3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Hey ladies! First of all a big congrats to you birthdaybaby!! Hoping you'll stick around and keep us updated! How exciting this must be for you :happydance:

Lenka I don't blame you on the obsessive poas!! I did for a think almost a week and a half after my first bfp, I'd test every other day to see those lines get darker. I might warn you...you might measure behind because you oed late and possibly implanted late, too. So if you're not measuring as you'd like to whenever you get a scan, then that might be why! I'm no expert though... About your classes.. Ugh I always hated group projects! I'm introverted and independent...always felt like I did better on my own cause of my learning style. So good luck!! And you're so right about the GPA thing.. One class won't destroy it. my school did not have the drop your lowest grade thing though, which sucked cause my Japanese prof was pure evil and ruined my career path...well, not ruined cause Chinese was much more fun and easy to pick up...plus I would never have lived in Taiwan without her pushing me out of her major program! (It wasn't just me...only 4 people a year got their major when 200 started out...I made it to one of 6 people before I gave up!!)

Anyway that was stupid and long...so when you graduate what are your plans?? I don't blame you about being excited about the 12 weeks oh yeay I can't wait either I've worried for everyone on this forum...

Terri hopefully you got this month...or think of it as a break month. So sorry you were feeling down...one doesn't expect to feel like crap in the waiting game that is ttc...your bfp will come...and we'll be here with ya til it does and beyond! I can't wait for baby pics from all you!! :hugs: :hugs: hopefully that day comes sooner than later.....oh and super cool you speak Russian. A minor is 3 full years of language...I don't feel language minors get enough credit when they're more time than other minors. Why did you choose Russian?

Lfrans ughhhh there's always SOMETHING when it comes to houses I swear...I hope this is the last "surprise" you get from the new place for a while! Can we get a little pic.... ? Dh and j start house hunting next month like real adults eep! Any advice would be much appreciated. Also congrats on third tri! How are you feeling?? Give me hope! :haha:

Happy Monday everyone...!
Lenka-The only time we did it in the morning was on NYDay. My hubs would prefer drinking with his friends on the weekend than hanging with me, so I don't even know if I have a chance, but I'm still hopeful that some of those swimmers stuck around. We'll see..

Steph-Since I'm an enginerd, Russian was like my "easy class" in college and that's how I ended up minoring in it. How big of a nerd am I? I took it in high school from 10-12, and then I even went there as an exchange student. We went to a small town near the Black Sea for three weeks and then Moscow for one week. I took French previously, but when my family moved to MD, they said that the French teacher was terrible, so I switched to Russian. How are you feeling?
Foreign languages make you a nerd??? Oh dear I'm screwed! They've always come easily for me but you are lucky to get both sides. My bf in Taiwan was a pinoy getting his phd in bio physics...I was picking up Tagalog and Chinese and he couldn't get the Chinese at all... But I could never be a biophysicist! Never never. Physics in high school was a blast but that's as far I as I go hehe

Anyway I think it's so cool you stayed in a small town... that's the best way to absorb the culture and language! :cloud9: I bet you loved it.

Sorry you didn't get a chance to bd but where is the Terri that yells at us to cheer up?? :hugs:

Happy Christmas Eve!
Steph, thanks, it is a Christmas day! Regarding my ovulation and implantation dates: I ovulated on cd18. 10dpo, I remember (I even made a post here) sitting on a sofa at 11pm, when I started cramping really bad, it lasted for about 15 minutes, then I went to bathroom and had some brownish CM on tp. I think this is when I must have implanted - cd28. I got my +hpt cd30. So when should I have my first scan?
Steph, good luck with house hunting!!! So how do you like the city so far? Feeling more comfortable now?

Ladies, so well done on learning foreign languages! English is considered an easy one, I still struggle with it. lolol So well done, smart cookies.
Steph-I meant that I'm a nerd being an engineer and then taking Russian as my easy class. I think foreign languages are great, and I wish they still required it in school.I think it's optional, but I am so far removed from knowing anyone in school, I could be wrong. I'm still the cheering Terri, it's just getting frustrating doing all this stuff to no end (so far). I had a jump today, so if it continues going up, I'll be happy. Otherwise, I'm just sitting on the sidelines (and cheering for those that are still playing) for another week or so.

