3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Here I am... sorry do not know how to rotate the picture. -/


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This picture is better. Lolol


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Looking good Lenka! :)

Girls, can I ask you what you all do for a living? (and if you're students what are you studying?)

I am feeling rather bad :/ I had to take a day off from work yesterday. I slept till 2pm and woke up covered in sweat. It was so bad I had to change the linens on the bed and change pj's as well! Everything was soaking wet. I felt okay after I woke up but then started feeling bad again in the evening. I woke up around 4 last night soaking wet from sweat and had to take my pj's off and change into a top cuz i was too cold to sleep without clothes. I am not feeling too good now. Nauseated and have pain in my abdomen and back. I feel like I'm gonna throw up any minute... So weird! Why am I getting negative HPT's, everything else points to pregnancy. I even have sore boobs!! ARGH! :cry:

I had an appointment with my physiotherapist this morning and he took care of my back. Really gave it all, massaged my back with his elbows and all... it was bad but still good, if you know what I mean.

I signed up to fertility friend but don't know how to share the chart on to here.... can you help me? :baby:
Drauma-I'll send you a PM with instructions on how to share your chart.
Sorry you're still feeling so bad. Maybe you are getting the flu. I've never had it, but people say your whole body aches, and you have hot flashes and chills. I hope not, though.

Lenka-Yay! Your face. You are too cute. I love your beachy, sunny pictures, and your accessories. I always imagine you with blonde hair. :) I'm not much for accessories, but it really makes people look fashionable.

AFM-No positive opk yet, and it's CD12. I hope that the HSG didn't ruin my normal cycle. We're still BD'ing, but I'm getting tired already and want to be in the TWW. Hopfeully tomorrow my temperature will jump up. I hope there are still some eggs left in my body. :cry:
Thank youuuu! I figured it out now :)
I am going to start temping tomorrow morning. Frankly, I've just forgotten about it! I am feeling a bit better now. I have no appetite though... Feel hungry but then I take 2-3 bites and feel nauseated... maybe it's some sort of flu but I've had flu before and it felt nothing like this :/

I have an appointment with my doctor next Tuesday!

And don't worry. There are plenty of eggs left in your body. However, it is normal to not ovulate every single cycle... It happens to the most ordinary women in the world. I keep my fingers crossed for you darling :thumbup:
Good on ya you're still bding, who knows you could still ovulate!! C'moonnn Terriiii! :spermy: Seriously FX :happydance:

Drauma, have you thought about going to the doctor? You had all that pain, then nausea, I just wonder if maybe a cyst popped or something's going on. Weren't you supposed to have an appt yesterday? No appetite is also a flu sign, I sure didn't have one the last couple days!

Lenka so cuuutttteeeeee!! Lfrans your turn!

Oh for a job, I worked in the nonprofit world with energy conservation in low served populations (low income, immigrant, and elderly). We moved 5000km away then I got pregnant so I wasn't able to look for work. Maybe I'll look part time somewhere once I get used to having a baby. It's frustrating to have to watch money so closely but also nice that we have the option for me to stay home with baby! What do you do?
Yeah Steph, I tried to contact my doctor but she's on holiday so I'll meet her on Tuesday. I just had the physiotherapist this morgning... :)
Drauma-Sorry I didn't see this before I sent you more input. Glad you got it figured out. Yeah! I hope you are feeling better by next Tuesday and can cancel your appointment, but I'm glad you made one, regardless.

I came home and POAS (an OPK stick). I got a smiley face staring right at me. :happydance: So....Hubs and I will BD again tonight after he gets home and "unwinds." I have to go in to work on 3rd shift tonight, so 2:30am. I'm going to rush home in the morning, and hope he wants to BD again before he leaves. HA!!HA!! I am NOT missing that egg this cycle. He may be tired, but he's going to have to suck it up. I'm tired too. Luckily I bought a 20 pack of OPKs, and since I'm usually fairly regular, I haven't used that many of them. I think I have 8 left, but I'm NOT planning on using them next month. hee hee.

The thing that sucks is that if my temperature is planning on jumping tomorrow, I'm going to miss it because of my work schedule. I'll temp at 1:30am when I wake up and see what it says then. Hopefully it'll wait one more day and jump on Saturday morning. Ffoe is really not going to be my friend this month. I'm going to have to go by my body signals.

