reason I finally signed up to this site.

Lenka and Steph-I'm always waiting for you to post another update, and I keep tabs on you. Sorry to hear about your dog, and I hope this is both of your months. I always say a little prayer for you guys. You are all truly inspirations. I'll go back to my corner now. Take care!
I just wanted to pop in and say that I have been following this thread for what seems like ages! You guys are awesome. It was the reason I finally signed up to this site.

Lenka and Steph-I'm always waiting for you to post another update, and I keep tabs on you. Sorry to hear about your dog, and I hope this is both of your months. I always say a little prayer for you guys. You are all truly inspirations. I'll go back to my corner now. Take care!

Wow, thank you Terri for such warm words!!! :hugs:
Emotional support is so great here!!!

What about you? Please share with us!!! :flower:
Yeah, Terri, get back here, no hiding in corners!

You're so sweet! :hugs: What's your story??

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