3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Well I broke down and tested - it was a BFN. Took it about 30 minutes ago, I'm hoping maybe it is just too early or too diluted, but I'm losing hope.

I don't track, so I know I had ovulation cramps from June 10-13th. That puts me at 11-14dpo. That doesn't seem good to still be getting a BFN.....
And I didn't get the job. What a Monday! :wacko: It's times like these when I would love to have a glass of wine! :cry:
Natto...I am so sorry to hear that!! Both about the job and the test... How very, very disappointing. Do you think next month you are going to try tracking cm or bbt?

I wanna go kick your Monday in the junk! :growlmad: :hugs:
Sunday I felt so disappointingly normal that I started to five up hope. Last night I slept 8 1/2 hours...normal for me. Had to leave work halfway because I was going to drop! Went home and passed out for an hour and a half...where I had strange almost out of body experience like dreams. I felt completely drugged. Back at work now feeling better but I'm thinking I will def test tomorrow....two days early. Hopefully at 12dpo that won't be too early right?? :nope:
Ready- oh, darnit! I am so sorry about both the job and the BFN. However, if AF hasn't come yet, there is still a possibility in that arena. Ugh, I can relate to the coinciding of bad news about life and BFN's. That stinks. Go do something nice for yourself :)

Steph- I would totally test if I were you, but I am a crazy tester! Lol!

Tynmeg- still have fingers crossed for you!
Well af was due today and she's a no show. Tested with ic and negative.
I'm officially out. AF is here, time to start getting ready for next time.

Kesh & Steph - you may be our lucky ones. FX for yas.
aww, I am sorry Tynmeg. I know that feeling -it's like 'okay, gotta move onto thinking about next month".

Go Kesh and Steph!! Hope you get your BFP.

I have been thinking about what I am going to do differently this coming month. Hopefully BD a bit more, and try to get more rest??! I was recreationaly doing triathlons until May of this year and somebody suggested that the intense exercise might have impacted my ability to conceive. That is hard for me (I'm not THAT intense about it, I didn't think....) because it mentally goes against all that I value around my physical activity, but I think I am willing to tone it down for a while to give TTC a chance in that arena.

Anybody else changing up their routine next month? I was also going to look into any supplements that might help. I take a prenatal, 500 mg of magnesium for my GI, and Vitamin D. Hmm..
Steph - any news? You kicking my Monday in the junk made me laugh and definitely put me in a better mood! I know good things are coming...just ready for them to be here lol. I've never been a patient person.

Tynmeg - so sorry to hear af is here, but onward to next month! :hugs:

Excited to hear how things go for Steph and Kesh!

Madeline - I know how you feel about working out. I lift weights and run, spin, etc. I have always said that I wouldn't compromise that, but I have to say that this cycle I've decided to switch to the elliptical and much lighter weights. I guess my thought on it is that I'm not willing to become less healthy, but I want to figure out a routine that optimizes conception/carrying a baby to full term. But there is so much misleading information out there - I'm not willing to just sit back, put my feet up and listen to any doctor that says anything other than light stretching, etc., is a bad idea! I will go crazy!

As for me.... still no AF, but this morning was another BFN. I have two lines of thinking on this: 1. AF is later than ever; or 2. Although I had ovulation pain from the 10th-13th, I ovulated later and am off on my dpo count. Yesterday I noticed a tiny (and I mean pin prick) sized bit of blood on my tp, but I have no idea if that could actually be from implantation. I'm not trying to get my hopes up, but I also just don't feel like AF is coming. I am exhausted, dizzy, cranky, and my bbs hurt more than I've ever experienced, but I'm not bloated (which is ALWAYS there before AF arrives.) Also, sex is really uncomfortable (very weird for me.) What do you ladies think? I feel like I'm going crazy!

I will say one thing: I'm rooting for all of us, but for everyone who has already gotten AF and who doesn't get their BFP, I'd love to keep this group going!
Hey all...I tested this morning and sure enough, BFN :cry: I'm going to admit now that I cracked yesterday and got an equate + - test and I swear it was a faint bfp but I didn't want to get my hopes up because those things are harder to read...i was afraid it was an indent. Guess it was. Today is 12dpo and although it's still POSSIBLE to get a BFP at this point, it's unlikely. I used Answer that is 93% accurate from 2 days out. Not sure why I'm so tired then. :coffee:

Dang it, I was hoping we'd all get our bfps this month but I guess it'll have to wait til next month. Yup, Natto, we definitely are going to keep this going. The plot is only thickening! :thumbup: And you're still in the game since you weren't sure when you even Oed!!

Madeline--I know what you mean about the exercise...I am a runner. However, i just don't know if running is bad for you while you're TRYING to conceive. The studies I've read show that running decreases your chance of miscarriage. That said, maybe there's a certain heart rate one should stay under? I think I need to look more into this. I agree with Natto, things like eliptical and low impact aerobic exercise seem like the way to go...and biking/swimming are great for that! Just don't try to win the olympics :haha:

Kesh--any news or tests today?

