3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

If your picture is saved to a website, you can click on the little picture at the top of the reply section that looks like a mountain. Otherwise, click on the bottom of the reply square, and do 'go advanced' and then there is a paperclip and you can attach it from your phone. It was tricky for me to attach the picture from my computer but I didn't want to register for another photo site, blah blah..so I tried it from my phone. Just try it and see what happens.

More importantly, you need to go to the countdown ticker so first and foremost get a ticker!!! Stop procrastinating. We want to eat your baby!! hee hee.

Steph is driving home today and not sure what time she'll be back home. She is not masculine or tough at all. I mean, the things she does are tough (hiking, falling down, etc...), but you would never look at her and call her tough. Her hair is whimsical, just like she is. She's so kind and she treated me, so of course I only have nice things to say. We have a lot in common and i was really cool.

Lfrans-I think you're supposed to be freaking out a little so it's all good. Plus...you have a million things going on. That's great about being able to take off an additional year and still be able to keep your job, whether you have to go back or not. The option is cool. Omigosh-you only weighed 3.5 pounds? That is SOOOO tiny, but look at you now, so even if that little boy is small, he'l be 100% healthy and able to grow up into his perfect size.

Drauma-I still feel positive for you. Seriously. Tomorrow morning I hope you'll have an exciting update. :flow:
Well, let me try to attach a pic.


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Let's see how this spotting progresses during thw night...
Lenka: no I've never temped and quite frankly have nooo idea how it works :/ can you advice?

And hey! I see that picture! Sun, sand, summer oh my! I'm freezing over here in the cold, cold north Atlantic winter!! :p
Let's see how this spotting progresses during thw night...
Lenka: no I've never temped and quite frankly have nooo idea how it works :/ can you advice?

And hey! I see that picture! Sun, sand, summer oh my! I'm freezing over here in the cold, cold north Atlantic winter!! :p

it is very warm here, in California. Well, as Terri said, do 'go advanced', then click on a paperclip and choose a picture from your phone. Let us know if it doesn't work.
My gosh, silly me, u mean how temping works!!! lolol. let me google it for u, it would be easier.
Drauma, that is what I found.

For most women, you will see that prior to ovulation, the basal body temperature is rather consistent. As you get closer to ovulation, you may have a slight decline, but it will be followed by a sharp increase after ovulation. The increase in temperature is the sign that ovulation has just occurred. Tracking your basal body temperature accurately over a few months can help you predict when ovulation is going to occur.
Take your temperature when you first wake up and are lying or sitting quietly in bed. You need to do the reading at the same time, give or take 30 minutes, every morning.
Aha! Thank you! I kind of had an idea but didn't really know what to look for. Information on the web can be sooo misleading!

Well, AF is here now. Came with a bang last night. I just hope she goes away as quickly as she came! Begone, you old witch! :p

Here in Iceland it's 37°F today (3°C) but still and cozy. The day is getting longer and longer every day and we gradually move to having 24 hour light in the summer months... Oh I love summer :) Today the sun is up from 9:29 am - 5:54 pm (The sun was up for only 4 hours a day in December and will be up for 21 hours a day in June/July).
I truly believe that with the sunlight shining more and more each day my spirits will be lifted and a BFP will be here soon :) :p

Tomorrow is my friend's 30th birthday and we're going out for dinner 20 of us and I'm gonna get wasted! haha :wine:
Great picture, Lenka! Yes, warm weather...i miss it so. We have about 12 inches of snow here, and I am dreading going out to shovel.

Roxy, our foster dog, kept barking this morning at 4:30. I figured it was a cat walking by but she kept barking. So I bundled up and we went outside. I think Roxy wished she hadn't kept barking because she didn't want to stay out there very long. the snow is almost taller than she is!

Drauma-Sorry about AF, but yeah about going out and having fun with your friends tonight. Have a great time! Oh, and I love temping. This morning I didn't do it because I woke up at 4 to a barking dog, and forgot but I like that it tells me what's going on with my body.
So much activity since I've been "gone"!! Made it back last night, avoiding the winter storm. It won't get here until this afternoon but we're still predicted around a foot (+- 30cm)

Terri shoveling that snow sucks down there cause it's so warm it gets heavy. Here people sometimes use leaf blowers as it's like powder. Good luck... Sorry Roxy was barking in the middle of the night, sooooo annoying!

Lenka adorable picture! I like your hair. Yes we had such a great time! Completely like we had been friends a long time. Terri is so sweet and warm that was my biggest impression. She even took me on a drive around the city. Plus, she was so helpful on tips on what to see and do. I loved it! Anyway yeah I hope we can meet again!! And any of you ladies how cool if we all met up...... in Iceland!! But during the summer of course...

