3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Oh no Tynmeg!!!! I'm so so sorry, its a pain I wouldn't wish upon my worse enemy!! Take all the time you need to grieve and we'll be here for waiting for you when you come back!
Thanks Natto. We went to the ER. The baby has died. If I don't miscarry in the next few days, I'll have to schedule a d&c. I wish all of you the best and hope you have health pregnancies and those waiting get their BFP. Taking a break from here for a while.

Oh Tynmeg, I am in tears for you and your DW as I read this post. I wish I had words that could heal or help. Sending lots of love and support. B&B will be here when you are ready again, and until then just know that you'll be in my thoughts and prayers. BIG hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Ready- thinking of you as you start your new job today. I'm so happy that your symptoms have waned a bit- what a relief for starting a new job. Also awesome news on the scan- yay!! Do you feel at all that any of the persistent nausea was tied to stress (maybe from last job?). I ask only b/c I do notice that I feel A LOT better on the weekends, and also this week when a few things have been wrapped up in my life (job coming to an end, stuff with our house). I am just wondering if stress exascerbates my nausea. I will check out Orange and Black. I'm in the market for a new show, as I've watched L&O a million times. Still love it, but something new is good.

kesh- I am so sorry that you are feeling badly with heartburn, but it's for a good cause, yes??!! You are moving into the thick of T1 so hopefully it won't get much worse than sore boobs (mine too-ouch!!) and the heartburn. I am starting to show, at least to my DH and to a close friend who saw me in something tight across my belly this wknd. I still think it's just that I am constipated ALL THE TIME (sorry TMI), but maybe it is tiny baby bump. Don't "They" say that second baby pops early?

Steph- Did DH have his interview? How did it go? How was the mini-vacay?

Lenka- when do you move? Only a week or so until "O" time, yes? I think I am remembering correctly.

Mish- ugh, so frustrating about the spotting. Did AF come in full force? If not, is the game still afoot?

I am feeling sadness in my heart today for Tynmeg. It really brought me back to a reality that life is fragile and my little bean, while doing well, is still a tiny fledgling. I am feeling even more grateful that, so far, things are going great. I have another Dr. appt (with the Midwife- I love that Kaiser does a dual approach of midwife/MD for prenatal/birth). I'll get to hear the heartbeat and am very anxious to do so.

Have a great day everybody. Last week in my old job. Mixed feeling. Nervous to be the 'new girl' again, but ready for something different.
Good morning dear ladies,
How are you feeling?
MishishMosh, any news?? I cry every time I start spotting before AF. Every single time... So I feel you. But hopefully you are still in the game!
CmonBFP, welcome and FX for you! I am always glad to see ladies who are ttc and older than 35, because I am 35 myself and therefore it is like comparing apples to apples than apples to “25 year old oranges”… :winkwink:
Poppygirl05, GL to you! I have seen your posts in different threads. Hopefully this is your month!!!
Kesh, btw, thank you very much for advising soy! :hugs: I will definitely try it next cycle, but I hope so much I will not have to!!! How are you? Can’t wait to see your “pregnant” pictures. I am sure you look beautiful.
Natto, have a relaxing and wonderful Labor Day weekend and good luck on your first day next week!!! I remember my first week at my current job at a CPA office. My head was about to explode after they had put so much info in it. I would go to a lunch with my girlfriend, who was working nearby, and I would sit quite, in shock. :wacko: GL! I am so sorry that we will not see each other in real life. At least for now…
Madeline, CA – here we come!!! :happydance: I am so excited!!! I have been packing almost every single day, because I have to get rid of a lot of stuff, like 65%, then take with us on a plain 20%, and ship – 15%. My DF does not help me with packing and honesty I do not want him to. Yep, control freak…
Lfrans, Tynmeg, how are you ladies? :hugs:
Steph, can’t wait to hear how your trip is going!!!
Well, I had a huge temp dip this morning and my advanced digital ovulation friend finally showed that I should O in the next 48 hrs. I was so excited to know that, because a few days before that it could not detect estrogen in my urine. This morning boom – I got a solid face skipping a smiley flashing face. (This is for those who are familiar with this type of tests). Luckily, my DF initiated BD last night, because I was not planning… I am so glad that we did. I do not know whether it is because of zinc that I am giving to my DF this cycle of mine or something else, but he wants to BD every day lately. Btw, he does not know about the zinc pills. I give him a lot of vitamins religiously, so one more, one less, he does notice. Khe khe…
Well, ladies, once again, have a wonderful weekend, (it is a long weekend in the USA), and see you you all around! :flower:

Lenka-sorry, Just read this and yay that it's O time! Double "yay" that DF initiated BD, for me that always made me feel so much more into it, especially b/c for a long time DH did not want kids, so when he got into BD knowing that we 'could' make a baby, it was even more attractive. Good for you for giving him some supplements to keep his energy and libido up.