Tynmeg...sorry AF gotcha. Hopefully you're enjoying a delicious glass of wine.
Nope nothing to report today! Af still hasn't shown and I'm now 2 days late. Haven't tested this am but tested yesterday and Bfn so the chances of a BFp today are slim.
Stay positive. Hoping you get a BFP soon!!

Sorry for those of you ladies that got AF. Will be rooting for you next month.

I am going symptom watching crazy lol. After my cold sore appeared on Sunday, then I got a canker sore on Monday. Hoping it's due to my hormones going wild lol. I am now 5 dpo. I was overly exhausted over the weekend but have a lot of energy today so I'm not sure what to think about that. If it doesn't work out for me this month I think I'm gonna give the Soy Isoflavones a try. But I'm hoping I will get my BFP this month and not have to.
Steph- don't count yourself out just yet. I see so many women who don't get BFP until they are may days, or even a couple of weeks late for AF. Keeping my finger's crossed.

Natto-same for you. SOunds like some of your symptoms are promising. I don't know about BD and discomfort as being a sign, but maybe? Hoping so for you!!!

thanks for the feedback about exercise ladies. I love the perspective about as long as I'm not trying ftor the olympics I should be alright. I kind of agree, but when I hear people suggest I tone it down more, I begin to question. I am NOT anywhere near elite, and I think I have ample body fat. Nobody has mistaken me for an undernourished person before! Ha! I think just light stretching as the only regime is nuts- that is way to little movement to be healthy in general. PLus I have a sedentary job, so I'd literally never move my body if I didn't exercise and go for walks, etc.

It may be the stress of my overall life that is getting in the way (if anything is getting in the way? Only been 3 months of active trying). This has been the most stressful 6 months of my life, aside from TTC. Hoping that this week we hear some positive news on my hubby's job status AND a potential new place to live- both of which will put me at a certain sense of ease.

I definitely want to keep going with all of you ladies on these threads. I'm now super invested in your TTC journeys! I want BFPs for all of us!!!

Kesh-any news?
Well tomorrow if af doesn't show my lp will be 18 days. Argh, I want to know what's going on! I've read an 18 day lp is impossible...unless you don't track o by temping and you ovulate later than you think, but mine is confirmed so I don't know what the heck!
Hey ladies! Well, still no AF for me! I haven't tested again because I want to give it a little time. I will say, the bbs are still unbelievably sore, I'm exhausted, libido has disappeared, hints of nausea and I'm burning up all the time! All of these things could be PMS, so I'm trying to not put too much pressure on it. I will say, I really don't feel AF coming.... so we shall see!

Steph and Kesh - I found a chart that I attached on hcg levels in the first weeks of pregnancy. I had to look into it because I feel like I'm going crazy a bit. It seems like based on it (and anecdotal evidence from a lot of other women on BandB who say it took way longer than being 4 days late to get a BFP) that we aren't completely out of the running. I'm not getting my hopes up per se, but I'm also not assuming any of us are out just yet!!

Trying - how are you feeling? Are you hanging in there in your TWW? We are on a bit of a different schedule, I am getting excited to see how things progress for you in the next few days!

Madeline - Keeping serious fx for your hubby's job prospect and finding a new place to live. Both of those things singlehandedly are unbelievably stressful. Combine them and add TTC to the mix and that's a recipe for serious stress! Hope you two are finding some peace and deep breaths in the mix. Keep us posted!

Tyandmeg - how are you doing? What are your plans for this cycle? I know you have a long drive to and fro! FX this is your month!

In terms of the working out, I will say what I learned about a year ago. I thought I might be pregnant (unplanned), and confided in two people. Their responses and subsequent hawking of whatever I did (my mom, "don't eat this or that" and a friend "don't do this or that") when I didn't even KNOW if I was pregnant taught me one thing: when I am pregnant, I will be listening to three people - myself, my partner and my doctor! Don't get me wrong, when talking to other expecting women, etc., there is a wealth of knowledge - but the unsolicited advice that I'm sure we will all be subjected to when we are expecting will be intense, particularly when it comes to exercise. I guess what it comes down to is we all know our bodies pretty well and are invested in a healthy pregnancy, so we will be able to figure out something that works for mama and baby. I've heard a good rule of thumb is that as long as your body fat is healthy, you aren't doing high impact things (kickboxing, etc.), you keep your body temperature comfortable and you don't start anything that is more intense than what you are used to, you are going to generally be okay. Like I said, I'm tweaking for my own comfort, both mental and physical. :)

P.S. - last night a bat got into our house. Is that a symptom? :wacko: Our cats are terrible hunters - seriously, the bat could have wandered around the house, made himself a snack and robbed the joint before they caught him. They were so freaked out!

P.P.S. - (Political statement ahead) - is it too much to tell my future little one that I got my BFP on the same day the Supreme Court issued one of the most righteous and eloquent opinions of our time?! :)


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Ready, Kesh, and Steph- looks like you all 3 are still in the running! Yay! Ready, your symptoms to seem synonymous with what others report with BFPs, so let's see! I know for me, when my AF came, I felt silly in thinking that my previous symptoms were due to pregnancy, and it gets confusing when my body tells me things that I swear are leading down the path to BFP, but then don't. However, I am so hyper aware of my body now that we are TTC, I probably had many of these symptoms all along.

