Hi all,
Gosh, I can't believe I haven't popped in here in over 10 days. Sheesh! It's been pretty busy with my new job and out of town plans, but things are going well. Nausea is gone, thank GOD!! I'm still wearing my normal clothes but baby bump is starting to show. I figure I have a week left on my favorite jeans before I need to bust out the belly band.
Tynmeg- I'm so happy to see you back here and thank you for updating us on how you are doing. It warmed my heart to see that you and DW are moving forward with planning try #3 and I will already start sending out the good vibes that this is the ONE!!!
Lenka-welcome to CA! How was the big move? I'm happy that you in a place of peaceful acceptance of AF and your cycle. Maybe now that you are moved your body will be ready for a little bean. Is the ocean beautiful down there right now? Sept/Oct are my FAVORITE times to be on the coast. Enjoy your transition and I hope your stuff arrives in time that you don't have to live out of a suitcase for long.
Steph- you're up next for a big move, yes? How are you feeling today, now that it's 9 or 10 dpo? When do you move?
lfrans-so cool that you got to see your little bean and that everything is great! My 11 wk u/s also showed so much detail, it was amazing!!! I can't believe how much has formed so early. Glad baby has mama's big brain, lol!!!
Ready- how are you doing? How's the body feeling with all the standing you do with your new job? Me, I love sitting these days, lol! But, on the other hand, my hips get SO TIGHT if I don't move around frequently and exercise regularly. I guess my ideal schedule is a 1-hr workout followed by a nap, followed by a 10 min walk, then rest again....and so on!
clacko- bummer about the spotting, did AF get you in full force?