It can feel so good to release things we don't need, can't it!! yet, it's also a lot of work. You are making room in your life for all the new things that will come your way (including room in the closet for baby stuff!!). I hope the packing continues to go well. You are embarking on a big adventure- I love adventures!!! When do you leave?
Hi ladies! Just been stalking your thread watching your stories. My heart breaks for Tynmeg. Absolutely breaks. Keeping all of you in my prayers.

And btw, just a little advice on constipation since you can hardly take anything for it and it's only going to get worse, I'm afraid...ice cream. It doesn't sound like the most health-conscious decision, I know, but a little ice cream often does the trick. Heard it from other women besides just me! :)
Katie - haha, love the ice cream trick. I have been eating lots of fruits and it seems to be helping. I used to be an ice cream fanatic, but since BFP havent really wanted any. I have been eating freezies and fudgicles though.

Kesh - how are you feeling?

Madeline - enjoy your last week at work. Hearing the heartbeat is amazing!! GL, I was super nervous heading into my appointment the other day, but it all went well in the end.

Ready - how was work? how are you feeling?

Lenka/Steph - how are things going??

Mish - I had spotting for days before BFP with both of my BFPs, but the cycle after my mc I had 5 days of spotting before full flow - either way, you are not out until AF comes, spotting is not always bad. Both times i got BFP I was convinced I was out...

AFM - Im doing well. I had my 1st appointment with OB on thursday. DH and I really like her, she took tons of time with us, was running late and did not rush our appointment at all. I was a bit anxious going in knowing we would have a chance to hear the heart beat. baby seemed to be hiding at first, we were a bit nervous and she was about to send us down the hall for an ultrasound to make sure everything was ok... but then we heard it! Was beautiful, DH danced along to it like music.

Ive been feeling on and off lately, getting less sick, but still having some difficulties sleeping.

We now have a few appointments getting organized, I am going for the Transnuchal ultrasound on sept 16 and have to see 2 geneticists. One for a screening for diseases typically seen in ashkenazi jews (both DH and I are jewish from eastern european descent) and the 2nd to discuss a family history of a genetic condition which I have never been tested for. It is an allergy to anaesthetics. My mom has it and I have always been treated as if I do, the test is a muscle biopsy which must be done in Toronto and is quite an ordeal, so I want to discuss other options for testing... i will not be testing during pregnancy, but both baby and i will have to be treated as if we have it in the case of emergency.

We are waiting to tell our extended family and friends for the results of these tests, but are getting super antsy to tell people. We just foudn out that our friend is due 2 weeks before me, so we are very excited.
Hey Ifrans - I've been feeling ok!! Definitely have been having more symptoms that when I first got my BFP, the running tab is headaches (I try not to take anything for them so it can get bad), heartburn, some nausea here and there, I think thats all. I'll update a pic tonight of my bump, you'd think there's a litter in there haha!
Good luck with the genetic testing! Hope all goes well. When will you be telling your friends? I'm so anxious to tell all my friends and the rest of my family. I'll be 7 weeks on Monday when I go for my ultrasound, I know its still quite early but I have no patience lol!

Hope everyone else is doing well!! xxx
kesh- i think tylenol is ok for headaches. ask a pharmacist to make sure. i have told 3 friends so i have a few ppl to chat with. ill tell the rest after 12 weeks so in about 2 weeks!!
lfrans-we have our neucal translucency ultrasounds on the same day! Woot! Fingers crossed for both of us. I have some bloodwork tomorrow for my first of the genetic tests. This one is kind of new- they extract the baby's DNA from my blood (25% of our blood is baby's blood by 10 wks) and screen for the usual genetic chromosomal abberations. It's 99.9% accurate, and then from here we'll decide on Amnio. I am hoping for no, but we'll see what the tests yield.