Lenka-Yeah, Merry Christmas Eve! Well, your English may not be perfect, but your typing makes tons of sense and i would never know that you had trouble speaking English. I always heard that English can be tricky because of all of our exceptions to the rules and stuff like that. goose-->geese, versus gooses. hee hee. I was going to use mouse, but mice are yucky (there, I used it anyway). Thanks for the CD28 cramping note..that is helpful.

Enjoy your evening!
Terri, yay for temp jump! One more morning and u can relax!
I know!! I was super happy today when it jumped again. So yeah, let's hope tomorrow confirms it. :shrug:. It's funny because I've been (un)patiently waiting this whole time, and now hopefully tomorrow will start my official wait. Although, FFoe was really off this time. I guess I should say my body was off this time, and Ffoe just confirmed it. I think I'll need to get some of those cheaper OPK strips for next month. My O day went from between 10-12 to 18 (or so). That is a lot of testing using the expensive tests. We'll see, I suppose. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

I type (talk) so much that I forget to say what I initially logged in to say. How are you doing???
Teri, in my opinion, you did O on cd 18. I am pretty sure. :winkwink:

AFM, I am very nervous now. :wacko: I do not have any strong symptoms (if any at all) and it scares the sh*t out of me. Excuse my language. I schedule my first appointment for January 21st. Can't wait!!!!!

This group project also gets on my nerves. But I keep reminding myself that I shouldn't worry about it too much.
My best girlfriends dad passed away yesterday. Feel sooo sorry for her. They were so close...

How are you feeling, Terri? Optimistic? :flower:
I'm back to being positive, so yeah, I'm ok. I did put +opks in FF and it did confirm O day as the 17th or 18th, so now I will just wait. I'm still debating buying some of the cheap OPKs. We'll see.

I can't say for sure, but maybe you don't really FEEL a lot at this stage of the game. There are tons of people that don't even realize they are pregnant at this point, so just hang tight. How exciting that you made your appointment. I can't wait to hear what the doctor says! More waiting…hee hee.
Nope Lenka I didn't feel anything really until almost 2 weeks from my bfp then the ms hit. So I was like you and tested and tested! So chin up, dear!
Oh, thanks ladies for your support! I will try to relax.

Steph, do you think it makes sense to continue POAS? My test line is as dark as the control line on ic, maybe I should just stop now? But I still have 9 test left... lolol

Terri, so welcome to TWW! :)

My parents are coming back tomorrow, so I will tell them the news on Skype. I am sure my mom is going to cry. Cute.
Lenka- I didnt test until about 14-15 dpo and at the time thought i was getting AF. I did not have any symptoms until 2-3 weeks later. My ms was relatively mild. Do not worry about symptom spotting, some of the symptoms that they list to look out for did not happen for me until the 2nd trimester!

Terri - Looking good, looks like you Oed on cd18. FX!!

Steph - how are you feeling? Have you felt any movement yet? I felt some stuff around 15ish weeks, but wasnt sure, the first definite kick was around 17 weeks.

AFM- things are good, I am trying to decide if cord blood banking is worth the cost. Also starting to look into drs for baby.
House is coming along, all my pics are on my phone, so I have to put them on my computer. They are all pretty much the reno pics as they happen. Yesterday a contractor lifted our countertops in the kitchen and built a small drawer for our new oven (the old one was from 1960 and 40inches, normal ones are 30 inches.)
He should be done with the kitchen today. The painter is starting to do some plastering today.
Before we bought our house, we bought a deal of the day for 2 nights in a hotel in quebec city. We planned on going this weekend. Now with the house and all, we are either going to postpone by 1-2 weeks or try to sell it.
Lenka-I bet your mom will cry. I feel like crying just reading about it. HA!!HA!! Are you going to tell your DF's family, or is he, and when?

lfrans-The only advice I hear from my friends is that you want a doctor that is near your house because if the baby is sick or having trouble, you don't want to drive 1/2 hour away to get to the doctor. I hope you find someone great! The house reno sounds like it's coming along well. I like how you guys are getting stuff done. I wish I was more like that when it comes to my house.

Steph-hope you're well!
Oh man lfrans I'd buy it from ya if my hubby didn't have his once a month Saturday this weekend! But I think you should go. You're not likely to get this kind of time away together once baby is here! Actually dh and I are planning on going to the winter carnival :) I've heard good things have you?

Sounds like things are coming along nicely for ya. How awesome! Won't be long now!

