3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Thanks Lenka! I did have a perfect cycle, so I am really happy about that. I hope that next month it is even MORE perfect. hee hee. We'll try our best. I got an A on my exam, so that is one thing that worked out well last night.

Yikes Steph about passing out. I'm so happy that I only have a few cramps and it's nothing too traumatic. i count my blessings, that's for sure. Maybe a fancy dinner. This is the last Christmas without a baby, so do something adult-ish. hee hee.

Maybe you guys can go look at lights or play a card game or something. I don't havea many Christmas traditions, but check the papers/online for things going on too. Lots of towns have different celebrations and such.

We're going to NM to visit my family. Work calls...seeya!
Terri, yay for A on the exam!!! Well done. Is it an online program? I am also working on my Masters in Accounting. Tired and sick of it, but I am only left with the Capstone, which starts in January.

Regarding AF... Hang in there. In 3 days you will feel much better, in a week you will be ready to rock-n-roll. Mark my words. :winkwink:

Steph, passing out in public... wow... Sounds scary. It is good that people here call for help straight away. And do not be embarrassed! But be careful. You saying it is due to endo? I hope it wont happen again!!! :hugs:

Regarding Christmas... If your DF works on Christmas eve and next day, maybe try to make a nice dinner for two of you, something you never cooked before if you are into cooking, light some candles, pour some wine for him and juice for you and just enjoy each other company on a sofa in front of TV. Next year you will be too occupied with your baby to do so... :winkwink:

We do celebrate Christmas on the 24th, love the tradition. But we also celebrate Russian (Orthodox, same as the Greeks) Christmas on the January 7th. Nothing major, just a dinner with the family. We are going to be home too for the Christmas eve and day. But we are going to Las Vegas on January 30th. It's only 4 hours by car from here. We booked a hotel in advance, so it wasn't very expensive. Also bought tickets for Cirque du Soleil show. Should be fun.

My temp jumped by 0.6 this morning. I was so happy to see it!!! It means that I Oed on cd18th and it makes me 1dpo today. Yay! AF due December 30th. Please, please do not show up!!!
Oh how fun!! Especially with tickets to cirque du soleil!! I've never been but it looks awesome. Tickets were crazy expensive when they came to Seattle ugh.

Terri nice job on the A!! A thread of smart cookies

Lenka my family always celebrates on Christmas eve too and I always loved yet. Yeah, we'll probably cook at home.... I'm thinking lobster since it's cheap and local! Though staying in is what we do 13 of 14 days of the week. We have no social life and no money to waste going out :haha: I was hoping we could go and do something so Terri, good idea we'll check the calendar.

Oops you're right Jan 7 :D I always want to say the 6th!

How long will you be in Vegas??
Steph, having a lobster for the Christmas dinner being pregnant... I am so jealous...
Remember, the grass is always greener on the other side. :winkwink: So, enjoy your holidays, you are so blessed.

I just want to mention that Orthodox Christmas eve is January 6th and Christmas day is January 7th. You were close. :flower:

We are in Vegas till January 2nd. Just a few days. But it's more than enough. I usually get tired of the crowd very quickly.
Lenka-You are going to LOVE Cirque du Soleil. It can be a little freaky at times with all the contortionists, but it's still really, really cool (and I think many of the people are Russian/Asian), so you can yell out "molodetz" to them, and they'll understand! hee hee. I have season tickets to the theater in Bmore, and Cirque du Soleil has been here twice. The regular one and then there was a Jungle Night themed one, and that was just as awesome. Vegas is fun, but yeah, being open 24 hours can get tiring.

Steph-I am jealous of your lobster too. That sounds like a great tradition. My family used to eat that for Christmas dinner as well, and I guess that tradition started when we were in Seattle. We didn't eat it when we moved to MD. Now we just have crab cakes, and it's just as well. hee hee. Going out on a date is NOT wasted money. One can only watch so much tv, and stay in for so long. What about going to the movies? Maybe at this stage of the game your stomach isn't so big that you're cramped in a small movie seat.

I bet you didn't know that I have a minor in Russian. HA!!HA!! I don't have anyone to practice with though, so my knowledge is quickly fleeting.
Terri, I am shocked! Minor in Russian?! lolol cool! And yes, "molodetz" is the right word!!! I am here to practice your Russian if you want to. :winkwink:

I know that many of the performers are Russian, who used to work in circuses back in Russia/Soviet Union, which used to be very popular a few years ago. I have seen the O show, it was just mind blowing...