Lololol Lenka about the tough and masculine hair!! I told my dh what you said cause I thought it was so funny and he said "what are you telling these girls? About your bar brawls and weight lifting??" :haha: b being told I'm tough by Terri is a huge compliment seeing as she's the girl who did 1500 miles through mountains on her solo motorcycle in 36 hours!

So happy things are progressing well ffor you Lenka. Wow! The gender so soon how cool!!! I hope the tests come back healthy and good. It's so sweet you have such good relationship with your mom that you can talk for hours. Well she come to visit?? How is your nausea?

3.5 lbs full term Lfrans?? No wonder why your baby is measuring a bit small. I completely understand wanting to save your leave for when baby gets here but on the other hand, with so much going on, you need rest... Not only for the first tough weeks, but also v for labor! Maybe all this stress is telling you to take it easy. I'm just worried is all. I'm only second tri but sightseeing really showed me that I just can't do what I used to (except eat....) And I'm sure it's worse at 34 weeks! Relaxed mommy means relaxed baby which brings on these questions: baby's name, did your decide? Will you have family visiting/helping? How are you feeling symptoms wise?

Last but not least drauma: so sorry af got you full force, ugh...but have fun getting drunk with friends!! Drink of choice? I'm also jealous of your long and short days, having lived in the northern part of the us I loved long winter days and long summer days
My phone is freaking out like usual. I meant long winter nights. Also is 3 C normal, cold, or warm? Here it feels like spring when it's over 0c!

Ok so sorry for the novel ladies! Take care!
Glad you made it home safely, Steph! I was wondering when you were going to get back. Thanks for the compliments too. I was only 3 minutes late to class, but he started late because he owed us time, so it wasn't a big deal. I zipped north and found free parking. Yay!!

Lfrans, I agree with Steph..You really should rest. You have plenty of time off, so take it and don't feel bad.

Our shoveling is complete, and Roxy now has a place to walk outside and go pee/poop. Of course, the only way she will eat her medicine is with cheese, so she's probably backed up a little. As long as she doesn't feel the need to go #2 inside, I'm fine with it.

I think I'm going to watch a movie this afternoon and then do some schoolwork. It's been a productive morning.
Look, ladies, I marinated some pickles. -)


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Lenka-HA!!HA!! They look delicious!! You are all about the pictures now. Awesome!
Steph: Thanks, I will definitely have fun tonight! :) My drink of choice varies alot, I think it depends on my mood or something, haha. Tonight I'm craving beer and a little blackberry cider... Sometimes I take an oldfashioned screwdriver, sometimes wine, red or white, and sometimes I go on a cocktail frenzy and just want cosmo's and caipirinha's :p How about you?
Ladies, Happy Valentines to all of you!!! Have a wonderful day!! :flower:

Terri, is you HSG appointment today? If yes, best of luck! Keep us posted! :hugs:

My pickles are so crunchy. :thumbup: :haha:

My favorite drink is a lemon drop. Miss it so much now...
Yes, my test was at 11:15. It took about 20 minutes and my tubes were all clear!! So happy about that. My doctor said that her last delivery was from someone who had an HSG and was trying for years to get pregnant. She got her BFP the month of the HSG, so I hope I have the same luck.

Happy Valentine's Ladies!!! My favorite drink these days is a Stoli martini. I think I'll have one tonight!!
Teri: Great to hear your tubes are clear and ready for action :)
FX and send all the world's luck and babydust your way :)

Steph: 3°C feels cold here. Winter temps here in the city are everything from 5°C down to -10°C... Summer temperatures are 15°C-22° and then it's really warm. The sun is really strong up here bc of the clean air :)

Lenka: did you eat pickles before or is it just a pregnancy thing? :) (They look good by the way)

AF has left already. We celebrated it with a trip to the Blue Lagoon, oh it's the best :) We both relaxed and feel very refreshed :) The party on Friday was really fun and last night we went to another party (We were choosing our entry for the European Song contest) and we went downtown and danced like maniacs! I haven't danced like this for aaaages, man it was fun! I have severely sore muscles today ;) Today I have a massive hangover but it'll get better soon, I'm going out for a walk to get my car :)

Here's a pic of my boyfriend after the Lagoon :) Look at the lava all around... so pretty :)
That sounds really fun, Drauma, and what a cute bf! He looks really tall.
Glad the party was fun with your friends and dancing the night away. I love dancing, but mostly do it around the house. hee hee.

Yup..I'm ready for action. Now is the time. I have one week before ovulation, so hubs and I are definitely in the right mindset and feeling good.

Oh pregnant ladies??? How are you guys doing? We miss you.

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