Thanks also for the HCG chart, that is helpful.

trying- hang in there, every day that passes in the TWW is one day close to knowing! Time goes different for me in my follicular phase. I am now in CD6 (right? I could from day 1 of my LMP?), and it is flying by so much faster than that dang Luteal Phase/TWW!!!

THanks for the persectives on jobs, stress, moving, and exercise. When I sit back and reflect on it, I think there is just so much bouncing around in my brain and it is hard to know what, if anything, will impact the TTC. No news on jobs or house, hopefully this week!

After further reflection, I do think my exercise is appropriate for me. I have not started anything new, nor added intensity to what I do. I do boot camp 3x/week, swim 1x/week, run 2x/week, sometimes cycle, and walk daily. THis is all less than I did when training for triathlons by about 30%, and none of it is so hard I am incapacitated by it aterward or the next day. Without it, I am a basket case, in fact. Exercise is my daily medicine, as I am prone to anxiety and over-thinking (just ready all my posts in the TWW and you'll see).

Ready- I am laughing at your bat story. What kind of cats do you have? I had a Mainecoon once (loved her!), and she could not be bothered to chase anything, even if it was lying half dead in front of her. They are a lazy breed.
Also, I concur with your opinion about the supreme court decision. If you get the BFP today, this day will be marked as a uniquely special day for you most definitely :)
Ok, so weirded out right now! Af is here, but she isn't. I haven't even TMI filled a tampon in the last 12 hours. WHAT IS GOING ON?!
Ok, so weirded out right now! Af is here, but she isn't. I haven't even TMI filled a tampon in the last 12 hours. WHAT IS GOING ON?!

Are you usually heavy on your first day? It seems late for an implantation bleed, and heavier than one as well.
So much to reply to on this thread and I'm too much of a luddite to do it in a reasonable time using this newfangled smart phone technology. I keep on trying to hit it with my caveman club and that doesn't seem to be working:haha:

Thanks for the encouragement guys but I really do feel out. It's not just me being a pessimist...I did have some pretty strong symptoms for a few days but starting Sunday, they all pretty much disappeared. So the bfn wasn't much of a surprise. Gonna enjoy a whiskey coke at our pub trivia tomorrow after af shows.

Natto that's not fair waiting because I want to know!! That would be great to get a bfp on a momentous day like today!! However...I am disappointed by yesterday's voting ruling. But you can bet people here in Seattle are super happy about today :happydance::happydance:

Serious lols about your cats, Madeline and natto. Maine coones are such cool cats...when I was a kid I loooved cats but noe I'm allergic. Instead we have a lab/rott mix...that is also a terrible hunter. Can't see or smell worth anything!! A rabbit will run in front of her but she's a little dumb and won't notice lol. She's.not blind or deaf so I don't know what her problem is haha

Madeline...seriously about stress. Not knowing where you'll be living or working puts so much strain on your body. Thankfully its only been 4 months of ttc so I wouldn't worry so much. My grandma who is now 95 didn't even get married til she was 36. Had two daughters...one at 38 and the other at 40!! In the 50s even! Independence runs in the family

So true natto about just listening to those 3. Everyone is so full of opinions of things they know nothing about. Ugh.

Kesh well..
That is weird! Is the blood red?

How is everyone feeling today? Phew that's enough of a texted novel for now! :hugs:
Steph, I can't believe you are typing on a smart phone! I can barely bring myself to text people back, I find those tiny keyboards so frustrating. (I know I sound like I'm 87.) I will be the first to say no one knows your body better than you do! Sorry you are out this month. Keeping fx for next month. In the meantime enjoy your whiskey coke and trivia!

Well I took a test on my lunch break. It was a BFN. :nope: I guess if I am preggo it doesn't want to show itself on such a big day! (Steph, I agree. Yesterday was heartbreaking. One of the biggest setbacks I hope I ever see.) But Cincinnati is celebrating today's rulings as well! The midwest is coming along. :happydance:

Madeline - sounds like you've got your routine down. I hear you on working out to keep your sanity. I am a different person without exercise! And there is nothing in your routine that I've ever heard of being adverse to conceiving/pregnancy, unless you were to start it during pregnancy!

Kesh - any updates? Was it AF?

The cats. Oh, the cats. They are my bf's pride and joys. I am generally allergic, but I adapt to them being in my environment very well. They are two short hairs, cute as can be and hysterically bad at anything catlike. They might randomly paw at a bat, bug, etc., but they have absolutely no killer instinct. They used to have a sister and a bat would not have stood a chance around her. I've never seen a Maine coone! Steph, that's so funny about your dog - our family dog, Wilbur, is completely blind, but he can smell/sense EVERYTHING and will lose his mind when a dog is a block away. It is so weird how some animals just can't be bothered! I can't believe a lab/rott mix has no hunting instincts! Is he or she smart? Wilbur is creepy smart.

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