Katie- I will try ice cream. Yum! I have had some relief with stool softener (colase- ok for prego), lots and lots of flax, 500 mg of magnesium, and tons of water and some exercise. But seriously, that is a hefty regime just do be regular, lol! I have lunch w/a friend Friday, maybe some ice cream then. Thanks for the tip!
madeline - interesting - I know when I go for the NT ultrasound I am taking a blood test at the same time, so maybe it is the same one... Im not really sure. I know you have a choice - if you take the blood test the same day it costs 50$, if you wait for ultrasound results to show abnormality it is something like 900$... I find the difference absurd, Im doing it all on the same day.
Hi ladies!!! I have been obsessing over this board!!

I am 10DPO and AF is due Tuesday on 8/10/13.....negative test yesterday and this morning :(

I am hoping I am still in the game!! CONGRATS on all the BFP's!!!!

this post is good luck ;)
Hello ladies,
Every time I log in now, I am hoping to see a post from Tynmeg, saying that she is much better…. I hope this day will arrive very soon. We miss you here, Tynmeg…. :hugs:
Madeline, we are flying there September 16th. This coming Friday is my last day at work, but I am going to continue working online, which is such a relief while I am at school and hopefully pregnant… We will see how it goes. I do not want to stress too much. Yes, it feels sooo good throwing away stuff that you do not need and making more space for new things. I am not a hoarder at all, but still we have accumulated so much stuff during our years in this country. It’s just crazy.
My temp confirmed my O. I am 3dpo today. The plan is to stop temping and take the first pregnancy test at 11dpo.
Ladies, I hope all your tests go well!!! It is all so confusing; I do not even know what some words mean. For example: neucal translucency, aberrations, Amnio…. :wacko: Well, when the time comes I will have to do some research…
Katie, I remember you from other threads. GL to you!!! :flower:
Hey Lenka!!! - Nice to hear from you!! Can't wait to hear your update in a few days!! I'm really crossing my fingers for you this month and sending you tons of baby dust.

Dont worry about all the crazy words, your doctor will explain everything to you. The Nuchal Translucency scan (NT scan) is just an ultrasound done around 12 weeks to measure the nuchal fluid in your babies neck, this checks for down syndrome. The Amnio is alot more complicated, I never had it done with my first because of the risk for miscarriage, I did however just get the regular blood work done and they told me my chances were so so so minimal for anything genetically to go wrong that I opted out of the Amnio. If I'm not mistaken they insert a really long needle into your abdomen and take some of the amniotic fluid and test it for genetic disorders, its gives you a more definitive answer as to what or if anything may be wrong.
Hey Kesh! :wave:
wow, sounds scary... But hopefully they know what they are doing... Thanks for clarification! How are you feeling???
So af came. She's still here but has been unusually light. It could almost be considered spotting but I've been using tampons for fear of full force af. I can only assume that I am out.
Mishi uggggg so sorry to hear it I am still sending you babydust coz unless the witch is fully there it could still be spotting :(

I'm 10DPO today got another BFN....boring :(
Lenka- I've been feeling not bad! Just tired and still incredibly sore boobs, every other day I have nausea or heartburn, not terrible so I'm ok with that!
Hey I feel ya Lenka, I really am hoping to see some news from Tynmeg. But, I would not be surprised if it takes a while to get back on here. Definitely she is still in my thoughts and prayers.

I was going to say this earlier but the timing wasn't right...Hubby got the job!! He accepted the offer and we were even able to find an apartment there in New Hampshire over the weekend! Rent is higher than expected, and the heating costs will be through the roof (Lfrans...how do you DO IT?! We have an oil furnace...ugh) But we are SO excited for this new adventure and chapter in our lives! We set sail in 3 weeks from today. I put in my notice yesterday after the long weekend...YEAY! SIL moved in to our house for the time being and MIL is coming to visit next week. Love having both of them around...I think the extra family around will make it harder to leave for sure.

O day is set for Saturday! Lenka jealous you're already in your tww :D

Glad to hear everyone is doing well and a lot of the gross feelings of the 1st trimester seem to be waning for most of you ladies...love it! So sorry this is short...I'm often reading everyone's posts a couple times a day on my phone. Anyway, I'm thinking life will start settling down the first week of October......and it couldn't come fast enough!!
Steph, your hubby is a champion!!! :happydance: Congratulations! It is awesome that you also manage to find an apartment already! Now you can just relax and dive in in this ttc process. :winkwink: I can only imagine how beautiful New Hampshire is in the fall. I will definitely miss it in CA: golden leaves, cool air, hot chocolate, boots….
Yep, I am in my tww... My favorite time is the first week after O, the second one is always very nerve-racking…

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