3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Terri, I still think that Oed on cd15th the earliest... Do you agree with FF or you just taking it easy?

Well, I told my parents on Skype. We started talking about how my grandma's funeral went, then I told them that my best friend's since 1st grade dad just died and I just started crying. My mom joined me of course. Then I said: Well, but our family should become larger in September. I am pregnant... More crying. But I could see on their faces a relief that it finally had happened and joy.

Terri, you also asked about my relationship with my DF's parents. They got divorced when he was still a teenager. His dad got married again and came to the US to live with his new wife and him (He is Jewish). I adore and respect him, as he is a self-made man. He came here with literally a couple of thousand dollars and no English. Now he lives in a single house, all paid off, works in a huge IT company making $100 an hour and travels around the world. His mom never got married and she still lives in Russia with her old parents. She is a very nice lady, but we are so different. The only person who I can't stand is DF's cousin, who was raised by his mom and they still live together. She is 28, single, rude, mean, bossy, selfish and so on. They came to visit us in Phila last March and it was a disaster. This cousin just drove me crazy by her behavior. We all were supposed to go to Miami for a week, all tickets were booked, hotels reserved... I did not go. I just could not see her face any more. I did not see them since then. When they came back from Miami to Phila, their flight back to Russia was next day. I had to leave to work very early, they were still asleep. So I didn't' have a chance to say goodbye. Not like I wanted to. After they left, he told me that my behavior was unacceptable... I honestly told him that his cousin is something and I would never ever be friends or somehow close with her. I mean it. I always get along well with people but this rude mean girl... Ugh...
Aww..that is such a nice story about telling your parents, even though it was sad at first. Death is a sad/happy thing. You're happy that the person has gone someplace where they can rest easy and no longer be in pain and such, but it's sad how much you miss them. :hugs:

I'm glad you stood your ground on not going to Miami. Who wants to go on a trip with someone they cannot stand to be around? It doesn't make the trip fun, nor is it a vacation. DF can get over the fact that you don't like her. I just hope it doesn't cause more troubles if she and mother in law want to come over in September. Yikes..no sense thinking about that now though.

AFM-I'm ok with FFoe's assessment. I always have to remember that like my doctor said, it's just a computer program, and our bodies are not machines. If I'm 12DPO or 9-10DPO, my life hasn't changed. hee hee. I still don't feel any differently. AF is due on the 15th/16th, so she'll either show up or she won't. It would be great though if this was our month. It would really be a nice January surprise. Today is our 3 month anniversary, so I'm happy we made it another month. Party time!!

Are you feeling ok? How is school? I have a few more weeks before I have to hit the books, myself.
Oh, Terri, thanks for asking. As a matter of fact, morning sickness, rather all-day-sickness is here. I started having nausea last Saturday. Luckily, it is not to the point I want to throw up and I still feel hungry and I eat. I do not taste food though. It tastes so plain, so I have to add a lot of salt, pepper and mayo sometimes. lolol. And my boobs are sore...

School is actually not as bad as I anticipated! My group is nice, even though very slow. But I think we will be ok!

How are you? I see your chart. Let's see, lets see... FX!
Terri - your temps are stressing me out! They were going down, and I was upset for you, but now they seem back up. FX!!!

Lenka- MS sucks, I had the same thing, nausea, but very little vomitting. But, statistics show that women with MS have a lower chance of having a mc. So... embrace it!

Steph- how are you doing??

AFM- I have "popped" for pretty much my entire pregnancy I had the are you pregnant or fat look. Now I have a very clear belly. Along with that, I have some back pain towards the end of the day and I have difficulty breathing and more indigestion and heartburn with no room for my internal organs.
Tonight we have a hospital tour at the hospital where I will be delivering. Im excited, it makes it feel more real.

House stuff is coming along slowly - it is exhausting. I do not recommend buying a house and having a baby at the same time :)
DH has been doing as much as he can in the house on the weekends, I have been pinning tons of decor ideas :) And been going to hardware stores to pick up whatever we need.
My parents have been great, they came over 2 nights in a row and packed up most of our dishes. We kept enough for the 2 of us for the next few weeks, but they did about 7 boxes worth.
I'm sorry to hear that you have all day sickness. I can't remember if you work. I can't imagine being sick at work. What do people do? Just go running off to the bathroom? I guess so. Or maybe they change their work schedule so they can come in later. Hmmm... I'm glad your school group is nice. That makes class/projects so much more enjoyable. Hope you feel better today.

So today I had a jump in temperature, which was a total surprise. Last night at our couples ministry, I had a little bit of cramping, but just took a mental note. I figured today my temp would be in the 97s, but instead it's back in the mid 98s. Very exciting. I'm being patient and will see how I feel today and see what my body does in the morning.

I'm flying to FL for the weekend to meet up with my motorcycle friends. I will have three roommates, so no temping. I haven't NOT temped in 6 months. It's going to be strange just waking up like a normal person. hee hee.
lfrans-Thanks for spying on my chart. I thought sure this morning I would be out, but I had a good jump, so who knows. I'm just taking things day by day. If it's meant to be, it'll happen.