Terri yup it looks like you're in the tww for sure. :happydance: yeayeay!

Poas if it makes you feel better, Lenka but I wouldn't too much cause then if it looks any less dark then you start to worry unnecessarily. And maybe you'll be like lfrans and not have bad ms... Instead some.other joyous symptoms haha.

Yes lfrans I have felt these movements I have been doubting myself since it's so early but I haven't felt anything like this before. I haven't gotten too excited about it seeing as I wasn't sure it was the real deal. But maybe in a week or two! :cloud9:

As for ms, I have not had any in a week! I don't want to jinx it though seeing as ever time I would say I was feeling better, it would get worse ugh! But I'm able to eat fruit and veggies now and even drink coffee like I hadn't been able to stomach,....a seattleite not drinking coffee?? The shame! I thoroughly cleaned and baked some awesome scones if I do say so myself. Anyway yeay!

Any other news ladies? Enjoy your winter day~~
Yay for no morning sickness. That has to be nice. And the movement is awesome too.

I'm either in the TWW or my hormones are just feeling good. hee hee. I finally went running yesterday. It felt great, and I can't wait to go again on Saturday. I love wearing my Under Armour and cold weather clothes. It makes me happy.

I'm ready for the weekend, even though I don't have any plans. I may try to cook some meals ahead of time this weekend. I have been buying way more food than we can eat. I guess I forget about leftovers, and that my husband has OCD when it comes to eating meat. I can only eat pork once, hamburger once, fish once. I will eat any and all meat as long as I have it. He's wasteful. *sigh*
Terri - we are looking at a pediatric clinic about 10 minutes away from where we bought the house. it is in the office section of a mall, so good for parking too. I have a friend who used to work there and can get us in (we have a shortage of doctors here, so it is not always easy to find what you want).

Steph - winter carnival is great! We wanted to go during winter carnival, but our voucher was not good during that time. We actually postponed the trip 2 weeks, so we should be going jan 24-25. I was in quebec 2 years ago for work during winter carnival. They have tons going on. I walked around the plains of abraham where there was an incredible ice sculpture competition. Outdoor hot tubs (which may not benefit you being preggers and all) an ice bar. Tons of activities. The city is booming at the time. We are planning to have a tour of the ice hotel. The old city of Quebec is amazing, I believe it is the only walled city left in north america. Montmorency Falls which is not far from Quebec is also very nice. I have only been there in the summer, but I think you can go in the winter too. If you ever come back this way, going a bit further along the st laurence river (another 2-3 hour drive) is the charlevoix region. DH and i spent a long weekend there before we got engaged. It was also beautiful. OK, enough of me boasting my province! For all I hate about it here (politically) it is a great place to visit.

AFM- Im exhausted. My 2nd trimester energy is gone! I sleep, but wake up never feeling rested. Leg cramps on and off. Back pain once in a while. Between making a baby and getting our house organized (and working full time) I have no energy!
OMG! Lenka, a huge congratulations to you! I haven't had a chance to read everything yet but seen this page and shouted out to my DW, Lenka is pregnant! I'm so excited for you.

Steph and Lfrans, so happy to see everything is going well with your pregnancies!

I'll do some catching up now.

So thrilled for you Lenka, big hugs and lots of sticky bean wishes for you.
Hahaha, Tynmeg, your excitement made me laugh, made my cry. Thank you so much! :hugs: I know it feels like it took me ages to get my BFP, you all probably were like: Oh, common, Lenka, get pregnant already, will you? :haha:

So here I am, now worrying about other things. :wacko: Will write more later, have to work now.

Just tell us, how are you? Are back to ttc?
I have been so lightheaded today all day long. Still am... :wacko:

lfrans, you are a hero, you manage so many things at once. :thumbup:

Steph, I am glad to see you in a good mood! Yay!

Terri, can you please play with your chart, so FF gives you CH? :winkwink: It is so obvious that you Oed on cd18. :flower:
Sorry you're feeling lightheaded. I bet you're about to yak. HA!!HA!! Just kidding. I hope you're not getting morning sickness already.

I got crosshairs this morning!! And it said that I O'd on the 13th, which is my usual day. FFoe is ridiculous sometimes, but it has made my TWW very relaxed and we BD'd at the right time. Woohoo..

More importantly-how did it go with telling your family?? Give us ALL the details.

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