terri- it does go by so fast. I remember just announcing to you guys I was pregnant and now im 2 months away from a baby.
hopefully, this is your month!!
moving is definately crazy and there are many little things that arent too expensive that add up. Like duct cleaning - the ventilation system seems dirty, so we want to clean out the ducts - it costs about 300$ (we found a groupon, so we are looking into the fine print to see if its worth it). We are also looking into carpet cleaning, debating whether we should hire someone or rent the machine at home depot and DH can do it himself
Steph - let me know if you end up in Montreal in the spring. Ill be off on mat leave

QC is nice, and the city is used to snow and ice, so set up for it, but during the winter, you are always at risk of hitting a huge snow storm when you come here. The house sounds great - we also bought an older house with a decent structure. We did a bit more than anticipated, but some of the time is just waiting for people to do work. The painter is taking a while because there were many holes in the walls to plaster. He is also painting the kitchen cabinets.
Along the way we found some issues that need to be fixed and are doing it at the same time (pocket door wasnt sliding properly, we had telephone wires that are disconnected - we removed them and put in insulation because they were letting in tons of cold air)
Ensuite bathroom needed a new floor, so at the same time, we installed a new toilet and new vanity - DH was too tall for the current medicine cabinet, so we are putting in a taller mirror to cover the hole where the medicine cabinet was. we are then going to get some sort of wall cabinet to use as a medicine cabinet. Saw some at ikea...
Alot of it is small things. The painter took 2 weeks off so we would have been able to move earlier, but couldnt. He is supposed to be done feb 16 at the latest, I booked feb 28 just incase there was any mroe delays. We figured its easier to push a move date earlier in the month than later.