Steph - wow, passing out? I hope you are feeling better!! Congrats on making it through the 1st trimester!!! You can breath a sigh of relief!! Yum, fresh lobster! I used to go to a summer camp in Maine, mmmm the lobster was amazing!!

Terri- Sorry AF got you, but atleast your chart looks normal! Enjoy your holidays and drink tons, cuz hopefully itll be the last drinks for a while!

Lenka - cirque du soleil is amazing, I have seen them 2.5 times here in montreal. (1/2 - was for a hospital staff appreciation show put on by celine dion where they did small performances)

AFM - It has been a crazy week! We signed for the house on monday, went smoothly, we have been very busy getting people in to the house to give us quotes since they will all be off over the next 2 weeks and then we want to start working week of jan 6. We have 1 more electrician coming in this morning to give us a quote and the insulation guy came the other day. I am excited to meet with the designer, she is actually coming by on xmas day. It is perfect since im jewish and do not celebrate (and so is the designer). We are planning on only using her for 2-3 hours to help with some ideas for colour, lighting (we need to remove and change all the potlights) and kitchen/bathroom budget updates (they are from 1960)

pregnancy is good- i was angry at my friend the other day, she is 36 weeks and has not gained alot of weight (Im 26 weeks and we have gained almost the same), but she is much bigger than me to begin with. I said that doctor told me I was right on track and I dont think that i have gained anything excess at the moment. She made a comment that my face looks a bit bigger. Ugh stupid comment... She is a good friend, and usually super supportive, but sometimes says the silliest things.

It really bothered me, and I know i have not been exercising as much as id like, so i signed up for a prenatal fitness class and went last night, OMG I am so out of shape lol. I used to be able to do so much, here i felt like i was such a beginner!

I am always lurking around, but not always responding to everyone - sorry about that. Enjoy your holidays!!!
Hi there!
So happy you got the house. Woohoo!! And you are moving right along with the improvements. I think that is the best way to do it because you don't get everything settled and then have to find places for it later. I love how the decorator is coming over on Christmas. That'll be fun.

Sorry your friend said your face is big. She probably just wasnt' thinking about your feelings. But..i'm glad you started taking a fitness class. That should be really fun, and you can meet some other mom friends, if you like. I would like to do something like that when I'm pregnant. I would love aqua aerobics.

Have a great day and talk soon.
How was everyone's weekend? We are lucky we did not get hit by the ice storm that is going through Toronto and now going into eastern canada. We had lots of snow, mixed with freezing rain making it difficult to go out, but relatively ok.
Hi ladies,
How are you?

lfrans, wanted to tell you, how such comments, the one that your friend told you, irritate me. I also have a couple of girlfriends who are not very tactful sometimes. I know, we all can say silly things from time to time, but common... Use your head before opening your mouth.
So what color of the walls are you going with? :)

Terri, hey, how are you? I was looking at your chart and noticed that your period was quite light and only lasted two days, is this right? I was thinking maybe your uterine lining does not get thick enough? Just a thought!!! There are a lot of herbs/remedies that can help with that...

Steph, how are you feeling???

AFM, 5dpo, temp goes up little by little each morning, as it always does. Yesterday I was tired... or lazy... AF due December 30th...
Hey all!
Yeah, it's always pretty light, thank goodness. Two-three days and then it's over. I can never figure out heavy/medium/light, so I tend to go on the medium/light side. This one was actually pretty heavy (from my standards) to start, and then kind of fizzled out. I'm not too worried about it, but after two more months, if I have to go see the doctor again because we are not successful, I will mention that.

I will pray that your temperautre continues going up up and away!

lfrans-Hubs and I went to the football game last night where our team got completely destroyed. It was a little bit warm, so that was nice, but the loss was terrible. Saturday I sat around and watched tv/movies all day so that was fun. Just me and my blanket. Tonight we have running around to do and then we're off to New Mexico! I can't wait.
Hey ladies

Lfrans--that's great she's coming over on Christmas Day..gives you something to do since most places are closed. That's rude of your friend to say that about your face...that is one of my most sensitive places for me! But maybe it wasn't so bad because it got you on the prenatal workout routine...hard to get back into it after the woes of first tri when we lose all that muscle we worked so hard for, ugh....the snow has encouraged me to get walking again though snow and I aren't as good of friend since I took a good fall this weekend, my hands were full so I couldn't brace myself. :dohh: Right in the beginning of second tri where falls start to become a bigger deal. No bleeding so I'm pretty sure bean is just chillin in there. Also--we missed the ice storm, too! Phew! Now it's crazy warm, is it there too? I think it's been somewhere around 5c...much better than the -15c it was last week ugh

Terri--New Mexico...so awesome. Did you say Albuquerque? Such a fun state, especially in winter. Have fun relaxing with people you care about!