Lfrans-Check in, mama.
Lenka-Hope you're doing ok.
Steph-Now is the perfect time for you to just chill out and let that pomegranate grow. hee hee.
Hi ladies,
I got my Council test results. I am tested positive for MTHFR deficiency, which is a mild condition associated with a slightly higher risk of neural tube defects and pregnancy loss. Roughly 40% of Americans are carriers of MTHFR deficiency, while 10% have the condition. For the vast majority, it causes no problems with their health or the health of their children. People with mild MTHFR deficiency have higher levels of homocysteine in their body and lower levels of the vitamin folate (folic acid). It means 2 to 3-fold higher risk of having a child with severe neural tube defects such as spina bifida. This type of birth defect normally affects 1 in 1,000 births. Pregnant women with the condition—and all pregnant women—are advised to take folate supplements (folic acid) before and during pregnancy to reduce the risk of birth defects by as much as 75 to 85%. These vitamins are particularly important for women with MTHFR deficiency. So the verdict is:
Based on current scientific knowledge, most people with MTHFR deficiency will be totally unaffected by it. Women face a slightly elevated risk of having a child with neural tube defects, however the risk is still low. They told me to do noting and not to worry. I don't know what to think now... Of course, I am worried, even though the risk is very low...
One more thing, for this disease, QUOTE: both you and your partner must be carriers of the same disease for there to be a high risk to have an affected child. But because these diseases are generally mild, even if you and your partner are carriers for the same thing, you probably don't need to worry. Generally, these conditions aren't serious enough that a doctor would recommend that you test the pregnancy or go through treatments to try to avoid having an affected child.

They even told me that my DF does not need to be tested. Eh, why all this has to be so nerve-wracking...
Have you been taking prenatal vitamins? I've read that taking them as soon as possible helps the baby's development. I have been taking them since August (not regularly until the last two months). If you're not taking them, I would definitely start. If you have a mild condition, I wouldn't worry too much about it. You should stop googling though because that is going to make you go crazy. Just take your vitamins. I would recommend your DF get tested just in case, and for your information for the future. Your DF hasn't had to do much so it's the least he can do to calm your nerves.

Doctors suck about saying stuff like 'well you have this, but don't worry.' They don't have "that", so of course they're not concerned. :hugs: :flower: :flow:
Yeah Lenka. It sounds like ypu needn't worry too much about this, since the doctors say so. Google is your worst enemy at the moment and I would start taking in vitamins and folic acid and live a healthy happy life. I'm sure this turns out just fine (even though it's scary to hear news like these).

Huge, massive hugs and love your way :kiss: :hugs:
HI all -
Lenka - sucks to find out this information, but information is power. You know that you have this condition. And you know that you therefore may have a lower level of folic acid in your system, so make sure you are taking enough. I believe you can also buy folic acid aside from what is in your prenatal vitamins. I would check with a pharmacist or doctor, but I do not think it is a problem to take a bit extra. I did at the begninning of my pregnancy.

Drauma - how you feeling? I totally udnerstand how physio is bad but good (I am a physio lol). My cousin thinks we are all sadistic!

Terri - catch that egg!!!! and have fun while you are at it!

Steph - It must be stressful not working, but so hard to look for a job while pregnant too. I am sure somethign will come up afterwards. And honestly, enjoy the time you have off with the baby because it wont last forever.

AFM- sorry for being MIA. I have been lurking around, but have been just busy. DH is off to vancouver for the weekend tonight, the house is coming along slowly, the painter claims he will be finished today, but we arent sure looking at all the little touch ups that need to be done...

Work is ok, I have a love hate relationship with one of my colleagues. She is very petty and thinks she is my director. Yesterday she told me that if I cannot see patients until March 14, that I should stop working earlier (she is not my boss and has no right to discuss this with me). My boss agrees with me that I should be slowing down and finishing up my paper work and other things before I leave and not leave all of that to the last minute. GRRR, it just really annoyed me.

I have been on and off looking for work partly because of that girl. She is so difficult to work with and makes a very uncomfortable environment. Also, although I am a physiotherapist, I am hired to coordinate a prevention program. But, currently am almost working full time as a physio.So... while Im on mat leave Im planning on looking for something else. I have an MPH (master of public health) so hoping to get something more in line with my masters.

anyways, thats my rant for today.
Thank you ladies, for your support. Most likely, I am just overreacting, I have a nickname "Panic-a" among my friends for a reason. lolol. I have my next scan March 4, so I will have an opportunity to talk to my doctor face to face about these findings. Then, I will have another blood work, where they are going to test for some stuff regarding this mutation. If it is not elevated, then I am good.
Of course, I have been taking my prenatals and folic acid religiously for many many months, even before we started ttc. The problem is my body does not absorb folic acid because of this disease. It rather absorbs 40-60% max than it should. The doctor should prescribe me a more active form of folic acid such as folinic acid. Also, I am thinking to have DF tested for this particular gene.

Well, back to your posts, Terri, I ma glad that you finally got a solid smiley! I am going to check your chart right after I finish typing this post.

Drauma, how are you? Hope you feel better! I work for a CPA (Certified Public Accountant). Now I work online, since I moved to the West Coast of the USA and the office is located in Philadelphia and New York. I am about to get my Masters in Accounting and Financial Management. Literally one week is left. Yay!