I had to laugh at the are you fat or pregnant comment, but I'm glad it's now obvious to others. I bet you look adorable! Do you have a group of doctors that you are working with, or only one doctor. Are you getting an epidural or going all natural? Have you thought about that? Also..did you guys decide on a name? There's still plenty of time for that though. Glad your parents are helping you guys out. That's really nice of them.

Steph-What's the latest, chicky???
I can't write one of my long winded posts on my phone (lucky you!) But I wanted to pop in to say I'm still stalking you Terri on your chart, the temp rise was sure a surprise indeed! The plot thickens! Have fun in Florida... You have such an exciting life, flying all sorts of places on your weekends! How cool you also ride motorcycles :)

Lenka I completely feel your pain on the all day sickness part. Some days are worse than others. I hate the term for morning sickness.. It should be called "2 month long food poisoning!" Stay hydrated hon. :hugs: how are you feeling today?

Lfran I'll get back to you when I post later! Have you been doing the yoga stretches for lower back?
Glad to see you, Steph. I've been sticking to my running routine also, so everything is making me pretty happy these days. It's even raining today and I'm planning on going for my run after work. I might have to plot out a new route today just because.

My exciting life-Ha ha. I just like to stay busy, and do tons of stuff. I'm not good at just sitting in front of the tv letting my mind rot, so I am involved in a lot of different things.

Hope you're well. Seeya!
Tested this morning and it was negative. I'm really hoping and praying that FFoe did have my ovulation incorrect and I still have a chance. I mean, I have a chance as long as my temps stay up, so I'm feeling good there. I haven't had one sign of AF at all. But I haven't had any signs of anything, really. I'll say I'm in limbo. :)

Hope you guys are having a fantastic Wednesday. Hubs and I are going out for sushi tonight. I need to get out and do something different.
I do think ff was wrong, I agree with Lenka. And sushi sounds awesome!! I used to be able to get it fresh and cheap in Seattle so I miss it. Too expensive here! Yum yum yum.

Today inspectors came to the house and went on about how clean my apartment is. Made my day!! If only they had seen in 3 weeks ago with my ms in full swing but shhhh that's our secret

Lenka, lfrans, tynmeg?
Your baby is the size of an avocado!! I love looking at that chart. I made an avocado ranch dip the other day. Yum, yum.

What a nice compliment from the inspector. Sometimes you wonder what they see going into different people's places. I always think my house is a mess, but then again, I've been to houses that are way worst than mine. I just need to tidy up, here and there.

Yup..I have to assume that ff is just wrong this time. I'm getting really impatient, and irritable because my body is doing absolutely nothing. I just have to continue waiting. Sushi isn't the cheapest here, but it's SO good and I want it, so I will get it. hee hee. Today is all about irritable me. I didn't do one drop of work and sat at my desk doing this training that we need to complete by the end of the month. Didn't answer the phone, and only had like 2 visitors stop by. It was a perfect mental health day without using a vacation day. ha!
Terri -keep up the great attitude, enjoy your sushi!! Dont worry about a neg test. It may be too early.

Steph- avocado, woohoo! I have avocado obsessions now, so I have 3 of your babies ripening on my counter as I type :)

Lenka - hows it going?

Im doing well, off to a prenatal yoga class
Terri, don't you worry just yet. I know its very hard to stay positive and relaxed about this whole process of ttc especially when AF is due, but try to keep calm. Do you remember when I was a Debbie downer or whatever you called me. lolol It was cycle #7 and I just lost any hope. But next cycle I finally got my BFP! So hang in there, you will get yours soon! When are you going to FL? This weekend? Don't tell my you drive a motorcycle, crazy girl...

Steph, glad you are doing so well and your baby is the size of avocado!!!

lfrans, hope house renovations go as planned! And I just can imagine how you "popped". lolol I bet you look even cuter now.

AFM, Terri, I work from home, which makes my life so much easier especially now!!! I had such a terrible Monday, I had nausea the moment I woke up till the moment I went to bed at 10.30. What is funny I still managed to eat, because I eat a lot, even my DF makes fun of me... Today I feel much better and what do you think!? It worries me. Crazy!
My first appointment is next Tuesday. I just realized that my new health insurance has a $500 deductible. I have to change it...

Take care ladies!
Ladies, can I ask you a question? Is it safe to have sex in the very early pregnancy? You know, mission position sex, nothing crazy. lolol It's not like I am desperate for it, but I kinda feel sorry for my DF... lolol
Quick reply yes it is! Unless your doctor says no. You might have some spotting after because your cervix is extra sensitive. I did but we kept on and all's well haha.
Yes, I called you a debbie downer, and I apologize. I just had a mental low yesterday. Today I'm back to my normal, chipper self and I will TOTALLY blame it on hormones. I didn't even get a good night's sleep last night. I just feel better all around for some reason. Even with another temperature drop today, I'm still happy.

I'm leaving for FL tomorrow evening, and yes, I've been riding motorcycles for 12 years now. Crazy! I remember when I was just a beginner. I love it. I wish it was warm enough here to ride, but it's not. Spring will be here soon enough.