Lenka--Ohhhh 5 dpo already! Not too much longer til the 30th now. For some reason I thought you said you were going to Las Vegas Jan 30 not Dec 30 so that's awesome to be able to be there for New Years Eve! Don't lose all your money right at the beginning of the year :winkwink:

AFM I'm going to bake sugar cookies today! I love to bake but have not had the energy. But, other than last night where my hubby STUNK up the house by cooking soup ugh cooked broth is the worst smell, i haven't had really any ms in a few days. :happydance:

Doggie is doing better. We were out on a walk Thurs and she was having so much fun til she yelped and couldn't walk anymore. :cry: We thought she had torn her other ACL, which won't fix itself and costs thousands for surgery. Thankfully I think it's just a sprain. We still have to pick her up to take her out to the bathroom (she's 30 kg)...ok by "We" I mean "DH" :haha: However, she's walking better now so I think she'll make it through this one! She never had any problems before our move out here but geez, it's one thing after the other now.

Ohhh have a great Christmas everyone and Lfrans well, happy day off :D Decided on any names yet?

Yeay novel!
I'm getting ready to head out to the ABQ, so I wish all of you a Merry Christmas/Happy Decorating, and high temps (Lenka!). hee hee.

Steph-glad your dog is feeling a little better. I know how sad it is to see your dog struggling. Super big hugs. No more falling down, silly. Glad you're ok. Phew!
Terri, Steph, Merry Christmas! :xmas9:

lfrans, Happy holidays! :xmas7:

Nothing new here, 7dpo - boring. Had a wonderful day yesterday. Today I am going to spend a lot of time in front of TV watching some nice movies hopefully.

Talk to you soon.
Merry Christmas everyone! How were your holidays?

Here the snow stopped, but it became really cold. Last night we were good jews and went out to a chinese restaurant for dinner. :) We met with the decorator this morning, nothing too crazy, she suggested some taupe colours for the living space and recommended we paint the old 60s cabinets to white to brighten up the kitchen. Few other minor things, but i think it will help us in the long run. Tonight we had pizza and ice cream for dinner, yum!

Steph - woohoo for no ms recently. how are the cookies?

Terri - enjoy new mexico!

Lenka - how are the temps???
Hi everyone!!
Thanks lfrans. I am glad things worked out with the decorator. yay!!

We leave tomorrow for Maryland. It's been great hanging out with the family and my nieces and nephew. My sisters and I went to a yoga class, and that was great. I'm not good at yoga, but I do enjoy it.

I think we're going to the movies tonight. I'm not sure what's playing, but we'll find something to watch. I've also been permanently full since I got here. 'tis the season!! That's what I keep saying when I eat more junk. HA!HA!
Ladies, how have you been?

AFM, Yesterday evening I started having cramps like AF was coming, went to pee and got some brown cm on tp. I was having lower back ache all night long. Tested this morning (11dpo) and got a BFN. And more brown spotting. So much for a NY present... :nope:
Happy New Year, everyone. Wishing you all a prosperous and baby filled 2014! We're on our way!
hey everyone, how was your new years?? Hope you are all doing well. For us, NYE was pretty laid back, I can barely stay up to midnight, we went to a movie, then went out for dessert and came home by 10. :) I managed to stay awake til midnight and then by 12:05 was in bed!
Hello ladies!!! :flower:

Happy New Year!!! May 2014 bring us a lot of happiness and healthy babies!!!

I finally got my :bfp: at 12dpo on December 30th!!! :wohoo: I will remember this day forever! The second I saw that second line… I was like: What? No way! Really? Wow!!! I did not tell my DF till the New Year Eve. December 31st, I took a FRER and a fat pink second line came up within minutes. It was the best present ever!!! I told him around 11pm that day, while we were in Las Vegas sitting at the bar. He could not believe me. I started crying, so did he. I have a feeling he still doesn’t not believe in it. :haha:

How are you???? So, what should I expect next? :wacko::flower:

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