Lfrans, yep, it sux working with someone you do not like very much. Well, you have a good degree and experience, I am sure you can find another job if you want or need to.

Steph, how are you?

Well, no jump in temperature yet, but I am being very patient. I'm trying to remain positive, so I need to keep doing other things. I got my nails done yesterday and went out to lunch so it was a fun day. Today, I have a newsletter to work on, so I just need to get to it.

Lfrans-Yeah, take your time and try to look for a new job. That lady sounds miserable to even be around. I hate people like that!

Lenka-Good thing your appointment is coming up soon so you can talk to your doctor about the findings and hopefully he can give you something that will absorb a little better. Way to be proactive!

My foster dog, Roxy, has a cold, so they are not ready to put her up for adoption. We will keep her for another week. She got a new medicine and they say not to give it to her with cheese because it doesn't absorb. I tried a new treat with a hole in it, and she at the treat but not the medicine. She is too smart for her own good. Hopefully I can hide it amongst her dog food and if she's hungry enough she'll gobble it down. We'll see.
Hi girls... just an update from me. I am still having these dull cramps and now the backache with it is so bad that I am not able to do simplest things. I am just using heat and as little as possible of painkillers. But the pain goes right down my right leg so I am pretty sure this has something to do with the lower back and the nerves down the leg... My DB is so good to me, bringing me stuff and massaging my back. Oh I love him to bits.

Today is "women's day" here in Iceland. In old viking times we had a different calendar. We didn't have the months February March etc, they made their own months. This tradition is still celebrated but of course we use the universal months all the time. On a Friday in the 13th week of winter starts the month Þorri, that day is bóndadagur or "man's day" and then the women treat the men in their lives with something special. I sent mine to have a massage and then cooked a fancy burger for him, his fav.

Sunday in the 18th week of winter is Konudagur "women's day". And the men treat their women like queens. Mine is still sleeping, haha, but I know he's going to make me a grand dinner tonight and maybe something more... we'll see :)

But I have a question. I am doing the OPT's for the first time now, yesterday and today and I need some help. Yesterday the test had a clear control line and the test line obvious but not as clear. Today I tested again and the control line is soooooo tiny it doesn't even show on the photo I took... Can you explain this?

Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend :*
Happy Women's Day!
Which test is for which day? I don't use those strips as they confuse me, but I see two lines in the top one if that means anything. I guess you're getting closer to ovulation time. Sorry you still have those weird cramps. Your appt. is Tuesday, right? I bet it can't come fast enough. Hope your dinner is great tonight!

AFM-My stupid temperature is the same again. I guess I will just have a late ovulation. :shrug: There is nothing I can do about it at this point, but my spirits are sinking. I did look on FFoe and there were plenty of people with late ovulation and pregnant, so that made me feel better. Plus, I have to remember this is only Cycle 8 for me, so I can't really be THAT upset, but it just seems like it's been forever, and I'm feeling a bit low today.
I'm puzzled... The top one is yesterday's test and the bottom one is today's test... Going to try another tonight and see what it says.

Terri. Please, please, please try to keep your spirits up, I need it :)
Our time will come when we least expect it and good things take time. That's my mantra and I hope you'll find yourself happy and enjoying everything else life has to offer until the BFP comes. It will come, don't worry! It's easy to get so focused on the TTC-business that everything seems like it's on hold while we're waiting. I encourage you to find a hobby you can lose yourself in or something like that. Try to take the mind off the baby-business :) I have taken up knitting. I am knitting tiny baby socks/shoes for all my friends that are pregnant. It really takes my mind off things from time to time and it feels nice. I am also enjoying the time where we can go out without making any plans. We can stay up as long as we like and do what we want, whenever we like to. We even booked ourselves a flight to Denmark, we'll go from 5th May - 12th May. We're gonna see Justin Timberlake and do some shopping and visit relatives. I am looking forward to it and focusing on exercise so I can buy myself some nice clothes ;) Justin Timberlake will be here in Iceland in August... it was just announced last week. But it's okay, think the Danish concert will be bigger and better, hehehe.
I know it'll be our turn soon Terri <3 <3 <3

Well, my DB just brought the BBQ meat inside and now it's dinner time :D
Hey my dear Terri, sorry you're feeling down, that makes me sad because you have such a bright and contagious smile and laugh!! If it makes you feel any better, most months I oed on cd 15 to 18. I even got a bfp one month I oed on cd 17 or 18! So not only can it happen, it is common! I like your chart this month, it doesn't seem as wild and all over the place hehe

A trip to Denmark, how fun!! Are you staying with family? I remember how Scandinavia made me feel like such a destitute American...:haha: but it was still fun and very pretty.

Good luck ladies hope you feel better drauma and happy woman's day!

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