I wish I could work from home. I think it would be so nice, but I'll just have to hope for that with my next job because when you work in manufacturing, you can't really do stuff from home. That's funny about you eating even though you're feeling sick. You have to keep eating though. That baby needs food!

Your appointment is almost here. This month has flown by!
I thought I didn't have a good night's sleep the night before last, last night was even worse. I was cramping all through the night. I woke up, looked at the clock and it was 3:36. Ugh!! So I tried going back to sleep. When I woke up there was one clot. I think that's going to be it for my cycle, and there will be a little residual blood. Normally, once that clot comes, that's it. I know it's gross sounding, but that's my body! I think that is why I have light periods.

Anyway, on to February! And..I did get my run in. 3.61 miles yesterday. I did some exploring in my neighborhood and it made my run fun.
Terri, Valentines BFP would be so awesome! Listen, have fun in FL, drive safe and keep in mind that you will get your BFP! And you didn't have to apologize for Debbie downer. lolol
Also, if I were you, I would ask my doctor about light periods. To be honest, this sounds like too light. Uterine lining is sooo important for a successful implantation.
Estrogen is responsible for creating a thick and blood rich endometrium. If estrogen levels are not adequate the uterine lining will remain thin.

This is what I found on the internet: If you struggling to get pregnant or keep a pregnancy, it may be a good idea to have your estradiol levels tested and uterine thickness measured.

If it is determine you have a thin uterine lining, most doctors will prime the uterus with estrogen medications to see if the endometrium responds well and thickens.

Herbs and Supplements to Support Healthy Estrogen Levels
Red Clover aerial parts (Trifolium pratense): Red clover aids in improved circulatory function to the reproductive organs and entire body. High in vitamins and minerals to build the blood and support proper function of the uterus. Red clover is high in isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogen, which aids in protecting the body from xenohormones. Red clover supports both liver and kidney function for improved hormonal balance and regular detoxification of pollutants.

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus): Shatavari’s main constituents are steroidal-saponins, which have been show to help regulate estrogen levels. Shatavari is an adaptogen herb that also supports appropriate immune and stress response. This plant is a phytoestrogen. Phytoestrogens have been shown to help protect the body from xenohormones which cause hormonal imbalance.

Royal Jelly: A study done in Japan and published in 2007 shows that Royal Jelly has the propensity to mimic human estrogen, which may help those that suffer from low estrogen levels. This study also showed potential for increased size of uterine cells in the rats studied. While there may need to be more studies done to show full potential of Royal Jelly consumption on uterine health this is exciting potential for women with weak uterine muscles or thin uterine lining.

Ground Flax seed (Linum usitatissimum): Flax seeds contain lignans, which are the second strongest group of phytoestrogens. Flax is also high in fiber. Studies have shown that these the combination of the lignans and fiber in flax help to remove excess estrogen from the body, while also protecting it from xenoestrogens.

Maca root (Lepidium meyenii): Maca aids the body in controlling estrogen in the body. Proper estrogen levels are essential to building up the endometrium in preparation for ovulation and conception.

Wild Yam root (Dioscorea villosa): Wild yam may have the ability to aid the body in balanced estrogen production. Wild yam helps to support proper function of the uterus.

Take a look at this article. https://natural-fertility-info.com/thin-lining-of-the-uterus-build-the-uterine-lining-naturally.html

Whatever the problem is, most likely it is a very easy fix. :hugs:

Steph, thanks for replying!!! :winkwink:

lfrans, how do you like your prenatal yoga classes? I would like to try those...
Thanks for your support, Lenka. I almost called out sick today because I was feeling sad and bad, but then I remembered that this special food truck from a local restaurant was coming, and my lunch friends and I talked about going. I can't skip lunch on food truck day! hee hee.

I know you said the same thing last time about my light periods, and I did think about it, just not much. This time I will take what you say into consideration and read the article. So…even though I said that I thought my period was probably just about over this morning, I am still getting that lining shedding. It's so bizarre, but it's like a clump at a time. I've gone to the bathroom three times today and three long, clumps. Maybe everyone is like that, I'm not sure, but I seriously think it's just about over now-for real. I'm still thankful l don't get a lot of bleeding.

I'm leaving in an hour for FL (I'm flying), so I just want to have a good time with my lady friends, and not think about anything else. Have a fantastic weekend, mamas!
Oh Terri I hope you have a fantastic time with the girls this weekend! I'm sorry this last cycle didn't work out for you. :hugs: and I'm soooo relieved for you that you remembered today was food truck day, you dodged a bullet there! :haha:

Hope you guys have a great weekend too. Lfrans how did you like the prenatal yoga? I went to the first class on Monday and it was great fun! Lenka I recommend it, too. They say it's best to wait till this nausea goes down. This week it's come back every day but not as bad and not all day like before phew!

Also Lfrans thanks for your tourist info on Quebec! Totally agree, politics are not so great but I have heard so many good things about the cities ... We still need to figure out the trip to winter carnival. If it's too expensive for hotels, we might need to skip it. Also if the Seahawks go to the Superbowl, dh wants to fly me back home. I can't imagine the chaos in the streets if we won! :cloud9:

Take care, friends!

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